Carlisle, E Fred, 1983 - 1987
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 1 [17A-J-1C] Files: 1. Affirmative Action, Office of (1983-84) 2. Affirmative Action and Human Resource Development Office (1985-86) 3. American Association for Higher Education (1984-86) 4. American Association of University Women (1984) 5. American Association of University Women - Young Scholars' Nominations (1985) 6. American Conference of Academic Deans, "The Opportunity and Promise of Fiscal Austerity" (1987) 7. American Council on Education - Miscellaneous Information (1983-86) 8. American Council of Learned Societies (1986) 9. American Express Corporate Card Information (1987) 10. American Studies (1983-86) 11. Association of Integrative Studies (1986) 12. Association of American Colleges - Miscellaneous Information (1984-87) 13. Auble, Donovan - Response Letters (1985-86) 14. Athletes (Freshmen) - Graduation Studies, 1977-78 (1985) 15. Budget Information - Operating Budget (1985-86) 16. Budget (1986-87) 17. Capital Improvement Request for Miami University (1985) 18. Commencement (1983-84) 19. Equipment Funds (1984) 20. European Center (MUEC) - Rules and Regulations (1985) 21. European Center (MUEC) (1986-87) 22. Evaluation Information - Administration, Faculty, Student Chairs, Teaching, etc. (1983-85) 23. Faculty Conference (1985-87) 24. Faculty Overload (1983-86) 25. Freshman Orientation (1984-85) 26. Fund for Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (1986) 27. Graduate School and Research (1983) 1 28. Graduate School and Research (1983) 2 29. Graduate School and Research (1984) 30. Grant Awards - Demske Memos (1985-86) 31. Hotel Restaurant and Institution Management Program (1985) 32. Hueston Woods 33. Ice Arena (1983-84)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 2 [17A-K-1A] Files: 1. Information Requests and Replies (1985) 2. Institutional Memberships (1983-85) 3. Instructional Fee Charges - Fee Limitations (1985) 4. International Studies (1984) 5. Inventory Searches (1984-88) 6. Memorials - Barron, Box, Furth, and Rodabaugh (1985) 7. Mentor Programs for Black Students (1985-86) 8. Mentors - Information from Deans (1984-85) 9. Miami University Foundation (1982-85) 10. Miami University Student Foundation (1983-84) 11. Millett, John D. (1983) 12. Minority Recruitment - Faculty and Students (1983-87) 13. Mortar Board Inc (1983-85) 14. National Endowment for the Humanities (1983-86) 15. Motor Pool Operations (1987) 16. National Science Foundation Fellowships (1981-85) 17. Office Administration Proposal (1982) 18. Parents Council Newsletter (1986) 19. Physical Plan Department (1986) 20. Projections for Program Changes (1985) 21. Questionnaires and Surveys (1987) 22. Reading Recovery Program of the School and Education and Allied Professions (1985) 23. Recognition Reception (1985-86) 24. Research Credit Centers (1983) 25. Salary Policies and Timetables (1983-85) 26. Space and Renovation (1982-86) 27. Staff Reports from the Provosts Office (1984) 28. Student Counseling Service (1985) 29. State Teachers Retirement System (1984) 30. Student Financial Aid (1983-85) 31. Summer School Authorizations (1985-87) 32. Visiting Scholar Guidelines (1983-85) 33. Inter-University Council of Ohio (IUC) - Provosts Meeting (9/25/1986) 34. IUC Provosts Meeting (10/2/1985) 35. IUC Provosts Meeting (11/20/1985) 36. IUC Provosts Meeting (7/17/1985) 37. IUC Miscellaneous (1985-86) 38. IUC Provosts Meeting - Library Committee (1986) 39. IUC Provosts Meeting (January 1, 1987) 40. IUC Provosts Meetings (1985-87) 41. IUC Provosts Meetings (1985-87) 42. IUC Provosts Meeting (3/19/1987) 43. IUC Provosts Meetings (1986) 44. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1983-84) 45. Vice-Presidents Meetings and Agendas and Related Maters from CKW Book (on Apr. 2, 1984) (1982-83)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 3 [17A-K-6C] Files: 1. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1984) 1 2. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1984) 2 3. Vice-Presidents Meetings - Information from CKW VP Binder (1984) 4. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1985) 5. Vice-Presidents Meetings - Handouts (1983-85) 6. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1983-85) 7. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1/1986) 8. Vice-Presidents Meetings (2/1986) 9. Vice-Presidents Meetings (3/1986) 10. Vice-Presidents Retreat (1986) 1 11. Vice-Presidents Retreat (1986) 2 12. Vice-Presidents Retreat (1986) 3 13. Vice-Presidents Meetings (6-7/1986) 14. Vice-Presidents Meetings (8-9/1986) 15. Vice-Presidents Meetings (10-12/1986) 16. Vice-Presidents Meetings (10-11/1986) 17. Vice-Presidents Meetings (12/1986) 18. Vice-Presidents Meetings (1/1987) 19. Vice-Presidents Meetings (2/1987)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 4 [17A-I-1A] Files: 1. Vice-Presidents Meetings (3/1987) 2. Vice-Presidents Meetings (4-5/1987) 3. Vice-Presidents Retreat (5/1987) 4. Vice-Presidents Meetings (5-8/1987) 5. Ohio Board of Regents - Research Challenge (4/1986) 6. Review of the School of Applied Science (1985) 7. Engineering Technology (1986-87) 8. School of Applied Science, Roscoe Ward, Dean (1985-87) 9. Manufacturing Engineering (1986-87) 10. Department of Office Administration, School of Applied Science (1987) 11. Paper Science and Engineering (1986-87) 12. Systems Analysis (1986-87) 13. College of Arts and Science, Stephen M. Day (1985-86) 14. College of Arts and Science, Stephen M. Day (1986-87) 15. Aeronautics (1985-87) 16. Aerospace Studies (1985-87) 17. Botany (1985-87) 18. Chemistry (1985-87) 19. Classics (1985-87) 20. Communication (1985-87) 21. English (1985-87) 22. French and Italian (1985-87) 23. Geography (1985-87) 24. Geology (1985-87) 25. German, Russian, and East Asian Languages (1985-87) 26. History (1985-87) 27. W. E. Smith History Professorship (1986-87) 28. Mathematics and Statistics (1985-87) 29. Microbiology (1985-87) 30. Naval Science (1985-87) 31. Philosophy (1985-87) 32. Physics (1985-87)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 5 [18A-K-4A] Files: 1. Shriver Center Review Committee (1984) 2. Committee to Study the Boards Statement - Universitys Investment Policy in South Africa (1985) 3. Ad Hoc Committee on South African Investments (1985-86) 4. Space Utilization Committee (1983-84) 6. Systematics Committee of the College of Arts and Science (7/1983) 7. Committee on Student Publications (1985) 8. UPAC [Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee] (1987-) 9. Undergraduate Academic Regulations Committee (1983-85) 10. Undergraduate Research Program Committee (1984) 12. University Council (1986-87) 13. University Council (1985-86) 14. University Council - Charge Letters (1985-86) 15. University Council - Charge Letters (1986-87) 16. University Committees - Charge and Annual Reports (1985) 17. University Library Committee (1983-87) 18. University Requirement Committee (7/1983) 19. University Requirement (3/1984) 20. University Senate (1984-86) 21. Water Committee (1986) 22. Work and Time Reporting Study Team (1/1985) 23. Council of Academic Deans (1986-87)(Binder)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 6 [18A-K-7B] Files: 1. Political Science (1985-87) 2. Psychology (1985-87) 3. Religion (1985-87) 4. Sociology and Anthropology (1985-87) 5. Spanish and Portuguese (1985-87) 6. Zoology (1985-87) 7. School of Business Administration - Dean Bill Moeckel (1985-86) 8. School of Business Administration (1986-87) 9. Accountancy (1983-87) 10. Business Technology (1984) 11. Decision Sciences (1985-87) 12. Decision Sciences, Systems Analysis (1986-87) 13. Economics (1985-86) 14. Finance (1986-87) 15. Management (1985-87) 16. Marketing (1985-87) 17. School of Education and Allied Professions - Dean Janet Kettlewell (1985-87) 18. Educational Leadership (1985) 19. Educational Psychology (1985-87) 20. Health, Physical Education and Recreation (1985-87) 21. Health and Sports Studies, Bachelor of Science (1985-86) 22. Home Economics and Consumer Sciences (1985-87) 23. Home Economics Accreditation Visit (1986) 24. Teacher Education (1985-87) 25. School of Fine Arts, Hayden May (1985-87) 26. Architecture (1985-87) 27. Art (1985-87) 28. Department of Music Program Review (1985-86) 29. Music (1985-87) 30. Theatre (1985-87) 31. Graduate School and Research - Leonard Simutis (1985-87) 32. Hamilton Campus (1985-87) 33. School of Interdisciplinary Studies - Curt Ellison (1985-87) 34. Middletown Campus - Michael Governanti (1985-87)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 7 [18A-K-7C] Files: 1. Fiscal Priorities Committee (1983-85) 2. Ad Hoc Committee on Governance (1985-86) 3. Select Committee on Fiscal Priorities (1985-86) 4. Governance Transition Committee (1987) 5. Honors Program Advisory Committee (1983-86) 6. Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research of the University Council (1983-86) 7. Institutional Biosafety Committee (1983-86) 8. Institutional Research Review Committee (1986) 9. Instrumentation Laboratory Advisory Committee (1983) 10. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors (1983-85) 11. Joint Universities Advisory Committee (1984-85) 12. Liberal Education Task Force and Procedures Committee (1985-87) 13. Liberal Education Forum Steering Committee (1985-87) 14. Major Gifts Campaign Steering Committee (1987) 15. Membership Committee of the University Council (1984-86) 16. Bicentennial Committee for the Northwest Ordinance and U.S. Constitution (1983-87) 17. Area Health Education Centers Program (1983) 18. Planning and Coordinating Committee for the 1986 Governors Summer Institute for Gifted and Talented Students (1985) 19. Presidents Council Meetings (1985-87) 20. Presidents Select Committee for Academic Quality (1983-85) 21. Radiation Safety Committee (7/1983) 22. Coordinating Committee for Research Funding (1983-84) 23. Resource Development Board (1985) 24. Safety Committee (1986) 25. Senate Meeting (12/8/1986) 26. Council of Academic Deans (1986-87) (Binder)
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 8 [17A-J-2A] Files: 1. Council of Academic Deans (1985-86) 1 2. Council of Academic Deans (1985-86) 1I 3. Council of Academic Deans (1985-86) 1II 4. Admissions Committee (1983-84) 5. Ad Hoc Committee to Study Miamis Affirmative Action Efforts for Minorities and Women (1985-86) 6. Alumni Fund Committee - S. Donald (1985-86) 7. Animal Research Committee (1985-86) 8. Animal Welfare Committee, Doug Taylor (1983-85) 9. Associated Student Government (1985) 10. Ad Hoc Committee on the Bridges Program (1986) 11. Presidents Select Committee on Campus Planning (1983-85) 12. Commencement Committee (1984) 13. Committee for the Improvement of Instruction and University Council ((1983-85) 14. Miscellaneous Committees (1983-85) 15. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1981-85) 16. Committee on Committees, Jack Risbou (1983-84) 17. Community Relations (1984) 18. Computer Policy and Word Processing Review Committee (1982-85) 19. Academic Coordinating Committee (1973-80) 20. Core Planning Group (1986) 21. Committee Invitations (1985-86) 22. Distinguished Professorship Committee (1985-86) 23. Elections Committee (1984) 24. Ad Hoc Energy Conservation Task Force (1984-87) 25. European Center Consultative Committee (1983-86) 26. Consultative Committee for the European Center in Luxembourg (1982-86) 27. Faculty Advisory Committee to the Board of Regents (1980-85) 28. Faculty Research Committee of the University Council (1983-85) 29. Freshman Class Profiles a. 1983-84 b. 1984-85 c. 1985-86 d. 1986-87 part II
Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 4A [18A-K-4B] Files: 1. Korean Fund (Chung International Fund Se GRE 107 2001-02 2. Korean Fund Chung International Fund Se YOung GRE 701 2000-01 3. Korean Fund Chung International Fund Se YOung GRE 701 2000 4. Korean Fund Chung 1999 5. Max Kade Foundation Proposal for the Max Kade Lecture, 2000 6. Progress in Diversity at Miami University Review Period 2001-02 7. ZMP-ZDaF Goethe Testing, 2000 8. ZMP and ZDAF 1999-2000 9. ZMP and ZDaf Exams 1999 10. ZMP and Z Daf 11. Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache Goethe House New York Language Proficiency Test in German, Results 12. College of Arts and Science Scholarship Forms Submitted, 2002 13. German Corridor Faculty Resident Requirements, Compensation and Responsibilities 14. German Business Exam 1999 15. German Business Test 1998 16. German Fluency Exam April 1998 17. GER Business Exam 2000 18. Academic Dishonest, GREAL 1979-81
- Creation: 1983 - 1987
- From the Record Group: Office of the Provost. Provost. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), (Organization)
- From the Record Group: Senate. University Senate. University Senate Office of the Provost (Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
10 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Carlisle, Fred E. (Person)
- Office of the Provost. Provost. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), (Organization)
- Department of Affirmative Action -- Human Resources -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Department of Affirmative Action -- Human Resources -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Graduate School -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Office of the Provost -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Council of Deans -- Council of Academic Deans -- Adminisitrative Council -- Executive Council -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- European Center, Luxembourg
- Office Files
- Provost
- Vice President Academic Affairs
- Box: 1; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 17A-J-1C (Text)
- Box: 2; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 17A-K-1A (Text)
- Box: 3; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 17A-K-6C (Text)
- Box: 4; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87 (Text)
- Box: 5; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 18A-K-4A (Text)
- Box: 6; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 18A-K-7B (Text)
- Box: 7; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 18A-K-7C (Text)
- Box: 8; Fred Carlisle: Office Files; 1983-87; 17A-J-2A (Text)
- Container: Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 6 [18A-K-7B] (Text)
- Container: Academic Affairs/Provost; Carlisle, E Fred; Office Files; 1983-87; Box 7 [18A-K-7C] (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository