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Executive Director, 1981 - 1985

 Collection — Multiple Containers


Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, M-President Shriver; 1981-82; Box 3 [16A-P-1C] Files: 1. M - Misc 2. Mercy Hospital 3. MUH - Administrative Seminar 4. MUH - Information Manual 5. MUH - Faculty and Staff 6. Medical Reports [TB] 7. Miami University Board of Trustees 8. MUH - Faculty Senate Committee 9. MUH - Faculty Affairs, Faculty Senate 10. MUH - Faculty Senate 11. MUH Senate 12. MUH - Faculty Senate, Community Relations 13. Miami University Middletown 14. Midwest College Student Personnel Educators 15. N - Misc 16. News 17. NCACS 18. North Central Community Junior College 19. NCHEMS 20. O - Misc 21. OATYC 22. OCEE 23. Ohio Board of Regents - Miscellaneous 24. OCPA 25. OBR - Agenda, Board and Minutes 26. OBR - Master Plan 27. OBR - Annex Report 28. OBR - AHEC Program 29. OBR - Thenical Education Survey 30. OBR - Articulation Between Secondary Education and Ohio Colleges 31. OBR - Appointments to 32. Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Study 33. OBR - Business/Industry Survey 34. OBOR - Correspondence 35. OBR - Developmental Education Industrial Sub. 36. OBR - Operating Manual 37. OBR - Higher Education Act 38. OBR - Subsidized FTE Enrollment 39. OBR - Handbook 40. OBR - Title I 41. OBR - Title VI 42. OBR - Two Year Campus Leadership Meetings 43. OBR - Two Year Programs 44. Ohio College Association 45. Ohio Department of Education 46. Ohio Senate 47. Ohio, State of - Administrative Services 48. Ohio, State of - Minority Business Enterprises 49. Orientation (8/23) 50. Orientations 51. Originals, Tickets, Etc... 52. OTCCA 53. Overloads 54. P - Misc 55. Part-Time Faculty Development Survey 56. Parrish Auditorium 57. Parking 58. Peck's Edition 59. Personnel Department 60. Personnel and Guidance 61. Phelps Hall [Unveiling Ceremony] 62. Physical Plant 63. President's Planning Council 64. President, From the Office of the 65. President-Elect Pearson 66. President Shriver

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, Profiles-Z (including miscellaneous files); 1981-82; Box 4 [16A-P-2A] Files: 1. Profiles 2. Provost 3. Provost Search 4. Publications Office 5. QXY/EXXON 6. R - Misc 7. Reed, Dr., M.D. - Evaluation (1980-81) 8. Registrar 9. Research, Etc. 10. School of Applied Science 11. School of Applied Science - Engineering Technology 12. School of Applied Science - Industrial Technology 13. School of Applied Science - Paper Science and Engineering 14. School of Applied Science - Proposal for Associate Degree Program in Drafting/Design 15. School of Applied Science - Management Technology Advisory Committee 16. School of Applied Science - Manufacturing 16. School of Applied Science - Nursing 17. School of Applied Science - BSN - Nursing (Oxford) 18. School of Applied Science - Pulp and Paper Science 19. School of Applied Science - Systems Analysis 20. Zoology - Tenure Track Position 21. MUM 1980 NCACS 22. North Central Steering Committee 23. North Central - Official Correspondence 24. North Central Self Study 25. North Central 26. BSN Advisory Group 27. Nursing - Columbia Union College's request for Regent's Authorization 28. Ohio Master Plan for Nursing 29. Executive Director - Miscellaneous Correspondence

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, A-Commencement; 1981-82; Box 1 [16A-P-2B] Files: 1. A - Misc 2. ACPA 3. Academic Advising 4. Academic Administrator 5. Academic Administrative Retreat 6. Academic Administrator Seminar (1982-83) 7. AC Clarification Group 8. Academic Coordinating Committee 9. Accident Reports 10. Administrative Chart 11. Administrative Coordinating Committee 12. Administrative Council 13. Administrative Council Retreat 14. Administrative Seminar (January 21, 1981) 1-5 15. Administrators 16. Admissions and Records 17. Admission and Records Contemplated Changes 18. Annual Report of Professional Activities 19. APPA 20. Applications for Employment 21. Applications - Cynthia Kelly 22. Assistant Executive Director 23. Audio Visual 24. Audit 25. B - Misc 26. Budget Allotment Copies (1981-82) 26A. Budget, Departmental (1980-81) 27. Budget Transfer Memos 28. Bursar 29. Butler County Mental Health Center 30. Butler County Mental Health Center - Annual Board Meeting 31. Butler County Mental Health Quarterly Report 32. Butler County Mental Health Budget 33. Butler County Mental Health Bulletin 34. Butler County Mental Health - Director's Report 35. Butler County Mental Health - Minutes 36. Butler County Mental Health - Statistics 37. Butler County Mental Health - CMNC 38. Butler County Mental Health - Substance Abuse Unit 39. Butler County Mental Health - Receipts and Cash Journal 40. Butler County Mental Health - Drug Counseling Services 41. Butler County Mental Health - Miscellaneous 42. Butler County Mental Health - Butler County Mental Health Centers, Inc. 43. Butler County Mental Health - Quality Assurance Plan (January 19, 1981) 44. Butler County Mental Health - Quality Assurance Plan (April 13, 1981) 45. Butler County Mental Health - Quality Assurance Plan 46. C - Misc 47. CA's 48. CA's (1981-82) 49. Calendar 50. Campus Planning - Select Committee 51. Career Counselor 52. Career Planning and Placement Coordinating Committee 53. Chairs - Coordinators 54. Chamber of Commerce 55. Commencement

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, Civil Service Opinions-L; 1981-82; Box 2 [16A-P-2C] Files: 1. Civil Service Openings 2. COAD 3. COAD (1981-82) 4. Commuting Students 5. Conferences 6. Conferences Center 7. Continuing Education 8. Courses 9. Curriculum Changes 10. D - Misc 11. Developing Education 12. Dobson, Brian 13. Digest 14. Disciplinary Action 15. E - Misc 16. Eastman Kodak Company 17. Effective Use of Advisory Committees 18. European Center 19. Executive Fitness Center 20. F - Misc 21. FTE's - All College Branches 22. Faculty Association 23. Faculty Conference 24. Faculty and Staff 25. Faculty Welfare Committee 26. Federal Grants and Contracts Weekly 27. Financial Aid 28. Fort Hamilton Hospital 29. Fort Hamilton - Agenda 30. Fort Hamilton Hospital - General Reports 31. Fort Hamilton - Memorandums 32. Fort Hamilton Minutes 33. Fort Hamilton Hospital - Miscellaneous 34. Fort Hamilton Hospital - Scholarship Committee 35. Fort Hamilton Hospital - Financial Report 36. Four-Day Work Week 37. Full Time Equilivalent Enrollment Reports 38. G - Misc 39. Fine Arts, School of 40. Fine Arts. School of - Art 41. Fine Arts, School of - Music 42. G - Misc 43. German Village 44. Gift Support 45. Graduate School 46. Graduate Courses 47. Gymnasium 48. H - Misc 49. Hamilton Community Foundation 50. Hargraves, William F. 51. Health and Physical Education 52. HEDC 53. The Heritage Foundation 54. Higher Education 55. Home Economics 56. Humanities 57. I - Misc 58. ID's 59. Imprints 60. Industrial Education 61. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors 62. J - Misc 63. K - Misc 64. L - Misc 65. Labor Studies Advisory Committee 66. Learning Resources Center 67. Legislative Reports, Reviews, Etc... 68. Lilly Fellows

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; Executive Director, A-Q; 1982-83; Box 1 [16A-P-3B] Files: 1. A - Misc 2. AACSB 3. AAA [Auto Club] 4. AACJC 5. Academic Administrations Seminar\ 6. Academic Advising 7. Academic Quality 8. Academic Deans 9. The Marjorie Addington Memorial Faculty-Student Seminar Series 10. Ad Hoc Committee 11. Accident Reports 12. Administrators 13. Administrative Committees and Council 14. Administrative Executive Committee 15. Admissions Correspondence 16. Admissions - Memos 17. Admission Reports 18. Advisor Assignments 19. Affirmative Action 20. Alton, David 21. Alumni Scholarship 22. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges 23. Amplifier 24. A.R.C. 25. Annual Report 26. Annual Report (1983-84) 27. Annual Report - Childrens Home (1983) 28. Annual Reports, Professional 29. Applications 30. Arts Council 31. Assistant Executive Director 32. Athletic Department 33. Audio Visual 34. B - Misc 35. Banners 36. The Benjamin Harrision Medallion Committee 37. Blue Grass Festival 38. Book Store 39. The Bridge 40. Budget Memos 41. Budget (1982-83) 42. Building Utilization Plan 43. Burnside, Ron - PhD Committee 44. Business Manager 45. Business Proposals 46. Butler County Mental Health Center - Minutes 47. Building Plots 48. Bulletin 49. C - Misc 50. Cameron Office Supply 51. Cashier - Business Office 52. Chamber of Commerce 53. Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce - Conference 54. Charter Day Convocation 55. Chemical Storage Guidelines 56. Cin Com 57. COAD 58. Computer Committee 59. Computer Lab 60. Computer Purchases - Individuals 61. Consortium 62. Coordinator 63. Council of Academic Deans 64. D - Misc 65. Department Chairs 66. Digital 67. Directors Consultation Board 68. Downtown Project 69. Faculty 70. Faculty Advisory Committee 71. Faculty Affairs Committee 72. Faculty Status Report 73. G - Misc 74. North Central Steering Committee 75. North Central Association 76. Promotion and Tenure 77. Promotion and Tenure Committee 78. Provost 79. Questionaires

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; Executive Director, R-Z; 1982-83; Box 2 [16A-P-3C] Files: 1. R - Misc 2. Registrar 3. Reorganization Proposal 4. Research Advisory Council 5. Research Committees 6. Research Office 7. Resident Credit Center Operations 8. Retention 9. Retirement 10. Ryan Nursing Grant 11. S - Misc 12. Scholastic Club Sports 13. Security - Police 14. Science Day 15. Scholarship Programs 16. Search Committee 17. Secretary 18. Social Science Coordinator Election 19. Southwestern Consortium - Minutes 20. Southwestern Consortium 21. Student 22. Student Affairs 23. Summer 24. Summer School Formula 25. Switchboard 26. Task Force Report 27. Middletown Task Force 28. Task Force - Correspondence and Reactions 29. Clarification Task Force 30. Teaching Effectiveness Program 31. Telecom 32. Tornado 33. United Way (1984) 34. W - Misc 35. Word Processing Equipment

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, A-C; 1982-83; Box 1 [16A-P-4A] Files: 1. A - Misc 2. AAA 3. Academic Administrators Seminar 4. Academic Advising 5. Academic Probation 6. Academic Safety Officer 7. Academic Quality Select Committee 8. Accident Investigation Report 9. Account Titles 10. Accreditation 11. ACS User's Guide 12. Administrative Reorganization 13. Administrators 14. Administrator's Council 15. Adm. and Rec. - Correspondence 16. Admission Enrollment 17. Admission and Records - Memos 18. Admissions 19. Admissions and Records - Miscellaneous 20. Adult Basic Education Center - McKinley School 21. Advising 22. Advisory Council Strategic Planning Committee 23. Alumni Survey 24. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges 25. American Personnel and Guidance Association 26. Amplifier 27. AMS 28. Annual Reports 29. Annual Activities Reports 30. Applications 31. Alcoholic Beverage 32. Arts Council 33. Assistant Executive Director 34. Athletic Department 35. Audio Visual Service 36. B - Misc 37. Baby Sitting Service 38. Benefits 39. Biographic Information 40. Board of Trustees 41. Book Store 42. Branch Campus 43. Budget 44. Budgets (82/83) 45. Budget Information (82/83) 46. Budget Information Department (82/83) 47. Budget (83/84) 48. Business Offfice 49. Butler County Automobile Club 50. Butler County Mental Health Center - Rules for Clinical and Prevention Records System 51. BCMH - Annual Meeting 52. BCMH 53. BCMH - Drug Counseling 54. C - Misc 55. CA's 56. Calendar of Events 57. Career Placement 58. Catalog 59. Civil Service 60. Chairs/Coordinators Meeting Times 61. Chamber of Commerce 62. Classified Notes 63. Clark Technical College 64. Class Changes 65. COAD 66. The College Board 67. Commencement 68. Comments, Clarification 69. Community Affairs Committee 70. Computer Proposals 71. Conferences/Workshops 72. Continuing Education 73. Coordinators/Chairs 74. Correspondence 75. Course Cancellations 76. Course Registration 77. Course Schedules - 1st Semester (82/83) 78. Course Tabulation 79. CPR Training 80. Curriculum Committee

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, D-M; 1982-83; Box 2 [16A-P-4B] Files: 1. D - Misc 2. Department Budgets 3. Developmental Education 4. Digital 5. Director's Consultation Board 6. E - Misc 7. Eastman Kodak 8. The Economic Development Financing Act 9. Employee Handbook 10. Encore 11. Enrollment Flucyuations 12. Evaluations - Faculty 13. Executive Director's Report 14. Executive Director's Advisory Board 15. Executive Fitness 16. Express Mail 17. F - Misc 18. Facilities Fee Fund, Utilization of 19. Facilities Fee Procedures 20. Faculty Advisory Committee 21. Faculty Affairs Committee 22. Faculty - A Guide 23. Faculty and Staff Update Forms 24. Faculty Conference 25. Faculty, New (1982) 26. Faculty Secretary 27. Faculty Senate 28. Faculty Welfare Committee 29. Family Conference 30. Fees 31. Filing - Storage Information 32. Financial Aid 33. Financial Aid Workshop 34. Final Examinations 35. Financial Report. . . For the Year Ending June 30, 1982 36. Fiscal Year 37. Fisher Body 38. Football 39. Fort Hamilton Days 40. Fort Hamilton Hughes Hospital 41. Fort Hamilton Hughes - Building Committee 42. Four Day Work Week 43. Fund Raising Guidelines 44. G - Misc 45. General Fee Income 46. Graduate Awards 47. The Graduate School 48. Grants 49. Great Miami Choral Society 50. Grievance 51. Gym 52. H - Misc 53. Hamilton Athletic Club 54. Hamilton Campus Supplement 55. Hamilton, City of 56. Hamilton Community Foundation 57. Hamilton Faculty Senate 58. Hamilton High School Accreditation 59. Hamilton Ohio Service Team 60. Hamilton City School District - Graded Course of Study 61. Health Impact Profile 62. HEDC 63. The Heritage Foundation 64. Higher Education 65. Honorary Degrees 66. Honor Roll 67. Honors 68. I - Misc 69. Imprints 70. Incoming Freshmen 71. Indiana University/East Division of Extended Studies 72. Inventory 73. J - Misc 74. Job Description 75. Job Development 76. Job Training Partnership Act 77. Journal News 78. K - Misc 78. Kellogg-United Way 79. L - Misc 80. Library 81. Lilly Teaching Fellows Program 82. LLRR 83. LRC 84. M - Misc 85. Mailroom 86. Timothy Marcum Memorial Conference Center 87. Mental Health Centers 88. Microcomputer 89. Midwest College Student Personnel Educators 90. Miller Brewing Company 91. MU - Administrative Seminar 92. MU - Alumni Scholarship 93. MU - Board of Trustees 94. MU Faculty Research Committee 95. MUH - Faculty Senate 96. MU - Fringe Benefits 97. MU Foundation Financial Report (December 31, 1982) 98. MU - Progess Report, 1981-82 Goals and Objectives 99. MUH - Senate Publication Committee 100. MU - Trustees 101. MU - Strategic Planning 102. MUM 103. MURAC 104. McGraw Hill Book Company 105. MU Labor Studies Survey for Need 106. MU Labor Studies 107. MU Labor Studies Correspondence 108. MU Labor Studies Correspondence with OBR 109. MU Labor Studies - Sinclair Agreement 110. MU Labor Studies - Labor's Correspondence with Miami 111. MU Labor Studies - Other School's Curriculum 112. MU Labor Studies - Curriculum 113. MU Labor Studies - Correspondence with Labor Leaders 114. MU Labor Studies - Meetings Held 115. MU Labor Studies - Proposed Curriculum 116. MU Labor Studies - Advisory Committee

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; General Files, N-Z; 1982-83; Box 3 [16A-P-4C] Files: 1. N - Misc 2. National Endowment for the Humanities 3. National Small Business Training Network 4. NCATE 5. NCRCA 6. Needs Assessment 7. North American Consortium 8. North Central Association 9. News 10. News Releases 11. News Bureau Policy 12. O - Misc 13. OATYC 14. Ohio Board of Regents - Agenda 15. OBR - Correspondence 16. OBR - Graduate Placement 17. OBR - Operating Manual for Two Year 18. OBOR - Memorandum 19. OBR - Minutes 20. OBR - Miscellaneous 21. OBR - Policy Statement 22. OBOR - Resource Analysis 23. OBOR - Regents Scheduled Meetings 24. OBR - Subsidy Foumula Review 25. OCPA 26. Office Assignments 27. Ohio Department of Agriculture 28. Ohio Department of Education 29. Ohio Hazardous Materials Management Division 30. Ohio, State of - Services 31. Ohio Technology 32. Ohio Regional Campus Conference 33. Orientation 34. Owsley 35. P - Misc 36. Parking Violation Letters 37. Parking Lot 38. Parking Regulations 39. Parrish 40. Peck's Edition 41. P.E.P. - Partners in Educational Progress 42. Personnel 43. Personnel, Director of 44. Physical Plant 45. Superintendent of Physical Plant 46. Physical Plant - Search Committee 47. Placement Coordinating Committee 48. Police 49. Political Activity 50. Popcorn Fund 51. Position Announcement 52. The President 53. President's Council 54. Printing Office 55. Private Industry Council 56. Provost 57. Publications 58. Q - Misc 59. R - Misc 60. Recycling 61. RCC Appointments 62. Resident Credit Centers 63. Reed 64. Reed, Dr. M. Douglas Reed 65. Future of Health Education 66. Regional Campus Deans and Directors 67. Registrar 68. Research Office 69. Retirement System 70. Room Assignments 71. Rotary 72. ROTC 73. S - Misc 74. Safety Officer Interviewers 75. Salary 76. SCAN TRON Instructions 77. Security Police Checkpoints 78. Search 79. Second Semester Assignments 80. Secretary 81. Self Study - Conversation with the President 82. Seminars/Symposiums 83. SESAC 84. The Shoupp Awards 85. Sick Leave Reports 86. Southwestern Consortium 87. Soviney, Bill 88. Special Events 89. Special Services 90. Sports 91. State Teachers Retirement System 92. Student 93. Student Activities 94. Technical Degree - Associate Degree

Hamilton Campus; Executive Director; Budget Files; 1981-85; Box 1 [16A-P-5A] Files: 1. Administrative Duties 2. Administrative Organization 3. Appointment Letters (1983-84) 4. Budget (1984-85) 5. Budget (1984-85) 6. Budget Analysis 7. Budget Cuts (1982-83) 8. Budget Cuts (1983-84) 9. Budget Presentation (1982-83) 10. Budget Reports (1982-83) 11. Budgets Requests (1983-84)[Done in 1982-83] 12. Budget Requests (1983-84) 13. Budget Requests (1983-84) 14. Budget Requests (1983-84) 15. Budget Requests (1983-84) 16. Budget Requests (1984-85) 17. Budget Requests (1984-85)[Unmet] 18. Budget Transfers (1983-84) 19. Budget Transfers (1984-85)[Revisions] 20. Capital Improvements Plan (1981-87) 21. DGB Salary Guidelines 22. DGB Response/Analysis to MUH Personnel Budget 23. Employment Forms 24. Faculty Workloads (1981-82) 25. Fees and Charges (1981-82) 26. Guaranteed Courses 27. Headcount Enrollment - Oxford 28. Kent State Salary Information 29. Operating Budget (1983-84) 30. Operating Budget (1984-85) 31. Operating Budget Allotments (1981-82) 32. Operating Budget Requests (1982-83) 33. Part Time Faculty Orientation 34. Appointment Letters to Part Time Faculty 35. Personnel Arrangements (1982-83) 36. Personnel Arrangements (1984-85) 37. Personnel Budget (1982-83) 38. Personnel Budget (1983-84) 39. Personnel Budget (1984-85) 40. Personnel Budget Agreements, Changes DGB (1981-82) 41. Personnel Budget Requests (1981-82) 42. Personnel Budget Requests (1982-83) 43. Personnel Budget (1981-82)[From Heimsch] 44. Personnel Policies (1984-85) 45. Planning Figures FTE 46. Policies 47. Revisions to Budget (1983-84) 48. Revisions/Transactions 49. Salaries (1982-83) 50. Salaries (1983-84) 51. Salaries (1983-84) 52. Salaries (1984-85) 53. Salary Adjustment Worksheets 54. Salaries 55. Summer Appointments (1983) 56. Summer (1984) 57. Department Budgets

Booklets 58. Current Operating Budget (1981-82) 59. Current Operating Budget (1982-83) 60. Operating Budget (1983-84) 61. Operating Budget (1984-85) 61. Operating Budget (1985-86) 62. Operating Budget (1986-87).


  • Creation: 1981 - 1985


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