WWI, 1917 - 1919
Miami University General, A-Z; World War I; Correspondence of R. M. Hughes and E. E. Brandon with Men in Service: General: A-Z; Correspondence: A-I; 1917-19; Box 1 [12A-C-3A]! Contents: 1. War Records: A form submitted to the President's Office 2. Reply cards to the Publications Office 3. General Correspondence: Miscellaneous papers 4. Correspondence with Men in Service (alphabetically arranged) 5. War Record: see above 6. Corr.: Correspondence with Raymond M. Hughes unless otherwise indicated. 7. Recommendation: Usually by Raymond M. Hughes General 1. Air Service 1918 2. Ambulance Corps 1917 [E. E. Brandon corr. re Miami Men] 3. American Field Service, Volunteers for Transport Department, French Army, 1917 4. Brandenburg, Samuel Jacob (1904) Librarian, re. Library 5. At Camp Sherman--Brandon, E. E. See under Dice, Max Green. Raymond M. Hughes to MGD, January 22, 1918. Dr. Brandon "is teaching French . . . at Camp Sherman . . . " 6. Brodbeck, Alfred. PE 1916-20. See Fry, Wm. F. 7. Camp Sherman: Miami Men, list of. RMH recommendations for Richard Hart Israel (1917), Samuel Smith Carr (1914), Robert P. Stadler (1916), RMH to George C. Darcy, September 26, 1917 8. "Certificate of Attendance," re. : RMH to C. A. Burett 9. College Military Training, War Department Notice, May 8, 1918 10. Graduation for Service Men, 1918 11. Hughes, Raymond M. See McKercher, M. L., RMH to, September 30, 1918. President Hughes appointed "District Educational Director for Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia, for SATC." See S. S. Carr (1914), October 9, 1917, RMH to: RMH writes to captains of service men. 12. McAbel, Captain--Camp Sherman. Reference: Dick Israel, Sam Carr, Robert Stadler 13. Miami Men in Service, 1918 14. Miami Men in Service: Reply cards to Publication Office, 1917 15. Miscellaneous Correspondence 16. Murchison, T. C. Economics and History 1916-18 17. Correspondence about. Officers Commissions Awarded. News clip Cincinnati Enquirer 11-28-17 18. Poling, Wade H. Corr. RMH. 19. Red Cross: Correspondence, Drive, Contributions 1917-18 20. Raymond Ross. Corr. RMH 21. SATC transfers to Camp Grant, Infantry Central Officers Training School 11-13-18 22. Shultz, Watson 11-23-17 [Sending "eatables" to boys in Camp Sherman] 23. Tangeman, Horace F. Reply card to Publication Office 24. U. S. Food Administration--Herbert Hoover, 1918 25. "Wireless" Training, Corr. RMH-W.F. Shaw, 1917-18 26. Women's War Work, 1918 Correspondence 27. YMCA--Corr. RMH 1917-18 28. YMCA, Camp Sherman: RMH Corr. Ira G. McCormack 29. YMCA--Recruiting. Lewis, Robert E. Corr. RMH 4-12-18, 4-6-18. References: Dr. Brandon, George Little, Alfred Brodbeck, (George) Rider 30. YMCA--Lobinger, J. Leslie. Corr. RMH. Miami Men teaching at Great Lakes. References: Franklin C. Beeks (1917), E. L. Schneider (1917), Charles Raymond Wagner (1917), J. U. Schlenck (x20) Correspondence with Men in Service A-I 1. Baer, Carlos (1914-17)[Died in service][See Ambulance Corps (Box 1, File 2), E. E. Brandon 5-1-17. See 1/W/WWI: Baer, Carlos--Memorial Tablet, Honor Roll] 2. Baker, John Lewis (1904). Corr. RMH 3. Baker, Willard E. War Record. [Not in 1940 Directory] 4. Basler, Carl E. War Record. (1909). Corr. 7-19-18 5. Bateman, Thomas Frederick (Tom B., Jr.)(1921) 6. Balyeat, Gordon A. (1917) War Record 7. Barbour, Foster (Not in 1940 Directory) [Died in service] 8. Beard, John Morace (1916) War Record. Corr. 9. Beaton, Monroe (x-19) Corr. 10. Beckel, Raymond St. Clair (1916) War Record. Corr. 11. Beekley, Eugene Augustue (1919) Corr. Ref John Sherman Beekley (1915) 12. Beekley, Ferris Eliphalet (1920) Corr. 13. Beekley, John Sherman (1915) Corr. 14. Becks, Franklin Cone (1917) See Box 1, File 29 YMCA--Lobinger; see Ragan, A. E. RMH 8-7-17 15. Behrman, Bernard (Burman) Corr. about: A. H. Upham, E. E. Brandon, news clip. Student (1971-1918?) 16. Bell, Henry Glenn (x-20) War Record, Corr. 17. Belt, William S. (Student 1913-14. Not in 1940 Directory). War Record, Corr. re. 18. Bender, Fred William (1919) Corr. 19. Berry, Shaler (x-90) Corr. 20. Bishop, Robert Hamilton IV (1903) Corr. 21. Balik, Earl Harry (1918) Corr. re 22. Blanchard, Oley (x-18) Corr. RMH 23. Blanchard, Oley (x-18) Corr. E. E. Brandon 24. Blickensderfer, Robert R. (1907) War Record, Corr. 25. Bliss, John Eugene (Student 1916-17)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. 