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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 111

John W. Browne Collection

Identifier: Mss. Coll. Browne

The collection includes correspondence, receipts, resolutions, financial documents, and miscellaneous items pertaining to John Browne's mission to secure donations of money and books for Miami University.

Dates: 1796-1849

Labiche-Leveaux Papers

Identifier: Mss. -Coll. -Labiche-Leveaux
Scope and Content This collection contains correspondence, manuscript books, newspaper clippings, and printed material pertaining to the French dramatist Eugène Marin Labiche (1815-1888) and Alphonse Leveaux (1810-1893). A manuscript book titled Ville de Compiègne, Sociètè Saint-Francois-Xavier, Confèrences faites par Alphonse Leveaux, 1859-1878 includes Leveaux’s notes about meetings of the St. Francis Xavier Society, which met in Compiègne on the third Sunday of the month. Founded in 1853, the society...
Dates: 1830-1887

Lee and Rosemary Fisher Papers

Identifier: Mss. Coll. Fisher
Dates: 1968-2014; Majority of material found within 1969-1970

Lytle Family Papers

Identifier: Mss. Coll. Lytle

This collection contains materials highlighting the life, collections, research and literary works of Virginius Cornick Hall Jr., descendant of Cap. William Lytle and Gen. William Haines Lytle and prominent Cincinnati and Virginia historian.

Dates: 1497-2022

Manuscript Diaries Collection

Identifier: Mss. Coll. Diaries

This collection is composed of original and copies of diaries. They include diaries by Miami students, and diaries written during the Civil War.

Dates: 1835-1892

Margaret Watson Gillespie Fagg Collection

 Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: Mss-Coll-Fagg
Scope and Contents This collection includes a memorandum book of Chinese students’ names; diaries written by Margaret Watson Gillespie Fagg; a number of miscellaneous notes and addresses; correspondence from acquaintances; a Report of Committee on Foreign Students in the United States by Margaret Watson Gillespie Fagg, an announcement from the Chinese Students’ Christian Association in North America; a fragment of a betrothal announcement; a page from the Membership section of the International House Handbook;...
Dates: 1917-1950

Mary Hogue Diary

Identifier: Mss.Coll.Hogue
Abstract This nineteenth century diary offers a unique look at the civil war from a female perspective. It is an unbound volume that is separated into two parts, each of which appears to be hand sewn together. Both parts are handwritten in pencil and ink by Mary Hogue. The first part of the diary dates from May 18, 1862 to August 31, 1862 and is 60 pages long, though the pages are not numbered. The second part dates from December 19, 1862 to March 14, 1863 and is 16 pages long, and also has...
Dates: 1862-1863

McKee Family Papers

Identifier: Mss. Coll. McKee
Abstract This collection consists largely of series' of correspondence between George H. McKee (I) and his wife Maria (Marshall) McKee as well as later correspondence between George H. McKee (I)'s cousins Agnes M. McKee (Scott) and Jessie McKee and his son George H. McKee (II). The collection also includes correspondence from other family members, legal, financial, military, and tax documents collected by family members over the years. There are a number of photographs, photograph albums, prayer...
Dates: 1814-1951

Miami University Board of Trustees Collection

 Record Group
Identifier: 005-3 BOT
Abstract Collection of meeting minutes and materials documenting the proceedings of the Miami University Board of Trustees and its committees. Arrangement Organized and arranged into the following series: I. Minutes and Materials, 1809-1819; II. Minutes, Committee Reports, Resolutions, and Miscellany, 1820-1830; III. Minutes, Faculty and Committee Reports, Resolutions, and Miscellaneous, 1836-1873; IV. Minutes and Miscellany, 1873-1884; V. Minutes,...
Dates: 1809-2023

Miami University General, A-Z

 Record Group
Identifier: 019-GEN-2016082304
Dates: Majority of material found within 1762 - 2010

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Walter Havighurst Special Collections Finding Aids 64
Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives 38
Oxford College Archives 8
Wertz Art & Architecture Library 1
letters (correspondence) 22
clippings (information artifacts) 15
photographs 13
scrapbooks 8
articles 7
∨ more
diaries 7
Annual Reports 6
Football--20th century 6
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 6
notes 6
postcards 6
Diaries 5
notebooks 5
Cincinnati (Ohio) 4
Dean 4
Photographs 4
Publications 4
account books 4
invitations 4
magazines (periodicals) 4
playbooks 4
programs (documents) 4
Agriculture--19th century 3
Baltimore (Md.) 3
Coaching (athletics)--20th century 3
Correspondence 3
DVDs 3
General 3
History -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 3
Mexico 3
Miscellaneous 3
New York (N.Y.) 3
Ohio--Cleveland 3
Oxford (Ohio) 3
Western College for Women, History 3
greeting cards 3
ledgers (account books) 3
photograph albums 3
printed ephemera 3
speeches (documents) 3
translations 3
Architecture and Art 2
Attorneys General -- Tennessee 2
Autograph Albums 2
Baseball 2
Budget 2
Christmas cards 2
Civil War 2
Diplomats--Mexico 2
Easter cards 2
Faculty 2
Football 2
France--Paris 2
Geology 2
Georgia 2
Great Lakes Naval Training Center (Great Lakes, IL) 2
Hamilton (Ohio)--History 2
Illinois--Chicago 2
International relations 2
Kentucky 2
Letters 2
Luxembourg 2
Massachusetts--Boston 2
McGuffey House 2
Mexican fiction--20th century 2
Miami Indians 2
Minnesota 2
Missouri--Saint Louis 2
New Jerusalem Church--Ohio--19th Century 2
Ohio--Cincinnati 2
Ohio--Versailles 2
Oxford (Ohio)--History 2
Railroads -- 20th Century 2
Scrapbooks 2
State of Ohio 2
Student Affairs 2
Student Life 2
Theater--Mexico--20th century 2
Theatre 2
Travel 2
Urbana (Ohio)--19th century 2
Wisconsin 2
World War, 1939-1945--Social Aspects 2
address books 2
appointment books 2
audiocassettes 2
bibliographies 2
brochures 2
documents 2
drafts 2
essays 2
journals (periodicals) 2
lecture notes 2
legal documents 2
negatives (photographic) 2
newsletters 2
pamphlets 2
phonograph records 2
picture postcards 2
+ ∧ less
English 105
French 1
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 19
Oxford Female College (Oxford, Ohio) 6
Oxford College for Women, Oxford, Ohio 5
Students. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 2
Academic Computer Center. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
∨ more
Academic and Administrative Services. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Albright, Preston Bailey, 1907-1998 1
Alumni Association. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Anderson, W. C. (William Caldwell), 1804-1870 1
Architecture Department. Art and Architecture Department. Department or Architecture and Interior Design, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Arnsparger, Bill, 1926- 1
Art Education Archives 1
Ata, Te 1
Barrett, Edwin Lawrence, 1827-1898 1
Barrett-Coffman, Clara Louise 1
Benton, Guy Potter, 1865-1927 1
Bishop, Robert H. (Robert Hamilton), 1777-1855 1
Board of Trustees. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Brandenburg, Samuel J. 1
Bureau of Educational Field Services 1
Business School. Business Administration. Farmer School of Business, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Cole, Foster 1
College of Arts and Science. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
College of Engineering and Computing. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Corl, Pearl M. 1
Crawford, Gregory 1
Dance Theatre. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Deinhardt, John B. 1
Demske, Edward J. 1
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Communication. Department of Media, Journalism and Film Studies. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of English. English Department. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Finance. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Geology. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). Geology 1
Department of History. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Information Systems. Information Systems and Analytics. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Music. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Naval Science . Naval ROTC. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Paper Science. Chemical Paper and Biomedical Engineering Department. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Philosophy. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Physical Facilities. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Political Science. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Psychology. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Sociology and Gerontology. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Department of Theatre. Theatre Department. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Elliott, Ruth 1
English, William J. 1
Etheridge, Robert F. 1
Fagg, Margaret Watson Gillespie 1
Finance and Business Affairs. Finance and Business Services. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Fine Arts. School of Applied Science. College of Creative Arts, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 1
Gaforth, Emily 1
Garland, James C. 1
George, John Palmer 1
Goggin, Lloyd 1
Graduate School. Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship. The Graduate School at Miami University, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Grubb, Kenneth 1
Hahne, Ernest Herman, 1890-1952 1
Hall, J. W. (John W.) 1802-1886 1
Hamilton Campus Job Center. Job Center. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Hamilton Campus. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Hepburn, A.D. (Andrew Dousa), 1830-1921 1
Hobbs, Eric R. 1
Hodge, David C. 1
Hopkins, Anne 1
Hoxie, George 1
Hughes, Raymond M. (Raymond Mollyneaux), 1873-1958 1
Information and Technology Services, . IT Services, Computer Technology. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Institute of Environmental Sciences. Environmental Science. Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Jefferson-Jenkins, Carolyn, 1
Junkin, George, 1790-1868 1
League of Women Voters 1
Liberal Education . Office of Liberal Education. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
MacMaster, E. D. (Erasmus Darwin), 1806-1866 1
Maynard, James D., Jr. , Captain (Retired) 1
McArthur, John 1
McFarland, Robert White, 1825-1910 1
McGuffey Laboratory School. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
McNamara, J. Paul 1
Meador, Edwin H. 1
Miami University 1
Middletown Campus. Regional Campus Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Miller, Marcie 1
Millett, John David, 1912-1993 1
Morgan, Andre L. 1
Morner, James L. 1
Morris, Alpheus Kaspar, 1878-1970 1
Music Association. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Music Department. Music. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Naval ROTC. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Norman, Richard 1
Office of the President. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) 1
Office of the Provost. Provost. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), 1
Oglosby, Davis 1
Ohio Board of Regents 1
Orchesis Dance Theatre 1
Oxford College for Women (Oxford, Ohio) Office of the Registrar 1
+ ∧ less