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Goggin, Lloyd, 1933 - 1982

 Collection — Multiple Containers


Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1933-56; Box 1 [SWORD] Not Indexed [Includes Education Budgets; also includes Correspondence of W.D. Roudebush and Minutes of the Board of Trustees] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB183 Barcode 825170307 i41137000 Barcode 35054027310560

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files: Flight Operator Tickets - Queen City Flying Service, Inc.; 1941-50; Box 2 [18A-I-5B]

Files: 1. First Quarter Statements (9/30/1950) 2. Presbyterian Youth Confrences (2/28/1947, 8/11/1947) 3. Classroom Teachers National Conference (1947) 4. U. S. Government Printing Office - Supt. of Documents 5. Student Union 6. Memphis A.T.C. Football Game (9/28/1946) 7. Stencils 8. Commencement Activities (1947) 9. Travel Expenses 10. Flight Charges for Veterans (1946-47) 11. Scholarship (1947-48) 12. Sa - Se 13. Se-Sm 14. Sm-St 15. St-Sz 16. General T (1941-42) 17. General U (1941-42) 18. General V (1941-42) 19. General W (1941-42) 20. General X, Y, Z (1941-42)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1944-49; Box 3 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB185 Barcode 825170407 i41137024 Barcode 35054027310545

Files: 1. S. W. Ohio Summer Youth Conference - Ohio Farm Bureau (August 10-16, 1947) 2. Conference and Convention Boarding (1944) 3. National Education Association Classroom Teachers (July 12-25, 1947) 4. Athletic Association (1947-48) 5. A-Az 6. B-Bo 7. Bad Checks 8. Banquets and Luncheons 9. Bo-Bz 10. Ca-Cr 11. Cecks Mailed Out 12. Foster J. Cole 13. Collection Charges 14. Controlling Board 15. Alumni Reservations - 1947 Commencement 16. Cr-Cz 17. Classroom Teacher National Conference (July 12-23, 1948) 18. HI-Y Conference (June 25-30, 1948) 19. Applications for Work 20. Miscellaneous Correspondence (1946-47) 21. lA-Li 22. Loan Funds and Scholarships 23. Land Repots (1947-48) 24. Li-Lz 25. Ma-Mc 26. Mc-Mo 27. Merrell Fellowship Fund 28. HI-Y Conference - Delegates Envelope 29. Mo-Mz 30. National Education Association for Improvement in Teaching Meetings (July 2-5, 1947) 31. American Classical League Conference, Miami University (June 16-18, 1949) 32. Federation of McGuffey Societies, Miami University (June 25-26, 1949) 33. Music Rental 34. N 35. O 36. P 37. Purchase Orders 38. Q 39. Questionnaires (1947-48) 40. R-Ro 41. Rotary E - Flight Charges for Veterans (1947-48) 42. Presbyterian Conference Receipt Book (1946) 43. Boarding Department (1946-48) 44. Single Meals (1947-49) I 45. Single Meals (1947-49) II 46. U-V 47. W 48. X, Y, Z 49. Western Michigan Football Game (1/16/1946) 50. Bradley Tech - Miami Football Game (11/2/1946)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1946-56; Box 4 [SWORD] Not Indexed

FB182 Barcode 825170408 i41136998 Barcode 35054027310578

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1947-48; Box 5 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB186 Barcode 825170801 i41137036 Barcode 35054027310537

Files: 1. Da-Di 2. Di-Dz 3. Mr. Duncan (1947-48) 4. Electric Meter Readings (1947-48) 5. Extension Courses (1947-48) 6. Weekly Report of Enrollment 7. F 8. President Hahne (1947-48) 9. Ha-He 10. Ga-Go 11. Gas and Electric (1947-48) 12. Go-Gz 13. Greenhouse (1947-48) 14. He-Ho 15. I 16. J 17. Ka-Kl 18. Mr. Roudebush 19. Ro-Rz 20. Rotary - D 21. Rotary - E 22. Paid Flight Vouchers (1946-47) 23. Audio-Visual Education Committee 24. Charge Order Copies (10/1/1948-3/23/1949) 25. Extension Fees Public Vouchers 26. Miss Rossin's Charge Orders 27. Accounting Systems 28. Veterans Flight Training (1946-47) 29. Assorted Receipt Books

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1949-50; Box 6 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB187 Barcode 82517803 i41137048 Barcode 35054027310644

Files: 1. A-Az 2. Mr. Alden and Mr. Goggin 3. Association of State Governing Boards 4. Budget Data - Work Sheets 5. Budget Data - Work Sheets 6. Boarding Department (July 1949-February 1950) 7. Boarding Report (1950) 8. B-Bz 9. Controlling Board 10. C-Cz 11. Conferences and Conventions (1948-50) 12. D-Dz 13. Dormitory Construction Account (1949-50) 14. E-Ez 15. Electric Current (1949) 16. Mr. English and Mr. Goggin 17. F-Fz 18. G-Gz 19. H-Hz 20. I-Iz 21. J-Jz 22. K-Kz 23. L-Lz 24. Miami Student 25. M-Mz 26. N-Nz 27. O-Oz 28. P-Pz 29. Purchase Orders 30. Q-Qz 31. Rotary F 32. Roudebush - Vouchers 33. Roudebush - Miscellaneous 34. Roudebush to Alden 35. R-Rz 36. S-Sz 37. Scripps Foundation (1949-50) 38. State Warrants 39. Student Loan Funds 40. T 41. "Trends of Employment, Fees, and Salaries in 352 Colleges and Universities" W.J. English 42. U-Uz 43. V-Vz 44. W-Wz 45. Weiler Welding (1949-50) 46. Fred Campbell Whitcomb Memorial Scholarship Fund 47. White Villa 48. X, Y, Z 49. Conferences (1949-50)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1950-51; Box 7 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB188 Barcode 825170201 i4113705x Barcode 35054027310636

Files: 1. A-Az 2. Air Force Regulations [AFROTC] 3. Athletic Association 4. Auditor of State 5. B-Bz 6. Catering [Boarding Department] 7. Comparative Analysis of Rooming Receipts, and Expenditures (1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49) 8. C-Cz 9. Cancelled Purchase Orders 10. Class Lists 11. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 12. Controlling Board 13. D-Dz 14. Dormitory Construction Accounts 15. Duplicate Checks 16. Department of Natural Resources 17. E-Ez 18. Extension 19. F-Fz 20. Food Service 21. Food Service Inventory 22. Food Service (1949/50-1950/51) 23. G-Gz 24. H-Hz 25. Housing and Home Finance Agency 26. Hamilton Manufacturing Company 27. I-Iz 28. Intercollegie Athletics 29. J-Jz 30. K-Kz 31. Kellog Foundation 32. L-Lz 33. Lab Fees 34. M-Mz 35. NASCAM Conference 36. N-Nz 37. National Cancer Research Grant 38. Outstanding Purchase Orders (E-8, E-8a) 39. O-Oz 40. P-Pz 41. Occupancy in Veterans' Housing- Quarterly Reports 42. R-Rz 43. Roudebush - Electric Current 44. Roudebush - Vouchers 45. Requisitions 46. Roudebush - Housing and Home Finance Agency 47. Mr. Roudebush to Mrs. Smith 48. Roudebush - Monthly Receipt Summaries Remittances to Columbus 49. X, Y, Z 50. Receipts 51. Roudebush - Memo on Temporary Housing 52. Roudebush - Miscellaneous 53. Roudebush - F7 Communications 54. S-Sz 55. Scripps Foundation - Receipts Repots, Memos from Wallace Roudebush 56. Storeroom Accounts 57. Southwest Ohio Music Festival 58. National Conference on Safety Education 59. T-Tz 60. Tribe Miami - Football Programs 61. Temporary Housing for Veterans 62. U-Uz 63. V-Vz 64. W-Wz

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1951-52; Box 8 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB189 Barcode 825171303 i41137061 Barcode 35054027310628

Files: 1. A 2. School of Business Admiistration - 25th Anniversary Fund 3. Alden - Goggin' 4. B 5. Boarding Department 6. Boarding Departmen 7. Allotment Balances 8. Athletic Association 9. Athletic Association 10. Athletic Association 11. Auditor of State 12. C 13. Controlling Board 14. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 15. D 16. Duplicate Checks 17. E 18 Extension 19. F 20. G 21. H 22. I 23. J 24. K 25. L 26. M 27. Mc 28. N 29. O 30. P 31. Q 32. R 33. Requisitions 34. Requisitions - Quarterly, Annually, Bi-Annually, Monthly, All Payrolls 35. Receipts 36. Roudebush - Electric Current 37. Roudebush - Miscellaneous 39. Roudebush - Vouchers 40. Requisitions 41. S 42. Summer Sessions Workshop 43. T 44. U 45. V 46. W 47. X, Y, Z

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Comptroller Office Files: Boarding Department - Receipts and Expenditures; 1948-49; Box 9 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB191 Barcode823660912 i41137097 Barcode 35054027310602 Files: 1. Boarding Department 2. Classroom Teachers' National Conference 3. Controlling Board 4. Foster J. Cole 5. Coal 6. Extension (1948-49) 7. Housing and Home Finance Agency 8. New Mens' Dormitory No. 2 9. National Cash Register Company 10. Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 11. Purchase Orders 12. Personnel 13. Roudebush toAlden 14. Rotary F 15. W. P. Roudebush 16. S-Sz 17. Scripps Foundation 18. State Warrants 19. Tempoary Housing for Veterans 20. Receipts and Expenditures Work Sheets

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Comptroller Office Files: Auditor of State-University Stores; 1952-53; Box 10 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra:

FB192 Barcode 825171106 i4113703 Barcode 35054027310594

Files: 1. Auditor of State (1952-53) 2. Baltimore and Ohio Ralroad Company 3. Basketball 4. Budget Statements (1951-52) 5. Conferences and Conventions 6. Controlling Board (1952-53) 7. Director of Finance 8. Enrollment (1952-53) 9. English - Goggin 10. Extension Payroll 11. Food Service 12. Goggin - English (1950-51) 13. Football Repots (1952) 14. General Tours - Miami Abroad 15. Gift Accounts (1951-52) 16. Irreducible Debt of the State of Ohio 17. Natatorium 18. Ohio Associated Phone Company 19. Receipts 20. Remington-Rand 21. Requistions (1952-53) 22. Roudebush, Electric Current (1952-53) 23. Roudebush - General Recepts (1951-52) 24. Roudebush - Reports 25. Roudebush - May-June Reports (1953) 26. Roudebush - Miscellaneous (1952-53) 27. Roudebush - F7 Telephone and Telegraph 28. Roudebush - Vouchers (1952-53) 29. Scholarships - Interests on Endowments 30. Summer Session Workshops 31. Scripps Foundation (1952-53) 32. Scripps Foundation (1951-52) 33. Summer School Workshops (1952) 34. University Stores

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Comptroller Office Files: Adams and Peck-Todd Memorial Scholarship; 1953-54; Box 11 [SWORD]

When for this box in Sierra: FB193 Barcode 825171103 i41137115 Barcode 35054027310701

Files: 1. Adams and Peck 2. Army Map Service 3. Army Map Service - Suspense 4. Audio Visual Center 5. Audit Reports 6. Auditor of State 7. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve 8. Banks 9. Cole, Foster J. 10. Controlling Board 11. Contracts - Air Force 12. Cottrell Foundation 13. Director of Finance 14. Dormitory Construction Account 15. Encumbrance Estimates, State 16. English - Goggin 17. Enrollment 18. Extension 19. Family Financial Security Workshop (Summer 1953) 20. Misc. G 21. General Tours - Miami Abroad (Summer 1954) 22. Geology Field Trips - Camp Norton, DuBois Wyoming 23. Goggin 201 File (Army Reserve) 24. Gift Accounts 25. National Insttute of Health Grant 26. Naval Research Project 27. John D. Millett, President 28. President's Reports - Goggin 29. Public Employees Retirement System 30. Public Employees Retirement Reports 31. Regristrar's Office Confidential 32. Emma R Winters Bequest, and others 33. Roudebush - Miscellaneous 34. Scripps Foundation 35. Scripps Foundation - Budget 36. State Teachers' Retirement System 37. Todd, Edwin S., Memorial Scholarship Fund

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Comptroller Office Files; 1955-56; Box 12 [11A-L-5A] Files: 1. Beton Bulletin 2. Blue Cross 3. Boarding Catering Repors I 4. Boarding Catering Reports II 5. Boarding Misc. 6. Bogner, C. Neal 7. Bonner,Cordon R. 8. John, L. Brickels 9. Central Association of College and University Officers Meeting - National Federation 10. Brog - Catering Reports #2 11. C 12. Capital Planning 13. Capital Association of College and University Officers 14. The Citizenship Clearing House 15. Civil Service Commission of Ohio 16. Cole-Goggin 17. Columbus Trips 18. Community Resources Workshop (Middletown) 19. Conference and Conventions 20. Conrad, Aurthur F. Supt. of Grounds 21. Contract Research Policy 22. Controlling Board 23. Cottrel-Grant James 24. Nolan G. Crawford 25. Crosley TV Survey 26. Current Operations - Income and Expenditures 27. D 28. Delafield and Delafield 29. Dormitory Construction 30. Dunscombe Property 31. E 32. Eastman Kadok Stores, Inc. 33. Education - Department of 34. Encumbrance Estimates - State 35. Enrollment 36. Enrollment List of Students 37. Equitable Life Insurance 38. Erikson, Byron A. 39. Executive Committee Meeting 40. Extension 41. Extension Class Lists 42. F 43. Faculty Housing Development 44. Bank Deposits for Faculty Payroll 45. Finance and Business Committee 46. Finance and Business Committee Extra Papers 47. Department of Finance 48. Family Financial Security Educational Workshop 49. Director of Finance 50. Fire Protection 51. Food Costs by Dorm 52. Food Service Misc. 53. Food Service - Salvage Sales 54. Football Reports 55. Football Programs 56. Foreign Teachers Education Program 57. Foreign Student Foundation 58. Gift Accounts and Prizes 59. G 60. Gas Refund Receipts 61. Gaskill (Completion) 62. Gasoline Tax Refund 63. General Telephone Company - Toll Recrods 64. General Telephone Company of Ohio 65. Geology Field Trip 66. Gluck Philosophy Foundation Inc. 67. Golf Course 68. Graduation 69. Grant-In-Aid 70. H 71. Haynes Foundation 72. Health Insurance Premiums Carried by Students 73. Higher Education and National Affairs 74. Hospital Wade-McMillan University 75. Misc. House Bills 76. I 77. Insurance Group Plan 78. J 79. P.W and C.T Jenkins Awards 80. K 81. General Ka-Kl 82. Kellog Foundation Grant 83. Kipplinger Letter 84. Kroger 85. L 86. Land Rents 87. Lab Fees 88. Laudemman, C.F. 89. Legislative Budget Work Sheets 90. M 91. Mc 92. Mcguffey Hall

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Controller Office Files; 1956-57; Box 13 [11A-L-3A] Files: 1. Bank Balances 2. Bank Deposits for Faculty Payroll 3. Budget Statements 4. Civil Service 5. Controlling Board 6. Current Operating Income and Expenditures 7. Contracts - US Air Force Institute of Technology 8. Contracts - US Air Force Institute of Technology 9. Contracts - Wright Air Development Center 10. Contracts - Wright Air Development Center 11. Contracts - Wright Air Field Air Material Command 12. Contracts - Wright Air Deveopment Center [Crannell] 13. Contracts - Wright Air Development Center [Supplemental] 14. Contracts - Wright Air Development Center [Brought forward] 15. Contracts - Headquarters Air Research and Development Command 16. Contracts - Extension Payment from Wright Field 17. Dormitory Construction 18. Dormitory Revenue Bonds and Resolution 19. Dormitory Revenue Bonds and Resolution 20. Dormitory Revenue Bonds 21. Equitable Life Insurance 22. Director of Finance 23. Grants a. National Institute of Health (1948-1949) 24. Mathematics Institute - High School Teachers 25. Miami University Foundation 26. John D. Millett Memos 27. National Institute of Health 28. National Institute of Health 29. National Science Foundation 30. National Science Foundation Grant 31. Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 32. Ohio Legislative Service Commission 33. Payroll 34. Public Employees Retirement System 35. Public Employees Retirement System 36. Roudebush - Electric (1954-55) 37. Scholarships 38. Sesquicentennial 39. Student Center 40. Student Center Revenue Bond and Resolution 41. Student Center Revenue Bond and Resolution 42. Student Employees 43. Suspense File 44. Tax - Alcohol - Internal Revenue 45. Travel 46. Veterans Village Rent (December 1952)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: A-Administrative-Bystrom; 1957-58; Box 14 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB195 Barcode 825170203 i41137139 Barcode 35054027310685

Files: 1. A - General Accounting 2. A 3. B 4. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 5. Bank Accounts 6. Boarding - Catering Reports 7. C 8. Crawford, Nolan G. 9. D 10. E 11. F 12. Financial Reports 13. Food Service - Salvage Sales 14. G 15. Gas Tax Refunds 16. Grenhouses 17. H 18. I 19. J 20. K 21. L 22. M 23. Maintenance - Coal 24. N 25. O 26. P 27. Post Office 28. Branch Post Office 29. Q 30. R 31. Receipts 32. Official Recepts 33. S 34. Sorority Suites 35. Standard Oil 36. James Sturgeon 37. T 38. U 39. V 40. W 41. X, Y., Z Administrative 42. A 43. Other 44. Accounting Reports 45. Athletic 46. Football 47. Assistant to the President - Bogner 48. B 49. Bursar - Alden, David 50. Business Manager - Cole, Foster J. 51. Bystrom, Richard T. - Administrative

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: B-Building and Grounds Committee; 1957-58; Box 15 [11A-L-3B] Files: 1. B 2. Budgetary Information 3. Budget (1956-57) 4. Budget (1957-58) 5. Naming of Buildings Building and Grounds 6. January 1958 7. May 22, 1958 8. May 22, 1958 9. March 21, 1958 10. February 1, 1958 11. November 23, 1957 12. November 4, 1957 13. September 28, 1957 14. August 17, 1957 15. July 15, 1957 16. June 29, 1957 17. Executive Committee 18. Finance and Business Management 19. Finance and Business Management 20. Board of Trustees 21. Student and Alumni Affairs Building 22. Fine Arts 23. Maintenance and Stores 24. Married Student Housing 25. Married Student Housing 26. Men's Hall #3 27. Men's Hall #5 28. Renovation of Offices 29. Student Center 30. Women's Hall #3 and Dining Room 31. Women's Hall #4 32. Women's Hall #6 33. Women's Gymnasium 34. Future Planning Board of Trustees 35. Academic Affairs 36. Anderson, C. Vivian 37. Building and Grounds Commttee

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurer Office Files: C-Contracts/Brown County; 1957-58; Box 16

When searching for this box in Sierra: FB196 Barcode 825170701 i41137152 Barcode 35054027310677 [SWORD] Files: 1. C 2. Commencement 3. Conferences and Conventions 4. Church Retreat 5. Conferences on Christian Education 6. National Aviation Workshop 7. Farm Bureau 8. Mathematics Workshop 9. Contract Forms Main Contractors 10. Hamilton Electric Company 11. B. A. Walterman Company 12. B. A. Walterman Company 13. Vaughn Building Company Sub-Contractors 14. M. Mostow and Company 15. Crawford Steel Construction Company 16. Price Brothers 17. Asbestos and Asphalt Roofing 18. Arthur Painting Company 19. Weiffenback Marble and Tile Contracts 20. Contracts 21. Air Force 22. Federal - Crannell 23. Federal - Crannell' 24. Air Force - Crannell 25. USAF 26. Air Force 27. N 600 28. Federal - Air Force 29. DA - 33 - 159 30. BEFS - Butler Township 31. BEFS - Greenhills Exempted Village School District 32. BEFS - Yellow Springs 33. BEFS - Washington Township 34. BEFS - Greene County 35. BEFS - Belmont County 36. BEFS - Butler County 37. Board of Trustees 38. Building and Grounds Committee 39. Building and Bond Issues 40. Bureau of Educational Field Services 41. BEFS - Three Rivers 42. Headquarters - Air Research and Development 43. Council of Deans 44. Current Operating Income and Expenditures 45. Contract - Brown County

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: D-L; 1957-58; Box 17 [SWORD]

When searchig for this box in Sierra: FB198 Barcode 825170705 i41137188 Barcode 35054027310651 Files: 1. D 2. E and I Co-op 3. Enrollment 4. Forms - Appropriations 5. Gifts, Bequests, and Trusts (GBT) 6. GBT - Bachelor Estate - Policy Statement 7. GBT - Schlenck Trust 8. GBT - The Brannan Plan 9. GBT - Gifts 10. GBT - Grants-in-Aid 11. GBT - Scholarships 12. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal Grants 13. Grants 14. Experimental Study in Instructional Procedures 15. NIH - Harrison 16. NSF - Mathematics Institute 17. National Institutes of Heath 18. Scripps, Whelpton, and Bargue 19. National Science Foundation 20. Hospital Care 21. F 22. Fosdick and Hilmer 23. G 24. Graduate School 25. General Telephone 26. H 27. House Bill 475 28. Inter-University Council 29. Insurance - Student 30. Insurance - Faculty 31. Insured Tuition Payment Plan 32. Insurance - Proposals 33. Insurance - University Property 34. Intercollegiate Athletics 35. Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Board 36. IA Baseball 37. IA Basketball 38. IA Director - Brickels, John 39. IA Football 40. IA Track 41. Internal Revenue 42. IBM 43. IBM - Plant and Equipment Inventory Investments 44. Investments 45. Fifth Third Union Trust 46. First National Bank of Cincinnati 47. Land Rents 48. J 49. Junior Red Cross 50. K 51. Keys 52. Kiplinger Letters 53. L

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: M- Ohio Treasurer's Report; 1957-58; Box 18

When searching for this box in Sierra: FB199 Barcode 825170702 i4113719x Barcode 35054027310719 [SWORD] Files: 1. M 2. Miscellaneous I 3. Miscellaneous II 4. Messer and Sons 5. Mc 6. Miami University Foundation 7. NIGP General 8. N 9. NAEB General 10. Newspaper Clippings 11. O Ohio 12. Architect [Allen] 13. Attorney General 14. State Auditor [Rhodes] 15. Auditor of State 16. Education, Department of 17. Division of Budget 18. Controlling Board 19. Health, Education, and Welfare 20. Education - Teacher - Training in Home Economics 21. Finance, Department of 22. Finance, Director of 23. Finance, Department of 24. Industrial Commission 25. Public Welfare Department of 26. Public Employee Retirement System 27. Public Works, Department of 28. Resident Examiner - Laudemann 29. Resident Examiner - Progress Reports 30. Survival Planning Program 31. State Teachers Retirement System 32. Treasurer of State (Tracy) 33. Treasurer 34. Treasurer's Report

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: P-WKS/Aviation Education; 1957-58; Box 19 [SWORD] FB200 Barcode 825170703 i41137206 Barcode 35054027310727

Files: 1. P 2. Renovating Phi Delta Theta House 3. Phi Delta Theta 4. Payroll 5. PR - Bank Deposits 6. Payroll - Garnishee Procedures 7. Properties - Wasserman Publications 8. Adams and Peck 9. Benton Bulletin 10. Delafield and Delafield 11. Higher Education 12. Miami Alumnus 13. Pulp and Paper Technology 14. R 15. Requisitionns 16. S 17. Stevens, L. E. Student Associations 18. Enrollment 19. Wthdrawals 20. Graduation 21. Miami University Abroad 22. WOmen's Recreation Association 23. Organizations - Miss Jaques 24. Summer School 25. T 26. Tax Appeals 27. University Senate 28. University Center - Advisory Committee 29. University Center - Comparative Revenue Reports 30. University Center - Comparative Revenue Reports 31. University Center - Revenue 32. Universities - General 33. U.S. - Department of Agriculture 34. U.S. - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 35. University Policies 36. W 37. Workshops 38. WKS - Community Resources 39. WKS - Aviation Education

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Receipts-House Bill 939; 1958-59; Box 20 [SWORD] FB201 Barcode 855170903 i4113722 Barcode 35054027310735

Files: Accounts 1. Receipts 2. A 3. B 4. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. 5. C 6. Bank Accounts 7. Crawford, Nolan G. 8. D 9. E 10. F 11. G 12. Gas Tax Refunds 13. H 14. I 15. J 16. K 17. L 18. M 19. Maintenance Electricity 20. Maintenance Electricity 21. N 22. O 23. P 24. Post Office 25. Q 26. R 27. Official Receipts 28. S 29. Sorority Suites 30. Standard Oil 31. Sturgeon, Jim 32 T 33. V 34. W 35. X, Y, Z Administration 36. Other 37. Bogner, C. Neale 38. Whisman, George T. 39. Alden, D. C., Bursar 40. Accounting Reports 41. Athletic Ticket Director, Donbar, Robert 42. Business Manager, Cole, Foster 43. Calendar 44. Council of Deans 45. Council of Student Affairs 46. Dean of Men 47. Dean of Women 48. Development Council 49. Miami Development Program 50. Director of Admissions, Gerlach 51.Director of Residence Halls, Erickson, B. 52. Executive Secretary, Mertz, V. H. 53. Extension and Summer School, Thesken, Earl 54. Machine Tabulating Service 55. Miami University Foundation 56. Personnel, Jackson, E. 57. Personnel Office, Bear, Elfreda 58. Millett, John D. 59. Provost, Kreger, C. W. 60. Provost, Office of 61.Purchasing Agent, Young, Russel 62. Registrar, Smyser, W. - Rosselot, M. 63. Sesquicentennial - Ball 64. University Center, Bystrom, R., Stitt, W. 65. University Club 66. University Senate 67. Senate Alumni 68. Association - Dolibois, J. 69. Loyalt Fund 70. Associations 71. American Council on Education 72. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 73. Conferences Held at Miami 74. Inter-Univeristy Council of Ohio 75. National Federation of College and University Business Officers 76. Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 77. House Bill 939 - Item 4

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1958-59; Box 21 [11A-L-5C] Files: Code Balances-Forms Appropriations 1. Information - Code Balances 2. Salary Information Board of Trustees 3. Board of Trustees 4. Finance and Business Management 5. Building and Grounds 6. Bond Issue Building 7. Building and Bond Issue 8. Capital Planning and Improvement 9. Fine Arts 10. Gaskill Addition 11. Maintenace and Stores 12. Married Student Housing 13. Married Student Housing 14. Lease Forms 15. Men's Halls10 and 11 16. Radio-TV Building 17. Miami University in Dayton 18. Provident Savings Bank 19. 350,000 - 4% Miami University Dormitory Bonds Contracts 20. Contracts 21. Bureau of Educational Field Services 22. BEFS Washington Township 23. BEFS Darke County 24. BEFS Sabrook Local School District 25. Middletown Nurses Program 26. Refuse Disposal 27. Headquarters Air Research and Development 28. Federal - Crannell 29. Federal USAF Institute of Technology 30. Air Force Contracts 31. Federal - Flight Instruction a. US Navy Faculty 32. Faculty 33. Appropriation 34. Arts and Science 35. Business Administration 36. Business Administration 37. Fine Arts 38. Forms Appropriations

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1958-59; Box 22 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB203 Barcode 825170904 i41137255 Barcode 35054027310750 Files: Grants 1. Experimental Study in Instructional Procedues 2. Gifts, Bequests and Trusts 3. GBT - Gifts 4. GBT - Pulp and Paper Technology Program 5. GBT - Bachelor Estate [To Evelyn Harr, Goggin's Office 1/20/1982] 6. GBT - Grants in Aid 7. FBT - Scholarships 8. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal, Torch Club 9. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 10. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal, University Club 11. Atomic Energy Commission 12. National Institutes of Health 13. NIH Harrison 14. NIH Ingersoll 15. NIH National Science Foundation 16. NIH Harrison 17. NIH Scripps Foundation 18. NIH Women - Tweed Products Insurance 19. University Property 20. Faculty - Equitable Life 21. Student - Mutual of Omaha 22. Miscellaneous Proposals 23. Washington National 24. Intercollegiate Athletics 25. Athletic Advisory Board 26. Football 27. IBM 28. IBM - Plant and Equipment Inventory 29. Fifth Third Union Trust 30. First National Bank of Cincinnati 31. Land Rents 32. New Legislation 33. Miscellaneous 34. College Educations Assured 35. Miscellaneous - College Eudcations Assured 36. Newspaper Clippings 37. Ohio - Attorney General 38. Ohio - Auditor of State

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1958-59; Box 23 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB204 Barcode 825170707 i41137358 Barcode 35054027310768 Files: SA Activity Fee-Ohio/Resident Examiner 1. SA Activity Fee 2. SA Enrollment 3. SA Enrollment - Withdrawals 4. SA - Organizations - Miss Jaques 5. SA - Miami Univeristy Abroad 6. University Center Revenue Reports 7. PR - Garnishee Procedures 8. PR - Banks Deposits 9. Publications Ohio 10. Treasurer's Report 11. Payroll 12. Resident Excaminer - Progress Reports 13. State Teachers Retirement System 14. Treasurer 15. Public Employees Retirement System 16. Audtor of State Receipts 17. Education, Department of 18. Education, Teacher Training in Home Economics 19. Finance, Department and Directors 20. Department of Health Education and Welfare 22. Governor's Directives 23. Resident Examiner

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1959-60; Box 24 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierrra: FB205 Barcode 825171002 i41137371 Barcode 35054027310776 Files: Accounts 1. A 2. B 3. Bank Accounts 4. C 5. Crawfod, Nolan G. 6. D 7. E 8. F 9. Food Service 10. Food Service 11. Food Service 12. G 13. H 14. I 15. J 16. K 17. L 18. M 19. N 20. O 21. P 22. Q 23. Receipts 24. R 25. S 26. Sorority Suites 27. Standard Oil 28. T 29. U 30. V 31. W 32. X, Y, Z Administration 33. Other 34. Accounting Reports 35. Assistant to the Comptroller, Sturgeon 36. Assistant to he Treasurer - Whisman 37. Athletic Ticket Director, Folker 38. Business Manager, Cole 39. Calendar 40. Council of Deans 41. Comptroller, Alden 42. Council on Student Affairs 43. Dean of Men 44. Dean of Women 45. Development Council 46. Director of Residence Halls, Erickson 47. Director of Student Aid 48. Extension and Summer School 49. Executive Secretary, Merz 50. Machine Tabulating Service 51. Miami University Foundation 52. Personnel, Jackson 53. President Millett 54. Provost, Kreger 55. Purchasing, Young 56. Registrar 57. Sesquicentennial 58. University Calendar 59. University Center Revenue Reports 60. University Club 61. University Senate Associations 62. General 63. Alumni 64. College and University Business Officers 65. College and University Business Officers 66. College and University Business Officers 67. Conferences and Conventions Held at Miami 68. Inter-University Council of Ohio 69. Board of Trustees - Building and Grounds 70. Board of Trustees

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1957-1974; Box 25 [11A-L-3A] Files: 1. Index 2. Budget Information, 1959-60 3. Building and Bond Issue 5. Building Current Married Student Housing Correspondence 6. Building Business Adminsitration 7. Telehone PABX Information 11. The Provident Bank - Trustee 12. Provident Bank, Trustee 13. BEFS - Celina City School District 14. BEFS - Coshoctan, Ohio 15. BEFS - Finneytown Local School District 16. BEFS - Johnsville New Lebanon Local School District 17. BEFS - Wyomying Public School District 18. BEFS - Colerain Local School District, Hamilton County, Ohio 19. Contract BEFS - North College Hill School District 20. Blocker Estate 21. Contract Federal Air Force Institute of Technology 22. Contract Federal Ritter Air Force 23. Contract-Federal Headquarters Air Research and Development Command 24. Contract Fed. DA 33 159 AII 1072 25. Contract Department of the Navy 26. Contract Department of Education 27. Contract Department of Education Teacher Education in the Area of the Gifted 28. Contract Ohio Department of Education Teacher Education for the Handicapped 29. Contract Veterans Administration 30. Contract Middletown Nurses 31. Contract Navy 32. Contract Educational Services 33. Educational Services 34. Contract Audio-Visual 35. Contract Institutional Research 36. Contract University Broadcasting Service 37. Bachelor Estate [To Lloyd Goggin's Office 1/20/1982/sent Office of General Counsel ) 38. Faculty Appropriations 39. Faculty Arts and Science 40. Faculty Business Admistration 41. Faculty Education 42. Faculty Fine Arts 43. Faculty Appropriations 44. Board of Trustees Finance Business Management Committee 45. Intercollegiate Athletic Board 46. Investments Blocker Estate 47. Grants-In-Aid 48. Gifts 49. Scholarships 50. Gifts of Willard P. Zimmerman Pulp and Paper Technology Program 51. Goggin Lloyd - Personal University Club 52. Goggin, Lloyd Personal 53. Goggin, Lloyd Personal Chamber of Commerce (Oxford) 54. National Institute of Health 55. Grant-NIH-Harrison 56. National Defense Student Loan Program 57. NIH Williamson 58. National Science Foundation 59. NSF Buckingham 60. NSF Harrison 61. NSH Jahnke 62. NSF McNelly 63. Remodeling Contracts 64. Sesquicentennial Chapel

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1959-60; Box 26 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB207 Barcode 825171007 i41137437 Barcode 35054027310792 Files: Grants 1. NSF - McNelly 2. NSF - Miller 3. NSF - Weidner 4. NSF - Weller 5. NSF - Undergraduate Research Participation Program 6. NSF - Undergraduate Research Participation Program 7. Warren - Teed Products Grant - Williamson 8. Ford Foundation Grant 9. Scripps Foundation 10. Scripps Foundation - Rockefeller Grant 11. Murray Seasongood Good Government Fund 12. Religious Emphasis Program 13. Eaton Government Study - Joesph E. Black 14. Books for Poland - L. Warren Nelson 15. WMUB - Net Affiliation Agreement 16. Purdue Research Foundation 17. Spiro Peterson Research on Defoe Insurance 18. Student - Mutual of Omaha 19. University Property 20. Intercollegiate Athletics 21. Athletic Advisory Board 22. IBM Investment 23. Fifth Third Union Trust 24. First Citizen's Bank 25. Oxford National Bank 26. First National Bank of Cincinnati 27. Insurance - Miscellaneous 28. Insurance 29. Land Rent 30. Legislative Session 31. State House Conference on Education 32. MUCA - Form I - Other Accidents 33. Miscellaneous 34. Newspaper Clippings 35. Oxford Cemetery Lots Ohio 36. Attorney General 37. Auditor of State 38. Auditor of State Receipts 39. Emergency Board Approvals 40. Finance, Department and Director 41. Governor's Directives 42. Legislative Service Commission 43. Legislative Service Commission 44. Personnel, State Development of 45. Department of Public Works 46. Public Employees Retirement System 47. Resident Examiner 48. State Teachers Retirement System 49. Treasurer 50. Treasurer - Weekly Reports 51. Payroll 52. Payroll - Garnisher Actions 53. Questionnaires 54. Real Extate Purchases 55. Safekeeping - Fifth-Third Union Trust 56. Safekeeping - Dormitory Construction 57. Enrollment 58. Withdrawals 59. Miami University Abroad 60. Student Organizations, Miss Jaques 61. Workshops 62. Workshop - Community Resources

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files; 1960-61; Box 27 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB208 Barcode 825170202 i41137462 Barcode 35054027310800 Files: Accounting Office, Accounts 1. A 2. Bank Accounts - auditors, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. 3. B 4. Bak Accounts General 5. Bank Accounts - Investments - The Fifth Third Union Trust Company 6. Bank Accounts - Investments - The First Citizens Bank 7. Bank Accounts - Investments - The Oxford National Bank 8. Bank Account - Investments - The First National Bank of Cincinnati 9. C 10. Chief Accountant - Nolan G. Crawford 11. Comptroller - D.C. - Alden 12. D 13. E 14. F 15. G 16. H 17. I 18. J 19. K 20. L 21. M 22. N 23. O 24. P 25. Payroll - General 26. Payroll - Garnishment Actions 27. Q 28. Reports 29. R 30. S 31. Sorority Suites 32. T 33. U 34. Upham Hall Storage 35. V 36. W 37. X, Y, Z Administration 38. Admissions - Gerlach 39. Assistant to the Treasurer - Whisman 40. Assistant to the Comptroller - Sturgeon 41. Athletic Ticket Manager - Folker 42. Business Manager - Cole 43. Council of Deans 44. Council on Student Affairs 45. Dean of Men - Hollingsworth 46. Dean of Women - Hinds 47. Dean of Students - Etheridge 48. Director of Residence Halls - Erickson 49. Director of Student Aid - Anderson 50. Executive Secretar - Leedy 51. Extension and Summer Session 52. Flight Trainig Advisory Committee 53. Graduate School - Wright 54. Intercollegiate Athletics - General 55. Machine Tabulating 56. Miami University Foundation 57. Personnel - Jackson 58. President Millett 59. Provost Kreger 60. Purchasing - Young 61. Registrar, Office of - General 62. Registrar, Office of - Withdrawal Reports 63. Registrar, Office of - Enrollment Reports 64. Student Organizations - Jaques 65. Treasurer - Goggin - Personal - University Club 66. Treasurer - Goggin - Personal - General 67. Treasurer - Goggin - Personal - Torch Club 68. University Center - General 69. University Calendar 70. University Center - Revenue Reports 71. University Club 72. University Policies 73. University Reserve Parking

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Grants//NIH/Harrison- Publications/US Mortage Exchange; 1960-61; Box 28 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra: FB210 Barcode 825170205 i41137498 Barcode 35054027310826

Files: Grants 1. NIH - Harrison 2. NIH - Hayes 3. NIH - Ingersoll 4. NIH - Ingersoll 5. NIH - Scripps Foundation 6. NIH - Stark 7. NIH - Stark 8. National Science Foundation 9. NSF - Eicher 10. NSF - Heimsch 11. NSF - Weller 12. NSF - Weidner 13. Pickrel Fund 14. NSF - Undergraduate Research Participation 15. Bureau of Business Research 16. Murray Seasongood Good Fund - Waltzer 17. Purdue Research Foundation - Airborne TV 18. NSF - Undergraduate Research Participation 19. Religious Emphasis Program 20. NET Affiliation Agrement - WMUB 21. HHFA General File Insurance 22. Student - Mutual of Omaha 23. Student Insured Tuition Plan 24. Faculty - Equitable 25. University - Property 26. Intercollegiate Athletic Board 27. Insurance - Miscellaneous Land Purchase 28. Gover Property 29. Land Purchase Legal 30. Squire,Sanders, and Dempsey Loans 31. National Defense Student Loan Fund 32. Building - Current Married Student Housing Correspondence Miami University 33. M. U. Abroad 34. Newspaper Clippings Ohio Departments 35. Attorney General 36. Auditor of State 37. Auditor of State - Receipts 38. Finance Department and Director 39. Governor's Directives 40. Legislative Service Commission 41. Personnel 42. Resident State Examiner - Progress Reports 43. Public Employees Retirement System 44. State Teachers Retirement System 45. Treasurer - Weekly Reports 46. Treasurer Publications 47. U. S. Mortgage Exchange

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Associations/General-Grants/NIH/Harrison; 1960-61; Box 29 [11A-L-4B] Files: 1. Associations - General 2. Administration - University Senate Associations 3. Alumni Loyalty Fund - Dolibois 4. Central Assocation of College and University Business Officers 5. Inter-University Council 6. H-8 Committee 7. National Federation of College and University Business Officers 8. Inter-Univeristy Council of Ohio - Budget Study Board of Trustees 9. General 10. Finance and Business Management 11. Finance and Business Management Committee 12. Building and Grounds Committee 13. Investment Committee (Board and University) 14. Investment Committee Budget 15. General 16. Inerim Financing 17. General Information 1960-61 18. Adjustments - Building 19. Bishop Memorial Gates 20. Harrison Hall 21. Conferences and Conventions Contracts 22. Air Force 23. Federal - Crannell 24. BEFS - Blanchester Local School District, Clinton County, Ohio 25. BEFS - Champaign County Board of Education] 26. BEFS - State Department of Education - Charleston, West Virginia 27. BEFS - Mt. Gilead Exempted Village School District 28. Federal - Flight Instruction 29. Federal - Purchase Order 30. Federal - Navy 31. Federal - Navy 32. Federal - Veterans Administration 33. Miami Manor - Request for Release 34. Ohio Department of Education - Teacher Education for Handicapped Children 35. Ohio Department of Education - Smith - Hughes 36. Residence Halls - Request for release 37. UPI - WMUB 38.Vending Machines 39. Village of Oxford - Miami University Fire Protection 40. General Educational Services 41. General 42. Audio Visual 43. University Boardcasting 44. Institutional Research Endowments 45. Bachelor Estate [To Lloyd Goggin's Office] 46. Blocker Estate 47. Blocker Estate - Publications 48. Investment Pool 49. Whitson Estate 50. Whitson Estate Publications Faculty 51. Appropriations 52. General 53. Arts and Science 54. Business Administration 55. Education 56. Fine Arts Gifts 57. General 58. Pulp and Paper Technology 59. Willard P. Zimmerman Grants 60. Loyalty Fund 61. National Institutes of Health 62. NH - Gregg 63. NIH - Hayses

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Publications-Workshops; 1960-61; Box 30 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB211 Barcode 815061306 i41137516 Barcode 35054027310834

Files: Publications 1. Education Information Service 2. Miscellaneous 3. State House Conference on Education 4. Miami Business Review 5. Questionnaires 6. Account Receipts Scholarships 7. Rotary A Schedules 8. General Trustees 9. The Provident Bank Waivers 10. Out of State Fee, Request for a Workshops 11. Family Finance 12. Community Resources 13. Community Resources

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Accounting Misc. - Miscellaneous C; 1961-62; Box 31 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB212 Barcode 825171405 i41139045 Barcode 35054027310842 Files: 1. Accounting Miscellaneous 2. Aircraft Flight Reports 3. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller TO 4. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller FROM 5. Account A-E 6. Account F-J 7. Account K-O 8. Account P-T 9. Account U-Z 10. Account - SocialScience Research Monograph 11. Anderson, J. Peter - Director of Student Aid 12. Artists Series 13. Associations - General 14. Associations - General Association of College and University Business Officers 15. Inter-University Council of Ohio 16. Associations - Joint Committee of Business Officers 17. Associations - National Federation of College and University Business Officers 18. Audio Visual Service 19. Miscellaneous A 20. Barron, George F. - Dean of School of Fine Arts 21. Board of Trustees - General 22. Board of Trustees - Finance and Business Management Committee 23. Board of Trustees - Investments Committee 24. Board of Trustees - Building and Grounds Committee 25. Board of Trustees - Correspondence with 26. Bond Issues 27. Bogner, C. Neale 28. Brickels, John L. 29. Boradcasting Service 30. Budget Adjustments 31. Budget - General 32. Budget - Allotments 33. Miscellaneous B. 34. Cade, Phil 35. Cole, Foster - Business Manager 36. Commission on Higher Education 37. Councl of Deans 38. Council on Student Affairs 39. Conferences and Conventions 40. Craford, Nola 41. Miscellaneous C

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Dolibois-Intercollegiate Athletic Board; 1961-62; Box 32 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB213 Barcode 825171402 i41139057 Barcode 35054027310859

Files: 1. Accounting Miscellaneous 2. Aircraft Flight Reports 3. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller TO 4. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller FROM 5. Account A-E 6. Account F-J 7. Account K-O 8. Account P-T 9. Account U-Z 10. Account - SocialScience Research Monograph 11. Anderson, J. Peter - Director of Student Aid 12. Artists Series 13. Associations - General 14. Associations - General Association of College and University Business Officers 15. Inter-University Council of Ohio 16. Associations - Joint Committee of Business Officers 17. Associations - National Federation of College and University Business Officers 18. Audio Visual Service 19. Miscellaneous A 20. Barron, George F. - Dean of School of Fine Arts 21. Board of Trustees - General 22. Board of Trustees - Finance and Business Management Committee 23. Board of Trustees - Investments Committee 24. Board of Trustees - Building and Grounds Committee 25. Board of Trustees - Correspondence with 26. Bond Issues 27. Bogner, C. Neale 28. Brickels, John L. 29. Boradcasting Service 30. Budget Adjustments 31. Budget - General 32. Budget - Allotments 33. Miscellaneous B. 34. Cade, Phil 35. Cole, Foster - Business Manager 36. Commission on Higher Education 37. Councl of Deans 38. Council on Student Affairs 39. Conferences and Conventions 40. Craford, Nola 41. Miscellaneous C

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Miscellaneous I-Publications; 1961-62; Box 33 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB214 Barcode825170808 i41139069 Barcode 35054027310867 Files: 1. Miscellaneous I 2. Jackson, Edward A. 3. Jaques, Martha 4. Miscellaneous J 5. Miscellaneous K 6. Land Purchase 7. Land Rent 8. Limper, Karl E. - Arts and Science, School of 9. Loans - Student 10. Miscellaneous L 11. Miami Charter Flight 12. McKie, Stanley 13. Miam University Foundation 14. Miami Univeristy Abroad 15. Miami Manor 16. Miscellaneous M. 17. Millett, John D. 18. National Defense Student Loans 19. National Defense Graduate Fellowship Program 20. National Educational Television and Radio Center 21. Newspaper Clippings 22. Nippert, Ed. 23. Notices - General 24. Miscellaneous N 25. Ohio Auditor of State 26. Ohio Auditor of State 27. Ohio - Attorney General 28. Ohio - Controlling Board 29. Ohio - Personnel 30. Ohio - Finance Department and Director 31. Emergency Board 32. Ohio - Governor's Directives 33. Ohio - Department of Industrial Relations 34. Ohio - Legislation 35. Ohio - Legislation Acts - House Bill 36. Ohio - Legislation 37. Ohio - Legislative Service Commission 38. Ohio - Public Employees Retirement System 39. Ohio - Resident Examiner 40. Ohio - Sales Tax 41. Ohio - Secretary of State 42. Ohio - State Teachers Retirement System 43. Ohio - Treasurer's Weekly Reports 44. The Ohio Company 45. Oxford Cemetery Lots 46. Miscellaneous O 47. Payroll - Garnishments 48. Payroll - General 49. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 50. Provident Bank, Trustee 51. Office of Public Information 52. Publications

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Publications-Young, Virginia; 1961-62; Box 34 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB215 Barcode 825170902 i41139070 Barcode 35054027310875 Files: 1. Publications 2. Purdy, Ralph D.2 3. Miscellaneous 4. Questionnaires 5. Miscelleneous Q 6. Receipts 1961-62 7. Requests - Approved 8. Requisitions 9. Rosselot, Max 10. Miscellaneous 11. Schedule of Fees, Scholarships 12. Sorority Suite 13. Squire, Sanders and Dempsey 14. Sturgeon, James 15. Sweney, Cartwright and Company 16. Miscellaneous S 17. Talawanda Local School System 18. Thesken, Earl V. - Dean Academic Centers and Summer Session 19. Miscellaneous T 20. University Airport 21. University Calendar 22. University Center Revenue Reports 23. University Center 24. University Senate 25. University Club 26. Miscellaneous U-V 27. Veteran's Administration 28. Miscellaneous V 29. Waivers Out-of-State Fees 30. Warfel, Ruth E. - Dean of Women 31. Whisman, George T. - Assistant to the Treasurer 32. Wilson, Dr. Charles, Provost 33. Workshops - Family Finance 34. Wright, H. Bunker - Dean, Graduate School 35. Miscellaneous W 36. Young, Russell - Director of Purchasing 37. Young, Virginia - Data Processing

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Accounting-G and H Building; 1962-63; Box 35 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB216 Barcode 825170906 i41139082 Barcode 35054027310883 Files: 1. Accounting - Miscellaneous 2. Aircraft Flights Reports 3. Alden, D. C. , Comptroller FROM 4. Alden, D. C., Comptroller TO 5. Anderson, J. Peter, Director of Student Aid 6. Annual Report 7. Artists Series 8. Associations - Central Association of College and University Business Officers 9. Associations - American Council on Education 10. Associations - Inter-University Council of Ohio 11. Associations - Joint Committee of Business Officers 12. Assocations - National Federation of College and University Business Officers 13. Assocations - General 14. Audio-Visual Service - John Dome 15. Banks - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 16. Banks - Fifth Third Union Trust 17. Banks - First Citizens Bank 18. Banks - First National Bank of Cincinnati 19. Banks - First National Bank of Hamilton 20. Bamks - First Naitonal Bank of Dayton 21. Banks - Provident Bank 22. Banks - Third National Bank and Trust Company 23. Banks - Winters National Bank and Trust Company 24. Board of Trustees - Finance an Business Committee 25. Board of Trustees- General 26. Board of Trustees - Correspondence 27. Board Meeting - June 7 28. Bogner, Dean C. Neale, School of Education 29. Bowers, George, School of Applied Science 30. Brickels, John L., Director of Athletics 31. Boradcasting Service, Stephen Hahaway 32. Board of Trustees - Investment Committee 33. Budget - Adjustments 34. Budget - 1963-64 35. Budget - Allotments 36. Building - Circular Drive 37. Building - Addition to Food Service Building 38. Building - Hospital Addition 39. Building - Addition to Library 40. Reconstruction of Dining Hall and Kitchen Facilities 41. Building - Physics - Math Building 42. Building - Current Married Student Housing 43. G and H Building - Men's No. 3 and Dining Hall 44. G and H Building - Women's Hall No. 5 - Sout Wing 45. G and H Building - Men's Hall No. 6A 46. G and H Building Addition to Women's No. 3 47. G and H Building - Women's No. 8

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: G and H Building-Goggin, Lloyd; 1962-63; Box 36 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB217 Barcode 825170905 i41139094 Barcode 35054027415294 Files: 1. G and H Building - Women's No. 7 and 9 2. G and H Building - Women's South Dining Hall 3. Miscellaneous H 4. Carson, Cordan (OSU) 5. Computing Center 6. Conferences and Conventions 7. Cole, Foster J., Business Manager 8. Council of Deans 9. Council on Student Affairs 10. Miscellaneous C 11. Crawford, Nolan, Chief Accountant 12. Contract - Flight Instruction 13. Beavercreek Township Study\ 14. O. E. Slinger - Counseling and Guidance Institution 15. Contract - Procter and Gamble 16. Dolibois, John E. - Director of Alumni Relations 17. Dutton, Leland - Director of Libraries 18. Miscellaneous D 19. Endowment Funds - Investment Pool 20. Endowment - Interest on Rotary A Schedule 21. Endowment Funds - General 22. Educational Assistance 23. Erickson, Byron A. - Director of Residence Halls 24. Etheridge, Robert F. - Dean of Students 25. Miscellaneous E 26. Flaig, Marie - Executive Secretary 27. Miscellaneous F 28. ZGerlach, Harry M. - Director of Admissions 29. Gifts 30. Glos, Dean Raymond E., School of Business Adminsitration 31. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Hollingsworth-Publications/General; 1962-63; Box 37 [11A-L-6A] Files: 1. Hollingsworth, Dean William T. 2. Miscellaneous H. 3. Interim Commission on Education Beyond High School 4. IBM 5. Investments 6. Housing and Home Finance Agency 7. Matthews, Patricia Ann 8. Institutional Research Service 9. Insurance - Student 10. Insurance - University Property 11. Insurance - Miscellaneous 12. Intercollegiate Athletic Board 13. Jackson, Edward A., Personnel 14. Jaques, Martha, Auditor Student Organizations 15. Kiplinger Washington Letter 16. Millett,John D., President 17. Miscellaneous K 18. Land Rent 19. Limper, Dean Karl E., Arts and Sciences 20. Loans - Student 21. Loyalty Fund 22. Miami Manor 23. Miami University Abroad 24. Miscellaneous M 25. National Defense Graduate Fellowship Program 26. National Defense Student Loans 27. Newspaper Clippings 28. Ohio Apprpriations to State Universities 29. Ohio Department, Auditor of State - Receipts 30. Ohio Department , Auditor of State 31. Ohio Department , Attorney General 32. Ohio Department, Finance Department and Director 33. Ohio Department, Controlling Board 34. Miscellaneous O 35. Ohio Construction Progress Report 36. Ohio Department, Emergency Board 37. Ohio Department, Public Employee Retirement System 38. Ohio Department, Legislation 39. Ohio Department, Personnel 40. Ohio Department, Resident Examiner 41. Ohio Department, Secretary of State 42. Ohio Department, Sales Tax 43. Ohio Department, State Teachers Retirement System 44. Ohio Department, Treasurer - Weekly Reports 45. Ohio - Miscellaneous 46. Pan American Airways 47. Payroll - General 48. Payroll - Garnishments 49. Publc Information, Office of 50. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 51. Miscellaneous P 52. Publications - General

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Questionnaires-X,Y,Z and Miscellaneous; 1962-63; Box 38 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB219 Barcode 825170306 i41139124 Barcode 35054027415328 Files: 1. Questionnaires 2. Receipts 3. Refunds and Waiver of Fees 4. Rosselot, Max, Registrar 5. Requisitions 6. Request - Approved 7. Miscellaneous - R 8. Schedule of Fees 9. Sturgeon, James, Bursar 10. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 11. Studies 12. Miscellaneous S 13. Ticket Sales 14. Thesken, Earl V., Dean of Academic Centers 15. Travel 16. Miscellaneous Y 17. University Airport 18. University Center 19. University Club 20. University Center Revenue Reports 21. University Senate 22. University Staff 23. Miscellaneous U 24. Veterans Administration 25. Waivers Out-of-State Fees 26. Warfel, Ruth E., Dean of Women 27. Whisman, George T., Assistant to the Treasurer 28. Wilson, Dr. Charles, Provost 29. Workshops, Community Resources 30. Workshops - Family Finance 31. Workshops - General 32. Wright, H. Bunker, Dean of the Graduate School 33. Miscellaneous W 34. Young, Russell G., Purchasing 35. Young, Virginia, Supervising Data Processing 36. Miscellaneous, X,Y, Z

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Academic Centers-Fees; 1963-64; Box 30 [SWORD] Files: 1. Academic Centers and Summer Session 2. Accounting - Miscellaneous 3. Alden, D. C., Comptroller 4. Alumni Association 5. Anderson, J. P., Director of Student 6. School of Applied Science 7. College of Arts and Science 8. Artists Series 9. Associations - General 10. American Association of University Professors 11. Associations - American Council on Education 12. Associations - College and University Business Officers 13. Athletic Activities 14. Associaitons - Joint Committee of Business Affairs\ 15. Associaitons - Mid-American Athletic Conference 16. Audio Visual - John Dome 17. Banks - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 18. Banks - Fifth Third Union Trust 19. Banks - First Citizens Bank of Oxford 20. Banks - First National Bank of Cincinnati 21. Banks - First National Bank of Hamilton 22. Banks - The Provident 23. Banks - Third National Bank and Trust of Dayton 24. Banks - Winters National Bank and Trust of Dayton 25. Beta Alpha Psi 26. Board of Trustees 27. Board of Trustees - Finance and Business Management 28. Bogner, C. Neale - Dean of Education 29. Bookstore - University Center 30. Bond Issues - Miscellaneous 31. Bowers, George - Director of Applied Science 32. School of Business Administration 33. Broadcasting Service - Stephen Hathaway 34. Budget Adjustments 35. Budget 36. Budget Allotments 37. Budget General 38. Bursar's Office - James Sturgeon 39. Cawthorne, Delmas - Dean of Business 40. Cole, Foster - Business Manager 41. Committee - Atletic Advisory Board 42. Committee on Faculty Research 43. Committees - Council of Deans 44. Committees - Council on Student Affairs 45. Committee on the Creative Arts 46. Committee on Faculty Affairs 47. Committees - University Senate 48. Computing Center - Ray Pastore\ 49. Air Force - Crannell 50. Air Force - Jahnke 51. Contract 52. Air Force 53. Air Force 54. Conferences and Conventions 55. Data Processing - Virginia Young 56. Dean of Students 57. Dean of Men 58. Dean of Women 59. Endowment Interest - Interest on Rotary A Schedule 60. School of Education 61. Erikson, Byron - Residence Halls 62. Fees

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Fee Waivers-Investments; 1963-64; Box 39 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB221 Barcode 825170305 i41139148 Barcode 35054027415344 Files: 1. Fee Waivers 2. Fee Waivers 3. School of Fine Arts 4. General A-D 5. General E-H 6. General I-L 7. General M-P 8. General O-S 9. General T-Z 10. Gifts 11. Gerlach, Harry M. - Admissions 12. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 13. Graduate School 14. Wareen-Fee Products - Williamson 15. Howard, Robert - Public Information 16. Housing and Home Finance Agency 17. IBM 18. Institutional Research Service 19. Insurance - Equitable LIfe Assurance Society 20. Insurance - Airport 21. Insurance (General) 22. Insurance - Mutual of Omaha 23. Insurance - Property 24. Insurance - Insured Tuition Plan 25. Interim Commission on Education Beyond High School 26. Inter-University Council 27. Investments and Bonds 28. Investment Pool 29. Investments - General

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Jackson, Edward-Reports/Environment; 1963-64; Box 3 [11A-L-6B] Files: 1. Jackson, Edward A. - Personnel 2. Jaues, Martha - Student Auditor 3. Kiplinger Washington Letter 4. Library - Leland Dutton 5. Limper, Karl E. - Arts and Science 6. Litter Hoover Commission 7. Loan Funds 8. Loyalty Fund 9. Maintenance Department 10. Miami University Abroad 11. Millett, President John D. 12. McGuffey School and Lunchroom 13. National Defense Student Loans 14. National Defense Graduate Fellowship Program 15. National Defense Education Act of 1958 16. Newspaper Clippings 17. Notices 18. The Ohio Company 19. Attorney General 20. Controlling and Emergency Board 21. Finance, Department of and Director of 22. Auditor of State 23. Legislation 24. Personnel 25. Secretary of State 26. Office Services - Charles Sahlberg 27. Payroll 28. Publications 29. Publications 30. Public Employees Retirement System 31. Peat, Marwick and Mitchell 32. Questionnaires 33. Receipts 34. Refunds 35. Registrar's Office - Max Rosselot 36. Reports (General() 37. Reports - Aircraft Flights 38. Reports - Annual 39. Reports - Data Processing 40. Reports - Enrollment Data

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Reports/Housing-Young, Russell; 1963-64; Box 41 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB223 Barcode 825170301 i41139173 Barcode 35054027415369 Files: 1. Reports - Housing, Men 2. Reports - Housing, Women 3. Reports - Registrar's Office 4. Reports - Requisitions 5. Reports - Resident Examiner Progress 6. Reports - Ticket Sales 7. Reports - Treasurer's Weekly 8. Reports - University Center Review 9. Room Contract Cancellation 10. Sales Tax 11. Scholarships 12. Middle Management 13. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 14. State Issue No. 1 15. State Rotary 16. State Teachers Retirement System 17. Summer Study in America 18. Travel 19. University Center 20. University Calendar 21. University Club 22. Whisman, George 23. Wilson. C. Ray - Provost 24. Young, Russell - Purchasing

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Academic Centers - Business; 1964-65; Box 42 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB224 Barcode 825171208 i41139185 Barcode 35054027415377 Files: 1. Academic Centers and Summer Sessions 2. Accounting 3. Admissions Office - Harry Gerlach 4. Airport 5. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller FROM 6. Alden, D. C. - Comptroller TO 7. Alumni Association - John Dolibois 8. Applied Science, School of 9. Artists Series 10. Arts and Science, College of 11.Associations (General) 12. American Association of University Professors 13. American Council on Education 14. College and University Business Officers 15. Joint COmmittee on Business Offices 16. MAC 17. Membership and Inspection of the Ohio College Assocation 18. Athletic Activities - Richard Shrider 19. Audio-Visual - John Dome 20. Barnitz Bank 21. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 22. Fifth Third Union Trust of Cincinnati 23. First Citizens Bank of Oxford 24. First National Bank of Cincinnati 25. First National Bank of Middletown 26. Firist National Bank of Hamilton 27. National Bank of Dayton 28. Piqua National Bank and Trust 29. Provident Bank - Cincinnati 30. Third National Bank and Trust Company - Dayton 31. Winter National Bank and Trust Company - Dayton 32. Barron, George , School of Fine Artts 33. Board of Trustees (General) 34. Board of Regents 35. Board of Regents 36. Bogner, C. Neale 37. Bond Issues 38. Bowers, George - Applied Science 39. Branch Subsidy 40. Broadcasting Service - Stephen Hathaway 41. Budget 42. Budget - Allotments 43. Budget - Adjustments 44. Bureau of Business Research 45. Bursar's Office - James Sturgeon 46. Business Administration, School of 47. Cawthorne, D. R., Dean of Business

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Central Services-Graduate School; 1964-65; Box 43 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB225 Barcode 814900803 i41139197 Barcode 35054027415385 Files: 1. Central Services - Bud Haidet 2. Cole, Foster - Business Manager 3. Computing Center 4. Committees 5. Athletic Advisory Board 6. Conferences and Conventions 7. Council of Deans 8. Faculty Council 9. Council on Student Affairs 10. Faculty Affairs 11. Computer Study 12. University Senate 13. Crawford, Nolan, Chief Accountant 14. Data Processing, Virginia Young 15. Dayton Campus - Housing 16. Dayton Division Campus 17. Dayton Campus - Financial Statements 18. Dayton Campus - Courses 19. Dayton Campus - Estates and Scholarships 20. Dayton Campus - OSU's Expenditures 21. Dayton Campus - Enrollment 22. Dayton Campus - Funds Collected 23. Dayton Campus - Miami's Expenditures 24. Dayton Campus - Accounting 25. Dayton Campus - Staff 26. Dean of Men, William T. Hollingsworth 27. Dean of Students, Robert Etheridge 28. Dean of Women, Naomi Brown 29. Education, School of 30. Employee Prospects 31. Endowment Interest 32. Executive Program 33. Faculty Research 34. Fees 35. Fee Waivers 36. Fine Arts. School of 37. Sigma Alpha Mu 38. Fraternity Housing 39. Football 40. Gifts 41. Lloyd Goggin - Personal 42. Lloyd Goggin - Beta Alpha Psi 43. Lloyd Goggin - Torch Club 44. Graduate School

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: IBM-Motor Pool; 1964-65; Box 44 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB226 Barcode 825170704 i41139203 Barcode 35054027415393 Files: 1. IBM - Miscellaneous 2. Housing and Honme Finance Agency 3. Institutional Research Service 4. Insurance - Equitable Life 5. Equitable Life Assurance Society 6. Mutal of Omaha 7. Insurance 8. Inter-University Council 9. Inter-University Council 10. Internal Auditor - Robert Huebschman 11. Inventory 12. Universiity Property 13. Investment Pool Publiations 14. Insured Tuition Plan 15. Investment Committee 16. Investments 17. Investment Pool 18. Kiplinger Washington Letter 19. Land 20. Land Purchase and Sale 21. Library - Leland Dutton 22. Limper, Karl E. - Dean of Arts and Science 23. Loyalty Fund 24. Maintenance 25. Membership Fees 26. Miami University Abroad 27. Middletown Campus 28. Motor Pool

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: National Defense Student Loans-Reports; 1964-65; Box 45 [1A-L-4A] Files:

1. National Defense Loans 2. Newspaper CLippings 3. Notions 4. Office Services - Bud Haidet 5. Ohio - Attorney General 6. Ohio - Auditor 7. Ohio - Construction Releases 8. Ohiio - Company 9. Ohio - Finance 10. Ohio - Secretary of State 11. Ohio - General 12. Ohio - Personnel 13. Controlling Board 14. William Ott 15. Payroll 16. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 17. Personnel 18. President 19. Public Employees Retirement System 20. Public Employees Retirement System 21. Public Information - Robert Howard 22. Publications 23. Purchasing, Russell Young 24. Questionnaires 25. Recensio 26. Record Study 27. Refunds 28. Registrar's Office - Max Rosselot 29. Reports - Aircraft Flights 30. Reports - Enrollment Data 31. Reports - Data Processin 32. Residence Halls 33. Reports - Housing Men 34. Reports - Housing Women 35. Reports

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurer Office Files: Reports-Receipts; 1964-65; Box 46 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB228 Barcode 814881108 i41139227 Barcode 35054027415419 Files: 1. Reports - Requisitions 2. Reports - Resident Examiner 3. Reports - Ticket Sales 4. Reports - Tresurer's Weekly 5. Reports - University Center Revenue 6. Research Facilities 7. Room Contract Cancellations 8. Sales Tax 9. Scholarships 10. Schuler, Charles R. - Assistant to the President 11. Sceurity 12. Seminar - Foreign Student 13. Seiminar - Middle Management 14. Seminar at Sea 15. Shriver, Phillip R. - President Elect 16. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsy 17. State Teachers Retirement System 18. State Universities of Ohio 19. Stocks 20. Student Aid 21. Student Auditor 22. Student Health Service 23. Col. H. P. G. H. Thomas 24. Travel 25. Travel - Report of Out-of-State 26. University Center 27. University Calendar 28. University Club 29. University Center Audit 30. George Whisman 31. Wilson, Charles R. , Provost 32. Flight Instructions 33. Air Force 34. Air Force 35. Air Force 36. Air Force 37. Flight Instructions 38. NESEP 39. Navy 40. Navy 41. McGuffey School Equipment 42. McGuffey - Zimmerman - Nelson Title III 43. Receipts

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Lloyd Goggin-Kent State University; 1965-66; Box 47 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB230 Barcode 813590403 i41139252 Barcode 35054027415435 Files: 1. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal (1966-67) 2. Gogginj, Lloyd - Rotary Club (1966-67) 3. Gogginj, Lloyd - Torch Club (1966-67) 4. Haidet, Bud - Central Services (1966-67) 5. Higher Education Facilities Act (1966-67) 6. House Bill No. 93 (1966-67) 7. Huebschman, Robert - Internal Auditor (1966-67) 8. Investment Pool (1966-67) 9. Jackson, Edward W. - Director of Personnel (1966-67) 10. Jaques, Martha, Auditor - Student Organizations (1966-67) 11. Motor Pool (1966-67) 12. Inventory 13. Safety Committee (1965) 14. Computer Service 15. Conferences and Conventions 16. Leland Dutton - Library 17. Miscellaneous E 18. Robert F Etheridge - Dean of Students 19. Fees 20. Fee Waivers 21. Fine Arts, School of 22. Marie B. Flaig 23. Requests for Football Tickets 24. Fraternity - Sigma Nu 25. Miscellaneous F 26. Gifts 27. Lloyd Goggin - Personal 28. Lloyd Goggin - Beta Alpha Psi 29. Lloyd Goggin - Rotary Club 30. Lloyd Goggin - Torch CLub 31. Miscellaneous G 32. Homer F. Hage 33. William T. Hollingsworth - Dean of Men 34. Frederick W. Hoster, Assistant to the President 35. Housing and Home Finance Agency 36. Robert T. Howard 37. Robert Huebschman - Internal Auditor 38. Miscellaneous H 39. IBM - Data Processing Division 40. IBM - Executive Program 41. Insurance - Eqjuitable 42. Insurance - General 43. Insurance - University Property 44. Insurance - Mutual of Omaha 45. Insurance 46. Inter-University Council 47. Inventory 48. Investment Pool 49. Miscellaneous I 50. Edward A. Jackson - Personnel 51. Martha Jaques 52. Miscellaneous J 53. Kent State University

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Board of Regents-Fees; 1965-66; Box 48 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB229 Barcode 825170506 i41139238 Barcode 35054027415427 Files: 1. Board of Regents 2. Board of Regents- Reports 3. Board of Regents - Meetings 4. Board of Regents - General 5. Ohio Board of Regents - Meetings 6. Ohio Board of Regents - General 7. Ohio Board of Regents - Reports 8. Faculty Council 9. Faculty Council 10. ID Committee 11. Richard T. Bystrom - University Center 12. Budget Adjustments 13. D. C. Alden - Comptroller 14. Miscellaneous - B 15. Dean D. R. Cawthorne - Business Administration 16. Arthur Conrad 17. Air Force Contracts 18. John Dolibois - Office of Alumni Relations 19. Education, School of 20. Edwards, Wallace - University Secretary 21. Erickson, Byron - Director, Residence Halls 22. Etheridge, Robert F. - Dean of Students 23. Faculty Research 24. Fair Labor Standards 25. Fees

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Kiplinger Washington Letter-Publications; 1965-66; Box 49 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB231 Barcode 813590702 i41139264 Barcode 35054027415443 Files: 1. Kipplinger Washington Letter 2. Miscellaneous K 3. Dean Karl E. Limper - Arts and Sciences 4. Miscellaneous L 5. Maintenance ad Janitorial Controls 6. Maintenance 7. Provisional Master Plan 8. Loyalty Fund 9. Motor Pool 10. Middletown Campus 11. Miscellaneous M 12. Controlling Board 13. National Defense Graduate Fellowship Programs 14. National Defense Student Loans 15. Newspaper Clippings 16. Flight Instruction 17. Navy Contract 18. Norwood Academic Center 19. Miscellaneous N 20. Attorney General 21. Controlling Board Requests - Dayton Campus 22. The Ohio Company 23. Ohio Department of Education 24. Department of Personnel 25. Department of Commerce - Division of Aviation 26. Department of Development 27. Department of Education 28. Department of Finance 29. Department of Personnel 30. Department of Public Works 31. Treasurer of State 32. Workmen's Compensation 33. William Ott - Director of Planning and Engineering 34. Ohio University 35. Ohio State University 36. Oxford Community Improvement Association 37. Miscellaneous O 38. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 39. Personnel Actions 40. Connie Polasky - Publications 41. Project Upward Bound 42. President's Inauguration 43. Publications - College and University Reports 44. Publications

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Public Employees Retirement System-Sturgeon, James; 1965-66; Box 50 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB232 Barcode 814890704 i41139276 Barcode 35054027415450 Files: 1. Public Employees Retirement System 2. Miscellaneous P 3. Payrolls 4. Questionnaires 5. John Reardon 6. Reports - Aircraft Flights 7. Reports - Annual Financial 8. Coputer Center Utilization Reports and Data Processing 9. Computer Report 10. Reports - Enrollment 11. Reports - Housing, Men 12. Reports - Housing, Women 13. Progress Reports - Construction 14. Reports - Registrar's Office 15. Reports - Ticket Sales 16. Reports - Treasurer of State 17. Reports - University Center Revue 18. Requisitions 19. Retirement 20. Room Contract Cancellations 21. Max B. Rosselot, Registrar 22. Miscellaneous O-R 23. Dr. Paul C. Schumacher, Student Health Service 24. Security 25. Richard Shrider, Intercollegiate Athletics 26. Philllip R. Shriver - President 27. Dr. Lawrence Siegel - Instructional Research 28. W. C. Smyser - Executive Registrar 29. Guy Spliter - Student Aid 30. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 31. State Teachers Retirement System 32. Stocks - Selling and Buying 33. Student Teaching 34. James Sturgeon, Bursar

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurer's Office Files: Sturgeon-W, X, Y, Z; 1965-66; Box 51 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB233 Barcode 823660909 i4113929x Barcode 35054027415468 Files: 1. James Sturgeon - Bursar 2. Miscellaneous - S 3. Teckman, Dr. Charles E. 4. Telephone System - Contrex 5. Col. H.P.G.H. Thomas 6. Blanche Thomas 7. Travel - Report of Out-of-State 8. Trimester Plan 9. Miscellaneous T 10. Deal Earl V. Thesken 11. Unions 12. University Calendar 13. University Club 14. University Directory 15. Vacations 16. Village of Oxford 17. Miscellaneous U-V 18. George T. Whisman, Assistant Treasurer 19. Charles R. Wilson, Provost 20. Workshops - General 21. Dean H. Bunker Wright - Graduate School 22. Withrow Court Convocation 23. Russell G. Young - Purchasing 24. Virginia Young - Data Processing 25. Miscellaneous W, X, Y, Z

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: A-Central State University; 1966-67; Box 52 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB239 Barcode 82517305 i41139422 Barcode 35054027415526 Files: 1. Alban, William - University Bookstore 2. Alden, David C. - Comptroller 3. Applicants 4. Applied Scence, School of 5. Archer, Oneal - Director of Physical Plant 6. Architects 7. Arts and Science, Schooll of 8. Associations - General 9. Associations - American Council on Education 10. Associations - College and University Business Officers 11. Associations - Central Assocation of University Business Officers 12. Associations - Ohio Association of University Business Officers 13. Assocations - National Assocation of Educational Broadcasters 14. Assocations - Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 15. Assocations - North Central 16. Athletic Advisory Board 17. A Miscellaneous 18. Balsinger, Hugh C. Resident State Examiner 19. Bank Account Balances Reconciliation 20. Banks - The Barnitz 21. Banks - The Citizens 22. Banks - Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust 23. Banks - First National of Hamilton 24. Banks - First National of Middletown 25. Banks - Fifth Third Union Trust 26. Banks - First National of Cincinnati 27. Banks - Provident 28. Banks - Second National Bank of Hamilton 29. Banks - The Third National 30. Banks - Winter National 31. Banks - General 32. Barron, Dean George F. - Fine Arts 33. Bard of Trustees 34. Bogner, C. Neale - Education 35. Bowers, George - Applied Science 36. Bowling Green State University 37. Brenneman, Lyman 38. Brown, Naomi - Dean of Women 39. Brown, Robert - Stdent Counseling 40. Budget Adjustment 41. Budget Allotments 42. Budget - Bienium 43. Business Administration, School of 44. Bystrom, Richard T. - Director of University Center 45. B Miscellaneous 46. Calendar 47. Cawthorne, Dean D. R. - Business Administration 48. Central State University

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Chart of Accounts-Dome, John; 1966-67; Box 53 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB235 Barcode 814840106 i41139343 Barcode 35054027415484 Files: 1. Chart of Accounts 2. Cleveland State University 3. Commencements 4. Committee - Ad Hoc on Summer Session 5. Committee - Appeals (Traffic Penalties) 6. Committee - Aviation Services Advisory Committee 7. Committee - Faculty Research 8. Committee - Trimester Evaluation 9. Committee - Faculty Wefare 10. Committee - Fringe Benefit 11. Committee - Parking 12. Committee - Safety 13. Committee - Student Senate 14. Comittee - University Senate 15. Community Action Program Drive 16. Crawford, Nolan - Assistant to the Comptroller 17. Council of Deans 18. Faculty 19. Council on Student Affairs 20. Conferences and Conventions 21. Conrad, Arthur - Director of Grounds 22. Dr. Donald E. Cunningham - Director of Research 23. C Miscellaneous 24. Dayton Campus 25. Derr, Captain Phaon B., Jr. - NROTC 26. Dolibois, John - Development and Alumni Affars 27. Dome, John - Director of Audio Visual Service

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Office of Education-President Shriver Cabinet Meetings; 1966-67; Box 54 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB236 Barcode 814861002 i41139367 Barcode 35054027415492 Files: 1. Office of Education 2. Ohio, State of - Auditor of State 3. Ohio, State of - Controlling Board Requests 4. Ohio, State of - Department of Development 5. Ohio, State of - Department of Education 6. Ohio, State of - Department of Personnel 7. Ohio, State of - Department of Public Works 8. Ohio, State of - Secretary of State 9. Ohio, State of - Treasurer of State 10. Ohio, State of Workmen's Compensation 11. Ohio State University 12. Ohio University 13. Ott, William R. - Director, Planning and Engineering 14. Village of Oxford 15. O Miscellaneous 16. Parking 17. Payrolls 18. Publications 19. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 20. Personnel Actions 21. Polasky, Connie - Publications Editor 22. Public Employees Retirement System 23. Public Address System 24. Pulp and Paper Foundation 25. P Miscellaneous 26. Questionnaires 27. Refuse Collection Equipment 28. Renovationg Microbiology Department 29. Reports - Aircraft Flights 30. Reports - Annual Financial 31. Reports - Cash Flow Estimates 32. Reports - Computer Center and Data Processing 33. Reports - Enrollment Data 34. Reports - Housing, Men 35. Reports - Housing, Women 36. Reports - Progress, Construction 37. Reports - Ticket Sales 38. Reports - Treasurer of State 39. Requisitions 40. Roan Contract Cancellations 41. Rosselot, Max B - Registrar 42. Q-R Miscellaneous 43. Schuler, Charles R. - Director of Admissions 44. Security 45. Shrider, Richard G. - Director of Intercollegiate Athletics 46. Schriver, Phillip R. - President 47. Smoking Regulations 48. Southard, Jack - Director, Student Center 49. Spitler, Guy D. - Director, Student Aid 50. President Shriver Cabinet Meetings

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Treasurers Office Files: Sponsors-W, X, Y. Z/Football '66; 1966-67; Box 55 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB237 Barcode 825171101 i41139362 Barcode 35054027415500 Files: 1. Sponsers for Football and Basketball 2. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 3. State Teachers Retirement System 4. Stephenson, H. H. - Housing Coordinator 5. Stocks - Selling and Buying 6. Stricke, Lloyd - Airport 7. Students Visits to Faculty Homes 8. Sturgeon, James P. - Bursar 9. Summer Registration for Freshmen 10. Summer Theatre 11. S Miscellaneous 12. Telephones 13. Thesken, Dean Earl V. - Educational Services 14. Travel - Out-of-State Report 15. T Miscellaneous 16. Unions 17. University Club 18. University Directory 19. University Calendar 20. University Center Advisory Board 21. Vacations 22. Vornbrock (Air Force) 23. U-V Miscellaneous 24. Coin-Operated Washers and Dryers 25. Whisman, George T. - Director of Finance 26. Wilson, Dr. Charles Ray - Provost 27. R. Fred Woodruff 28. Workshops 29. Wright, Dean H. Bunker - Graduate School 30. Young, Virginia R. - Data Processing 31. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous 32. Football Invitations

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Alban, William-Committees/Urban Affairs; 1967-68; Box 56 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB238 Barcode 825171104 i41139410 Barcode 35054027415518 Files: 1. Alban, William - University Bookstore 2. Alden, David C. - Comptroller 3. Arcer, Oneal - Director of Physical Plant 4. Architects 5. Applicants 6. Artists Series 7. Arts and Science, School of 8. American Council on Education 9. National Association of College and University Business Officers 10. Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 11. National Association of Educational Broadcasters 12. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 13. North Central 14. Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 15. A Miscellaneous 16. Balsinger, Hugh C. - Resident Examiner for State 17. Banks - The Barnitz 18. Banks - The Citizens 19. Banks - Fifth Third Union Trust Company 20. Banks - First National of Cincinnati 21. Banks - First National Bank of Middletown 22. Banks - The Provident 23. Banks - The Second National Bank of Hamilton 24. Banks - General 25. Barron, Dean George F. 26. Board of Trustees 27. Bogner, Dean C. Neale 28. Bowers, Dean George 29. Brown, Naomi - Dean of Women 30. Brown, Dr. Robert - Director of Student Counseling 31. Budget 32. Business Administration, School of 33. Bystrom, Richard T. - Director of University Center 34. B Miscellaneous 35. Commencements 36. Calendar 37. Cleveland State University 38. Committees - Appeals (Traffic Penalties) 39. Committees - Education Review 40. Committees - Educational Policies 41. Committees - Faculty Welfare 42. Committees - Identification Cards 43. Committees - Library Advisory Committee - Draft Resolution to the President 44. Committees - Safety 45. Committees - Trimester Evaluation 46. Committees - University Senate 47. Committees - Urban Affairs

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Conferences-Hamilton Campus/Fund Raising; 1967-68; Box 57 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB239 Barcode 825171305 i41139422 Barcode 35054027415526 Files: 1. Conferences and Conventions 2. Conrad, Arthur F. - Assistant Director, Campus Services 3. Contracts - Air Force 4. Contracts (Forms - Air Force) 5. Council of Deans 6. Council - Faculty 7. Council - Faculty 8. Committees - Faculty Research 9. Cunningham, Donald E. - Director of Research 10. C Miscellaneous 11. Dayton-Miami Valley Consortium 12. Decision-Making at Miami University - A Preliminary Decision 13. Depart of Health, Education, and Welfare 14. Derr, Captain Phaon B, Jr. - NROTC 15. Dolibois, John 16. Dome, John - Director of Audio-Visual Servces 17. Dutton, Leland S. - Director of Libraries 18. D Miscellaneous 19. Education, School of 20. Edwards, Wallace I. - University Secretary 21. Erickson, Byron - Director of Residence Halls 22. Etheridge, Robert F. - Vice President of Student Affairs 23. Executive Council of the Alumni Association 24. E Miscellaneous 25. Faculty Rank 26. Fair Labor Standards Act 27. Faculty Tenure 28. Fees 29. Fee Waivers 30. Flaid, Mrs. Marie B. - Executive Secretary 31. Earl Folker - Administrative Assistant 32. Football Letters 33. Marhall Game (October 14, 1967) 34. Ohio University Game (October 21, 1967) 35. Xavier Game (September 30, 1967) 36. Toledo Game (November 4, 1967) 37. Friden check Signer 38. Gelogy Field Course 39. Gibbons, Harold 40. Gifts 41. Gillette, John 42. Goggin, Lloyd - Beta Alpha Psi 43. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 44. Goggin, Lloyd - Rotary Club 45. Golden Knights and Thunderbirds 46. G Miscellaneous 47. Haidet, Bud - Central Services 48. Hamilton Campus

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Hamilton Campus/General-Ohio/Department of Finance; 1967-68; Box 58 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB240 Barcode 825170907 i41139434 Barcode 35054027415534

Files: 1. Hamilton Campus - General 2. Henneberger, Marc - Director of Purchases 3. Higher Education General Infomation Survey 4. Hollingsworth, Dean William - Dean of Men 5. Host and Hostess Service 6. Housing and Urban Development 7. Hoster, Frd W. - Coordinator of Special Events 8. Howard, Robert T. - Director of Public Information 9. Huebschman, Robert - Internal Auditor 10. H Miscellaneous 11. Insurance - University Property - Atkinson-Dauksch 12. Insurance - Equitable 13. Insurance - General 14. Inter-University Council 15. Inter-University Council 16. Inventory 17. Investment Pool 18. I Miscellaneous 19. Jackson, Edward A. - Personnel Director 20. Jaques, Martha - Auditor of Student Organizations 21. Kent State University 22. Kiplinger Washington Report 23. K Miscellaneous 24. Limper, Dean Karl E. - Arts and Science 25. L Miscellaneous 26. Mercy Hospital Contract 27. MiamiManor Applications 28. Miami University Summer Theatre 29. Middletown Campus - Fund Raising 30. Middletown Campus - General 31. Miller, Wallace - Superintendent of Safety and Security 32. Motor Pool 33. Moeckel, Bill K. - Dean of School of Business Administration 34. M Miscellaneous 35. N Miscellaneous 36. Ohio Chamber of Commerce 37. Ohio ETV Network Commission 38. Ohio, State of - Auditor 39. Ohio Board of Regents Meetings 40. Ohio, State of - Department of Education 41. Ohio, Office of the Governor 42. Ohio, State of - Department of Finance

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Ohio, Department of Personnel-State Teachers Retirement System; 1967-68; Box 59 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB241 Barcode 825170901 i41139501 Barcode 35054027415542 Files: 1. Ohio, State of - Department of Personnel 2. Ohio Board of Regents - General 3. Ohio Board of Regents - Reports 4. Ohio, State of - Department of Public Works 5. Ohio, State of - Workmen's Compensation 6. Ohio, State of - Treasurer of SState 7. Ohio State University 8. Ohio University 9. Ott William - Planning Engineer 10. Oxford Planning Commission 11. Oxford, Village of 12. O Miscellaneous 13. Painting (Interior) 14. Parking 15. Payrolls 16. PMM Seminar at Providence College 17. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 18. Personnel Actions 19. Public Employees Retirement System 20. Public Improvement Inspection Committee 21. Publications - College and University Reports 22. Pulp and Paper Foundation 23. Polasky, Connie - Publications Editor 24. P Miscellaneous 25. Questionnaires 26. Reports - Aircraft Flighs 27. Repots - Cash Flow Estimates 28. Computer Center and Data Reports - Processing Utilization 29. Reports - Enrollment Data 30. Reports - Maufacturer's Data Report for Unfired Pressure Vessels 31. Reports - Progress - Construction 32. Reports - Treasurer of State 33. Requisitions 34. Room Contract Cancellations 35. Rosselot, Max B. - Registrar 36. Q-R Miscellaneous 37. Sales Tax 38. Charles Schuler - Director of Admissions 39. Senate Bill 458 40. Amended Substitute Senate Bill 468 41. Shrider, Richard G. - Director of Intercollegiate Athletics 42. Shriver, Phillip R. - Cabinet Meetings 43. Shriver, Phillip R. 44. Shouthard, Jack - Director of Computer Center 45. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 46. Spitler, Guy - Director, Student Aid 47. State Teachers Retirement System

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Stocks-W,X,Y,Z and Miscellaneous; 1967-68; Box 60 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB242 Barcode 814840206 i41139513 Barcode 35054027415559 Files: 1. Stocks - Selling and Buying 2. Students Visit to Faculty Homes 3. Sturgeon, James - Bursar 4. Summer Registration for Freshmen 5. Summer Research 6. Supervisor's Safety Training Program 7. S Miscellaneous 8. Thesken, Dean Earl V. - Educational Services 9. Telephones 10. Travel - Out-of-State 11. T Miscellaneous 12. University Calendar 13. University Club 14. U-V Miscellaneous 15. Vacations 16. Vending Machines 17. Vending Machine Operations 18. Vornbrock, Lt. Col. Walter G. - AFROTC 19. Wilson, Charles Ray - Vice President, Academic Affairs 20. Wind Tunnel 21. Woodruff, R. Fred 22. Wright State University 23. Wright, H. Bunker - Dean, Graduate School 24. Young, Virgini R. - Supervisor, Data Processing 25. Younts, Robert - Director, Aviation Services 26. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Airport-School of Education; 1968-69; Box 61 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB243 Barcode 814871104 i41139537 Barcode 35054027415567

Files: 1. Airport Zoning Regulations 2. Alban, William - University Book Store 3. Alden, David C. - Comptroller 4. Applicants 5. Archer, Oneal - Director of Physical Plant 6. Architects 7. Arts and Science 8. Associations - AAUP 9. Associations - Central Assocation of College and University Business Officers 10. Associations - Executive Committee of CAOCUBO 11. Associations - Executive Committee of CAOCUBO 12. Associations - National Association of College and University Business Officers 13. Associations - Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 14. Associations - Governing Board of Regents 15. Associations - North Central Association 16. Columbus Meeting - National Association of State Universities 17. Banks - The Citizens (Hamilton) 18. Banks - Fifth Third Union Trust 19. Banks - First National Bank of Cincinnati 20. Banks - First National Bank of Midletown 21. Banks - First National Bank of Hamilton 22. Banks - Provident Bank 23. Banks - Second National Bank of Hamilton 24. Banks - General 25. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 26. Board of Trustees 27. Bogard , Kenneth - Registrar 28. Bogner, Dean C. Neale 29. Bolivian Scholar 30. Bowers, Dean George 31. Bowling Green State University 32. Brown, Naomi - Dean of Women 33. Buckeye Boys State 34. Budget 35. Budget Adjustments 36. Budget - Capital 37. Business Administration, School of 38. Bystrom, Richard T. - Director of University Center 39. B Miscellaneous 40. Calendar - Uniform fro all State Universities 41. Candidates for Football Coach 42. Central State University 43. Charter Flight 44. Charter Flight 45. Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company 46. Cleveland State University 47. Commencements 48. Committees - Appeals (Traffice Penalties) 49. Committees - Faculty Welfare 50. Committees - Faculty Advisory Committee to Board of Regents 51. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 52. Committees - Library Advisory 53. Committees - Parking 54. Committees - Review Prcedures and Criteria for Promotion 55. Committees - Faculy Research 56. Committees - Student Senate 57. Committees - University Library 58. Committees - University Senate 59. Conference - Prologue to Plans for Conference on West Africa 60. Conferences and Conventions 61. Conrad, Arthur F., - Assistant Director of Campus Service 62. Crawford, Nolan - Assistant to the Comptroller 63. Cuningham, Dr. Donald E. - Director of Research 64. C Miscellaneous 65. Defense Supply Agency 66. Dolibois, John - Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs 67. Dome, John - Director, Audio Visual Services 68. D Miscellaneous 69. Education, School of

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Edwards, Wallace I.-Inter-University Council; 1968-69; Box 62 [11A-L-7B]

Files: 1. Edwards, Wallace I.- University Secretary 2. Elevator Accident - Ogden Hall 3. Erckson, Byron - Director of Residence Halls 4. Eteridge, Robert F. - Vice President for Student Affairs 5. E Miscellaneous 6. Fair Labor Standards Act 7. Federal CommunicationsCommission 8. Fees 9. Fee Waivers 10. Feldman, Maurice Case 11. Fine Arts, School of 12. Folker, Earl - Administrative Assistant 13. University of Dayton - November 9 14. F Miscellaneous 15. Geology Field Course 16. Geology Symposium - Primitive Earth 17. Gibbons, Harold - Assistant Comptroller 18. Gifts 19. Gifts 20. Gillette, John C. - Director of Finance 21. Globe (Shideler Hall) 22. The Raymond E. Glos Professorship in Business 23. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 24. Meetings with Business Office Leads 25. Haidet, Bud - Central Service 26. Hamilton Campus - Fund Raising 27. Hamilton Campus - General 28. Hannah Property 29. Henneberger, Marc W. - Director of Purchases 30. Higher Education Facilities Act 31. Hollingsworth, Dean William - Dean of Men 32. Hoster, Fred - Coordinator of Special Events 33. Housing and Urban Development 34. Huebschman, Robert - Internal Auditor 35. H Miscellaneous 36. Insurance - Equitable 37. Insurance - General 38. Insurance - Student Health 39. Insurance - University Property - Atkinson-Daksch 40. Inter-University Consortium for Political Research 41. Inter-University Council [3 folders]. 42. Gibbons, Harold Miami University Director of Financial Affairs, 1989-1993

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Inter-University Council-Ohio Auditor; 1968-69; Box 63 When searching for this box in Sierra FB245 Barcode 825170805 i41139562 Barcode 35054027415583 [SWORD] Files: 1. Inter-University Council 2. Investment Pool 3. Investments 4. Inventory 5. I Miscellaneous 6. Jackson, Edward W. - Personnel Director 7. Jaques, Martha - Audtor, Stdent Organizations 8. Job Descriptions 9. Kent State University 10. Kiplinger Washington Report 11. K Miscellaneous 12. H.P. 783 13. Legislations 14. Legislative Service Commission 15. Library Report 16. Limper, Karl E. - Dean, Arts and Science 17. L - Miscellaneous 18. Miami Fund 19. Miami University Summer Theatre 20. Miami Symposium on Social Behavior of 1968 21. Middletown Campus - Fund Raising 22. Middletown Campus - General 23. Miller, Wallace - Security 24. Moeckel, Bill - Dean of Business Administration 25. Motor Pool 26. M Miscellaneous 27. N Miscellaneous 28. Office of Education 29. Ohio Board of Regents - Facility Planning 30. Ohio Board of Regents - Meetings 31. Ohio Board of Regents - Reports 32. Ohio Board of Regents - General 33. Ohio Chamber of Commerce 34. Ohio ETV Network Commission 35. Ohio, State of - Attorney General 36. Auditor of State 37. Ohio, State of - Auditor

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Ohio/Department of Education-Sturgeon, James, Bursar; 1968-69; Box 64 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB246 Barcode 825171001 i41139598 Barcode 35054027415591 Files: 1. Ohio, State of - Department of Education 2. Ohio, State of - Department of Finance 3. Ohio, State of - Secretary of State 4. Ohio, State of - Department of Personnel 5. Ohio State University 6. Ohio University 7. Oxford, Village of 8. O Miscellaneous 9. Payrolls 10. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 11. Personnel Action 12. Polasky, Connie - Publications Editor 13. Public Employees Retirement System 14. Pulp and Paper Foundation 15. P Miscellaneous 16. Questionnaires 17. Reports - Cash Flow Estimates 18. Reports- Progress, Construction 19. Reports - Treasurer of State 20. Annual Report - Physical Plant 21. Requisitions 22. Romm Contract Cancellations 23. O and R Miscellaneous 24. Sales Tax 25. Schuler, Charles R. - Admission Director 26. Shrider, Richard G. - Director, Intercollegiate Athletics 27. President's Advisory Committee 28. Shriver, President Phillip R. - Cabinet Meetings 29. Shriver, Phillip R. 30. Slater School and College Services 31. Stocks - Selling and Buying 32. Southard, Jack - Director of Computer Center 33. Spitler, Guy - Director of Student Aid 34. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 35. State Issue No. 1 36. State Teachers Retirement System 37. Sturgeon, James - Bursar

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Summer Regulations-W,X,Y,Z and Miscellaneous; 1968-69; Box 65 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB247 Barcode 823660911 i41139604 Barcode 35054027415609 Files: 1. Summer Registration for Freshmen 2. S Miscellaneous 3. Travel Out-of-State 4. Telephones 5. T Miscellaneous 6. Undergraduate Fellowships 7. University Calendar 8. U-V Miscellaneous 9. Vacations 10. Wilson, Dr. Charles Ray - Vice President for Academic Affairs 11. Woodruff, R. Fred 12. Wright, Dean H. Bunker 13. Wright Sate Campus 14. Xerox Study 15. Young, Virginia - Supervisor of Data Processing 16. Younts, Robert C. - Director of Aviation Service 17. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files; 1969-70; Box 66 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB248 Barcode 825171304 i4113963x Barcode 35054027415617 Files: 1. Alden, David C. - Comptroller 2. Applicants 3. Applied Science, School of 4. Archer, Oneal - Director of Physical Plant 5. Arts and Science, College of 6. CACUBO Trip to Houston (April 27-30) 7. Associations - CACUBO (1967-68) 8. Associations - CACUBO (1969-70) 9. Associations - CACUBO (1969-70) 10. Associations - Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 11. Associations - AAUP 12. Associations - Governing Boards 13. Associations - Universities and Land Grant Colleges 14. All MAC Schools 15. Athletic Advisory Committee 16. Auer, Charles - Budget Directo 17. Balsinger, Hugh C. - Resident State Examiner 18. Bank - Fifth Third Union Trust Company 19. Bank - First National Bank of Cincinnati 20. Bank - Provident 21. Bank - Second National Bank of Hamilton 22. Barron, Dean George F. - Fine Arts 23. Board of Trustees 24. Bogard, Kenneth, Registrar 25. Bowers, Dean George - School of Applied Science 26. Bowling Green State University 27. Brown, Dean Naomi - Dean of Women 28. Budget 29. Budget Adjustments 30. Business, School of 31. Bystrom, Richard T. - Director, University Center 32. Cenral State University 33. Charter Flight 34. Churchwell, Dr. Charles D. - Director of Library 35. Commencements and Convocations

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Commission on Student Participation-Miami University Foundation; 1969-70; Box 67 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB249 Barcode 825171302 i41139641 Barcode 35054027415625 Files: 1. Commission on Student Participation in University Life 2. Committees - Ad Hoc on Human Relations 3. Committees - Faculty Research 4. Committees - Faculty Welfare 5. Committees - Library Advisory 6. Cooperative Project in Religion in Higher Education 7. Crawford, Nolan G. - Asistant to Comptroller 8. Credit Union 9. C Miscellaneous 10. Dolibois, John - Vice President Alumni Affairs and Development 11. Dome, John - Directo of Audio Vsual Service 12. D Miscellaneous 13. Education, School of 14. Erickson, Byron - Director of Resdence Halls 15. Eteridge, Robert F. - Vice President for Student Affairs 16. Faculty Workload 17. Fees 18. Fee Waivers 19. Folker, Earl D. - Administrative Assistant 20. F Miscellaneous 21. Geology Field Trip 22. Gifts 23. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 24. Haidet, Bud 25. Hamilton Campus - Fund Raising 26. Hamilton Campus - General 27. Henneberger, Mar - Director of Purchases 28. Huebschman, Robert - Internal Auditor 30. Hullar, Carl Robert - AFROTC 31. H Miscellaneous 32. Insurance- Equitable 33. Insurance - Student Health 34. Insurance - Student Health 35. Insurance - General 36. Insurance - University Property 37. IUC - Meeting 38. Inter-University Council 39. Inventory 40. Investments 41. Jackson, Edward A. - Director of Personnel 42. Jaques, Martha, Auditor, Student Organizations 43. Kent State University 44. Legislature 45. Limper, Karl - Dean, Arts and Science 46. L Miscellaneous 47. Miami University Foundation

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Miami Fund-W,X,Y,Z and Younts, Robert; 1969-70; Box 68 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB250 Barcode 825171307 i41139665 Barcode 35054027415633 Files: 1. Miami Fund 2. Middletown Campus - Fund Raising 3. Middletown Campus - General 4. Miller, Wallace - Security 5. Motor Pool 6. M Miscellaneous 7. Ohio Board of Regents - General 8. Ohio Board of Regents - Reports 9. Ohio, State of - Auditor of State 10. Ohio, State of - Department of Public Works 11. Ohio State University 12. Ohio University 13. Oxford Planning Commission 14. Oxford Economic Development Committee 15. Oxford, Village of 16. O Miscellaneous 17. Payrolls 18. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company 19. Personnel Action 20. Public Employees Retirement System 21. Questionnaires 22. RCA Proposal 23. Requisitions 24. Room Contract Cancellations 25. Scholarships - Alumni Awards 26. Schuler, Charles R. - Director of Admissions 27. Security Survey 28. Self-Determined Hours in Residence Halls 29. Mr. Lloyd Goggin - Vice President 30. Shrider, Richard G. - Director of Intercollegiate Athletics 31. Shriver, Phillip R. - President 32. Shriver, Phillip R. - Cabinet Meetings 33. Shriver, Phillip R. - Advisory Council 34. Shuttle Service Between Branch Campuses 35. Slover, William - University Secretary 36. Southard, Jack - Director of Computer Center 37. Spitler, Guy - Director of Student Aid 38. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 39. State Teachers Retirement System 40. Stephenson, H. H., Coordinator of Student Housing 41. Stocks - Selling and Buying 42. Student Visits to Faculty Holmes 43. Sturgeon, James P. - Bursar 44. S Miscellaneous 45. Tax Deferred Annuity Plan 46. Travel - Out-of-State 47. Wilson, Charles Ray - Vice President for Academic Affairs 48. Wilson, Douglas - Director of Alumni Affairs 49. Wolverton, Robert E. - Dean of Graduate School 50. Wright State University 51. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous 52. Younts, Robert - Director of Aviation Services

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Alden-Committees; 1970-71; Box 69 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB251 Barcode 814880707 i41140576 Barcode 35054027415641 Files: 1. Alden, David C. - Comptroller 2. Archer, Oneal 3. Arts and Science, College of 4. CACUBO Investment Workshop 5. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 6. CACUBO 7. CACUBO - Auditing, Nominating, and Resolution Committees 8. Executive Committee Minutes 9. CACUBO Newsletters 10. CACUBO - February 21-23, Ann Arbor 11. CACUBO - Speeches and Program 12. Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers 13. NACUBO Meeting, June 20-22 14. NACUBO 15. National Association of College and University Business Officers 16. NACUBO 17. NACUBO - April 25-27, Austin 18. Western Association of College and University Business Officers 19. Associations - Governing Board 20. Associations - Ohio College 21. National Assocation of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 22. Associations - General 23. Athletic Supervisory Board 24. Auer, Charles - Budget Analyst 25. A Miscellaneous 26. Fifth Third Bank 27. Provident Bank 28. First National Bank of Cincinnati 29. Banks - General 30. Bogard, Kenneth 31. Bowers, George, Dean 32. Bowling Green State University 33. Brown, David - Vice President for Academic Affairs 34. Brown, Naomi 35. Board of Trustees 36. Council of Deans - Agendas 37. Traffic Appeals Committee 38. University Parking Committee

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Budget-Insurance; 1970-71; Box 70 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB252 Barcode 814900802 i41140588 Barcode 35054027415658 Files: 1. Budget 2. Capital 3. Business Admiistration, School of 4. Bystrom, Richard T. 5. B Miscellaneous 6. Central State University 7. Charter Flight 8. Cincinnati, University of 9. Salmon P. Chase Law School 10. Churchwell, Charles 11. Commencements, Convocations 12. Faculty Research Committee 13. Computer Advisory Committee 14. Computer Center - Organization 15. Computer Center 16. Budget Advisory Council 17. C Miscellaneous 18. Dolibois, John 19. Dome, John - Director of Audio-Visual Service 20. Education, School of 21. Erickson, Byron 22. Etheridge, Robert F. 23. Fee Waivers 24. Fine Arts, School of 25. Folker, Earl D. - Administrative Assistant 26. Football Requests 27. Geology Field Camp 28. Chicago Trip 29. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 30. Goggin, Lloyd - Staff Meetings 31. Haidet, Bud 32. Hallas, Gerald E. 33. Hamilton Campus 34. Hartle, Maurice C. 35. Henneberger, Marc 36. Hollingsworth, William 37. Howard, Robert T. 38. Huebschman, Robert 39. H Miscellaneous 40. Insurance - Student Health 41. Insurance - General 42. Insurance - University Property

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Housing Contracts-Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company; 1970-71; Box 71 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB253 Barcode 8251700504 i41140606 Barcode 35054027415666 Files: 1. Housing Contracts 2. Inter-University Council 3. Investments 4. Jackson, Edward A. 5. Jaques, Martha 6. Kent State University 7. K Miscellaneous 8. L Miscellaneous 9. McDowell, Kenneth - Black Student Affairs 10. Middletown Campus 11. Miller, Wallace 12. Moeckel, Bill R. - Dean 13. Motor Pool 14. M Miscellaneous 15. Ohio - Attorney General 16. Ohio Board of Regents Meetings 17. Ohio Board of Regents - Genera 18. Ohio, State of - Department of Education 19. Ohio, State of - Governor's Office 20. Ohio, State of - Department of Personnel 21. Ohio, State of - Secretary of State 22. Ohio State University 23. Ohio University 24. Oxford, Village of 25. O Miscellaneousx 26. Payrolls 27. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Personnel Action-X,Y,Z and Miscellaneous; 1970-71; Box 72 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB254 Barcode 814890806 i41140643 Barcode 35054027415674 Files: 1. Personnel Action 2. Pubc Employees Retirement System 3. Questionnaires 4. Report, Financial - to the Board of Trustees 5. Report, Treasurer of State 6. Requisitions 7. Rowan Hall 8. R Miscellaneous 9. Management Semiar, February 25-26 10. Schuler, Charles R., Director 11. Shrider, Richard G. 12. Shriver, Phillip R. - Cabinet Meetings 13. Shriver, Phillip R. 14. Slover, William 15. Southard, Jack - Director 16. Spitler, Guy D. 17. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 18. State Teachers Retirement System 19. Stephenson, H. H. 20. Stocks - Buying and Selling 21. Student Unrest 22. Sturgeon, James P, - Bursar 23. Supervisory Management Training Program 24. Sigma Chi Fraternity 25. S Miscellaneous 26. Tax Deferred Annuities 27. Theskin, Earl V. 28. T Miscellaneous 29. USO Tour 30. Wilson, Douglas 31. Witt, William Stedmar 32. Wolverton, Robert 33. Woodruff, R. Fred 34. Wright State University 35. Younts, Robert - Director 36. W, X, Y, Z

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Alden-Instructions; 1971-72; Box 73 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB255 Barcode 814900708 i41140680 Barcode 35054027415682 Files: 1. Alden, David C. 2. Archer, Oneal 3. Arts and Science, College of 4. Associations - AAVP 5. Associations - Central Association of College and University Business Officers 6. Associations - CACVBO Workshop 7. Associations - CAACVBO - Executive Officers 8. Associations - NACBO July 8-12, Denver 9. Associations - Ohio College Association 10. Associations - General 11. Athletic Advisory Board 12. A Miscellaneous 13. Balsinger, Hugh 14. Banks - Fifth-Third 15. Banks - Provident 16. Banks - First National, Cincinnati 17. Banks - First National, Hamilton 18. Banks - General 19. Barron, George 20. Board of Trustees 21. Bogard, Kenneth 22. Brown, David G. 23. Brown, Naomi 24. Budget Advisory Council 25. Budget Hearings 26. Bystrom, Richard T. 27. B Miscellaneous 28. Churchwell, Charles 29. Cleveland State University 30. College Book Service 31. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 32. Committees - Faculty Welfare 33. Committees - University Parking 34. Committees - Traffic Appeals 35. Credit Union 36. C Miscellaneous 37. Dolibois, John 38. D Miscellaneous 39. East Quad Recreation Center 40. Emergency Planning - Skipper (Chairman)(Disturbances and Unrest) 41. Erickson, Byron 42. Etheridge, Robert F. 43. E Miscellaneous 44. Food Service Scheduling Study 45. F Miscellaneous 46. Goggin, Lloyd - Bank Board Meeting, Torch Club, February 28 Miscellaneous, including Security Reports, August 1971 47. G Miscellaneous 48. Hamilton Campus 49. Henneberger, Marc. 1219 50. Howard, Robert T. 51. Huebschman, Robert 52. IBM - International Business Machines 53. Institute for Environmental Sciences 54. Insurance - General 55. Insurance - Student Health 56. Insurance - University Property 57. Instructions and Procedures [Work Simplification; ADP situation]

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Inter-University Council-Ohio Board of Regents; 1971-72; Box 74 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB256 Barcode 814851007 i41140709 Barcode 35054027415690 Files: 1. Inter-University Council 2. Inter-University Council 3. Inventory 4. Investment Pool 5. Jackson, Edward A. 6. Jacobs Company, Inc. Managemen Consultants (Security) 7. Legislation (1970-71) 8. Legislation (1971-72) 9. Legislative Hearings 10. Legislative Service Commission 11. Luxembourg Program 12. L Miscellaneous 13. Middletown Campus 14. Miller, Wallace 15. Moeckel, Bill 16. Motor Pool 17. M Miscellaneous 18. Obscene Publications by Students (1969-70) 19. Oceanographic and Biological Sciences/Field Station in Florida 20. Ohio - Attorney General 21. Ohio - Department of Personnel 22. Ohio - Board of Regents 23. Ohio Board of Regents II 24. Ohio Board of Regents III 25. Ohio Board of Regents IV 26. Ohio Board of Regents

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Ohio Board of Regents-Student Affairs; 1971-72; Box 75 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB257 Barcode 814840401 i41140734 Barcode 35054027415708 Files: 1. Ohio Board of Regents - General 2. Ohio State University 3. Oxford, Village of 4. O Miscellaneous 5. Parking (1969-70) 6. Payrolls 7. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company 8. Personnel Action 9. Public Employees Retirement System 10. P Miscellaneous 11. Questionnaires 12. Reports - Annual (1964-65) 13. Reports - Annual, Financial (1967-68) 14. Reports - Annual, Financial (1968-69) 15. Reports - Annual, Financial (1969-70) 16. Reports - Annual (1965-66) 17. Reports - Annual (1966-67) 18. Report - Annual to the President (1968-69) 19. Requisitions 20. Schuler, Charles R. 21. Shrider, Richard 22. Shriver, Phillip R. 23. Cabinet Meetings 24. For Cabinet Meetings 25. Slover, William 26. Southard, Jack 27. Spitler, Guy D. 28. Squire, Sanders and Dempsey 29. State Teachers Retirement System 30. Stephenson, H. H. 31. Stocks - Buying and Selling 32. Student Affairs - Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Sturgeon, James-Younts, Robert; 1971-72; Box 76 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB258 Barcode 815061307 i41140758 Barcode 35054027415716 Files: 1. Sturgeon, James 2. Summer Research Appointments 3. Tax Deferred Annuities 4. Thesken, Earl V. 5. Toledo, University of 6. Travel - Out-of-State 7. Witt, Sted (ASO) 8. Wolverton, Robert 9. Wright State University 10. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous 11. Younts, Robert

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Academy-Associations/NACUBO; 1972-73; Box 77 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB259 Barcode 814851208 i41140771 Barcode 35054027415724 Files: 1. Academy for Educational Development 2. Ace Academic Adminstration Intern 3. Archer, Oneal 4. Arts and Science 5. Airport Improvements 6. Alden, David C. 7. Associations - AAUP 8. Associations - ACE 9. Associations - Governing Board 10. Associations - Governing Board 11. Associations - CACUBO 12. Associations - CACUBO 13. Associations - NACUBO Aims and Objectives Committee 14. Associations - NACUBO Membership Committee 15. Associations - NACUBO New York 16. Associations - NACUBO Board of Directors 17. Associations - NACUBO September 17-18 18. Associations - NACUBO October 12-13 19. Associations - NACUBO Board Meeting December 9-10 20. Associations - NACUBO

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Associations/- Computer SWORC; 1972-73; Box 78 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB260 Barcode 814851102 i41140837 Barcode 35054027415732 File: 1. Associations - NACUBO 2. Associations - NACUBO - Budget and Finance 3. Associations - NACUBO - Board Meeting 4. Associations - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 5. Assocations - OACUBO 6. Associations - OACUBO 7. Associations - Ohio College 8. Associations - Southwestern Butler County Water 9. Athletic Advisory Board 10. A Miscellaneous 11. Bachelor Estate 12. Banks - Provident 13. Banks - First National - Cincinnati 14. Banks - First National - Hamilton 15. Banks - Fifth Third 16. Banks - General 17. Board of Trustees 18. Bogard, Kenneth 19. Bowers, George 20. Bowling Green 21. Brown, David G. 22. Capital Improvement Budget 23. Building Use 24. Business Administration 25. Bystrom, Richard 26. B Miscellaneous 27. Calendar 28. Charter Flight 29. Civil Rights 30. Cleveland State 31. Clinton County Air Force Base 32. Commencements 33. Committees - Academic Space and Planning Utilization 34. Committees - Environmental Quality 35. Committees - Faculty Welfare 36. Committees - Residence Halls Advisory Committee 37. Committees - Faculty Research 38. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 39. Committees - Parking 40. Committees - Search Committee 41. Committees - Stdent Senate 42. Computer SWORC

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Councils-Insurance; 1972-73; Box 79 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB261 Barcode 825171108 i41140850 Barcode 35054027415740 Files: 1. Councils - Administrative Council 2. Councils - Budget Advisory 3. Councils - Executive 4. Councils - Inter-University 5. Councils - Inter-Universiity 6. Councils - Inter-Unversity - Fiscal Officers 7. Councils - Student Affairs Council 8. Councils - University Council 9. C Miscellaneous 10. Doctoral Programs 11. Doctoral Programs 12. Dolibois, John 13. Dome, John 14. D Miscellaneous 15. School of Education 16. Erikson, Byron 17. Etheridge, Robert 18. Fees 19. Fee Waivers 20. School of Fine Arts 21. F Miscellaneous 22. Goggin, Lloyd - General 23. Staff Meetings 24. Midwestern Educational Finance Conference 25. Financial Crisis Conference 26. Goggin, Lloyd - Rotary 27. Goggin, Lloyd - Torch 28. G Miscellaneous 29. Hallas, Gerald E. 30. Hamilton Campus 31. Henneberger, Marc 32. Hollingsworth, William 33. Huebschman, Robert 34. H Miscellaneous 35. IZBM 36. Insurance - University Property 37. Insurance - Student Health 38. Insurance - General

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Inventory-Ohio Board of Regents; 1972-73; Box 80 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB262 Barcode 825171301 i41140862 Barcode 35054027415757 Files: 1. Inventory 2. Investments 3. I Miscellaneous 4. Jackson, Edward A. 5. J Miscellaneous 6. Kent State 7. Kinder, Charles 8. Legislative Service Commission 9. Legislation 10. Legal Actions 11. Library 12. London Architecture Program 13. London Architecture Program 14. Luxembourg Center 15. Luxembourg 16. Luxembourg Center 17. L Miscellaneous 18. Miami University Foundation 19. Miami Western Cooperation Program 20. Middletown Campus 21. Miller, Wallace 22. Misue of Facilities 23. Motor Pool 24. M Miscellaneous 25. Newspaper Clippings 26. N Miscellaneous 27. Ohio Board of Regents I 28. Ohio Board of Regents II 29. Ohio Board of Regents III

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Ohio/Attorney General-Task Force; 1972-73; Box 81 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB263 Barcode 825170401 i41140886 Barcode 35054027415765 Files: 1. Ohio - Attorney General 2. Ohio Bureau of Employment Services 3. Ohio Department of Finance 4. Ohio Governor's Office 5. Ohio Student Advisory Board 6. Ohio Department of Personnel 7. Ohio Secretary of State 8. Ohio State University 9. Ohio University 10. O Miscellaneous 11. Payrolls 12. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company 13. Personnel Action 14. Phelps, Bernard 15. Public Employees Retirement System 16. Pulp and Paper Foundation 17. Pulp and Paper Foundation 18. P Miscellaneous 19. Questionnaire 20. Reese, Jane L. 21. Reports - Annual 22. Reports - Financial 23. Reports - Annual Financial 24. Reports - Cash Flow 25. Reports - Housing, Men's 26. Reports - Housing, Women's 27. Reports - Registrar 28. Reports - Treasurer of State 29. Requisitions 30. Residence Credit Center and Summer Session 31. R Miscellaneous 32. Sabbatical Leaves 33. Schuler, Charles 34. Seminars 35. Shrider, Richard 36. Shriver, Phillip - President 37. Shriver - Advisory Board 38. Shriver - Cabinet Meetings 39. Slover, William 40. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 41. State Teachers Retirement System 42. Stocks - Buying and Selling 43. Sturgeon, James 44. Student Unrest 45. Summer Registration of Freshmen 46. Summer Research Appointments 47. S Miscellaneous 48. Task Force

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Tax Deferred Annuities-W,X,Y,Z; 1972-73; Box 82 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB264 Barcode 823660910 i41140898 Barcode 35054027415807 Files: 1. Tax Deferred Annuities 2. Toledo, University of 3. Transcripts 4. T Miscellaneous 5. U-V Miscellaneous 6. Wright State University 7. Witt, Sted 8. Younts, Robert 9. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Academy for Educational Development-Associations/NACUBO; 1973-74; Box 83 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB265 Barcode 814861005 i41140916 Barcode 35054027415773 Files: 1. Academy for Educational Development 2. Archer, Oneal - Director of Physical Plant 3. Architects 4. Alden, David C. Director of Financial Affairs 5. Alumni Weekend 6. Applicants 7. Applied Science - George Bowers 8. Associations - Centeral Association of College and University Business Officers 9. Associations - CACUBO 10. Associations - CACUBO - Executive Meeting 11. Associations - Governing Board 12. Associations - NACUBO - Annual Meeting 13. Associations - NACUBO 14. Associations - NACUBO - Manual 15. Associations - NACUBO - Regional Officers 16. Associations - NACUBO 17. Associations - NACUBO 18. Associations - NACUBO - Workshops 19. Associations - NACUBO - Governmental Relations

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Associations/NACUBO-Civil Defense; 1973-74; Box 84 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB266 Barcode 814861006 i41140928 Barcode 35054027415781 Files: 1. Associations - NACUBO Board Meeting 2. Associations - NASULGC 3. Associations - Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 4. Associations - Ohio College 5. Associations - General 6. Associations - National Association of State University and Land Grant Colleges 7. Athletic Advisory Board 8. A Miscellaneous 9. Banks - City National Bank and Trust Company 10. Banks - Provident 11. Banks - General 12. Bennett, . Eugene - Director of Middletown Campus 13. Board of Trustees 14. Bogard, Kenneth - Registrar 15. Bowling Green State University 16. Brown, David G. - Academic Affairs 17. Budget 18. Budget - Capital Improvements 19. Budget 20. Budget 21. Budget - Various Items 22. Budget - Hamilton 23. Business, School of 24. Bystrom - Director of University Center 25. B Miscellaneous 26. Charter Flight 27. Charles D. Churchwell - Assistant Provost 28. Cincinnati, University of 29. Civil Defense 30. Civil Defense (1954-62) 31. Civil Defense (1966-72)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Cleveland State University-Insurance; 1973-74; Box 85 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB267 Barcode 814870702 i4114093x Barcode 35054027415799 Files: 1. Cleveland State University 2. Commencements, Convocations 3. Committees - Environmental Quality 4. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 5. Committees - Mission Statement Committee 6. Committees - Residence Halls Advisory 7. Committees - Search Committee 8. Committees - Traffic Appeals 9. Committees - University Parking 10. Consolidated Computer Center 11. Computer Center SWORC 12. Computer Center SWORC 13. Computer Center SWORC 14. Computer Services Advisory Committee 15. Computer Center SWORC 16. Computer Center 17. Computer Center SWORC 18. Council - Administrative 19. Council - Budget Advisory 20. Committee - Western College Student Transfer 21. C Miscellaneous 22. Departmental Decision Parameters and Variables 23. Dolibois, John - Vice President o Developmen and Alumni Affairs 24. D Miscellaneous 25. East Quad Recreation Center 26. Erickson, Byron - Residence Halls 27. Etheridge, Robert - Vice President of Student Affairs 28. Executive Office of the President 29. E Miscellaneous 30. F Miscellaneous 31. Gibbons, Harold - Comptroller 32. Goggin, Lloyd - Vice President of Finance and Business Affairs 33. Goggin, Lloyd - Rotary 34. Goggin, Lloyd - Trip to Luxembourg and Russia 35. G Miscellaneous 36. Hallas, Gerald E. - Commanding Officer - Air Force 37. Hamilton Campus 38. Hange, Robert Clayton 39. Henneberger, Marc - Director of Purchases 40. Howard, Robert T. - Director of Public Information 41. Huebschman, Robert - Internal Auditor 42. H Miscellaneous 43. IBM 44. Durham Life Insurance Company 45. Insurance - Student Health 46. Insurance - University Property 47. Insurance - General

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Inter-University Council-Ohio Board of Regents; 1973-74; Box 86 [11A-L-7A] Files: 1. Inter-University Council 2. Inter-University Council 3. Investment Management Committe 4. Investment Reports 5. Inventory 6. Investments 7. I Miscellaneous 8. Jackson, Edward A. - Director of Personnel 9. Kent State University 10. Kinder, Charles R. - Director of Student Aid 11. K Miscellaneous 12. Legislation 13. Legislative Representatives 14. Luxembourg 15. Miami-Western Merger 16. Middletown Campus Bookstore 17. Middletown Campus 18. Miller, Wallace - Director of Security 19. Moeckel, Bill R. - Dean, School of Business 20. Motor Pool 21. M Miscellaneous 22. Newspaper Clippings 23. N Miscellaneous 24. Oehlerts, Donald - Director of Libraries 26. Ohio Board of Regents I 27. Ohio Board of Regents II 28. Ohio Board of Regents III 29. Ohio Board of Regents IV 30. Ohio Board of Regents - Fuel Oil Reports

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Ohio Attorney General-Requisitions; 1973-74; Box 87 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB26 Barcode 814840408 i2616095x Barcode 35054014306670 Files: 1. Ohio - Attorney General 2. Ohio - Auditor of State 3. Ohio - Bureau of Motor Vehicles 4. Ohio - Bureau of Motor Vehicles 5. Ohio - Civil Service Study Comission 6. Ohio - Ohio Controlling and Emergency Board 7. Ohio - Controlling Board Requests 8. Ohio - Controlling Board Requests 9. Ohio - Controlling Board (1967-68) 10. Ohio - Controlling Board (1968-69) 11. Ohio - Controlling Board (1969-70) 12. Ohio - Controlling Board (1970-71) 13. Ohio - Controlling Board (1971-72) 14. Ohio - Controlling Board (1972-73) 15. Ohio - Governor's Office 16. Ohio - Department of Personnel 17. Ohio State University 18. Ohio University 19. O Miscellaneous 20. Parking 21. Parking and Traffic Study 22. Payrolls 23. Personnel Actions 24. Peterson, Spiro - Dean, Graduate School and Research 25. Phelps, Bernard - Director of Hamilton Campus 26. Public Employees Retirement System 27. Pulp and Paper Foundation 28. P Miscellaneous 29. Questionnaires 30. Rental Property 31. Rental Property 32. Reports - Housing, Men 33. Reports - Housing, Women 34. Reports - Treasurer of State 35. Requisitions

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Roundhill Conference Center-W,X,Y,Z, and Miscellaneous; 1973-74; Box 88 [11A-L-4C] Files: 1. Roundhill Conference Center 2. Roundhill Conference Center 3. Schuler, Charles R. - Director of Admissions 4. Sherman, Robert - Residence Credit Centers 5. Shrider, Richard G. - Director of Intercollegiate Athletics 6. Shriver, President Phillip R. 7. Cabinet Meetings 8. Advisory Board 9. Slover, William - University Secretary 10. Spohn, Charles - Dean of School of Fine Arts 11. State Teachers' Retirement System 12. Stephenson, H. H. - Student Housing 13. Stocks - Buying and Selling 14. Sturgeon, James P. - Bursar 15. S Miscellaneous 16. Tappan Hall Damage Claims 17. Task Force 18. Tax Deferred Annuities 19. Toledo, University of 20. Travel, Out-of-State 21. T Miscellaneous 22. Vacations 23. Vacations (1971-72) 24. Vacations (1970-71) 25. Vacations (1969-70) 26. Visitation 27. U-V Miscellaneous 28. Witt, Stemdan - Systems Analyst 29. Williamson, C. K. - Dean of College of Arts and Science 30. Younts Robert - Director of Aviation Services 31. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Academy-American Association of University Professors; 1974-75; Box 89 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB271 Barcode 825170604 i41141939 Barcode 35054027415849

Office Files, 1974-75 Academy-American Association of University Professors

Files: 1. Academy for Educational Development 2. Accreditation Review 3. Affirmative Action (1973-74 January-June) 4. Affirmative Action (1973-74 July-December) 5. Affirmative Action - Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement 6. Alumni Weekend 7. Alden, David C. 8. Archer, Oneal 9. Architects 10. Ad Hoc Committee on Appropriate Procedures, Responsibilities, Arttist Series, Concerts, Pro. Board, etc. 11. American Association of University Professors.

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Artists Series-Committees/SWORCC; 1974-75; Box 90 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB272 Barcode 825170605 i41141052 Barcode 35054027415856 Files: 1. Artists Series 2. Associations - National Assocation of College and University Attorneys 3. Associations - National Association of College and University Business Officers 4. Associations - National Association of College and University Business Officers 5. Associations - National Association of College and University Business Officers 6. Associations - NASULGC 7. Associations - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 8. Associations - Central Association of College and University Business Officers 9. Associations - Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 10. Associations - Ohio College 11. Associations - General 12. Athletic Advisory Board 13. A Miscellaneous 14. Banks - Fifth-Third 15. Banks - Provident 16. Banks - Other 17. Bennett, C. Eugene 18. Bogner, C. Neale 19. Bowers, George 20. Board of Trustees 21. Bogard, Kenneth 22. Brown, David G. 23. Brown, David G/. 24. Budget 25. Budget 26. Bystrom, Richard 27. Calendar 28. Circus (1973) 29. Citizen's Task Force on Higher Education 30. Commencements and Convocations 31. Committees - Computer Policy 32. Committees - SWORCC

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Committees-Insurance; 1974-75; Box 91 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB273 Barcode 825170208 i41141076 Barcode 35054027415864 Files: 1. Committees - Faculty Research (1973-74) 2. Committees - Faculty Research (1974-75) 3. Committees - Residence Hall Advisory 4. Committees - Search Committee for New Assistant Provost for Instruction 5. Committees - Academic Space Planning and Utilization Committee 6. Committees - Traffic Appeals 7. Committee Assignments (1973-740 8. Planning Conference 9. Council - Student Affairs 10. C Miscellaneous 11. Dome, John 12. Dissertation Fellowship 13. Dolibois, John 14. D Miscellaneous 15. Erickson, Byron 16. Etheridge, Robert F. 17. E Miscellaneous 18. Faculty Fellowships for Summer 1974 19. Faculty Orientation (1973-74) 20. Fees (1973-74) 21. Fee Waivers (1973-74) 22. Field Audit of Academic Facilities 23. Food Service Operations, High Spot Review 24. Formal Gardens 25. F Miscellaneous 26. Garden Plots 27. Gibbons, Harold 28. Goggin, Lloyd - Notes and "Stuff" 29. Goggin, Lloyd 30. Hamilton Campus 31. Harp, Robert 32. Higher Education Facilities Act (1971-72) 33. Higher Education Facilities Act 34. Huebschman, Robrt 35. Hummel Property 36. H Miscellaneous 37. IBM 38. Insurance - Student Health 39. Insurance - General

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Inter-University Council-N; 1974-75; Box 92 [SWORD] When searchig for this box in Sierra FB274 Barcode 814881105 i41141106 Barcode 35054027415872 Files: 1. Inter-University Council Notes 2. Inter-University Councl - Ad Hoc Committee on Revision of IUC Constitution and By-Laws 3. Inter-University Council 4. Inter-University Council 5. Inventory 6. Investments 7. Jackson, Edward A. 8. J Miscellaneous 9. Kellogg Foundation 10. Key Punches 11. Kinder, Charles R. 12. K Miscellaneous 13. Lane Public Library 14. Lebanon Correctional Institute 15. Legislation 16. Lilly Endowment, Inc. 17. London Architecture Program 18. Luxembourg (European Study Center) 19. Luxembourg 20. L Miscellaneous 21. Matried Students (Advisory Staff in Residence Halls) 22. Miami University Foundation 23. Mid-American Conference 24. Middletown Campus 25. Middletown Campus - (Rathman and Goetz) 26. Middletown - H., O. Finkleman Fund 27. Middletown - Dave Finkleman Auditorium Endowment Fund 28. Miller, Wallace 29. Moeckel, Bill R. 30. Motor Pool 31. M Miscellaneous 32. Newspaper Clippings

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: O-Q; 1974-75; Box 93 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB275 Barcode 825170507 i4114112x Barcode 35054027415880 Files: 1. Ohio Board of Regents 1 2. Ohio Board of Regents 2 3. Ohio Board of Regents 3 4. Ohio Subsidy Formula Revision Advisory Committee 5. Ohio Civil Service Study Commission 6. Ohio Department of Finance 7. Ohio Legislative Budget Office 8. Ohio State University 9. OSHA Workshop 10. Oxford Transportation Study 11. Oxford, City of 12. Oxford, City of (1973-74) 13. Oxford Emergency Plan (Draft) 14. O Miscellaneous 15. Paths 16. Pay Increase 17. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell (1973-74) 18. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company 19. Peffer Park Destruction 20. Personnel Action 21. Peterson, Spiro 22. Pollution 23. Public Employees Retirement System 24. Pulp and Paper Foundation 25. Questionnaires

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: R-S; 1974-75; Box 94 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB276 Barcode 825171102 i41141155 Barcode 35054027415898 Files: 1. Reports - Financial 2. Reports - Financial (1973-74) 3. Annual Report (1970-71) 4. Annual Reports (1972) 5. Reports - Annual (1973) 6. Annual Reports (1973-74) 7. Annual Reports (1974-75) 8. Annual Reports (1974-75) 9. Annual Report of the Purchasing Department (1969-70) 10. Requests for Refunds of Deposits (1969-70) 11. Requisitions 12. Residency Status (continuing file) 13. Retail Credit Company 14. Room Deposits - Transferred or Refunded 15. R Miscellaneous 16. Schuler, Charles R. 17. Seminars 18. Sherman, Robert 19. Shrider, Richard G. 20. Shriver, Phillip R. 21. Shriver - Cabinet Meetings 22. Shriver - Cabinet 23. Slover, William 24. Spohn, Charles 25. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 26. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey (1973-74) 27. State Teachers Retirement System 28. Stocks, Buying and Selling 29. Student Communications Center 30. Student Health Service 31. Student Wage Rate 32. Sturgeon, James 33. Summer Registration of Freshmen (1973-74) 34. Summer Registration of Freshmen 35. S Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: T-Z; 1974-75; Box 95 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB277 Barcode 825170602 i41142093 Barcode 35054027415906 T-Z Files: 1. Tappan Hall 2. Task forces 3. Tax Deferred Annuities 4. Telephones (1970-71) 5. Unemployment Compensation - Gates McDonald 6. University Legislative Liaison 7. Vacations (1973-74) 8. White Roots of Peace 9. Wlliamson, C. K. 10. Witt Sted 11. Younts, Robert 12. U, V, W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A; 1975-76; Box 96 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB278 Barcode 825170503 i4114210x Barcode 35054027415914 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Academy for Educational Development 3. Architects 4. Artists Series 5. Arts and Science 6. Associations - CACUBO 7. Associations - NAU Attorneys 8. Associations - NACUBO 9. Associations - NASULGC Executive Committee 10. Associations - NASULGC Program (November 10-12, 1975, Houston, Tx) 11. Associations - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 12. Associations - NASULGC 13. Associations - NASULGC 14. Associations - Ohio College 15. Associations - General 16. Athletic Advisory Board 17. A Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: B-C; 1975-76; Box 97 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB279 Barcode 825170508 i141142135 Barcode 35054027415922 Files: 1. Banks 2. Bikeways 3. Board of Trustees 4. Budget 5. Business Adminstration 6. Butler County TB Advisory Committee 7. Commencements and Convocations 8. Committees - Bicentennial Committee 9. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 10. Committees - Opening of School Committee for September 1975 11. Committees - Faculty Research 12. Committees - Faculty Welfare Committee 13. Committees - Computer Policy Committee 14. Committees - Residence Hall Advisory Committee 15. Committees - Finance and Business Affairs Safety Committee 16. Committees - ID Cards (1969-70) 17. Computers SWORC 18. Computers SWORC 19. Computers SWORCD (September 10, 1965, King's Island) 20. C Miscellaneous 21. Development and Alumni Affairs 22. Early Semester 23. East End 24. Education 25. Electric Power 26. Emergency Warning 27. Energy 28. Energy Crisis 29. Enrollment Limitations

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: F-M; 1975-76; Box 98 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB280 Barcode 825170502 i4142159 Barcode 35054027415930 Files: 1. Faculty Orientation 2. Fees 3. Fine Arts 4. Folker, Earl 5. Gibbons, Harold - Institute for Educational Management 6. Goggin, Lloyd - Parents of the Year 7. Graduate School and Research 8. Graves, Terrance C. - Memorial 9. Hamilton Campus 10. Huebschman, Robert 11. H Miscellaneous 12. IBM 13. Income Tax, Village of Oxford 14. Insurance - General 15. Inter-University Council 16. Inter-University Council 17. Inter-University Council - Legislative Reports 18. Inventory 19. Investments 20. I Miscellaneous 21. Light Pole Accident (Di Giorgio) 22. Luxembourg Center 23. L Miscellaneous 24. Mid-American Conference 25. Middletown Campus 26. Motor Pool 27. Material Submitted by Naveen Mohan 28. M Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: N-P; 1975-76; Box 99 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB281 Barcode 825170501 i41142238 Barcode 35054027415948 Files: 1. NACUBO Annual Meeting Panelist 2. Newspaper Clippings 3. NROTC (Navy) 4. N Miscellaneous 5. Ohio Budget Hearings 6. Ohio - Attorney General 7. Ohio - Board of Regents 8. Ohio - Board of Regents 9. Ohio - Departtment of Finance - Controlling Board Requests 10. Ohio - Department of Finance - Controlling Board Requests 11. Ohio - Department of Finance - Controlling Board 12. Ohio - Governor 13. Oxford, City of 14. O Miscellaneous 15. Payrolls 16. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company 17. Procedures and Rules 18. Personnel 19. Personnel Action 20. Physical Plant 21. Post Office 22. Public Information 23. Purchasing 24. President - Phillip Shriver 25. President - Cabinet Meetings 26. Public Employment Retirement System 27. P Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Q-Z; 1975-76; Box 100 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB282 Barcode 814870307 i4114224 Barcode 35054027415955 Files: 1. Questionnaires 2. Registrar 3. Registration Procedures 4. Rental Property (continuous) 5. Reports- Annual 6. Requisitions 7. Residence Halls 8. Security 9. Shrider, Richard G. 10. Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey 11. State Teachers Retirement System 12. Stock - Buying and Selling 13. Student Aid 14. Summer Registration for Freshmen 15. Summer Sports Program 16. S Miscellaneous 17. Tax Deferred Annuities 18. T Miscellaneous 19. University Center 20. University Regional Broadcasting, Inc. 21. University Regional Broadcasting 22. U.S. State Route 27 23. Witt,Sted 24. Western Tennis Courts and Oxford Tennis Association

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-Collective Bargaining; 1976-77; Box 101 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB283 Barcode 825170403 i41142275 Barcode 35054027415963 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Accounting 3. Administrative Fellows Program 4. Admission 5. Admission - Requests. Problems, Etc. 6. Affirmative Action 7. Agency for International Development [AID] 8. Airport 9. Applicants 10. Applied Science 11. Proposed Aboretum (Cobbe and Wilson) 12. Architects 13. Arthur Andersen Professorship 14. Artists Series 15. Arts and Science 16. Associations - NAU Attorneys 17. Associations - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (March 2-3, Washington, D.C.) 18. Associations - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges 19. Associations - National Association of College and University Business Officers 20. Associations - General 21. Athletic Advisory Board 22. Auction 23. A Miscellaneous 24. Banks 25. Bicycles 26. Board of Trustees 27. Budget 28. Business Administration, School of 29. B Miscellaneous 30. Calendar 31. Collective Bargaining

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: College-H; 1976-77; Box 102 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB284 Barcode 825170402 i41142299 Barcode 35054027415971 College-H Files: 1. College-Level Examination Plan (CLEP) 2. College Entrance Examination Board 3. College Entrance Examination Board 4. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 5. Committees - Faculty Welfare 6. Computer Center - SWORCC 7. Computer Center - SWORCC Tax Status 8. Computer Center - Study of SWORCC Organizational Structure (Auer and Auble) 9. Computer Center Task Force Study 10. Computer Center - Bylaws - SWORCC Policy Committee 11. Conferences, Conventions, and Commencements 12. Continuing Education 13. Council of Academic Deans 14. Development and Alumni Affairs 15. Dissertation Fellowships 16. D Miscellaneous 17. Education, School of 18. Electric Power Usage 19. Electric Power Usage 20. Enrollment Limitations 21. Evans Scholars 22. Faculty Research Awards 23. Fees 24. Goggin, Lloyd 25. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 26. Graduate School 27. Hamilton Campus

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: I-N; 1976-77; Box 103 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB285 Barcode 825171308 i4114329 Barcode 35054027415989 Files: 1. IBM Corporation 2. IBM Contracts 3. Indians 4. Insurance - General 5. Intercollegiate Athletics 6. Intercollegiate Athletics - Summer Sports School - Haidet Meeting with President 7. Internal Auditor 8. Inter-University Council 9. Investments - New York Trip 10. Investments - Merrill Lynch Correspondence 11. Investments - Bernstein-Macaulay Inc. 12. Irwin, James (Leg. al Counsel) 13. I Miscellaneous 14. K Miscellaneous 15. Law School 16. Legislative Action 17. Libraries 18. Luxembourg Center 19. Miami Administrative Fellows 20. Miami Foundation 21. Miami Foundation - Needed for Meeting 22. Miami Fund 23. Middletown Campus 24. Motor Pool 25. Newspaper Clippings 26. Newspaper Clippings - U.C. Strike/General Hospital Strike 27. N Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: O-PR; 1976-77; Box 104 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB286 Barcode 814870705 i41142354 Barcode 35054027415997 Files: 1. Ohio - Attorney General 2. Ohio College Association 3. Ohio - Board of Regents 4. Ohio - Legislative Budget Office 5. Ohio Controlling Board Requests 6. Ohio - Governor's Office 7. Ohio Planning Conference (October 28-29, 1976, Roadway Inns, Columbus) 8. Ohio State University 9. Opening of Halls Committee 10. Oxford, City of 11. O Miscellaneous 12. Payrolls 13. Personnel, Department of 14. Personnel Action 15. Physical Plant 16. Physical Plant Memos from the President 17. Status of Projects 18. Physicals, Annual (Executive) 19. Post Doctoral Teaching Fellows 20. President's Cabinet Meetings 21. President Shriver

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Pu-U; 1976-77; Box 105 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB287 Barcode 825171004 i41142378 Barcode 35054027416003 Files: 1. Public Employee Retirement System 2. Pulp and Paper Foundation 3. Purchasing 4. P Miscellaneous 5. Questionnaires 6. Refrigerators 7. Registrar 8. Registration Certificates - Supervising Teachers [continuous] 9. Renovations (Minor) of Buildings 10. Rental Property 11. Reports - Financial 12. Requisitions 13. Resdence Halls 14. R Miscellaneous 15. Sabbaticals (Professional Leaves) 16. Scholar Leaves 17. Scholarships, War Orphan 18. Secretary of the University' 19. Security 20. State Teachers Retirement System 21. Student Affairs 22. Student Aid 23. SB. 74 (Sunshine Law) Public Meetings 24. Summer Registration of Freshmen 25. Summer Research Appointments 26. Summer School 27. S Miscellaneous 28. Tax Deferred Annuities 29. Telephones 30. Telephone Rate Increase 31. Travel (Out of State) 32. Travel Regulations 33. Undergraduate Fellowships 34. Unemployment Compensation 35. Unions 36. Unions 37. University Blood Bank 38. University Center

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: V-Z, Ice Arena and Other Construction; 1976-77; Box 106 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB288 Barcode 825171003 i41142408 Barcode 35054027310891 Files: 1. Vacations 2. Veterans Representation 3. Vivian, Jack (Various Memos) 4. Vivian, John (Jack) R. 5. Witt, Sted 6. Workmen's Compensation 7. Workmen's Compensation (1971-72) 8. Western College 9. V-W Miscellaneous 10. YMCA Youth in Government Program 11. Ice Arena - Committee on Policy Advisory, Program Development, and Schedule Coord. 12. Ice Rink Management 13. Ice Arena Change Orders 14. Ice Rink Drawings 15. Ice Rink 16. Proposed Ice Arena- Report of Subsurface Investigation 17. Ice Rink Pamphlets 18. ODA - Local Public Works Application Revised Applications Filed12/8/1976 19. ODA - Local Public Works Application Original Applications Filed 11/23/1976

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-B; 1977-78; Box 107 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB289 Barcode 8251170404 i41142421 Barcode 35054027310909 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Accounting 3. Administrative Fellows Program 4. Admission 5. Affirmative Action 6. Air Force ROTC 7. American Council on Education 8. Applicants 9. Applicants - Computer 10. Applied Science 11. Architects 12. Artist Series 13. Arts and Science 14. Athletic Advisory Board 15. Audio Visual Service 16. Banks 17. Board of Trustees 18. Budget Director 19. Business Administration, School of 20. Business Office Objectives 21. B Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: C-Ga; 1977-78; Box 108 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB290 Barcode 825171306 i41142433 Barcode 35054027310917 Files: 1. Calendar 2. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 3. Central Association of College and University Business Officers (1976-7) 4. Cincinnati Consortium 5. Coal 6. College Entrance Examination Board 7. Committees - Faculty Welfare Committee 8. Committees - Opening of Halls Committee 9. Committees - Parking Committee 10. Committee Assignments 11. Computer 12. Conferences, Conventions, Commencements 13. Continuing Education 14. Council of Academic Deans 15. C Miscellaneous 16. Development and Alumni Affairs 17. Dissertation Fellowships 18. D Miscellaneous 19. Education, School of 20. Electric Power Usage 21. Energy Exceptions 22. E Miscellaneous 23. Faculty Orientation 24. Fees 25. Summer Fees 26. Fine Arts, School of 27. Miscellaneous 28. Garden Plots

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Go-M; 1977-78; Box 109 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB291 Barcode 825170608 i41142457 Barcode 35054027310925 Files: 1. Goals for Enrichment 2. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 3. Goggin, Lloyd - Orient Trip 4. Goggin, Lloyd - Rotary 5. Graduate School 6. Grievance Procedures 7. Hamilton Campus 8. H Miscellaneous 9. IBM 10. Ice Arena Operations (Budgeting, Intra-Mural, etc.) 11. Insurance - General 12. Intercollegiate Athletics 13. Internal Auditor 14. Inter-University Council 15. Inventory 16. Investments 17. I Miscellaneous 18. K Miscellaneous 19. Lawsuits - OCESA Lawsuit (Des Checkoff) 20. Lawsuits - Designcraft et. al.. vs. the IUC Purchasing Group, et. al. - Lawsuit 21. Lawsuits - Susan Hoerchner Case 22. Lawsuits - Polly Jones Case - Residency [Dismissed] 23. Lawsuits - John Magera - Motor Vehicle Regulations 24. Lawsuits - Elaine Whitson 25. Lawsuits 26. Legal Actions (1973-74) 27. Legislative Service Commission (1975-76) 28. Legislative Relations Committee - Alumni 29. Begala Statement on Higher Education (re. 4 bills introduced) 30. Legislative Budget Office 31. Sub. H.B. 191 32. Legislation 33. Libraries 34. Lotteries 35. Luxembourg Center 36. L - Miscellaneous 37. McClellan Lectures 38. Miami Administrative Fellows 39. Miami Faculty Association 40. Miami University Foundation 41. Mid-American Conference 42. Middletown Campus 43. Motor Pool 44. M Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: N-P; 1977-78; Box 110 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB292 Barcode 825170204 i41142470 Barcode 35054027310933 Files: 1. National Association of College and University Attorneys 2. National Association of College and University Business Officers 3. NASULGC Council for Business Affairs and NACUBO (July 13-15, 1977) 4. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (November 13-16, 1977) 5. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges 6. Newspaper Clippings 7. Ohio Association of College and Business Affairs 8. Ohio Board of Regents In-State Travel Regulations 9. Ohio Board of Regents 10. Ohio Board of Regents Meeting 11. Ohio College Association 12. Overtime Payment 13. Oxford, City of 14. O Miscellaneous 15. Payrolls 16. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell 17. Personnel 18. Personnel Action 19. Physical Plant 20. Physical Plant Memos from President 21. Project Status 22. President Shriver 23. President's Cabinet Meetings 24. Public Employees Retirement System 25. Public Information 26. Pulp and Paper Foundation 27. Purchasing

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Q-Z; 1977-78; Box 111 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB293 Barcode 825170607 i41142500 Barcode 35054027310941 Files: 1. Questionnaires 2. Registrar 3. Rental Property (1975-76) 4. Reports - Financial 5. Requisitions 6. Residency Status 7. Residence Halls 8. Room Deposits - Transferred or Refunded 9. Safety Committee 10. Secretary of the University 11. Security 12. Seminars 13. State Teachers Retirement System 14. Student Affairs 15. Student Affairs Council 16. Student Aid 17. Summer School 18. Summer Research Appointments 19. S Miscellaneous 20. Tax Deferred Annuities 21. Traffic Appeals Committee 22. T Miscellaneous 23. Unemployment Compensations 24. Union 25. University Center 26. University Council 27. University Senate 28. Vacations 29. Veterans Representation 30. U-V Miscellaneous 31. Witt, Stedman 32. Women's Center 33. Workmen's Compensation 34. W,X,Y,Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-F; 1978-79; Box 112 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB294 Barcode 825171105 i41142524 Barcode 35054027310958 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Accounting 3. Administrative Fellows Program 4. Admission 5. Affirmative Action 6. Oneal Archer 7. Airport 8. Applicants 9. Architects 10. Artists Series 11. Art Museum Operations 12. Arts and Science 13. Athletic Advisory Board 14. Audio-Visual Service 15. A Miscellaneous 16. Banks 17. Becker House 18. Board of Trustees 19. Board of Trustees (Sunshine Law) 20. Browsing Bookstore 21. Budget 22. Budget 23. Budget - Salary Recommendations 24. Budget Director 25. Bursar 26. Business Adminstration, School of 27. Butler County Board of Elections 28. Calendar 29. CACUBO 30. Cincinnat Consortium 31. Committees - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 32. Committees - Faculty Welfare 33. Committees - Opening of School 34. Committees - Search Committee, Director of Computer Services 35. Conferences, Conventions, Commencements 36. Continuing Education 37. Court of Claims 38. Crafts Center 39. C Miscellaneous 40. Development and Alumni Affairs 41. Dissertation Fellowships 42. Early Retirement Policies 43. Education, School of 44. Electric Power Usage 45. Energy Usage Reports and Related Information 46. Faculty Orientation 47. Faculty Research Projects 48. Fees 49. Fine Arts, School of

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: G-L; 1978-79; Box 113 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB295 Barcode 825171107 i41142536 Barcode 35054027310966 Files: 1. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 2. Graduate School 3. Hamilton Campus 4. H Miscellaneous 5. IBM 6. Ice Arena Operations (Budgeting, Intra-Murals, etc.) 7. Insurance - Liability 8. Insurance - General 9. Inter-University Council - Risk Management Committee 10. Intercollegiate Athletics 11. Internal Auditor 12. Intra-Mural Recreation 13. Investments-Endowment Funds (Bernstein-Macauley, Inc.) 14. Investments - Bernstein-Macauley, Inc. (1977-78) 15. Investments 16. I Miscellaneous 17. Legislators, Meeting wth - Educational Adv. Council 18. Legislation - Reports 19. Legislation 20. Legislative Budget Office - IUC Position on Issues Raised by 21. Libraries 22. Life Squad 23. L Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: M-P; 1978-79; Box 114 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB296 Barcode 825170505 i4114255x Barcode 35054027310974 Files: 1. Miami University Foundation 2. Middletown Campus 3. Motor Pool 4. Motor Vehicle Regulations 5. M Miscellaneous 6. National Association of College and University Attorneys 7. National Association of College and University Business Officers 8. NACUBO Annual Meeting (July 11-14, Montreal) 9. NASULGC - Legislative Network Meeting 10. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges-Legislative Network 11. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 12. Ohio Board of Regents 13. Ohio Board of Regents - Meetings 14. Ohio Board of Regents - Management Improvement Program 14. Ohio College Association 15. Ohio - Department of Administrative Services 16. Ohio Conference for College and University Planning 17. Ohio State University 18. Oxford, City of 19. O Miscellaneous 20. Payrolls 21. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 22. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 23. Personnel 24. Personnel Action 25. Physical Plant - Memos from President for 26. Physical Plant 27. Physical Plant 28. Physical Plant - Status of Departments

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: President-Z; 1978-79; Box 115 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB297 Barcode 814880308 i41142561 Barcode 35054027310982 Files: 1. President 2. President - Cabinet 3. President's Advisory Committee 4. Public Employees Retirement System 5. Public Information 6. Pulp and Paper Foundation 7. Purchasing 8. P Miscellaneous 9. Questionnaires 10. Registrar 11. Requisitions 12. Residence Halls 13. Sabbaticals (Professional Leaves) (Scholar Leaves) 14. Scholarships 15. Secretary of the University 16. Security 17. Section 504 (Rehab. Act 1973) 18. Seminars 19. Sigma Nu Fire 20. Space Planning and Utilization 21. State Teachers Retirement System 22. Student Affairs 23. Student Aid 24. Student Health Service 25. Summer Orientation Evaluations 26. Summer School 27. Tax Deferred Annuities 28. Union 29. University Center 30. Western Evaulation 31. Women's Center 32. Air Force Flight Training Contract 33. Air Force Flight Training (1977-78)

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-D; 1979-80; Box 116 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB298 Barcode 814880107 i41142573 Barcode 35054027310990 Files: 1. Academy for Educational Development Inc. - Team Leadership Project (1977-78) 2. Academic Affairs 3. Accounting 4. ACUBO - Trip Cancelled 5. Admission 6. Affirmative Action 7. Airport 8. American Association of University Professors 9. Applicants 10. Applied Science, School of 11. Art Museum Operations 12. Associations - General 13. Athletic Advisory Board 14. Audio Visual Service 15. A Miscellaneous 16. Bakke Case 17. Banks 18. Board of Trustees 19. Budget 20. Budget Presentation 21. Bursar 22. Business Administration, School of 23. Calendar 24. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 25. Cincinnati Consortium 26. Coal 27. CEEB (March 10, 1980) 28. Commttees - Faculty Welfare Committee 29. Cmmittees - Opening of School Committee 30. Committees - Racial/Ethnic Committee 31. Committees - Safety 32. Committee Assignments 33. Computer 34. Conferences, Conventions, Commencements 35. Continuing Education 36. Council of Academic Deans 37. Court of Claims 38. Development and Alumni Affairs

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: E-L; 1979-80; Box 117 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB299 Barcode 814880805 i41142585 Barcode 35054027311006 Files: 1. Education and Allied Professions, School of 2. Electric Power Usage 3. Energy 4. Executive Budget Information 5. Faculty Research Projects 6. Faculty - Gene 7. Fine Arts, School of 8. Goggin, Lloyd 9. Graduate School 10. Grievance Procedure 11. Hamilton Campus 12. Ice Arena Operations 13. Insurance - General 14. Insurance - Liability 15. Intercollegiate Athletics 16. Internal Auditor 17. Inter-University Council 18. Inter-Mural Education 19. Investments - Bernstein Macauley 20. Investments 21. Job Descriptions 22. Laws, Hall, and Associates 23. Legislative Service Commission 24. Legislative Liaison 25. Legislation 26. Legislation 27. Libraries 28. Luxembourg Center

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: M-O; 1979-80; Box 118 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB300 Barcode 814880506 i41142597 Barcode 35054027311014 Files: 1. Mail Solicitation Drafts 2. Miami Administrative Fellows 3. Miami Faculty Association (Campus Mail) 4. Nuanu Faculty Association (1978-79) 5. Miami Foundation 6. Middle Manager Forum 7. Middletown Campus 8. Minority Student Programs 9. Motor Pool 10. National Association of College and University Businexss Officers 11. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 12. Newspaper Clippings 13. N Miscellaneous 14. Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 15. Ohio Legislative Budget Committee 16. Ohio Board of Regents Equipment (Senate Bill 493) 17. Ohio Board of Regents 18. Ohio College Association 19. Ohio - Department of Admiistrative Services 20. Ohio - Department of Industrial Relations 21. Ohio Legislative Budget Office 22. Ohio Planning Conference 23. Oxford Chamber of Commerce 24. Oxford Transit System 25. Oxford, City of 26. O Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: P-R; 1979-80; Box 119 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB301 Barcode 825170807 i41142603 Barcode 35054027311022 Files: 1. Payrolls 2. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 3. Personnel 4. Personnel Action 5. Physical Plant 6. Physical Plant - Memos from the President 7. Physical Plant - Status of Projects 8. Planning Council 9. Emanuelle 10. Pornography and Obscene Films (1977-78) 11. Presdent 12. President - Advisory Council 13. President - Cabinet Meetings 14. Public Employees Retirement System 15. Public Information 16. Pulp and Paper Foundation 17. Purchasing 18. Questionnaires 19. Recycling - Cans and Paper (1978-79) 20. Registrar 21. Reports - Annual 22. Reports - Annual (1978-79) 23. Reports - Financial 24. Requisitions 25. Residence Halls

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: S-Z; 1979-80; Box 120 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB302 Barcode 82171403 i41142615 Barcode 35054027311030 Files: 1. Scholarships 2. Secretary of the University 3. Security 4. Sigma Chi Foundation - WIlliam P. Huffman Scholars-in-Residence 5. Smoking and Non-Smoking 6. Space 7. Special Permission (during closed hours) 8. State Teachers Retirement System 9. Student Aid 10. Student Affairs 11. Student Health Service 12. Summer Registration of Freshmen 13. Tax Deferred Annuities 14. Telephones 15. Union 16. Union Negotiations (Summer 1979) 17. University Center 18. Veterans Representative 19. Western 20. Workmen's Compensation 21. Workshops Information 22. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-H; 1980-81; Box 121 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB303 Barcode 825171401 i41142627 Barcode 35054027311048 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Academy for Educational Development Inc. 3. Accounting 4. Admission 5. Applicants 6. Applied Science, School of 7. Art Museum 8. Artists Series\ 9. Arts and Science 10. Athletic Advisory Board 11. Board of Trustees 12. Budget - State (1979-81) 13. Budget 14. Budget Director 15. Bursar 16. Business Administration, School of 17. B Miscellaneous 18. Calendar 19. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 20. Cincinnati Consortium 21. College Entrance Examination Board 22. Committees - Faculty Welfare Committee 23. Committees- Safety Committee 24. Computer 25. Conferences, Conventions, Commencements 26. Continuing Education 27. Development and Alumni Affairs 28. D Miscellaneous 29. Education and Allied Professions, School of 30. Electric Power Usage 31. Energy 32. Faculty Conference 33. Faculty Research Projects 34. Fees 35. Fine Arts, School of 36. Goggin, Lloyd (Personal) 37. Graduate School 38. G Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: H-Personnel Action; 1980-81; Box 122 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB304 Barcode 825170804 i41142639 Barcode 35054027415302 Files: 1. Hamilton Campus 2. Handicapped 3. Hockey - Mid-Central Collegiate Association 4. Internal Auditor 5. Inter-University Council 6. Inter-University Council - Travel Reimbursement 7. Intra-Mural Recreation 8. Investments 9. Legislation 10. Libraries 11. Luxembourg (European Study Center) 12. Miami Administrative Fellows 13. Miami Foundation 14. Middletown Campus 15. Motor Pool 16. NASULGC Legislative Seminar (April 21-22) 17. NASULGC Meeting (November 16-19, 1980) 18. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges 19. National Assocation of College and University Business Officers 20. Ohio Association of College and University Business Officers 21. Ohio Board of Regents - Subsidy Formula Revision 22. Ohio Board of Regents 23. Ohio Board of Regents 24. Ohio - Department of Administrative Services 25. Legislative Budget Office 26. Oxford, City of 27. Parking 28. Patent Policy 29. Payrolls 30. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company 31. Personnel 32. Personnel Action

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Physical Plant-Z; 1980-81; Box 123 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB305 Barcode 825170807 i41142640 Barcode 35054027311055 Files: 1. Physical Plant - Memos from President 2. Physical Plant 3. Physical Plant - Status of Projects 4. Planning Council 5. Policies - University 6. President 7. President - Cabinet Meetings 8. Public Employees Retirement System 9. Public Information 10. Pulp and Paper Foundation 11. Purchasing 12. Questionnaires 13. Registrar 14. Rental Agreements 15. Rental Agreements - List of Houses (1978-79) 16. Reports - Financial 17. Requisitions 18. Residence Halls 19. Scholarships 20. Security 21. Space Planning 22. Signage and Information Booth 23. State Teachers Retirement 24. Student Affairs 25. Student Aid 26. Student Health Service 27. Summer School 28. Summer Registration of Freshmen 29. Summer Research Appointments 30. Tax Deferred Annuities 31. Telephones 32. Unemployment Compensation 33. University Center 34. Western 35. Workshops 36. W, X, Y, Z Miscellaneous

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: A-Br; 1981-82; Box 124 [SWORD] FB306 Barcode 825170802 i41142652 Barcode 35054027311063 Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Accounting 3. Admission 4. Affirmative Action 5. Airport 6. Annual Reports 7. Applicants 8. Applied Science 9. Architectural Contracts 10. Architects 11. Architects- Architekton 12. Architects - Baxter, Hodell, Donnelly, and Preston 13. Architects - Camargo Associates, Ltd. 14. Architects - Fanning/Howey Associates, Ltd. 15. Architects - E. A. Glendening 16. Architects - A. M. Kinney 17. Architects - KZF, Inc. 18. Architects - L O M Corporation of Ohio 19. Architects - F. W. Pressler and Associates 20. Architects - Roth Partnership 21. Architects - Steed, Hammond, Paul 22. Architects - Winkler, Ranck, Beeghly, Maxfield and Treadon 23. Art Museum 24. Artists Series 25. Arts and Science 26. Athletic Advisory Board 27. A Miscellaneous 28. Banks 29. Billings for Suites, Kumler and Formal Gardens, also Western Lodge 30. Board of Trustees 31. Branch Campus Directors' Responsibilities

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Bu-E; 1981-82; Box 125 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB310 Barcode 825170603 i41142755 Barcode 35054027311105 Files: 1. Budget--For Sunday Meetings 2. Budgeting for Residence Hall Supervisory and Counseling Staff 3. Budget--Miscellaneous 4. Budget 5. Budget--Ohio Board of Regents 6. Budget Crisis - Personnel 7. Budget Director 8. Budget Info.--Cuts/Freeze 9. Budget - State 10. Bursar 11. Business Administration, School of 12. Business Affairs 13. C Miscellaneous 14. CACUBO 15. Calendar 16. Cincinnati Consortium 17. Code of Ethics--State of Ohio 18. Commencements, Conferences, Conventions 19. Committees - Facilities Coordinating Committee (1978-79) 20. Committees - Faculty Welfare Committee 21. Committees - Search Committee for President 22. Committee Assignments 23. Computer 24. Conference Center (Staffing) 25. Continuing Education Summer Session 26. Correspondence--Miscellaneous 27. Cost of Living Council--Price Freeze 28. Court of Claims 29. Cost Reduction Suggestions 30. Development Study for Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. John Grenzebach and Associates (May 1976) 31. Dissertation Fellowships 32. Early Retirement 33. Education and Allied Professions, School of 34. Electric Power Usage 35. Energy 36. Executive Assistant to the President

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Faculty-Libraries; 1981-82; Box 126 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB308 Barcode 825170606 i41142731 Barcode 35054027311089 When searching for Files: 1. Faculty Conference 2. Fees 3. Fee Waivers 4. Financial Information (Dissemination Task Force) 5. Fine Arts, School of 6. Gates-Abegglen Theatre 7. Goals for Enrichment 8. Goggin, Lloyd - Prospective Trip 9. Goggin, Lloyd - Personal 10. Goggin Resume (Personal File) 11. Graduate School 12. Hamilton Campus, Task Force on the Future of (June 1979) 13. HEW Review (1980) 14. Honors Program 15. IBM 16. Inauguration 17. Insurance - Generral 18. Internal Auditor 19. I ntercollegiate Athletics 20. International Student Exchange 21. Inter-University Council 22. Intra-Murals 23. Inventory 24. Key Control 25. Investments 26. K Miscellaneous 27. Legislation 28. Lobbying of State Senators, Informing of Students and Public as to Current Problems Facing Higher Education, Report on A,S.G. Action Re. 29. Libraries

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Luxembourg-Physicals; 1981-82; Box 127 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB309 Barcode 825170601 i41142743 Barcode 35054027311097 Files: 1. Luxembourg Center 2. Luxembourg Center 3. L Miscellaneous 4. Manager of Special Events 5. Memberships 6. Miami Administrative Fellows 7. Miami Foundation 8. Middletown Campus 9. Motor Pool 10. National Archery Association 11. National Association of College and University Business Officers 12. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (November 8-11, 1981) 13. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 14. News Bureau 15. Newspaper Clippings 16. Night Manager, Ice Arena - Hiring Process 17. Ohio Board of Regents 18. Ohio College Association 19. Ohio - Department of Administrative Services 20. Ohio - Department of Industrial Relations 21. Ohio - Governor's Office 22. Ohio Legislative Budget Office 23. Ohio Planning Conference 24. Ohio State University 25. Ohio State University - OSU- State Department of Adminsitrative Services Supreme Court Case 26. Ohio State University Press 27. Old Northwest (Journal of Regional Life and Letters) 28. Oxford, City of 29. O Miscellaneous 30. Parking 31. Payrolls 32. Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell 33. Personnel 34. Personnel Action 35. Physicals

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Office Files: Project-Z; 1981-82; Box 128 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB310 Barcode 825170603 i41142755 Barcode 35054027311105 Files: 1. Projects, Status 2. Physical Plant (July-December 1981) 3. President's Council (Formerly Planning Council) 4. Campus Planning 5. Fiscal Priorities 6. President 7. Vice Presidents' Meetings 8. Public Employees Retirement System 9. Public Employees Retirement System - Legislation 10. Purchasing 11. P Miscellaneous 12. Requisitions 13. Residence Halls 14. Registrar 15. Scholarships 16. Secretary of the University 17. Security 18. Student Affairs 19. Student Affairs 20. Student Financial Aid 21. Student Health Service 22. Summer Scholars Program 23. Summer Orientation Program 24. Summer Research Appointments 25. Tax Deferred Annuities 26. Telephones 27. Western College

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Correspondence: Space Utilization, Record Retention; 1933-82; Box 129 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB180 Barcode 825170908 i41136974 Barcode 35054027310529 Not Indexed

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Correspondence: Space Utilization, Record Retention; 1933-82; Box 130 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB181 Barcode 825170308 i41136986 Barcode 35054027310586 Not Indexed

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Information Files on: Group Life Insurance, Major Medical Insurance, Residence Hall Insurance; 1933-82; Box 131 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra FB190 Barcode 823660914 i41137085 Barcode 35054027310610 Not Indexed

Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; OSHA FIles; 1974-1981; Box 132 [11A-L-3C] 1. Inter-Univestiry Council OSHA Impact 2. OSHA Safety and Deficiencies Barriers to the Handicapped I 3. Proposed Project to Corrrect Safety Deficiencies and to Remove Barriers to the Handicapped at Miami University 4. OSHA Safety and Deficiencies Barriers to the Handicapped II 5. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Finance and Businessl; Lloyd Goggin, Slides; 1933-; Box 133 [11A-L-2A]

1. Collection o 2,163 35 mm slides that belonged to Lloyd Goggin. These slides include a few family photos as well as photos from Miami University and many slides of across the United States and abroad.


  • 1933 - 1982


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


132 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