26. Blythe, William Horace (1911) War Record. Corr. RMH, Dr. Benton 27. Bogart, Carl Hoffman (1916) War Record. Corr. 28. Bollinger, Everett Richard (1916) War Record 29. Boring, Tom Raymond (1919) War Record. Corr. 30. Bower, Kenneth Mason (1915-16, 16-17) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record. Corr. (Student) 31. Boyd, Clinton DeWitt (1908) Corr. 32. Brandenberg, Lelah Merle (2-yr. Diploma 1919) Corr. 33. Brate, Foster (1919) Corr. 34. Brewer, Walter J. (Student 1913-15)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 35. Bridge, Ruth Hermina (1913) War Record. Corr. News lip: Letter from 36. Brown, Harley Leroy (x-16) War Record. Corr. 37. Brown, Harty Whiting (x-17) War Record. Corr. 38. Brundige, E. B. (Student 1915-17) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 39. Brunsman, Walter M. (1921) Recommendation RMH 40. Bryant, George R. (1921) Recommendation RMH 41. Buck, Maurice Karl (1918) 42. Buckley, Neil A. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re. 43. Bunce, Harvey Johnson (1916) War Record. Corr. 44. Bunger, Emil Stuart (1923) War Record. RMH 45. Burgett, Herman Albert (1910) War Record. Corr. 46. Burke, Lee A. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 47. Burt, Ralph Charles (1919) Corr. Recommendation, RMH 48. Butterfield, Jackson Titus (1916) Corr. 49. Button, Alfred Tennyson (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 50. Canter, Charles Vernon (1919) War Record. Corr. 51. Carey, Nick, N. (1918) War Record 52. Carney, Homer Eugene (1915) War Record 53. Carpenter, Leewell Hunter (1924) Corr. 54. Carr, James Gates (x-1910-14)(Not in 1940 Directory) [See General: Box 1, file 7, Camp Sherman, Recommendation] 55. Carr, Samuel Smith (1914) Corr. [See McAbel, Box 1] 56. Carter, Solon J. (1909) War Record. News Clip 57. Carver, George W. (1916) Corr. 58. Chatterton, Victor Edwin (1919) War Record. Corr. 59. Chew, Lloyd Maury (1918) Corr. 60. Circle, Stanford Emerson (1915-16)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record. 61. Clark, Henry T. (Student 1917-18)(Not in 1940 Directory) 62. Clark, James M. (Junior 1917-18)(Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 63. Clark, Marvin Dykes (1919) War Record 64. Clark, Ransom Butler (1922)[Son of Professor Frank Lowry Clark, d. 6-17-28, France] 65. Clarke, Andrew Malcolm (1917) Corr. 66. Clarke, Charles Stuart (1914) Corr. 67. Claypool, Benjamin Franklin (1916) War Record. Photo Corr. RMH, EEB 68. Cleveland, Douglas S. (Student 1916-18)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record. Corr. 69. Close, Claud C. (x-20) Corr. Captain 50th Co. 11-12-17, 11-17-17 70. Coddington, Sam (1918 Honor Roll)(Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 71. Collette, Burdetter E. (1918 Honor Roll)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 72. Connaway, Cass (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 73. Cook, Malcolm Orr (x-21) Recommendation by Acting VP 74. Robert Wallace (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 75. Corbett, Glenn Hildreth (1922) Corr. 76. Cotton, Herbert Milton (Diploma 1915) War Record. Corr. 77. Coulter, Marion (x-20) Recommendation 78. Coulter, Philip Louis (Student 1907-08) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 79. Craig, Roy Edson (1917) War Record 80. Crandall, Robert Hathaway (x-17) Corr. 81. Cranston, Ralph Edgar (1916) War Record. Corr. 82. Crawford, Leo Calvin (1919) War Record. Corr. 83. Crawford, Vivian Fairchilds (1917) Recommendation. [See General: Box 1, file 2, Ambulance Corps, EEB re Miami Men] 84. Crawford. Vivian F. (1917) Corr. E. E. Brandon 85. Crist, Arthur J. (Student 1912-14)(Not in 1940 Directory) war record 86. Cummings, Robert (1919) Recommendation. Corr. 87. Cummings, Taylor (x-07) War Record 88. Curran, William G. (Diploma 1916 : 1918 Ed) Recommendation. Corr. 89. Cushman, William Howenstine (1911) War Record 90. Daugherty, Lowell A. (1920) Corr. 91. Daughers, Harry W. (x-31) Corr. re RMH Secy. 92. Davies, Harry A. (1916-1917. Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 93. Davis, Robert Norman (1914-1917. Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 94. Dearbaugh, Charles Edward (1918) War Record. Corr. Recommendation. 95. Deem, Paul G. (1913-16. Not in 1940 Directory). Corr. Recommendation. 96. Devine, Margaret Mary (1917) War Record 97. DeVoss, Lyle Dickey (x-20) War Record. Corr. Recommendation 98. Dice, Max Green (1918) Corr. RMH, EEB. Letter 1-22-18: Dr. Brandon "is teaching French (nine classes a day) at Camp Sherman and will be over there for six weeks." 99. Doren, Shuoler (Student 1908, 1912. Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re, Recommendations 100. Douglas. Dwight Ireneus (1906) War Record. 101. Douglas, Thoedore Wayland (1918) Corr. 102. Drake, Vernon Lee (1919) Corr. Recommedation 103. Druhot, Harley H. (Student 1913-1915. Not in 1940 Directory) War record, Corr. 104. Dubois, Paul (not MU?) Recommendation 105. Duke, Russell Everett (x-22) War Record, Corr. Recommendation 106. Duncan, Edward Estle (1911) War Record 107. Edmiston, Robert Wentz (1916) War Record 108. Ehler, Ralph F. (1917) War; Corr. 109. Elliot, Clifford W. (1912) War Record; Corr; Recommendation 110. Ellis, William Nelson (1918) War Record; Corr; Recommendations 111. Ellsworth, Thomas Thorpe (x-18) War Record: Corr. 112. Engel, William Richard (Student 1907-1912) (Not in 1940 Directory; Not in honor Roll 113. Evans, George Taggart (1914) War Record; Corr. 114. Evans, John Charles (1895) War Record: To RMH: Postal Card photo; Red Cross business card 115. Everhart, Walter Maurice (1921) War Record; Corr, Recommendation 116. Exley, Russell Browning (x-19) War Records; Corr. and Recommendation 117. Fast, Bess June (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 118. Faulwetter, Roy C. (1912) War Record 119. Fecher, Constatine J. (1924) Corr. Recommendation, War Record 120. Fee, Darlington E.(x-98, student 1894-96) War Record 121. Ferguson, Clenn H. (x-18, student 1914-16) War Record, Corr, Recommendation 122. Ferfuson, John Bohn (1903) War Record 123. Filer, William John (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 124. Fink, Hugh Willard (1918) War Record 125. Finley, Hohn Hancher (1915) Corr. 126. Fisher, Otto Orren (1909) War Record 127. Fitzgerald, Heber D. (1909) Corr. War Record 128. Focht, Wilber Hiatt (1921) Corr. War Record 129. Foley, David Edward (x-12) War Record 130. Foley, William Massey (1920) Corr. References Professor Martin, Music 1914-32, Professor Baudin, Rom. Lang. 1917-31, Stanley G. Mckie, L 1919, Ralph Chas. Burt, L 1919 131. Foster, Amos Parker Staff: PE 1907, Oe. Corr. Recommendation 132. Foster, George H. (1920) War Record, Corr. 133. Foster, John Franklin (x-21) War Record, Corr. 134. Foulkes, Thomas G. (1918) War Record, Corr. Recommendation 135. Fowler, Ben E. (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 136. Fox, Alphonsus clyde (1920) Corr. Recommendation 137. Frazer, John F. (x-13) Corr. E.E. Brandon 138. Frazer, John F. (x-13) Corr. Recommendation. References: Dr. Benton, Dr. Brandon. See Frazer, John F. Corr. E.E. Brandon 139. Frazer, William J. (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. News Clip: Life at Gettysburg 140. Fry, John Oscar (1919) War Records; Corr, Recommendation. References: Chief Crawfo (Vivian Fairchilds, 1917), Don Fitzgerald (x-19), Warner (?) Clifford O. Wild (x-18) 141. Fry, William Finley (1919) War Record, Corr. See Brodbeck, A. #1 F6, Corr. re Fry. 142. Galbraeth, Dean Howells (Student 1914-15) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 143. Gard, Paul Brown (1916) War Record, Dorr. See Paul Grad--E.E. Brandon_ 144. Frinnell, Albert Ahterton (1920) Corr. Recommendation_ 145. Gaskill, David A. (x-16) War Record, Corr. Recommendation 12-27-17 Father, Trustee._ 146. Geeting, Joseph S. (1919) corr. Recommendation 147. Gelhaus, W.J. (Student 1916-17) (Not in 1940 Directory of Honor Roll) Corr. Recommendation._ 148. Gerber, David F. (1903) Recommendation 149. Gilbert, James Homer (1912) Corr. Recommendation 150. Gilbert Hoaua John (x-19, student 1915-17) Corr, Recommendation_ 151. Gilett, Welby (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. Recommendation_ 152. Goad, William Curtis (1917) War Record_ 153. Goldman, Marcu Selden (1916) See McGinnis, Ralph J., RMH to, 9-30-18._ 154. Goodwin, John Herbert (1920) Corr., Recommendation 155. Goodfellow, Thomas (1913) War Record 156. Goodwin, John (Junior 1917-18) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re; Recommendation. 