General, 1904 - 2022
Education and Allied Professions; General;Health and Physical Education Activities Integrating Factors of an Intramural Sports Program and the Required Physical Education Program, by Thomas Van Voorhis; 1930 [1A-F-Shelf 1] Reference Section
Education and Allied Professions; General; Developmental Reading: A College Program to Measure and Improve Reading Ability, by Walter S. Guiler, CLaire J. Raeth, Merrill M. May, et. al.; 1964
[1A-E-Shelf 5] Reference Section
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, A-Special; 1915-2002; Box 1 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra enter ED into the Search button.
ED9 Barcode 814900103 i26160158 Barcode 35054014305383
1. Address: "Challenge of Teaching in a Large City." Dr. Paul Briggs (April 21, 1965)[Tape]
2. Advisor's Handbook (1964; 1974-76)
3. Anniversaries: 25th (1927); 35th (1937); 70th (1972 [Address W. C. Langsam]); 85th (1987)
4. Conferences: "Improvement of Instruction" (July 1949)
5. Dyer, F. B.; Minnich, Harvey C.
6. Ashbaugh, E. J.
7. Bogner, Neale
8. B.A. with Certificate
9. Degrees Granted (1903-07); M.A. in Teaching
10. Theses (1937-40)
11. Divisonal Proceedings (1981)
Educational Career Services
12. Directory of Candidates (1970-71)
13. Report (1973)
14. Annual Report (1972-73)
15. Enrollment (1929-30; 1945-56; 1962)
Educational Field Services, Bureau (1955-79)[See separate boxes]
16. History Materials for School of Education
International Teacher Education Program
17. September 20, December 17, 1964
Normal School
18. Normal School, The Ohio State. Agreement with Oxford Village (1910-11)
19. Normal College, The Ohio State. Construction (1915)[also illus. brochure {1911}]
20. Normal College. Story-Telling League
21. Professionally Speaking
22. Publications
23. Special Education, Bureau of (1924-29)
24. Special Standing, Applications for (1972)
25. Teacher's Oath (1921)
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, Health and Physical Education-Home Economics; 1915-2002; Box 2 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra enter ED into the Search button.
ED11 Barcode 814890102 i26160171 Barcode 35054014305508
Health and Physical Education [PEM-Men, PEW-Women merged August 1977]
1. Merger, Men's and Women's Physical Education. Final Report of Committee (January 1977)
2-10. Departmental Minutes (1977-84, 1986-87)[continued as PEH, August 1987- ]
11. Rec Check. Intramural Newsletter (August 1978); Calendar (1975-76)
Physical Education, Men [11 PEM]
12. Annual Reports (1954-56)
13. Booz, Allen and Hamilton Survey (1948)
14. Booz, Allen Committee, Report on the Survey
15. Four Year Course in Athletic Coaching (1925-26)
16. Gymnasium Manual (1917-18)
17. Intramural Handbook (1960-61)[Gym Requirements]
18. History [Programs of Indoor Events](1903-27)
19. Job Specifications (Ditmer, Gordon [1948, 1949])
20. Keep Well Hints
21. Departmental Minutes (1973-76, 1976-77)
22. Physical Education for Men [Post-War Plan, Revised Plan [1945])
23. Symposium: "Sports in a Changing Society" (April 1946)
24. Ten Year Follow-Up Study of Practices in Health Instruction for Men in Public Secondary Schools of Ohio, 1950-60, by Richard T. Mackey
Physical Education, Women
25. Courses and Programs
26. Dance Theatre [Major Concert (April 1977)]
27. General - Correspondence
28. Marlin Club
29. Departmental Minutes (1973-75)
30. Objectives and Goals [Binder (1973, 1975)]
31. Orchesis (1941, 1956, 1960-61, 1965)
32. Recreational Programs (1924-65)
33. "Service Class Programs" Term Paper by Reita J. Marks (1957)
34. Women's Athletic Association News (Summer 1942)
35. Women's Recreation Association (1959-69)
Health and Physical Education [Addendum]
36. Report of the Committee to Examine the Status of Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at Miami University (November 21, 1979)
Physical Education, Health and Sports Studies [beginning August 1987]
37. Bulletin, Department of Health, Physical Education and Sport Studies (September 1987)
38. Departmental Minutes (1987-89)
Home Economics and Consumer Sciences
39. Addendum and Response to Visiting Team Report - For American Home Economics Association (1977)
40. Annual Report (1977-78)
41. Curriculum Proposed for B.S. in Applied Science (1959, 1960)
42. Freshman and Senior Women's Interest in Education for Home and Family Living (1960)
43. Guidelines for Action. American Home Economics Association (1960)
44. Historical: Facts About the Department, 1909-76, by Dr. Jane Rees
45. The Home Economics Department: A Study, by Dorothy Scott and Johnie Christian ([1957])
46-52. Departmental Minutes (1974-85, 1987-88, 1988-89)
53. Miscellaneous (1937, 1954) [Including recipes]
54. Self Evaluation Report for the American Home Economics Association, v.1-2 (1976), v.1 (1981)
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, Educational Leadership-Physical Education, Health, and Sports Studies; 1986-2001; Box 2 [15A-K-3B]
General and Departmental Materials 1986-2001
Educational Leadership
1. Site Visit by UCEA Representatives (1994)
2. Summer Enrichment Program for Tomorrow's Leaders (1990)
3. Self Study (1997)
4. Program Review (1998)
5. Five-year Plan (1987)
6. Request for Degree Program or Area of Emphasis Approval (1995)
7. Danforth Foundation (1989)
8. Center for Education and Cultural Studies (1987)
9. Curriculum Change Request (1991)
Family Studies and Social Work
1. Terminate Family Life Education Program (1997)
2. Governance Document (1996)
3. Social Work Intership Program
4. Permanent Transfer (1996)
5. Student's Academic Grievance [Restricted]
6. Transition (1994-96) I
7. Transition (1994-96) II
8. Chair Search (1996)
9. Program Review (2001-01)
10. License Renewal of Child Studies Laboratory (1996-98)
Home Economics and Consumer Sciences
1. American Home Economics Association Accreditation (1987)
Physical Education, Health, and Sport Studies
1. Dance (1986-95)
2. Lawson, "Future Research on Physical Education--Teacher Education Professors (199-?)
3. Long Range Facilities Plan (1990)
4. NCAA Inquiry (1990)
5. Center for Health Enhancement (1990-91)
6. Academic Challenge Proposal (1991)
7. Internship Contract (1992)
8. Department of Physical and Cultural Studies Proposal (1993)
9. Graduate Student Information (1993-94)
10. Self-Study (Fall 1994)
11. Undergraduate Handbook (1995)
12. PHS Bulletin (1995-96)
13. Recreational Sports Center Usage (1996)
14. Lawson, "Academically Based Community Scholarshp and Collective Responsibility Model ) (1997)
Teacher Education
1. Early Childhood Education Program (1990)
2. Program Review (1992-99)
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, Industrial Arts-Teacher Education; 1915-2002; Box 3 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box into Sierra enter ED into the search button.
ED12 Barcode 814900807 i26160183 Barcode 35054014305565
Industrial Education
1. Conference: Ohio Industrial Arts Teacher Education Program (1943)
2. Correspondence: Building Maintenance (1929, 1949)
3. Departmental Minutes (1975-78, 1980-82)
4. Participation of Students in Vocational Education in Ohio by Sex and Race (1981)
Department of Physiology
5. Annual Reports (1954-56)
6. In-Service Training of Biological Science Teachers. Institute, Miami Univ. (1959-60)
7. Transfer of Physiology Department to Arts and Science (1949)
Teacher Education
8. Curriculum (1952, 1955)
9. Elementary Education (1947)
10. Follow Up Study of Recent Teacher Education Graduates of Miami University. A. V. Johnston (1973)
11. Departmental Minutes (1973-85, 1986-88, 1988-89)
12. Program Review - Self Study (January 1984)
13. EDT 333/34 Foreign Language Teaching in Schools Course Description (Fall 1992)
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, Educational Guidance-Educational Psychology; 1915-2002; Box 4 [SWORD]
*** When searching Sierra use ED in the search field to find this box.
ED10 Barcode 814890503 i2616016x Barcode 35054014305441
Educational Guidance
1. Annual Reports (1980-81)
2. Governance Procedures, Statement (October 1, 1981)
3. Departmental Minutes (1973-82)
4. Master of Science Degree - Procedures (rev. June 1976)
Educational Leadership (Administration)
5. Announcements, Brochures, Memos (1978, 1982)
6. Dissertations, Abstracts (1969-72)
7. Laws and Regulations, Certification (1972)
8. Departmental Minutes (1973-75, 1975-76, 1982-83, 1984-85, 1988-89)
Educational Media
9. Annual Report (1972-73)
10. Departmental Minutes (1974-75, 1978, 1981-83, 1983-87, 1988-89)
Educational Psychology
11. College Student Learning Disabilities [Lecture program (1986)]
12. Departmental Minutes (1977-88, 1988-89)
Education and Allied Professions; General; General and Departmental Materials, General-Educational Psychology; 1986-2002; Box 6 [15A-K-3C] Contents: General 1. Faculty-Staff Rosters (1986-95) 2. Faculty-Staff Rosters (1995-2002) 3. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1986-87) 4. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1987-88) 5. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1992-93) 6. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1993-94) 7. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1994-95) 8. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1995-96) 9. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1996-97) 10. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1997-98) 11. Divisional and Departmental Annual Reports (1998-99) 12. Center Annual Reports (1987-88) 13. Center Annual Reports (1996-97) 14. Center Annual Reports (1997-98) 15. Five Year Plan, 1988-92 (rev. 1988) 16. Draft Revised Five Year Plan, 1991-96 17. Revised Five Year Plan, 1991-96 18. Budget Information and Allocation Guidelines (1990-91) 19. Budget Information and Allocation Guidelines (1998) 20. Department Chair Workload Policy (1986) 21. McGuffey Societies Correspondence (1986-90) 22. Butler County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities - Agreement on integrated early intervention practices and practicum experience (1990) 23. Ohio Department of Education - Early Education of Handicapped Children Validation (1990) 24. McGuffey Scholarship Statement (1992) 25. Recruitment of African-Americans and Other Underrepresented Ethnic Groups - Five Year Plan (1994-98) 26. Governance Document (1996) 27. Commencement (May 1997) 28. Upward Bound Program (1998) 29. Advanced Degree Exit Surveys (1998-99) 30. Development (1998-99) 31. Achievement Awards Program (1999) 32. Diversity Institute (1999) 33. Graduate Committee Operations Booklet (1999) 34. Summer Courses (1999) 35. White Oak Middle School (1999) Center for Human Development, Learning, and Teaching 1. Minutes (1990-93) Educational Psychology 1. Policy Manual (1991) 2. Correspondence (1993-95) 3. Program Review (1998)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 1 [20A-C-5B] Contents: 1. James H. Rodabaugh, "History of the School of Education of Miami University"(1932) 2. 50 Years of Teacher Training on Miami Campus; Celebration Materials (1952) 3. Preliminary Analysis of Facility Needs for the School of Education (1963)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A357x] 4. Seventieth (70th)Anniversary Packet. School of Education, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (November 10-11, 1972) [Call # Miami/LD3241/.M491/A356x/v.1-3] 5. Report of the School of Education Miami University, Oxford, Ohio to The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. v.1, Basic Programs; v.2, Advanced Programs, v.3, Appendices to the General Reports (1972)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/1972x/ v.1-3] 6. Report of Visitation Committee to Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. (January 21-24, 1973)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A353/1972x] 7. Preliminary copy of State Department of Education evaluation team visit, School of Education, Miami University. Ohio. Division of Teacher Education and Certification (January 29-February 1, 1973)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A352/1972x] 8. Report of the School of Education Miami University, Oxford, Ohio to The Ohio State Department of Education, Division of Teacher Education and Certification (February 1973)[Call #: Miami/LD/3241/ .M491/A35/1972x] 9. Evaluation findings on Teacher Education. Ohio. Division of Teacher Education and Certification (December 31, 1973) [Call #: Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A355/1972x] 10. Materials pertaining to the special evaluation of the advanced programs in educational administration and personnel and guidance. National Council for Accreditation of teacher education (1973)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A354/1972x] 11. A Summary Report for The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. The Miami University Advanced Program in Educational Administration and Guidance and Counseling (1973) [Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A351/1972x] 12. Report of the Department of Educational Leadership, Miami University, To the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (March 1978)[Call # Miami/LD/3241/.M491/A3542x/1977] 13. Institutional Report for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. School of Education and Allied Professions. School of Fine Arts. College of Arts and Science Vol. 1 (November 1983)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 7 [15A-K-2A] Faculty and Advisory Council Minutes and Materials 1904-89 Contents: 1. Ledger: "Minutes of the Faculty of the Ohio State Normal School" (November 3, 1904-June 7, 1910) School of Education Faculty Meetings 1. Excerpts from Faculty Minutes (1904-69) 2. 1969-70 3. 1970-71 4. 1971-72 5. 1972-73 6. 1973-74 7. 1974-75 8. 1975-76 9. 1978-79 10. 1979-80 11. 1980-81 12. 1981-82 13. 1982-83 14. 1983-84 15. 1984-85 16. 1985-86 17. 1986-87 18. 1987-88 19. 1988-89 20. 1989-90 School of Education Advisory Council 1. 1975-76 [I] 2. 1975-76 [II] 3. 1976-77 4. 1977-78 5. 1978-79
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 8 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use ED as the box number.
ED17 Barcode 814880405 i26160237 Barcode 35054014305391
1. Ohio State Normal College: Committee on the Bachelor of Science Degree, Minutes (January 11, 1915-October 29, 1925)[loose-leaf notebook]
2. Teacher's College Faculty Minutes (January 27, 1923-October 6, 1925) [not in order][loose-leaf notebook]
3. School of Education Minutes (September 1950-May 1955)[loose-leaf notebook]
4. School of Education Minutes (September 1955-May 1963)[loose-leaf notebook]
5. School of Education Minutes (September 1963-June 1965)[loose-leaf notebook]
6. School of Education Minutes (September 1968-June 1970)[loose-leaf notebook]
7. School of Education (1970-71)[not in order][manila folder]
8. School of Education (May 1971-May 1972)[reverse order][loose-leaf notebook]
9. School of Education (May 1972-May 1973) [reverse order][manila folder]
School of Education: Graduate Committee
10. Graduate Committee Minutes (1974-75)[manila folder]
11. Graduate Faculty Minutes and Documents (May 4, 1965-January 29, 1980)
12. Graduate Committee Minutes (January 10, 1966-April 11, 1980)
13. Workshops [See also 1 CON Conferences, Workshops; 30 CE-SS Continuing Education and Summer Session; 30 MARC Conferences]
14. Program for Second Miami Workshop, Oxford, Ohio (July 8-20, 1945)
15. The School of Education and Allied Professions: A Historical Perspective 1902-1987 [Short and long versions]
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 9 [15A-K-5B]
Governance Committees and Miscellany 1977-1987
1. SEAP Governance Document (1981)
2. SEAP Five-Year Plan (rev. 1991)
3. Liberal Education Capstone and Thematic Sequence Programs (1994-97) I
4. Liberal Education Capstone and Thematic Sequence Programs (1994-97) II
5. Teacher Education and Certification Standars Revision Coordinating Committee (1986)
6. SEAP Divisional Honors Program Development Committee (1986-90) I
7. SEAP Divisional Honors Program Development Committee (1986-90) II
8. SEAP Graduate Committee (1970-86) I
9. SEAP Graduate Committee (1970-86) II
10. SEAP Graduate Committee (1987-97) I
11. SEAP Graduate Committee (1987-97) II
12. Certification Program for Educational Personnel: School Audiologist (n.d.) I
13. Certification Program for Educational Personnel: School Audiologist (n.d.) II
14. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1983-86) I
15. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1983-86) II
16. Dean's Council Retreat (August 1990)
17. Dean's Council Retreat (August 1991) I
18. Dean's Council Retreat (August 1991) II
19. Miami University-Wilmington College Graduate Center (1978-80)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 10 [15A-K-2B] SEAP Minutes and Materials 1990-96 Contents: Dean's Council, Dean's Cabinet, Faculty Meetings 1. 1990-91 [I] 2. 1990-91 [II] 3. 1990-91 [III] 4. 1991-92 [I] 5. 1991-92 [II] 6. 1991-92 [III] 7. 1992-93 [I] 8. 1992-93 [II] 9. 1992-93 [III] Dean's Council, Dean's Cabinet, EAP Faculty Meetings, Dean's Staff Meetings 1. 1993-94 [I] 2. 1993-94 [II] Dean's Council, Dean's Cabinet, EAP Faculty/Staff Council 1. 1994-95 [I] [Faculty Meeting minutes out to SEAP - Nancy Denzler 8/22/02] 2. 1994-95 [II] Dean's Council, Dean's Cabinet, Faculty Council 1. 1995-96 [I] 2. 1995-96 [II] 3. 1995-96 [III] 4. 1995-96 [IV]
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 11 [15A-K-6A] Contents: 1. Fiscal Priorities (February 2001) 2. SEAP Dean's Advisory Council Materials (1990-93) I 3. SEAP Dean's Advisory Council Materials (1990-93) II 4. SEAP Dean's Advisory Council Materials (1990-93) III 5. SEAP Dean's Advisory Council Materials (1997-98) 6. School District Organization in Darke County, a Summary Report of a County School Survey by The Bureau of Educational Field Services 7. A Report to the Citizens of Morgan, Reily, Ross and Talawanda Local School Districts Butler County, Concerning a Study of School District Organizations by The Bureau of Educational Field Services Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Authorized by The Butler County Board of Education May, 1958 8. A Report to the Citizens of Madison, New Miami, Seven Mile, Trenton and Wayne Local School Districts Butler County, Ohio Concerning a Study of School District Organization, by The Bureau of Educational Field Services Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Authorized by The Butler County Board of Education, May 1958
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 12 [15A-K-2C]
Minutes and Materials
Dean's Council
1. 1996-97 [I]
2. 1996-97 [II]
Dean's Council and Chairs, Faculty Meetings
1. 1997-98 [I]
2. 1997-98 [II]
3. 1997-98 [III]
4. 1997-98 [IV]
5. 1998-99
Dean's Council, Dean's Staff, Dean's Chairs
1. 1999-2000
2. 1999-2000
3. 2000 (January-April ) [I]
4. 2000 (January-April) [II]
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 13 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use ED as the box number.
ED13 Barcode 814881207 i26160195 Barcode 35054014305623
Annual Reports
1. 1966-67
2. 1968-69
3. July 1, 1971
4. July 1, 1972
5. July 13, 1973
6. July 1974
7. July 1975
8. June 1976
9. 1978-79
Bureau of Recommendations: Annual Reports
10. 1954-55
11. 1955-56
12. 1956-57
13. 1965-66
14. n.d.
Special Reports
15. A Statistical Study of the Records of 366 Students Entering the School of Education in Spetember 1929 . . . For Five Semesters 1929-32
16. Evaluation of Teaching: Report of Committee of Council for the Advancement of Educational Administration on Proposed Research Project for Evaluation of Teaching
17. Proposed Project for the Evaluation of Teaching. Submitted . . . to the Ohio Council for the Advancement of Educational Administration . . . 1957
18. Calls Received for Teachers (1957-58)
19. School of Education Space Study (1960-61)
20. Teaching Loads, Report 1961
21. Placement of Beginning Teachers (1957, 1963, 1964)
22. Preliminary Analysis of Faculty Needs: December 20, 1963; memo January 7, 1964
23. Recommendations for Advancement in Rank and Conferring of Tenure, January 31, 1969
24. Report to the Ohio State Department of Education, Division of Teacher Education and Certification (February 1973)
25. 1976-77 Summary Report and Workgroup Products. Submitted to the Executive Steering Committee on Teacher Education Redesign, v.1-2 (1977)[Bound volumes]
26. Report of the Experimental Learning Committee, May 1, 1977, to David G. Brown [see 5 R SP Box 3]
27. Teacher Aide Positions (n.d.)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 14 [SWORD] *** When searching for this box in Sierra use ED as the box number. ED14 Barcode 814891005 i26160201 Barcode 35054014305680 Not Indexed
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 15 [SWORD] Not Indexed *** When searching for this box in Sierra use ED as the box number. ED15 Barcode 814890403 i26160213 Barcode 35054014305748
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 17 [SWORD]
Box 17
Group No. 11
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use ED as the box number.
ED18 Barcode 814840501 i26160249 Barcode 35054014305458
Twenty-Five Years of Progress in Physical Education for Men and Women. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1936)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 18 [15A-K-7C] School of Education Scrapbooks SEAP Programming and Education Materials Contents: 1. 5 scrapbooks including photos and news items from various dates.
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 19 [15A-K-4C]
SEAP Planning and Evaulation Materials 1986-2002
1. Home Economics and Consumer Science FIDER Accreditation Report (1982)
2. Housing and Interior Design Program Self-Evaluation Report, v.1 (1981)
3. Home Economics Self-Evaluation Report, v.2 (1976)
4. Housing and Interior Design Evaluation Report (1987) I
5. Housing and Interior Design Evaluation Report (1987) II
6. Housing and Interior Design Evaluation Report (1987) III
7. Institutional Report for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education v. 1 (1983)
8. Institutional Report for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education v.2 (1983)
9. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v. 1 (1986)
10. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v.2 Appendicies (1986) I
11. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v.2 Appendicies (1986) II
12. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v.2 Appendicies (1986) III
13. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v.3 Appendicies (1986) I
14. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences Self-Evaluation Report, v.3 Appendicies (1986) II
15. NATA Miami University Athletic Training Major Review (1990-91)
16. President Pearson Planning Priorities - SEAP (1981)
17. [SEAP Overview and Mission Binder] (1985?)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1981-99; Box 21 [15A-K-6B]
Assorted Education Materials 1981-99
1. 14 to 1 Ratios (1990-93)
2. Advising (1991)
3. Budget Allocations (1994-95)
4. Career Day (1987-91)
5. Class Scheduling (1991)
6. Committee for Evaluation of Administrators (19992)
7. Committees - EAP- Misc. Tracking Notes (1981-99)
8. Computing Staff Request (1995)
9. Dean's Council Ballots (2001-02)
10. Diversity Initiatives (1984-98)
11. Enrollment Plans (1996-97)
12. Freshman Class Profile (1987-88)
13. Furniture / Painting and Moving (1989-95)
14. Grade Distribution (1977-87)
15. Graduation Statistical Report (1993)
16. High Tech Classroom/Lab 378 McGuffey (1993-96)
17. Inventory Control (1992)
18. Kahle Renovation (1991-94)
19. LTEP Information - ETC. (1996)
20. McGuffey Hall Renovation (1991-92)
21. Miami Alumni Perspectives for Students (MAPS) (1993)
22. National Network for Educational Renewal (1996-97)
23. Network (1993-94)
24. Program Review (1992-93)
25. Program Review (1994-95)
26. Space and Renovation Planning (1991-95)
27. Staffing Requests (1995)
28. Student Services Assessment (1991)
29. Student Teaching Issues (1986-95)
30. Summer Orientation - Dean's Remarks (1991)
31. TLC Net (1991-93)
32. Tallawanda School District (1995)
33. Technology Issues (1981-98)
34. Ziegler, Jim - Transition Matters (1990-94)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1969-2002; Box 22 [15A-O-3A]
Assorted Education Materials, 1969-2002
1. Alumni Scholarship Programs - Historical Information (1981-83)
2. Anniversary [Miami 175th] Committee (1984)
3. Awards (1969-72)
4. Child Studies Laboratory (1982-85)
5. Child Studies Laboratory (1995-98)
6. Classroom of the Future - Jack and Sue Rogers (1997-99)
7. Educational Technology (2000-01)
8. Faculty Leaves - Guidelines (1981)
9. Founder's Day (1991-92)
10. Holcomb's Education Resource Training (1999)
11. McGuffey Scholars Program (198-)
12. Partners in Learning (1999)
13. Summer Orientation (1990)
14. Talawanda-Miami Partnership (2001-02)
15. Teacher Education - Endowed Chair (1983)
16. Technology Issues (1998-2002)
17. Technology Issues - Pending (2000-01)
18. Folders containing lithographs of Elliott Hall and Beta Bells [For distribution to Visitors?] (1985)
19. EAP Scrapbook (1999)
20. Committee of Advisors School of Education and Allied Professions, 1995-1996
21. Committee of Advisors School of Education and Allied Professions, 1996-1997
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1991-2004; Box 23 [15A-L-2A]
SEAP Historical Files, 1991-2004
1. AERA Annual Meeting (April 1-5, 2002)
2. AERA Annual Meeting (April 21-25, 2003)
3. EAP Administrative Position Description Information (1991-96)
4. EAP Dean's Office Self-Study Report (1993)
5. Alumni Brunch (June 16, 2000)
6. Alumni Brunch (June 12, 1998)
7. Conversation w/Dean (October 28, 2003/February 3, 2004)
8. Faculty Forums (October 23/2003/ March 9. 2004)
9. Spring Advisory Council Meeting (2002)
10. Fall Advisory Council (2002)
11. Alumni Advisory Council (1992-2001)
12. EAP 100th Anniversary Celebration (2002-03)
13. Emeriti Correspondence (1996-2000)
14. Emeriti Luncheon (2001)
15. Emeriti Luncheon (2000)
16. Holiday Lunchen - The Tavern (12/9/2000)
17. McGuffey Museum Dedication (2002)
18. Parents' Weekend (1996)
19. Parents' Weekend (1997)
20. Parents' Weekend (1998)
21. Parents' Weekend (1999)
22. "Tree of Life" Tradition (1995)
23. Parents' Weekend (November 4, 2001)
24. Parents' Weekend (November 2, 2002)
25. Promotion and Tenure/Awards Reception (March 23, 1998)
26. Promotion and Tenure/Awards Reception (1999)
27. Promotion and Tenure Reception (2001)
28. Promotion and Tenure Reception (February 21, 2002)
29. Promotion and Tenure Reception (2000)
30. Curt Ellison's Thank-You Reception (2001)
31. Retirement (2001)
32. Retirement (2000)
33. Retirement (1999)
34. Retirement Reception (April 30, 1998)
35. Retirement Reception (1997)
36. Retirement Reception (1995)
37. EAP Study Circles (2003)
38. Summer Dinner Party (2003)
39. Supers Brunch (September 27, 2003)
40. SEAP 1991-92 Faculty and Staff Book Proof Copy
41. Curt Ellison's Farewell (April 2000) [VHS tape]
42. School of Educatiion and Allied Professions miami university newsletter, Spring 1997
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 24 [15A-K-6D]
School of Education Miscellaneous Files
1. Center for Education and Cultural Studies Historical Documents (1993-2000)
2. EAP Faculty Meeting Minutes and Materials (November 12, 1996)
3. EAP Retreat Materials (August 1998)
4. "Transforming Public Schools." Miami Department of Educational Leadership (2000-02)
5. Dean's Staff Meeting (September 7, 2000)
6. EAP Center Reviews (2001)
7. Heckert Center Self-Study Report (2001)
8. Heckert Center for Children's Reading and Writing Pamphlet
9. Center for Education and Cultural Studies (2001)
10. Center for Education and Cultural Studies Review Panel Report (2001)
11. Center for Mathematics and Science Education Self-Study (2001)
12. Family and Child Studies Center. Miami University Self-Study (2001)
13. SEAP Department Chairs Meeting Agendas (2001)
14. Dean's Staff Reorganization (2002-03)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 25 [15A-K-5C]
School of Education Miscellaneous Files
1. Committee Master Lists (1996-2001)
2. Committee of Advisors (1996-2000)
3. Academic Appeals Board (1997-2002)
4. Committee for the Advancement of Teaching and Scholarship (1997-2001)
5. Committee on Governance (1997-2000)
6. Dean's Council (1997-2001)
7. Early Childhood Advisory Committee (1997-99)
8. Evaluation of Administrators Committee (1997-2000)
9. Graduate Committee (1997-2000)
10. Promotion and Tenure Committee (1997-2001)
11. Technology Committee (1997-2001)
12. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1997-2000)
13. Rogers Classroom of the Future (1994-96) 1
14. Rogers Classroom of the Future (1994-96) 2
15. Student Teaching Partnerships (1995-98)
16. Student Teaching Office (1995-2003)
17. Early Childhood Education Discussions (1996-98)
18. Budget (1997-98)
19. STEP Supervisor (1998-2002)
20. Licensure Implementation Group (1999)
21. Miami-Wilmington Graduate Program (1999)
22. Ghana Trip (1999-2000)
23. Wright State (1999-2002)
24. Bloom School (2000)
25. Education Consultant (2001)
26. EAP Committees (2001-02)
27. Divisional Faculty Meeting (November 19, 2002)
28. Back Up for Adopted Governance Document (5/96) Floppy Disk
29. Old Governance Document Floppy Disk
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1981-2000; Box 26 [15A-L-2B]
Rehabilitation History and Faculty Materials, 1981-2000
1. "Policies and Procedures for the Assignment and Utilization of Space" (1988-89)
2. Renovation--SEAP Five-Year Plan / Facilities Planning Document (1990-91)
3. SEAP Comprehensive Facility Plan (March 1991)
4. McGuffey Hall Rehabilitation - Presentation of Qualifications. Fanning/Howey Associates (September 1997)
5. Interview for McGuffey Hall Renovation. Edge and Tinney (September 1997)
6. McGuffey Hall Project Management Committee Materials (1998)
7. McGuffey History/Stats for Renovation (1988)
8. Phillips Hall Rehabilitation - Interview Summary (May 1999)
9. Phillips Hall Rehabilitation Presentation (n.d.)
10. Presentation of Architectural/Engineering Qualifications for Phillips Hall Rehabilitation. BHDP Architecture (May 1999)
11. Architect/Engineer Supplemental Interview Information for Phillips Hall Rehabilitation. Steed, Hammond, Paul (May 1999)
12. Phillips Hall Rehabilitation Plans (September 1999)
13. Phillips Hall Rehabilitation Job Progress Meetings (2000)
14. Phillips Hall Renovation Materials (1999-2000)
15. Phillips Hall Renovation Materials (1999) I
16. Phillips Hall Renovation Materials (1999) II
17. Phillips Hall Renovation Materials (2001)
18. McGuffey Laboratory School History Book
19. The School of Education and Allied Professions: A Historical Perspective, 1902-1987 I
20. The School of Education and Allied Professions: A Historical Perspective, 1902-1987 II
21. The School of Education and Allied Professions: A Historical Perspective, 1902-1987 III (Appendicies)
22. The School of Education and Allied Professions: A Historical Perspective, 1902-1987 IV (Appendicies)
23. Budget Information and Allocation Guidelines (1981-82)
24. Budget Information and Allocation Guidelines (1990-91)
25. SEAP Faculty Vita Book (n.d.)
26. SEAP Faculty and Staff (1990-91)
27. SEAP Faculty and Staff (1991-92)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 27 [15A-K-4B]
Program Files 1983-92
1. Institutional Report for the Ohio Department of Education (n.d.)
2. Certification Requirements (1984-85)
3. NCATE Report, Vol. 1 (November 1983)
4. Administrative Certification Program (1989-91)
5. Art Education Program (1990-92)
6. Art Education Program (February 1985)
7. Art Education Program (1983)
8. Elementary Education Program (1983)
9. Elementary Education Program (1990-92)
10. Family Life Education Program (1990-92)
11. Gifted Education Program (n.d.)
12. Home Economics Education Program (1984)
13. Mathmetics Education Program (1990-92)
14. Music Education Program (1983)
15. Physical Education Program (1983)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 28 [15A-K-4A]
Program Files 1983-1992
1. Science Education Program (1990-92)
2. Secondary Education Complete Curriculum Description (February 1985)
3. Social Studies Education Program (1990-92)
4. Special Education Program (1990-92)
5. Speech/Communication Program (1990-92)
6. Speech Pathology and Audiology Program (1983)
7. Foreign Language Education (1990-92)
9. English Education Program (1989-90)
10. Health Education Program (1990-92)
11. Computer Science Education (1990-92)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 29 [15A-K-7A] Curriculum Descriptions 1983-85 Contents: 1. Elementary I (1983) 2. Elementary II (1983; rev. 1985) 3. Special Education (1983; rev. 1985) 4. Home Economivcs Education (1983) 5. Music Education (1983; rev. 1985) 6. Speech Pathology and Audiology (1983) 7. Secondary Education (1983) 8. Physical Education (1983) 9. Health Education (1983) 10. Art Education (1983) [I] 11. Art Education (1983) [II]
Education and Allied Professions; General; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; Box 30 [15A-K-6C]
SEAP Transparencies
1. Presentation on SEAP by Jan Kettlewell
2. What is teacher education?
3. Class Divisional Charts
4. SEAP: Activies from Five Year Plan
5. Master Schema for Specific Clinical Knowledge by Subject, School Levels, and Training Domains
6. Pro-active Position for Teacher Education in Ohio
7. Enrollment and Operating Statistics
8. Foundation Thematic Capstone
9. Cow Slides
Education and Allied Professions; General; Marorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials; DVDs, Correspondence, Photographs, and Miscellaneous Papers; 2002-2010; Box 1; [15A-L-2C]
Group 1; DVDs
Jump Start-Photo Project (December 14, 2006)
Jump Start Forms (February 2008)
Jump Start Files, Photographs, Movies-Thumb Drive (April 5, 2008)
Litter/Flowers (undated)
Spare EA Sports (undated)
Group 2; Financial Records
Jump Start Insurance (2004-2010)
Jump Start Financials (2006-2007)
Jump Start Insurance (2006-2007)
Jump Start Student Worker Payroll Info. (2007)
Jump Start Insurance (2007-2008)
Jump Start Financial Statements (2007-2008)
Jump Start Paypal Information (December 29, 2008)
Jump Start Tax Letters (2008)
Butler Metro House Lease (2008)
US Bank E-Banking (2008)
Jump Start Financials (2008)
Jump Start AandT Services (2008-2009)
Jump Start Butler Metro Lease (2008-2009)
Butler-Metro: Support (2009-2010)
Butler County Metro Grants (2009-2010)
Jump Start Butler Metro Proposal (2009-2010)
Jump Start Butler Metro Correspondence (2009-2010)
Intent Filling Software Invoice (undated)
Group 3; Miscellaneous Papers
Jumpstart Student Progress (2002)
Jump Start Background Checks (2003)
OLPC Prejo (2004)
Jump Start MCF '06 Grant (2006)
Jump Start '06 Correspondence (2006)
Photo Project: Lab Workshop (July 29,2006)
Photo Workshop Permission Forms (2006-2007)
OLPC (December 13, 2007)
Jump Start Student Worker '07 Correspondence (2007)
XO's Keys (2007-2008)
MCF '07-'08 Grant App. (2007-2008)
XO Forum Response-Wiki (April 22, 2008)
Jump Start XO Correspondence (August 10, 2008)
EdPtl 678 I-Safe Materials (2008)
Jump Start Package Slip (2008)
Jump Start OLPC Correspondence (2008)
Jump Start '08 Student Worker Scedule (2008)
Jump Start '08 Board Meeting Notes (2008)
Jump Start Maintenance Person (2008)
Jump Start Board Meeting (April 5, 2009)
McF '02-'08 Grant Final Report (2009)
Jump Start Background Checks (2009)
Jump Start (2010)
Jump Start: Student History (2010)
XO Computers/Updates (2010)
Jump Start Behavior Problems (undated)
Lab Network Routing as Airport Hub (undated)
Jump Start Writers Workshop (undated)
Jump Start Melbye, Eric (undated)
Jump Start Arduino Board (undated)
Group 4; Binders
Jump Start: Learning is Fun! Score Book
Group 5; Photographs
Roll #2 Double Expososure (undated)
Roll #6 Faron's Photos (undated)
Roll #9 (undated)
Roll #10 (undated)
Bikes (undated)
Freedom Signs (undated)
Shadows (undated)
Kyle (undated)
Jordan (undated)
Robert (undated)
Dillon P. and Michael Mckenzie (undated)
Corey Stull (undated)
Zaquion (undated)
Shilann (undated)
Sydney (undated)
Photos with Flashdrive (undated)
Group 6; Empty Student Folders
Giovani Salas Folder (undated)
Jacob's Stuff (undated)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Marjorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials; Scrapbooks, Photographs, and Miscellanous Papers; 2003-2010; Box 2; [15A-P-2C]
Group 1; Binders
Jump Start: Learning is Fun! Internet Permission Forms (2003-2008)
White Binder, Enrollment Forms (2004-2010)
Jump Start Learning is Fun! Enrollment and Emergency Forms (2005-2009)
Group 2; Photograph
Jump Star 2006 Photo Project (2006)
Group 3; Scrapbooks
Maroon Scrapbook (undated)
Multi-color Scrapbook (undated)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Kate Rousmaniere; Program Review; Proposal; Self Study; 1961-2009; Box 1; [15A-M-5A]
1. Doctoral Proposal Information (1961-1967)
2. Doctoral Program Proposal in EDA (1966-1969)
3. Graduate School Materials (1968-2007)
4. Department of Educational Leadership (1972-2009)
5. Proposal for Ed.D. and Ph.D. in Education Administration (1990)
6. North Central Accreditation Review Miami University Self-Study Report Draft May 1994
7. Board of Regents Review (1995)
8. Self Studies (Other Departments) (1995-2001)
9. Department of Educational Leadership Miami University Self Study Fall, 1997
10. Doctoral/Incentive Funding (2000-2009)
11. Program Review Draft (2002)
12. Archive (2005)
13. Directory of Doctoral Graduates (2006)
14. Department of Educational Leadership Miami University School Building Leadership Licensure Report NCATE/ELCC Revised January 2007
15. Miami University Department of Educational Leadership Review Report of Doctoral Degree Program in Educational Administration (undated)
16. Resumes (undated)
17. Upham Hall Plaque
Education and Allied Professions; General; Kate Rousmaniere; Program Review; Educational Leadership; 1924-2019; Box 2; [15A-M-5B]
1. Freshman Handbook Miami University (1924-1925)
2.. Two Copies of Department of Educational Administration Miami University Proposal for Programs Leading to the Degrees Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education September 15, 1966
3. EDL Quarterly (1969-1984)
4. EDL Picture File (1970-2008)
5. Department Materials (1973-1978)
6. Pictures (1977-1992)
7. EDL History (1982)
8. Newsletter (1989-2005)
9. Past Community Newsletter (1996-2004)
10. Amerian Teacher Movie (2000-2018)
11. Three Copies of The School of Education and Allied Professions Miami University (May 2002)
12. Graduate Programs (2002-2004)
13. College of Education, Health and Society (2002-2016)
14. Sunday Summary (2003-2004)
15. Sunday Summary (2004-2005)
16. Miami University Department of Educational Leadership School Building Leadership Program Report NCATE/ELCC October 2004
17. Miami University Department of Educational Leadership Curriculum and Instruction and Professional Development Program Report NCATE/ELCC October 2004
18. Miami University Department of Educational Leadership School District Leadership Program Report NCATE/ELCC October 2004
19. Miami University Campus Map (2007-2009)
20. China (2008)
21. The School of Education, Health and Society Faculty and Staff Directory 2008-2009
22. Photos from 2009-2016
23. Grad Conference Photos (2010)
24. Commencement (2010-2023)
25. Black Action Movement (2018)
26. EDL Writing Bootcamp (2019)
27. Two Copies of Handbook for the Doctorate in Philosophy Program in Educational Leadership Department of Educational Leadership Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (undated)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Kate Rousmaniere; Photographs; Tapes; DVDs; 1980-2009; Box 3; [15A-M-5C]
1. DVD, EDL Photos (1980-2005)
2. DVD, EAP Pictures (2003-2004)
3. DVD, EDL Retreat (September 2005)
3. DVD, EDL Scanner Photos (Spring 2006)
4. DVD, EDL Through the Years imovie (April 2006)
5. DVD, EDL Scanner Photos (Spring 2006)
6. DVD, EDL Scanner Photos (Spring 2006)
7. DVD, Three Copies of The School of Education and Allied Professions A Century of Progress (April 21, 2007)
8. DVD, EDL Photo Shoot (May 2008)
9. DVD, Faculty Photos (2008-2009)
10. DVD, EDL Photos (undated)
11. DVD, CSP EDL Photos (undated)
12. DVD, EDL Viewbook Photos (undated)
13. DVD, EDL Reunion Pics (undated)
14. DVD, EDL Photos (all) (undated)
15. Pamphlet, Two Copies ofA Century of the School of Education and Allied Professions (April 21, 2007)
16. Pamphlet, Transformative Leadership 2nd Annual Miami University Graduate Student and Faculty Conference on Culture, Leadership and Schooling (March 2, 2002)
17. Photographs, EDL Faculty Retreat (1996)
18. Miscellaneous Photographs (undated)
19. Miscellaneous Photographs (undated)
20. Miscellaneous Photographs (undated)
21. Faculty Staff Students 2006 Bulletin Board Pics
22. Photos (undated)
23. Book, EDL Reunion Summer (2007-2008)
24. Binder, EDL Newsletters (1969-1987)
25. Binder, EDL Department Meetings (1982-1983)
26. Binder, EDL Conference Materials (2004)
Education and Allied Professions; General; Faculty Awards; Plaques; 1955-1991; Box 1; [15A-M-6A] Contents 1. MUSF Chairpersons 1987-`1985 2. Richard T. Delp Outstanding Faculty Award Alan M. Frager 1994 Associate Professir Department of Teacher Education 3. Renowned Scholar, 1986-88 Eileen Tway Professor Department of Teacher Education 4. Richard T. Delp Outstanding Faculty Award Thelma Hom-1993 Associate Professor Physical Education, Health and Sport Studies 5. Outstanding Teacher and Advisor, 1989-91 Robin Vealy Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Health and Sport Studies 6. Renowned Scholar 1986-88 Henry Giroux Professor Dep. of Educational Leadership 7. Outstanding Teacher and Advisor 1984-86 Susan J. Drudge Assistant Professor Department of Home Education and Consumer Sciences 8. Outstanding Teacher and Advisor, 1984-1986 James B. Wesson Professor Department of Teacher Education 9. Renowned Scholar, 1984-86 Rich Hofmann Professor Department of Educational Psychology 10. Outstanding Teacher and Advisor 1989-91 Kathy McMahon-Klosterman Associate Professor Department of Educational Psychology 11. Richard T. Delp Outstanding Faculty Award Sara Butler-1992 Associate Professor Family and Consumer Sciences 12. Renowned Scholar Peter McLaren Associate Professor Department of Educational Leadership 13. Renowned Scholar, 1984-86 Henry Giroux Associate Professor Department of Educational Leadership 14. Sigillum Universitatis Miaminsis 15. Finalist Yes 95! School Spirit Competition 1980 McGuffey Lab 16. Miami University Student Affairs Division Presents a Star Award to Miami University Applied Technologies Staff for Outstanding Service and Support to Miami Students 17. William McGuffey School 1955-56 Class of 1959 $2,000.59
- 1904 - 2022
- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- School of Education and Allied Professions. School of Education Health and Society. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
34 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Accreditation
- Annual Reports
- Audio Visual Tapes and Materials
- Budget
- Bureau of Educational Field Services
- Correspondence
- Curriculum
- DVDs
- DVDs
- Dance
- Dance Theatre (Formerly Named Orchesis)
- Dance Theatre -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Educational Administration
- Educational Leadership
- Home economics
- Home economics
- Jump Start Program
- Marjorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials
- Marjorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials
- Minutes and Materials
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous Tapes
- Orchesis Dance Theatre (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio)
- Photographs
- Photographs
- Physical Education; Honoraries
- Program Reviews
- Rousmaniere, Kate
- Rousmaniere, Kate
- School of Education and Allied Professions. School of Education Health and Society. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Scrapbooks--Ohio
- Student Diaries and Scrapbooks; Scrapbooks
- Teachers colleges -- Miami University -- Oxford -- Ohio
- photograph albums
- receipts (financial records)
- Object: Health and Physical Education Activities Integrating Factors of an Intramural Sports Program and the Required Physical Education Program, by Thomas Van Voorhis; 1930(?); 1A-F-Shelf 1 (Books)
- Object: Developmental Reading: A College Program to Measure and Improve Reading Ability, by Walter S. Guiler, et. al.; 1964; 1A-E-5B (Books)
- Box: 1; General and Departmental Materials, A-Special; 1915-2002; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 2; General and Departmental Materials, Health and Physical Education-Home Economics; 1915-2002; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 2; General and Departmental Materials, Educational Leadership-Physical Education, Health, and Sports Studies; 1986-2001; 15A-K-3B (Text)
- Box: 3; General and Departmental Materials, Industrial Arts-Teacher Education; 1915-2002; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 4; General and Departmental Materials, Educational Guidance-Educational Psychology; 1915-2002; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 6; General and Departmental Materials, General-Educational Psychology; 1986-2002; 15A-K-3C (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 20A-C-5B (Text)
- Box: 7; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-2A (Text)
- Box: 8; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 9; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-5B (Text)
- Box: 10; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-2B (Text)
- Box: 11; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-6A (Text)
- Box: 12; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-2C (Text)
- Box: 13; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 14; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 15; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 17; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 18; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-7C (Text)
- Box: 19; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-4C (Text)
- Box: 21; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1981-99; 15A-K-6B (Text)
- Box: 22; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1969-2002; 15A-O-3A (Text)
- Box: 23; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1991-2004; 15A-L-2A (Text)
- Box: 24; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-6A (Text)
- Box: 25; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-5C (Text)
- Box: 26; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1981-2000; 15A-L-2B (Text)
- Box: 27; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-4B (Text)
- Box: 28; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-4A (Text)
- Box: 29; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-7A (Text)
- Box: 30; Miscellaneous School of Education Materials; 1904-2004; 15A-K-6C (Text)
- Box: 1; Education and Allied Professions; General; Marjorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials; DVDs, Correspondence, Photographs, and Miscellaneous Papers; 2002-2010; 15A-L-2C (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 2; Education and Allied Professions; General; Marjorie McClellan Jump Start Program Materials; Scrapbooks, Photographs, and Miscellaneous Papers; 2003-2010; 15A-P-2C (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 1; Education and Allied Professions; General; Faculty Awards; Plaques; 1955-1991; 15A-M-6A (Graphic Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository