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Dean / Dean of Men / Dean of Women, 1936 - 2002

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Office of the Dean of Women, Student Affairs: Annual Reports; 1936-63; Box 1 [8A-C-4A] Files: 1. 1936-37 a. Dean of Women b. Hepburn Hall c. Oxford College d. The Pines e. West Hall 2. 1937-38 a. East Hall b. Hepburn Hall [Partial] c. Oxford College d. Walker House e. West Hall 3. 1938-39 a. Dean of Women b. East Hall c. Hepburn Hall d. Oxford College e. West Hall 4. 1939-40 a. Dean of Women b. East Hall c. Hepburn Hall d. Oxford College e. Walker House f. West Hall 5. 1940-41 a. Dean of Women b. Hepburn Hall c. Oxford College d. South Hall e. West Hall 6. 1941-42 a. Hepburn Hall b. Oxford College c. South Hall 7. 1943-44 a. Hepburn Hall 8. 1945-46 a. Dean of Women b. East Hall c. Hepburn Hall d. [Walker House?] e. Wells Hall f. West Hall 9. 1946-47 a. Student Affairs b. Associate Director of Student Affairs c. Admissions d. Committee of Freshman Advisers e. Hepburn Hall f. Housing g. North Hall h. Wells Hall 10. 1947-48 a. Assistant Director of Student Affairs b. Associate Director of Student Affairs c. Assistant to the Associate Director of Student Affairs d. Bishop Hall e. East Hall f. Hepburn Hall [memorandum] g. Morris House h. Oxford College i. Social Director j. Wells Hall k. West Hall 11. 1948-49 a. Assistant Director of Student Affairs b. Associate Director of Student Affairs c. Anderson Hall d. Bishop Hall e. CWEN f. East Hall g. Hepburn Hall h. Logan Lodge i. North Hall, Recreation Room j. Oxford College k. Social Director l. Stanton Hall m. Wells Hall n. Women's Organizations 12. 1949-50 a. Acting Director of Women's Affairs b. Assistant Director of Women's Affairs c. Anderson Hall d. Bishop Hall e. Blanchard House f. Hamilton Hall g. Hepburn Hall h. Housing i. Huston House j. Logan Lodge k. Oxford College l. Social Director m. South Hall n. Stanton Hall o. Walker House p. Wells Hall 13. 1950-51 a. Dean of Women b. Assistant Dean of Women c. Anderson Hall d. Bishop Hall e. Blanchard Hall f. Hamilton Hall g. Hepburn Hall h. Home Management House i. Housing j. Huston House k. Logan Lodge l. Morris House m. Motar Board n. Oxford College o. South Hall p. Stanton Hall q. Swing Hall r. Walker House s. Wells Hall t. Young Women's Christian Association 14. 1951-52 a. Associate Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Bishop Hall d. Blanchard Hall e. Hamilton Hall f. Hepburn Hall g. Huston House h. Logan Lodge i. Morris House j. Oxford House k. South Hall l. Stanton Hall m. Swing Hall n. Walker House o. Wells Hall p. Women's Organizations q. Young Women's Christian Association 15. 1952-53 a. Anderson Hall b. Bishop Hall c. Blanchard House d. CWEN e. Huston House f. Logan Lodge g. Morris House h. Oxford College i. Richard Hall (North) j. Richard Hall (South) k. Social Director l. Stanton Hall m. Swing Hall n. Walker House o. Wells Hall p. Women's Organizations 16. 1954-55 a. Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Bishop Hall d. Blanchard House e. Hamilton Hall f. Hepburn Hall g. Huston House h. Inter-Residence Council i. Junior Panhellenic Council j. Logan Lodge k. Morris House l. Oxford College m. Panhellenic Association n. Richard Hall (North) o. Richard Hall (South) p. Stanton Hall q. Swing Hall r. Walker House s. Wells Hall t. Women's League 17. 1955-56 a. Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Bishop Hall d. Blanchard House e. Hamilton Hall f. Hepburn Hall g. Housing h. Logan Lodge i. Morris House j. Motar Board k. Oxford College l. Richard Hall (North) m. Richard Hall (South) n. Stanton Hall o. Swing Hall p. Tallawanda Hall q. Walker House r. Wells Hall s. Young Women's Christian Association 18. 1956-57 a. Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Associated Women's Students d. Bishop Hall e. Hamilton Hall f. Hepburn Hall g. Housing h. Huston House i. Inter-Residence Council j. Junior Panhellenic Association k. Logan Lodge l. Morris House m. Oxford College n. Panhellenic Association o. The Pines p. Porter Hall q. Richard Hall (North) r. Richard Hall (South) s. SPER t. Stanton Hall u. Student Employment v. Tallawanda Hall w. Walker House x. Wells Hall y. Young Women's Christian Association 19. 1957-58 a. Dean of Women b. Associated Women Students c. Anderson Hall d. Bishop Hall e. Center Hall f. CWENS g. Hepburn Hall h. Inter-Residence Council i. Junior Panhellenic Association j. Logan Lodge k. Mortar Board l. Panhellenic Association m. Porter Hall n. Richard Hall (North) o. Richard Hall (South) p. Scott Hall (North) q. Scott Hall (South) r. Social Activity s. Stanton Hall t. Student Employment u. Tallawanda Hall v. Walker House w. Wells Hall x. Young Women's Christian Association 20. 1958-59 a. Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Associated Women Students d. Bishop Hall e. Center Hall f. CWENS g. Hamilton Hall h. Hepburn Hall i. Housing j. Inter-Residence Council k. Junior Panhellenic Assocation l. Logan Lodge m. Oxford Lodge n. Panhellenic Association o. Porter Hall p. Richard Hall (North) q. Richard Hall (South) r. Scott Hall (North) s. Scott Hall (South) t. Social Director u. Stanton Hall v. Student Employment w. Tallawanda Hall x. Wells Hall 21. 1959-60 a. Dean of Women b. Associated Women Students c. Bishop Hall d. Center Hall e. CWENS f. Hamilton Hall g. Hepburn Hall h. Inter-Residence Council i. Junior Panhellenic j. Logan Lodge k. Oxford College l. Panhellenic Associaztion m. The Pines n. Porter Hall o. Richard Hall (North) p. Richard Hall (South) q. Scott Hall (North) r. Scott Hall (South) s. Stanton Hall t. Swing Hall u. Tallawanda Hall v. Upperclass Halls w. Wells Hall x. Young Women's Christian Association 22-23 1960-61 a. Dean of Women b. Anderson Hall c. Associated Women Students d. Bishop Hall e. Hamilton Hall f. Hepburn Hall g. Houseing h. Inter-Residence Council i. Logan Lodge j. MacCracken Hall k. Oxford College l. The Pines m. Porter Hall n. Porter Hall o. Richard Hall (North) p. Richard Hall (South) q. Scott Hall (North) r. Scott Hall (South) s. Stanton Hall t. Swing Hall u. Tallawanda Hall v. Upperclass Residence Halls w. Wells Hall x. Young Women's Christian Association 24-25. 1961-62 a. Associated Women Students b. Bishop Hall c. Dodds Hall d. Hamilton Hall e. Housing f. Inter-Residence Council g. Logan Lodge h. MacCracken Hall i. MacCracken Hall (East) j. Oxford College k. The Pines l. Porter Hall m. Reid Hall n. Richard Hall (North) o. Richard Hall (South) p. Scott Hall (North) q. Scott Hall (South) r. Social Director s. Swing Hall t. Tallawanda Hall u. Upperclass Residence Halls v. Wells Hall w. Young Women's Christian Association 26-27. 1962-63 a. Associated Women Students b. Bishop Hall c. Dodds Hall d. Dorsey Hall e. Hamilton Hall f. Inter-Residence Council g. MacCracken Hall h. Minnich Hall i. Oxford College j. The Pines k. Porter Hall l. Reid Hall m. Richard Hall (North) n. Richard Hall (South) o. Scott Hall (North) p. Scott Hall (South) q. Swing Hall r. Tallawanda Hall s. Upperclass Residence Halls t. Wells Hall u. Young Women's Christian Association

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Office Files, Academic Regulations-Higher Education; 1958-61; Box 1 [8A-C-4B] Files: 1. Academic Regulations 2. Ad Hoc Committee on Nominations 3. New Administration Building 4. Admissions 5. Admission Policies 6. Advisors 7. AFROTC 8. APGA Convention 9. Alcohol Bibliography 10. All Campus Musical Show 11. Alumni Association 12. Alumni Office 13. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 14. AACTE Evaluation 15. American Association of University Women 16. American Personnel and Guidance Association 17. American College Personnel Association 18. American Council on Education 19. APGA Convention 1961 20. Application for House Mother Position 21. Appropriation Ledger 22. Arts and Science 23. Assistantships 24. Association of College Admissions Counselors 25. Association of College and University Housing Officers 26. Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities 27. Athletic Advisory Council 28. Audio-Visual Services 28a. Materials Catalog (1958) 28b. Handbook (undated) 29. Issued Auto Permits 30. Automobile Regulations 31. Bicycles 32. Miscellaneous Information 33. Block M 34. Board Jobs - Athletes 35. Boarding Requirements 36. Board of Trustees 37. Special Committee of Board of Trustees 38. Newly Published Books 39. Borden Company Award 40. Budget 42. The Bulletin 43. Calendar of School Year 45. Campus Security 46. Catalogs 47. Cheating Regulations 50. Class of '61 51. Closing Halls 52. Clubs and Organizations 55. Conference - Principal/Freshman 56. Conversion Table - Grade Point Average 57. Council of Deans 58. Council on Student Affairs 59. Counseling Service 60. Counselor List and Resident Assistants 61. OWEN Membership 62. Danforth Foundation 63. Dean of Men 64. Dimensions 65. Administration Building Directory 66. Disciplinary Board Affairs 67. Authority 68. Discriminatory Practices 69. Drop List 70. Education Trends 71. Education (School of) 72. Educational Policy and Planning Committee 73. Educational Testing Service 74. Wheeling Savings and Trust Company 75. Election Rules 76. Student Employment 77. Examination Schedule 78. Future Enrollment Growth 79. Enrollment Reports 80. Etiquette 81. Evaluation Sub-Committee 82. Executive Committee on Student Affairs 83. Faculty Bulletins 84. Faculty Affairs Committee 85. Faculty Meetings - School of Education 86. Faculty Student Council Reports 87. Financial Statements Memorial Association 88. Campus Financing 90. Freshman Advisors 91. Freshman Advisors Workshop 92. Freshman Camp 93. Freshman Tests 94. Freshman Week 95. General Electric College Bowl 96. General Motors Scholarships 97. Geographical Distribution 98. Men's Glee Club 99. The Graduate Council 100. Groups for Advancement of Psychiatry 101. Hall Judicial Cases 102. Hall Reservation Reports 103. Handbook of Information 104. College Health Committee 105. Health 106. Health Service Reminders 107. Higher Education

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Office Files, Homecoming-Probation; Carl Knox; 1958-61; Box 2 [8A-C-4C] Files: 1. Holiday Absences 2. Homecoming Report 1958 3. Honor Societies 4. Honors Program 5. Hospital Reports 6. Housing Recommendations 7. Instructor Rating Sheet 8. Inter-Residence Board of Governors 9. Intramural Sports 10. Kezur, Edward M.D. 11. Leadership 1960 12. Application for Student Loan 13. Lodging - Oxford 14. M Book 15. The Merit Scholar 16. Miami Manor 17. U.S. Marines 18. Fraternity Forms 19. NASPA 20. NASPA 21. NROTC 22. Association of NROTC Colleges and Universities 23. New Student Week Plans 24. NSA Materials 1954-55 25. Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers 26. Notice of Appointments 27. NROTC Enrollment 28. Objectives for Miami University 29. Ohio Association of Student Personnel Administrators 30. Ohio Deans Conference 31. Association of Ohio College Presidents and Deans 32. Orientation Directors Conference 33. Parents' Club 34. Miami Parents' Association 35. Percentile Ranks - Distribution 36. Permit to Transport Students 37. Permission for Late Registration 38. Postal Guide 39. Probation and Warning Lists 40. Operating Income and Expenditures 41. Interfraternity - Panhellenic - Mid-American Conference 42. Interfraternity Council

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Student Affairs' Dean's Office Files I; 1964-2001; Box 1 [8A-C-5A] Files: 1. Campus Crusade For Christ (1989-98) 2. Civil Rights Memorial ((1992-97) 3. College Student Experiences - Permanent (1984-94) 4. Diversity Statements (1990-98) 5. MHP Automobile Reports (1989-2001) 6. Minority Affairs [MPLP] (1993-94) 7. Minority Awareness Matching Fund (1989-90) 8. Minority Professional Leadership Program [MPLP]/UPS (1977-81) 9. Movies - X Rated- Policy [Permanent] (1994-95) 10. Recreation Building Planning Committee, Ad Hoc - Permanent (1981-91) 11. Recreation Center (1977-82) 12. Recreation Center, ASG - Proposed (1981-87) 13. Recreational Sports (1989-90) 14. Recreational Sports (1990) 15. Recreational Sports (1990-98) 16. Recreational Sports - Ropes Course (1989-96) 17. Student Affairs [Miscellaneous Documents] (1989-90) 18. Student Health Service Policy - Permanent (1987-98) 19. Student Health Service - Proposed new Facility and Proposal to Relocate on McCullough-Hyde Grounds (1992-93) 20. Student Health Committee (1992-93) 21. Student Health Service - New Facility (1993-94) 22. Student Health Service (1994-95) 23. Student Health Service - Permanent (1990-91) 24. Student Health Service (1996-97) 25. Student Health Service (1997-98) 26. Video Project [Vogel] (1989) 27. Western College/Mississippi Summer Project (1964) 28. Women's Center (1990)

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Student Affairs' Dean's Office Files II; 1989-2001; Box 2 [8A-C-5B] Files: 1. Black Student Action Association [BSAA] (1990-99) 2. Drug Testing (1986-88) 3. Evaluation Meeting - Student Leadership (1991) 4. Evaluation Meeting - Student Services (1991) 5. Evaluation Meeting - Student Activities (1991) 6. Evaluation Meeting - Student Relations/Divisional Support (1991) 7. Evaluation Meeting - Residence Life (1991) 8. Evaluation Meeting - Admission/Financial Aid/Enrollment (1991) 9. Flag Policy - MU (1991) 10. Freedom of Speech - Permanent (1990) 11. Fringe Benefits (1996) 12. Human Relations Commission (1990-95) 13. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Andrea Stone (2000) 14. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Briana Shock (2000) 15. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Gerri Buck (1999) 16. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Edward Marut (1997) 17. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Nate Schindewolf (1997) 18. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Heather McDermott-Wooten (1996) 19. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Richards and Willis (1995-96) 20. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Chad Allen (1994) 21. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Matthew Davis (1992) 22. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Jerome Gray (1991) 23. Intercollegiate Athletic Aid Appeals - Johnston and Oberhauser (1991) 24. Intercollegiate Athletics Appels Process Transfer Release 25. Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Enhancement Program (1991-92) 26. Internship Program (1990-96) 27. Klu Klux Klan - Permanent (1989-94) 28. Learning Assistance (1993-94) 29. Learning Assistance (EDT110) (1995) 30. Learning Assistance (1998-98) 31. Leftwich - One America (1998) 32. Little Sibs Weekend [Permanent] (1990-91) 33. Merchandising on Campus [Permanent] (1990-93) 34. Miami Student, The (1989-90) 35. Miami Student, The (1996-2001) 36. Miami Student, The - Compensation for Adviser (1991-93) 37. Miami Student, The - Policy (1986-90) 38. Miami Student, The [Permanent] (1980-90)

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Student Affairs' Dean's Office Files III; 1979-2002; Box 3 [8A-C-5C] Files: 1. Academic Dishonesty - Permanent (1979-95) 2. Academic Dishonesty at Miami University (1987) 3. Academic Enhancement Program - Permanent (1985-89) 4. Administrative Program Review (1994-96) 5. Alcoholic Beverages - Permanent (1985-87) 6. Affirmative Action (1992-93) 7. Alcohol or Other Substance Abuse - Permanent (1986-92) 8. Alcohol - MU Task Force Report - Permanent (1987-88) 9. Alma Mater Committee (1989) 10. Anheuser-Busch Ohio Wholesalers Scholarship - Permanent (1990) 11. ASG Special Issues (1989-90) 12. ASG Funding - Permanent (1988) 13. ASG - Student Court - Permanent (1990) 14. Baldridge Report (1994) 15. Beatrice Scholars Program (1989-90) 16. Bessie Coleman Research Team - Permanent (1992-93) 17. Board of Trustees (1991-92) 18. Board of Trustees (1995-99) 19. Boston Church of Christ - Permanent (1991) 20. Bridges Program - Permanent (1980-93) 21. CableTV/Networking -Permanent (1990-96) 22. Campus Planning Report - Permanent (1990) 23. Central State Exchange (1982-88) 24. Child Care/Day Care (1984-99) 25. Development Office (1989-91) 26. Diversity (1997) 27. Diversity, Student (1992-93) 28. Equestrian Program (1993-94) 29. Graduate Assistantship Assessment (1990-91) 30. Greek Affairs (1996-97) 31. Greek Affairs (1994-95) 32. Greek Affairs (1993-94) 33. Greek Affairs (1992-93) 34. Greek Affairs (1991-92) 35. Greek Life (1989-90) 36. Harrison Scholars Program - Permanent (1989-2002) 37. Havighurst International Minority Scholarship - Permanent (1990) 38. Heritage Commission - Permanent 39. Learning Disabled (1989-90) 40. Miami Metro - Permanent (1989-90) 41. Miami University Alumni Scholarships Programs (1986) 42. Pictures - Reception for 15-24 Year Employees (1983-84) 43. WRA Cabin - Permanent (1983-84)

Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Student Affairs Dean's Office; 1955-1973

Yearly Registry of the Dean of Men's Staffs 1955-1973 [1A-E-Shelf 6]?


  • Creation: 1936 - 2002


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6 Boxes

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