157. Grabiel, Ernest Adolphus (1914) War Record 158. Graham, Robert McCaslin (1913) War Record, Corr._ 159. Grasshoff, Grank O. (Freshman 1915-16) (Not in 1940 Directory) Recommendation._ 160. Greer, Allen Curtis (x-18) War Record, Corr._ 161. Greer, Charles Edward (1894) War Record_ 162. Gries, John Matthew (1905) Corr. 163. Griffis, Corlision Hooven (Student 1913-14-15) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 164. Gross, Ralph (2 years) (Not in 1940 Directory) War record_ 165. Grubsch, Richard Max (Diploma 1917; Ed 1935)_ 166. Grulee, Clifford Groselle (1899) War Record, Corr. News clip: Chicago News 5-3-18._ 167. Haggard, Maurice C. (1915) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation. 168. Hains, Leland W. (1914) War record 169. Hale, Robert Moffet (1921) Corr. 170. Hall, Elmer D. (1916-18. Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation 171. Hammel, Larz Ross (1920) Corr. re. 172. Hammerle, Louis Franklin (1914) War Record; Corr., Recommendation 173. Hammond, William Archie (1914) War Record_ 174. Hamsher, John Fremont (1906) Corr., recommendation; War Record_ 175. Hansten, Howard E. (Not in 1940 Directory) Telegram to RMH_ 176. Harrell, Robert J. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., n.d._ 177. Harrington, Frank A. (1920) War Record, Corr., Recommendation_ 178. Harris, George William (1910-13) War Records; Corr., Recommendation_ 179. Harris, William Delaware (1912) War Record 180. Harisson, Cecil R. (1918) War Record_ 181. Hartzell, Glenn Adelbert (1919) War Record, Corr., Recommendation. References: Taylor, Stoner, Joe Meyers, Chas. Long, Israel_ 182. Hayner, Arthur C. (Student 4 years begining 1896) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. from Acting VP and Recommendation 183. Heeter, Charles R. (1911) Corr., Recommendation. References: Jos. Bachelor, Chas. Herald, Bob Dalderwood, Henry J. Beckett. 184. Heck, Earl L. (1915-17) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation. References: Lester Condid, Max Dice. 185. Herald, Charles M. (1911) War Record 186. Hendricks, Charles McChristie (x-04) War Record 187. Hiers, Glen Sefton (1919) War record 188. Himmelright, Paul Giffon (1912) Corr., Reomendation 189. Hinckley, Lyman (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendations. Reference: Dwight Kinckley (x-19) 190. Hoffman, Harold Leroy (1917) War Record, Corr. References: McMullen, Everett, Wilson Miller, Allan Post 191. Hoffman, Kenneth E. (not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 192. Holtzmuller, Paul M. (x-18) War Record, corr. 193. Horn Harold Huston (x-19) Corr._ 194. Horrell, Olney W. (x-19) War record, Corr. 195. Houghton, Charles D. M. (x-96) News Clip July 30,? 196. Hughes, Harlod Swain (1918) War Record 197. Israel, Richard Hart (1917) War Record, Corr., Recommendation [See General: Box 1, file 7: Camp Sherman (Recommendation): 11-18-18, RGI to Publications Office correcting Honor Roll; Wooly, C. R.; McAbel. References: Sam Carr, Stadtler, Holtzmuller, Robert Taylor, Neff, Loudenbach, Brown, Kluber, George Little]
Miami University General, A-Z; World War I; Correspondence of R. M. Hughes and E. E. Brandon with Men in Service; 1917-18; Box 2 [12A-C-3C]! Files: 1. Jamieson, Earl Ralsten (1920) War Record 2. Johnston, Bates H, (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 3. Johnston, Campbell Swing (1910) War Record, Corr. 4. Kaeser, Elmer C. (1918) War Record, Corr. 5. Kallmerton, Arno Ernest (1920) Corr., Recommendations 6. Keay, Richard Russell (1922) Corr., Recommendations 7. Keffer, Ralph (1911) War Record, Corr. RMH, Alum., Secy. 8. Keim, Burton de Beneville (1914) War Record 9. Keller, Frank Donald (1934) War Record 10. Kerr, Clarence Ware (1915) War Record. Corr. E. E. Brandon, RMH; Acting VP, Recommendations 11. Kinder, Jean Rollins (1911) Corr., Recommendation; to Acting VP. 12. Kluber, William McKinley (Diploma 1917) Corr., Recommendation 13. Kneisley, James fletcher (1918) Corr., Recommendations 14. Kneisley, Joseph Howard (1916) Corr. 15. Koenig, Fred Edward (1917) Corr., Recommendations. Corr. E. E. Brandon 16. Kramerm, Wilbur (x-21) War Record 17. Kreger, Clarence Wiliiam (1919) Corr., Recommendation 18. Krickenberger, Herschel H. (Diploma 1916, Ed 1934) Corr. References: Red Hale, Walter Shupp 19. Kumler, Harry Wallace (1916) Corr. Reference: Guinn Mattern 20. Lamb, Benjamin H. (x-12)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. to Registrar; Frederick W. Lamb (brother) to A. H. Upham re BHL 21. Lamb, Frank Heady (1893-94, AM 1905) War Record 22. Landon, Samuel (1916-17) Corr., Recommendation. RMH to Father, Mother. D. 4-11-18 Camp Sherman 23. Landry, Charles A. (x-17) War Record 24. Langdon, John Bruce (1910) Corr., Recommendation 25. Lanum, Robert W. (1915-17) [See David, Harry A.] 26. Latta, John Stephens (1916) War Record 27. Law, Thomas Carter (x-13) War Record 28. Lease, Leland J. (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. 29. Levering, Ray Bland (1915) War Record 30. Little, George Edkin P. E. (1916-17, 1919-22) Corr. War Record, Photo 31. Long, Charles Ford (1903) War Record, Corr. 32. Loudenback, Clarence Franklin (x-20) War Record 33. Loudenback, Martin Vorhees (1917) War Record, Corr. 34. Lowe, Stuart Stafford (1917) War Record, Corr. E. E. Brandon 35. Lowry, Ralph Thompson (x-17) War Record, Corr. to Publications Office, Alumni Secretary 36. Mace, Clifton Harting (1911-13) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 37. Manton, Thomas C. (1917) Corr. E. E. Brandon 38. Markley, Clinton Louden (1909) War Record 39. Markley, Samuel V. (1920) War Record, Corr. 40. Marshall, Bert Elmer (1891-92) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 41. Marshall, Bladen (1920) Corr. 42. Marshall, Edward Clark (x-19) War Record 43. Marshall, James Clark (x-12) War Record 44. Martin, Chester C. (1916) War Record 45. Martin, Oscar Carey (Student 1913-17, Diploma 1926, Ed 1930) War Record 46. Masters, Howard H. (1921) War Record 47. Mattern, Guinn W. (1917) Corr. RMH to father and mother; Secretary of President to mother; news clip (April 17, 1918); GWM's death; References: Kent Ritchie (1911-12), Carols Baer (1914-17), Sam Landon (1915-17), all casualties. [See RG 1 / WW I--Mattern, W. Guinn: Memorial Tablet, Honor Roll.] 48. Matthews, Mcdowell (1915-17) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, corr. RMH, E. E. Brandon, Recommendation 49. McCarthy, William (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. E. E. Brandon. References, Frazer, Baer, Crawford, Van Ausdall, Martin, Cook. 50. McCaslin, John Mathers (1912) War Record 51. McClellan, Edward Earl (ed 1920, LA 1921) War Record 52. McClellan, George Beryl (1918) Corr. E. E. Brandon, War Record 53. McGinnia, Ralph J. (1921) Corr. 54. McKercher, M. Lenual (Student 1917-18) Corr., Recommendation 55. McKie, Stanley G. (1919) War Record 56. McKim, Gordon Frank (1900) War Record 57. McKinley, Louis (May term 1905) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 58. McLean, Robert (x-21) Corr., Recommendation 59. McMicken, Andrew Pevelle (1913) War Record 60. McMullen, Paul Huggart (1921) Corr. re 61. McVey, Louis O. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re 62. Mechelin, Edward J. (x-20) Corr. E. E. Brandon 63. Miller, Ralph Kerst (1917) War Record 64. MIller, Walter John (1914) War Record 65. Mittendorf, Carl Richard (1919) War Record 66. Monroe, Charles Edgar (Student 1915-17) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 67. Moore, Harry Kenneth ("One Year") (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 68. Moor, Wendell Agnew (1917) War Record 69. Murphy, Chester Norton (1921) War Record 70. Myers, Henry J. (Not in 1940 Directory) Recommendation 71. Pabst, Oscar A. (1918) Corr. Recommendation 72. Palmer, Stanley Barnes (1914) Corr. 73. Pape, Edward M. (1919) Corr. RMH, EEB 74. Paterson, Chester Leroy (Student 1910, 1912)(Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 75. Perrone, Carl Felix (x-21) Corr. re CFP 76. Pettit, Frank F. (Student 1911, 1912) Corr. Mrs. LEP to A. H. Upham 77. Pheanis, Clifford Clem (Student) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re. 78. Pierce, Marvin (1916) Corr., Recommendations 79. Piercy, Harry Doremus (1910) War Record 80. Poast, Allen C. (x-18) Corr., Recommendation 81. Poos, Walter A. (x-1917) (Student 1913-15) War Record, Corr., Recommendations. References: Charles R. Hetter, Vernon Fairley (1917) 82. Pugh, Robert H. (1920) Corr. 83. Pults, Cecil Carl (x-16) War Record 84. Ragan, Allen Edgar (1921) War Record, Corr. RMH, EEB. References: Frank Beeks, Joseph Schlenck, Elmer Schneider 85. Reese, Harry Leferne (1918) Corr. 312. Reese, Lloyd Glenn (1924) War Record, Corr. EEB 86. Reichert, Seraphim Joseph (1915) Corr. RMH, EEB 87. Reilly, Thomas W. (1913) War Record 88. Ritchie, Kent (Student)(Not in 1940 Directory) Died in Service. Corr. RMH, Family, re; news clips 89. Robinson, Andrew S. (1911) War Record 90. Robinson, Edward Hyde (1919) War Record, Corr. 91. Robson, John M. (x-14) / Robson, William W. (x-20) Corr. Recommendations 92. Rogers, James Dwight (x-22) War Record, Corr. 93. Rogers, William Walter (1914) War Record 94. Ross, Howard F. (1916) Corr. 95. Rost, Hilbert R. (x-18) Corr., Recommendation 96. Rothwell, Roger L. (1917) War Record, Corr. 97. Roudebush, Ralph Carver (1914) War Record 98. Roudebush, Robert (1915) War Record 99. Roy, Andrew McGregor (x-18?) (Not in Directory) War Record, Corr., Recommendations 100. Rumaggi, Louis J. (x-21) Corr. 101. Rupert, Louis L. (x-08) War Record, Corr. EEB 102. Rymer, Thomas Andrew (1910) War Record . 103. Sams, Ralph George (1915) Corr. Reference 4-19-18: Service Flag, 24 stars, 4 gold 104. Sanders, Lester Whitlock (1922) War Record, Corr. 105. Saunders, Chauncey Elwood (Student 1916-17) War Record, Corr. 106. Saunders, Harold Rinalden (1922) Recommendations 107. Schaffer, Negley (Junior 1916-17) Recommendation; Corr. N.S. to EEB 108. Schlenck, John M. Recommendation. [See 4 HU/WWI, Box 1, file 30: Corr. J. L. Lobinger] 109. Schlenck 110. Schmid, Albert (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re. 111. Schneider, Elmer L. (1917) War Record, Corr., Recommendations [See 4 Hu/WWI, Box 1, file 30: Corr. J. L. Lobinger 112. Schmid, Albert (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re. 113. Schneider, Elmer L. (1917) War Record, Corr., Recommendations [See 4 Hu/WWI, Box 1, file 30: Corr. J. L. Lobinger 114. Schramm, Arthur Felix (1913) Corr., Recommendation 115. Schreiner, Harry J. (Student 1916-18) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 116. Scudder, Joseph Paul (1902) Corr. Recommendation 117. Schwab, Harlan Albert (1915) War Record, Corr., Recommendation 118. Schwelzer, Robert John (1918) War Record, Corr. 119. Seibert, Irvin L. (1920) War Record, Corr., Recommendation 120. Sexton, Hardigg (1918) War Record, Corr., Recommendation. References: Don Shera, Fred Climer, Carl Manrod, Tom Law, Homer Peters, Bob Gillespie (all Studetns and Arthur Wickenden, Mrs Whitelaw Reid 3-3-19; "pipe" courses 121. Sexton, William (1918) Corr.: RMH re.; References to Students: Shorty Crist, Bill Van Ausdall, Louis Hoffman, Fred Pruden, Carl Kersting 122. Shank, Spencer (x-19) War Record, Corr. 123. Sheard, Wellesley (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. EEB 124. Sheehan, Murray (1908) War Record, Corr., Recommendations 125. Shinkle, Seraphes DuVall (11911) War Record, Corr. 126. Shirk, Frank W. (Student 1913-14) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation, RWS to E. A. Young 127. Seifert, Ernst George (1919) Corr. Recommendation 128. Siemer, Elton (Student 1915-16, 1916-17)(Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation 129. Simpson, John R. (1899) (LLD 1919) War Record, Corr. 130. Simpson, Thomas James (1912) Corr. 131. Smail, Charles B. (1921) Corr. References: Fred Watson Climer (1917), Waterfield, Wm. (x-19?), Sexton, William Hardigg, Landry, Charles A., Glenn Hance [?], Walter Breth [?], Don Shera (John Donald 1917), Emerson Dean [?] 132. Smith, Francis C. (x-20) Corr., Recommendation 133. Souers, Ralph Edward (1911) 134. Sproull, Clarence T. (1912) War Record 135. Stadler, Robert P. (1916) War Record, Corr., Recommendation. [See McAbel, Capt., Box 1, file 12] 136. Stadler, Robert P. (1916) Corr. E. E. Brandon. See under Israel, Wooly 137. Staeuble, Irwin (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record 138. Steele, Pervy (x-19) Corr., Recommendation 139. Steil, Otto Detmer (1918) Corr. 140. Stephens, Bruce Hinsey (x-16) War Record 141. Stevenson, Frank Earl (1919) War Record 142. Stickrod, Warren W. Corr. EMH, A. E. Young. Recommendation 143. Stockes, Paul Kames (1915) War Record, Corr. 144. Stoner, William David (1926) War Record 145. Storer, Elroy Templin (1907) Corr. Recommendation 146. Streiber, Frank Harvey (x-22) Corr. Recommendation 147. Stutsman, George Ferdinand (1916) Corr. 148. Taylor, Alva Elzworth (1921) Corr. 149. Taylor, Morris Griffith (1914) War Record, Corr. Recommendation 150. Taylor, Robert Garland (1913) Corr., Recommendation 151. Taylor, Robert Graham (1920) War Record 152. Tener, Carlton Glen (1920) War Record, Corr., Recommendation 153. Thompson, Samuel C. (1916) 154. Tillman, Samuel Escue (4 months at Miami in 1865, x-1869) War Record; AM Yale, D.S.M., Ret. Brig. General; West Point 1869; Ret. 1911; Active Duty 6-13-17; Service in WW I: Superintendent and Commandant of U.S. Military Academy 155. Towe, Harold Theodore (x-20) War Record 156. Traul, Howard Addison (1921) Corr., re 157. Trumbo, Silas Benson (1916) War Record 158. Tucker, Edward Albert (x-12) Corr., Recommendation 159. Twitchel, Herbert D. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 160. Ulm, Lorin Goodhue (x-20) Corr., Recommendation 161. Vogt, Carl (x-20) Corr. 162. Voress, Clyde Lennard (1918) War Record 163. Wack, John Walter (x-20) Corr. 164. Wagner, Charles Raymond (1917) [See Box 1, file 30 YMCA Corr.] 165. Wakefield, Wiliam (Not in 1940 Directory) WW to Miss Marshall 166. Wallace, Fred (x-15) Corr., Recommendation 167. Wallace, H. R. (1910) Corr._ 168. Wallace, J. Bruce (x-12) Corr. 169. Walter, Leo Rohe (1921) War Record 170. Walter, Zura Milton (x-20) Corr. 171. Warner, C. S. (1902-03, 03-04, 06-07) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr., Recommendation 172. Warner, George William (Student 1916-18, x-20) (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. 173. Warner, Louis Charles (x-13) War Record 174. Warrington, John Raymond (1914) Corr. RMH; Recommendation 175. Waterfield, William (x-19) War Record 176. Watterson, Dillon (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re 177. Watterson, Dillon. Corr. Ima Watterson (1916) (Mrs. Fred C. Carter about her brother; RMH) 178. Web er, Leory (Not in 1940) d. 10-7-18 at Camp Sherman (Not in 1919 Honor Roll) RMH to Joh Weber, Father 179. Weber, William Lyle (1920) War Record; Corr. RMH, Recommendation; Corr. EEB 180. Webster, Harry Forrest (1912) War Record 181. Werner, Louis C. (x-13) (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 182. White, Cull Alexander (Student 1904-09, x-11) War Record 183. Whitlock, Lester J. (1914) Corr. Recommendation 184. Wickenden, Arthur C. (Denison 1915) Corr., Recommendation [See enclosed note. Reference: 8 FAC] 185. Wild, Clifford O. (Student 1913-17, x-18) War Record Corr. 186. Wiley, William Henry (Professor of Education 1914-19) Corr. re [See 9 FAC] 187. Williams, Fred Charles (1906) 188. Williamson, Everett K. (Not in 1940 Directory) War Record, Corr. 189. Willson, Earl Harry (1918) War Record, Corr. Recommendation 190. Wilson, Clyde Hubert (1910) War Record, Corr. Elizabeth Wilson re. 191. Wilson , Wendell (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. re subscription to War Fund 192. Wimmer, John Duhme (1919) Corr., and Corr. Acting VP 193. Wineland, Lisle (Diploma 1913, Ed. 1929, M 1932) Corr. Recommendation by Acting VP 194. Womsetler, Joe B. (1916) Corr. RMH and C. E. Wonsetler 195. Wood, Frank Edward (1904) Corr., Recommendatoin, re: Service Flag 196. Woodruff, Francis Russell (1920) Corr., Recommendation. Captain Huber re. 197. Wright, Donald M. (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. 198. Zoller, Miles (Not in 1940 Directory) Corr. RMH with father, J. S. Zoller.
Miami University General, A-Z; World War I; General Materials; 1917-19; Box 3 [12A-C-4A]!
1. Baer, Carlos - Memorial Tablet
2. Delta Upsilon [D.U. Quarterly (September 1918); "War Letter, Miami Chapter of Delta Upsilon"(n.d.); Letter-"Dear Brother: The War is over and Won! . . ."(April 16, 1919)]
3. Miami Honor Roll [Occupations of Miami Men of 1916-17 in July 1917, ser.15, n.11 (July 1917), Alumni News Letter, ser. 15 (August 1917); Miami's Honor Roll . . . Reported in Service (December 1, 1917); Miami's Honor Roll . . . Reported in Service (February 12, 1918); Miami's Honor Roll . . . Reported in Service (April 9. 1918); Miami's Honor . . . Reported in Service (June 14, 1918), Alumni News Letter, ser.16, n.12 (August 1918); Miami's Honor Roll . . . Reported in Service (October 24, 1918); Necrology, Alumni News Letter, ser. 17, no.12 (August 1919) In Memoriam Carlos Baer; Necrology 1917-18. 1847-]
4. The Kappa Bulletin (June 1918)[Published annually by the Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Carlos Baer, pp. 6-7, photo and text]
5. Liberty Loan Campaign, Fourth [Mimeo notice to chairmen, etc., Hamilton, Ohio (September 27, 1918)]
6. Mattern, W. Guinn - Memorial Tablet [See 4 HU WW I, Mattern, G.]
7. "Men Who Died in National Service, 1918-19"[Photos of eleven men, supplement ot Miami University Bulletin, ser.18, no.12 (August 1919)
8. Miscellany [The Eighty-Third Division News (February 6, 1918)-YMCA Feature Story; The Enquirer (January 4, 1918)-Candidates for Officers' Training Camp"; "Purpose of the Government Savings Campsign, 1919"{flyer}; Proclamation: State of Ohio . . .Invest in War Savings Stamps . . . {Campaign to begin March 17, 1919-poster}; Miami University at Record . . . John Sherman Beekley, Class of 1915; Oxford Men in National Service {one sheet, n.d.}]
9. Posters
10. Red Cross (1917- )
11. Service Flag [25'x 15' flag present by Cincinati Alumni, 240 stars. Photo with flag flanked by Malcolm Cook and A. Grinnell; Shows flag suspended on the stage of old Benton Hall {News clip with legend}]
12. Service Map (January 1, 1918) - Map showing location of men in service
13. The Miami Student [vol.43, nos. 1. 2. 3, 6, 7 (September 26, October 3, October 18, November 8, November 14, 1918); vol. 44, no. 8 (November 21, 1918); vol. 45, nos. 9, 10, 25 (November 27, December 5, 1918, April 18, 1919); vol. 46, no. 28 (May 8, 1919)]
14. SATC (Students Army Training Corps)(1918) I
15. SATC (Students Army Training Corps) II
16. University Notices (1918-19)
University Publications
17. Miami University Bulletins [ser.15, no.9 (May 1917)-Alumni News Letter; ser. 15, no.12 (August 1917); ser. 16, no.2 (October 1917)-Lectures and Entertainments . . .The Department of University Extension; ser. 16, no.3 (November 1917)-Alumni News Letter, Annual Directory, Service Flag; ser. 16, no.4 (December 1917)-Summer Session 1918; Miami's Honor Roll . . . in Service, December 1, 1917; ser. 16, no. 6 (February 1918)-Alumni News Letter); Miami's Honor Roll . . .in Service (February 12, 1918); ser. 16, no.7 (March 1918)-Catalogue, 1917-18; ser. 16, no.9 (May 1918)-Alumni News Letter, Cover and story, Dean E. E. Brandon, Alumni Day, May 25, 1918; Seventy-Ninth Annual Commencement Exercises . . .(May 28, 1918); ser. 16, no.10 (June 1918)-Annual Reports . . . 1917-18; Miami's Honor Roll . . . June 14, 1918; ser. 16, no. 11 (July 1918); ser. 16, no.4? (December 1918) - Summer Session 1918; Handbook and Calendar, 1918-19; Organization of Teaching Staff and Administrative Officers, 1918-19; ser. 17, no. 9 (May 1919)-Alumni News Letter; ser. 17, no. 9, supplement (May 1919) - Victory Commencement Program; ser. 17, no. 12 (August 1919) - Alumni News Letter; ser. 17, no. 3 (November 1919) - Alumni News Letter, Annual Directory]
18. Victory Commencement (1919) [Mimeo, 1 page: "A Living Service Flage of June 14," signed by A. H. Upham, Alumni Secretary]
19. Miami Student (1917-19)
20. Miami University Bulletins [ser. 17, no. 3 (November 1918)-S.A.T.C. Inducted at Miami; ser. 17, no. 6 (February 1919)-Miami men first to enter Metz, Henry Beckett, 1911, tells the story of a real experience] .
21. Biographical descriptions, Malcolm Cook, John F. Frazer, Guy Potter Benton, Carlos Baer, Albert A. Grinnell
22. 22. Ambulance Service In World War I
- Creation: 1917 - 1919
- From the Sub-Group: Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
3 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Genre / Form
- Air Service
- Ambulance Corps, 1917
- American Field Service
- Camp Sherman
- Circle, Stanford Emerson
- Director / Dean; Brandenburg, Samuel J.
- Hughes, Raymond M. (Raymond Mollyneaux), 1873-1958
- Miami Honor Roll (World War I)
- Miami Men in Service
- Miami Veterans
- Student Army Training Corps (SATC)
- Veterans
- World War I General Materials
- World War, 1914-1918
- World War, 1939-1945
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives -- American letters
- World War, 1939-1945--Social Aspects
- Box: 1; World War I; Correspondence of R. M. Hughes and E. E. Brandon with Men in Service: General: A-Z; Correspondence: A-I; 1917-19; 12A-C-3A (Text)
- Box: 2; World War I; Correspondence of R. M. Hughes and E. E. Brandon with Men in Service; 1917-18; 12A-C-3C (Text)
- Box: 3; World War I; General Materials; 1917-19; 12A-C-4A (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository