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Provost, 1974 - 2024

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1979-88; Box 1 [17A-K-7B]+ Files: 1. Academic Affairs Personnel Manual (1979?) I 2. Academic Affairs Personnel Manual (1979?) II 3. Academic Affairs Personnel Manual (1979?) III 4. Dolibois European Center (1985-87) 5. Eminent Scholars and Program Excellence Award Winners (1988) 6. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities (1982-86) I 7. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities (1982-86) 8. Mildred Seltzer (1978) 9. Minorities - Harassment/Discrimination (1979-80) 10. Minority and Womens Advisory Board (1979-80) 11. Minority and Womens Advisory Board (1980-81) 12. Minority and Womens Advisory Board (1981-82) 13. Minority Recruitment (179-80) 14. Strategic Plan Draft - School of Applied Science (1986) 15. Strategic Plan Draft - College of Arts and Science (1986) 16. Strategic Plan Draft - School of Business Adminstration (1986) 17. Strategic Plan Draft - -School of Education and Allied Professions (1986) 18. Strategic Plan Draft - School of Fine Arts (1986) 19. Strategic Plan Draft - Graduate School (1986) 20. Strategic Plan Draft - Miami University, Hamilton (1986) 21. Strategic Plan Draft - School of Interdisciplinary Studies (1986) 22. Strategic Plan Draft - Miami University, Luxembourg (1987) 23. Strategic Plan Draft - Miami University, Middletown (1986) 24. Status of Women and Racial Ethnic Minorities Report -Preliminary Action Report (1977) 25. Student Organizations - KEYS [School of Business] (1977-81) 26. Staff Policies (1947, 1956) 27. Womens Studies (1979-81) 28. Faculty for the Hire: Resources and Opportunities for Graduate Students to Develop Teaching Skills

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files; 1974-2003; Box 2 [17A-G-2B]+ Contents: 1. Miami University Capital Improvements Requests 1991-1996 (June 1989) 2. Miami University Self-Study Report for Accreditation Review. North Central Association., Vo1. 1-2 (November 1974) 3. Executive Agenda, vol. 1, no. 2 (Fourth Quarter 1999) 4. Teachers Guide for English 111 College Composition 1998-99. Miami University English Department 5. College Composition 2001-02. Miami University English Department 6. The Value of Long-Term Care in Ohio: Public Dollars and Private Donations. Scripps Gerontology Center (May 2003) 7. Quality Learning in Ohio and at a Distance. A Report of the Ohio Learning Network Task Force on Quality in Distance Learning 8. Status Report on the Implementation of Recommendations of the Presidents Commission on the Improvement of the Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students (1989) 9. William E. Nelson. Consultants Report on the Black World Studies Program at Miami University [1986] 10. Miami University Center Washington Center Materials (2001-02) 11. Insuring a Future of Strength. Report of the Miami University Team Charged with Studying Selective Institutions of Higher Education to Make Recommendations to the Miami University Community on the Appropriate Course for Our Future (December 1987) 12. A Celebration to Recognize the Involvement of Miami Faculty in K-12 Educational Initiatives (March 7, 2000) 13. Evaluation of the Miami Experience, Survey Results for North Central Association, 1974. 14. Ohio's Systematic Initiative: Discovery (1998) 15. School of Business Administration Dean Candidates (2001) [Binder] 16. Department of Family Studies and Social Work. Social Work Program. Self-Study Report. Volume 2: Curriculum (1997?)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Materials; 1984-2007; Box 3 [17A-G-2A]+ Contents: 1. Guidebook for New Students, 1995-96 2. The Heritage of Miami University (1984?) 3. Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy. Implementation and Assessment Survey Results for 1998-99 (June 2, 2000) 4. Interrelationships Among Miami Universitys Three Campuses. Special Emphasis Committee Report for North Central Association (February 1985) 5. 2001-02 Operating Budget 6. Performance Reporting (Draft). Ohio Board of Regents (August 7, 2000) 7. Miami University Libraries Facilities Plan (October 24, 1995) 8. Leadership Institute Information (2002) [Binder] 9. Art Department Self-Study in Portfolio Format (2007) [Binder] 10. College of Arts and Science Benchmarking (2002) [Binder]

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files; 1987-2002; Box 4 [18A-E-6A] + Contents/Files: 1. 2000-2001 Operating Budget 2. Exhibit #5. 2000-2001 Operating Budget 3. Miami Universitys Plan for Institutional Diversity (Fall 1998) 4. Final Report of the Student Assessment and Expectations Committee (May 2000) 5. American Federation of Teachers. Building a Profession: Strengthening Teacher Preparation and Induction. 6. Report of the K-16 Teacher Education Task Force (April 2000) 7. A Celebration to Recognize the Involvement of Miami Faculty in K-12 Educational Initiatives (March 7, 2000) 8. Memo - "Tracking of the Entering Class of 1998" (December 8, 2000) 9. Ohio Board of Regents. The ßtate-Supported Ohio College and University Performance Report" Student Outcomes and Experiences (December 13, 2000) 10. Miami University Five-Year Training Plan (April 10, 2000) 11. Miami University Malcom Baldrige Self Assessment Study (July 1994) 12. The Suggestion Book for students attending Miami University in Luxembourg, 1998-99 13. Choice Matters Materials ((2002-03) 14. Tinker Foundation (1987-89) 15. Chemical Technology Proposal (1995) 16. Miami University Values Statements and Other Materials (1999) 17. Health Sciences Discussion (October 27, 1999) 18. Ronald Crutcher Remarks for September 17, 1999 Board Meeting 19. Joe Urell to Jim Garland re. Increase of Per Credit Hour Rate for Instruction and Supervision (June 29, 1999) 20. James S. McCoy, "Enrollment Services Strategies at Miami: Changing Ways for Changing Times" (1999) 21. Dr. Terry Tafoya talk (1999) 22. President Proenza Investiture (October 13, 1999)\ 23. IDS 151 and IDS 159 Meetings 24. Grade Distribution by Department/Division 25 Joe Urell--Memo-"Hiring of ABDs in Tenure-Track Positions" (1999) 26. Committee on Governance. Elections Subsommittee. 1998-99 Elections Annual Report 27. Council of Academic Deans Meeting (May 12, 1999) 28. Miami Hamilton--Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 29. Miami Middletown - Campaign Project Proposals 30. School of Business Administration - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 31. Education and Allied Professions - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 32. Library --Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 33. Engineering and Applied Science - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 34. Fine Arts - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 35. Interdisciplinary Studies - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 36. Arts and Science - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 37. Graduate School - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 38. Miscellaneous Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 39. Honors Program - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 40. McGuffey Museum - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 41. Luxembourg Campus - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 42. International Program - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 43. Scholarship and Teaching - Campaign Project Proposals (2001) 44. Benchmarking - School of Business Administration/School of Engineering and Applied Science/ School of Fine Arts (2001) 45. School of Education and Allied Professions - Benchmarking (2001) 46. Preliminary Report: LibQUAL+2000/2001 47. Libqual+Lite Fall 2009 48. Priorities and Action Plan for Academic Affairs (2001-02) 49. Benchmarking Presentations (2001) 50. Benchmarking Service Units - Materials (2001) 51. Benchmarking Service Units (2001) 52. Benchmarking Service Units (2001) 53. Arts and Science Benchmarking (2001)40. Annual Report of the Dean and College of Arts and Science, 1994-95

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Materials; 1993-2001; Box 5 [17A-H-7C]+ Contents: 1. NSSE - National Survey of Student Engagement Institutional Report (2001) [Binder] 2. Educational Needs Assessment for the Regional Campuses of Miami University (1996) [Binder] 3. OhioLINK Policy Handbook (1993) 4. Physical Facilities Department Administrative Support Services Review (October 18, 1993) 5. Education and Allied Professions. Annual Report, 1999-2000. 6. Miami University Libraries Administrative Support Services (October 8, 1993) 7. Integrated Student Systems, Integrated Business Systems Project Cost Analysis (June 12, 1997) 8. A Celebration to Recognize the Involvement of Miami Faculty in K-12 Educational Initiatives, March, 2, 2000

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Materials; 1993-2004; Box 6 [17A-G-1B]+ Contents: 1. Self-Study Application for Accreditation for Miami University Submitted to Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education. Didactic Program in Dietetics, Miami University (February 2004) [Binder] 2. Department of Teacher Education Program Review and Supporting Information (October 12, 2004) [Binder] 3. Department of Communication Program Review (2004) [Binder] 4. Department of Communication Faculty Vitae (2004) [Binder] 5. Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology Program Review (2004) [Binder] 6. Title IX [Binder] 7. Steering Committee, Campus Climate Survey (September 27, 1996) 8. The State of Admission at Miami (June 10, 1993) [Binder]

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Materials; 1995-2007; Box 7 [17A-G-2C]+ Contents 1. Miami University - School of Fine Arts; Art Museum; Performing Arts Series Programmatic Strategic Plan (July 19, 1999) 2. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Visit (1998) 3. Draft Applied Science Strategic Plan (Revised-September 29, 1998) 4. Academic Program Review Data- Art, Black World Studies, Family Studies and Social Work, Mathematics and Statistics, Nursing, Physical Education, Health and Sports Studies, Zoology (July 23, 2001) 5. Business Technology Survey Report (Fall 2002) 6. Social Work Accreditation Criteria (October 1995) 7. Social Work Program. Baccalaureate Candidacy Evaluative Criteria (June 1995) 8. Core Commitments Launch Meeting Materials (2007) 9. The Arts at Miami University Programmatic Strategic Plan: Summary (July 1999) 10. Liberal Education (Summer/Fall 2005) 11. Clinical Psychology APA Accreditation Self-Study Report (1999) 12. Core Commitments (2007) [Binder] 13. Miami University Report of Review of Ph.D. Program in History (June 1995)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 2003-04; Box 8 [17A-H-5A]+ Contents: 1) Proposal for a Ph.D. in Social Gerontology. Department of Sociology and Gerontology and the Scripps Gerontology Center (2003) 2) Miami Library Report on Possible ARL Membership (March 25, 2003) [Binder] Department of Marketing Program Review 2003/2004. Program Review and Supporting Information. (October 12, 2003) [Binder] 3) Department of Marketing Program Review 2003/2004. Department of Marketing Faculty Resumes. Appendix B. (Fall 2003) [Binder] 4) Department of Psychology Self-Study for Program Review 2004 (October 2004) [Binder] [2 copies] Business Technology Self-Study (Fall 2004) 5) Department of Management Academic Program Review Self-Study 1998-99 through 2003-04. Vol 1,(October 2004) 6) Department of Management Academic Program Review Self-Study 1998-99 through 2003-04. Vol. 2., Contributions to Miami Plan for Liberal Education (October 2004) 7) Department of Management Academic Program Review Self-Study 1998-99 through 2003-04. Vol. 3, Faculty Vitae (October 2004) 8) Department of Teacher Education Academic Program Review Faculty Vitas (October 12, 2004) Procedures for Addressing Cases of Academic Dishonesty a Manual for Academic Deans, Chairs, and Program Administrators, Office of the Provost Miami University, 2009

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1987-99; Box 9 [18A-H-5A]+ Files: 1. Academic Policy (1994-97) 2. Ad Hoc Committee on Career Services (1996-97) 3. University Advising Group on Computing and Communication (1997) 4. Advisory Committee to the Dean of Arts and Sciences On Issues Concerning Women in Administration (1993-94) 5. Assessment Council (1991-95) 6. University Assessment Council (1995) 7. Athletic Nickname Committee (1996-97) 8. Athletic Policy Committee (1990-96) 9. Awards and Recognition Committee (1990-96) 10. Benefits Advisory Committee (1997) 11. Butler County Distance Education Committee (1994-95) 12. Campus Planning Committee (1994-95) 13. Computer Policy Committee (1991-94) 14. Course Scheduling Committee (Ad Hoc Committee of Senate (1992-94) 15. Data Warehouse Project Committee (1993-94) 16. Extramural Professional Activities Committee (CEPA)(1997) 17. Final Revisions of Ad Hoc Disciplinary Committee (1993-94) 18. Ad Hoc Committee to Enhance Student Recruitment (1992-93) 19. Faculty Research Committee (1991-96) 20. Fiscal Priorities (1996-97) 21. Committee on Governance (1995-96) 22. Hamilton Campus Citizens Advisory Council (1994) 23. Health Care/Compensation Review (Ad Hoc Committee) (1992-94) 24. Housing Needs Assessment Committee (March 1995) 25. Human Relations Committee (1995) 26. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on the (1987-June 1997) 27. Inaugural Committee (1997) 28. International Education, Committee on (1988-96) 29. CIEE - Council on International Education Exchange (1987-88) 30. Miami Medical Advisory Council (1996) 31. ORIS Ad Hoc Committee (Ecology Bulletin)(April 1995) 32. Pre-Law Advisory Council (Planning Stage 1993-94) 33. Pre-Law Advisory Council (1993) 34. Program Challenge Committee (1995) 35. Ad Hoc Program Change Committee (1995) 36. Provosts Council for Continuous Quality Improvement (1993-94) 27. Task Force on Intercollegiate Athletics (1995) 28. Ad Hoc Committee on Advising First Year Initiatives October, 1999

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1994-99; Box 10 [18A-F-7C]+ Files: 1. OhioLink (1994-95) 2. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts (1995-96) 3. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts (February 15, 1995) 4. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts (June 14, 1995) 5. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts (1994-95) 6. New Trustee Orientation (Spring 1998) 7. Inter-University Council (IUC) - Core Expectations for Ohio Universities (February 1995) 8. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts - Miscellaneous (1996-98) 9. Inter-University Council (IUC) - Scholarships (December 1997) 10. Inter-University Council (IUC) (November 14, 1996) 11. Inter-University Council (IUC) (May 1997) 12. Inter-University Council (IUC) (October 23, 1997) 13. Inter-University Council (IUC) Provosts Committee (December 17-18, 1997) 14. Inter-University Council (IUC) (February 19, 1998) 15. Inter-University Council (IUC) (April 22-23, 1998) 16. Inter-University Council (IUC) (June 10-11, 1998) 17. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (1997-98) 18. New COAD (Spring 1998) 19. Deans and Executive Directors (1997-98) 20. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) - Student Affairs / Academic Affairs Collaboration (1997) 21. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (November 18, 1998) 22. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (March 4, 1998) 23. Deans - Miscellaneous (1998) 24. Conflict Resolution Workshop (February 7, 1998) 25. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) - Memos 1995-97) 26. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) - Agendas (1996-97) 27. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (1996-97) 28. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (December 1996) 29. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (November 6, 1996) 30. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (September 11, 1996) 31. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (August 14, 1996) 32. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (June 12, 1996) 33. Deans and Executive Directors (1996-97) 34. Campaign Materials (COAD) (Spring 1999) 35. Campaign Materials (COAD Responses) 36. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) - Agendas (1998) 37. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) - Mailings (1998) 38. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (1998-99) 39. Council of Academic Deans (COAD) (December 16, 1998)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1983-98; Box 11 [18A-J-4C]+ Files: 1. Academic Challenge (1995-96) 2. Draft Academic Plan (1987-92) 3. Alcohol and Drug Program (1995) 4. Alumni Association Effective Educator (1994) 5. AAHE - K-16 Network (1994) 6. AAUP/CNI Joint Initiatives Workshop (1995) 7. ACC - American Collegiate Consortium (1996) 8. ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act (1992-94) 9. Assessment (1993-95) 10. Assessment Materials (1990-96) 11. Associated Student Government (1991-98) 12. ABFAS - Association of Black Faculty and Staff (1993-96) 13. Black World Studies (1985-96) 14. Professor Blue Book (1992) 15. Bomb Threat Policy (1993) 16. Buyout Programs (1996) 17. Budget Presentations (1996-97) 18. Campaign Academic Priorities for Fund Raising 19. Casual and Overload Compensation (1994) 20. Center for Environmental Toxicology and Statistics (1996) 21. Doctoral Review (1994-96) 22. Interdisciplinary Çenter for Academic Excellence (1993-94) 24. Internship and Experimental Learning Center (1994) 25. Julian Lange Advancement of Writing Center (1990-94) 26. Center for Pakistan Geology (1996) 27. Central State (1996) 28. Certificate Program (1994) 29. Child Care Facilities (1995-97) 30. Cincinnati State College (1993-95) 31. Class Sizes (1991-93) 32. Computer Literacy Courses (1996-97) 33. Conflict of Interest Statements (1992-95) 34. Continuing Education (Regional Campuses) (1993) 35. CUFFS/Business Software (1996) 36. Development (1996-97) 37. Distinguished Professor Awards (1983-98) 38. Doctoral Subsidies (1995-96) 39. Dolibois Faculty Development Fund (1994) 40. Domestic Partners Task Force (1993- ) 41. Donors (1995-96) 42. Education/ U.S. D.O.E. 43. Emergency Response Planning (Hazardous Materials)(1989-90) 44. Enrollment Controls-Guidelines (1996) 45. Environmental Health and Safety (1992-96) 46. European Contacts (1995-96) 47. Executive-In-Residence Program (1994) 48. Fact Book (1994-95) 49. Fee Certificates (1995-96) 50. Fee Waivers (1993-96) 51. Functional Mission Statement (1993-95) 52. General Counsel (Robin Parker) 53. Greek Community Commission (1996) 54. Hampton Fund for Faculty International Initiatives (1994-95) 55. Havighurst High Tech Lab. (1994) 56. Havighurst Law Suit (1996) 57. Higher Education Accreditation Board (HEAB) (1995) 58. Home Schooling (1995-96) 59. Effective Educator Results (1997)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1987-99; Box 12 [18A-J-4B]+ Files: I-N 1. ICA/PHS Teaching (1994-96) 2. Immigration Law (1993) 3. Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences 4. Institute for Environmental Sciences (1990-95) 5. Institute for Integrative Studies (Bill Newell - SIS) (1989-96) 6. Integrated Business Systems Software Proposals (1996) 7. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. - Ad Hoc Committee (1993-94) 8. International Advisory Council (1992-93) 9. International Agreements (1992-93) 10. IREX - International Research and Exchange Board (1991-94) 11. International Studies Program - Faculty Affiliates (1987-92) 12. International Travel Introductory Letter (1995) 13. Kaplan (1995) 14. King Library Renovation (1995) 15. Krisnamurti Conference (1995) 16. Language Lab - Interactive Language Resource Center (1995) 17. Latin American Cultural Studies (1995-96) 18. Learning Assistance Programs (Karen Hater) (1995) 19. Lebanon/Middletown Problem (1994-95) 20. Legal Studies Program (1994) 21. Legislative Office of Educational Oversight (1990-91) 22. Legislative Office of Educational Oversight (1993-94) 23. Library - Personnel Policy and Procedure for Professional Staff (1991-94) 24. Library Personnel Proposals (1994-95) 25. LOEO Robert - Karen Hater (1993-94) 26. James Madison Fellowships (1994) 27. Masters Degree Program: Tech/Scientific Communication (MTSC) 28. Measures of Success in Meeting Our Mission (1995) 29. Mellon Foundation (1994-95) 30. MCIS Brochures, Pamphlets (1992-94) 31. MCIS - Computer Problem (Student Misconduct) (1995) 32. MCIS - Network Plan DRAFT (June 17, 1994) 33. MCIS - Network Infrastructure Plan (1994-96) 34. MCIS - Network Plan - Data and Video (1995-96) 35. MCIS - Network Scheduling (1996) 36. SAN - MCIS Library Project -David Haddad (Spring 1996) 37. MCIS - University Infomation Systems 38. MUFA - Miami University Faculty Association (1982-94) 39. Miami Faculty for Collegial Governance (1989-95) 40. Miami Initiative on Undergraduate Education for the Next Century (July 1994) 41. Miami One Card System (1994-96) 42. Miami Plan for Liberal Education (1994-96) 43. The Miami Press (1994-96) 44. Middletown Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology 45. Middletown Viewbook Problem (1995) 46. Minority Scholarships and Awards (1990-94) 47. Model League of Arab States (1994-95) 48. Molecular Microscopy Lab (MML) (1984-95) 49. Motor Vehicle Policy (1990-96) 50. Moving Guidelines (1995) 51. NACUBO (1990-95) 52. NASULGC - Chicago (November 1994) 53. NASULGC - Council for Academic Affairs (1995-99) 54. NASULGC - Division of International Affairs (1986-93) 55. National Endowment for the Humanities (1994) 56. National Research Council - Graduate Faculty Survey (1993) 57. NCHEMS - National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (Peter Ewell)(1994) 58. NEC Agreement (1996) 59. New Degrees - Policies and Procedures (1995) 60. New York Times Articles (1996) 61. NIH - National Institutes of Health; Academic Research Enhancement Awards (1995) 62. Northwest School District Contact (1995) 63. NSF - Neal Lane (1995) 64. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Radiation) (1991-95)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1984-98; Box 13 [18-J-5B] M? Files: 1. Salary Equity Pool (1995-96) 2. Salary Increases (1995-96) 3. Salary Proposal [Stonehill] 4. Salary Recommendations (1996-97) 5. Scolarship Programs and Policies (1989-84) 6. Scioto County Area Foundation (1995) 7. Scholastic Enhancement Program (1992) 8. Senior Officers Retreat (1995) 9. Sexual Harassment Referral Service (1992) 10. Sigma Chi Scholar in Residence (1994) 11. Signature Authority (1995-96) 12. SOHFEC (1996) 13. Southwest Ohio Public Education Covenant (1995) 14. Southwest Ohio Regional Depository (1995) 15. Space Utilization Group (1995-98) 16. STAR [Strategic Training and Retraining] Awards (1991-96) 17. State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) (1993-94) 18. State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) (1994) 1 19. State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) (1994) 2 20. Student Complaints (1994-97) 21. Student Conduct Regulations (1995-96) 22. Student Recruitment (1995) 23. Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration (1993-94) 24. Summer School (1995) 25. Summer Session (1994-96) 26. Summer Session (1996-97) 27. Switch Day (1996) 28. Sympathy Letters [Samples[ 29. Tax-Deferred Annuity Plan Compliance (1995) 30. Teaching Support (1995) 31. Tenure Issues (1999-96) 32. Tenure-Track Policy (1995) 33. Tenure-Track - Women Panel 34. Tinker Foundation [Grayson Kirk] (1988-95) 35. Tuition Reciprocity (1994) 36. Tuition Wavers (1996) 37. Morris K. Udall Scholarship (1995-96) 38. Undergraduate Support (1995) 39. Understory (1995-96) 40. Vita Bank 41. George Voinovich (1993-96) 42. Wake Forest Conference (May 1996) 43. Wilberforce/MU Agreement (October 1996) 44. Women in Adminstration (1995) 45. Women in Higher Education (1996) 46. Womems Center (1993-94) 47. Workshop Surpluses and Deficits (1995) 48. World-Wide Web (1995-96)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; 1991-96; Box 14 [18A-J-5C]+ Files: 1. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Action and Investment Fund (1991-95) 2. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Affirmative Action (1995) 3. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Building the Campus of the 21st Century (1993-94) 4. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Commission on Articulation and Transfer for Ohio Colleges and Univeristies (June 1991- ) 5. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Degree Approval Requests (1995) 6. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Graduate Program Review (Gerentology Ph.D) (1993-94) 7. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Investment Fund (1994-96) 8. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Master Plan for Higher Education (1995-96) 9. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Master Plan for Higher Education (1996) 10. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Miscellaneous (1991-96) 11. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Program Approval Requests (1994) 12. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Regents Advisory Committee on Service (1994) 13. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Report on Non-Diploma Completers (Secondary and Higher Education Articulation Committee) (1994) 14. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Research Officers Council (1994) 15. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Securing the Future of Higher Education in Ohio (1994-96) 16. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Ohios Spending Patterns (1993) 17. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Committee on Standards of Viability (1994) 18. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Subsidy Consultation (1993-95) 19. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Report on Teaching Evaulation (1994-96) 20. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Response: "Teaching Evaluation and Reward" (1994) 21. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Technology and the Learning Communities of Tomorrow (1996) 22. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Uniform Information System Consultation (1992-94) 23. Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) - Virtual University (1995-96) 24. Ohio Faculty Council (1995) 25. Ohio International Consortium (1991-96) 26. Ohio Public Records Act (1996) 27. Open House for Accepted Students (1996) 28. Pedagogical Innovation Project (1994) 29. Performance Funding (1997, 1999) 30. Performance Measures Data Report Workbook (1995) 31. Performing Arts Facility (Preliminary Feasibility Study) (December 1996) 32. PEW Roundtable (1996) 33. Plus/Minus Grading (1992-95) 34. Post Tenure Review (1995) 35. Presidents Executives and Professionals in Residence Program (PEPRP)(March 1995) 36. Probationary Period Extension (1995) 37. Project Dragonfly (1995-96) 38. Project Kaleidoscope (1993-95) 39. Promotion and Tenure (1996) 40. Promotion and Tenure Meetings (April-May 1996) 41. Promotion and Tenure Recommendations (January 1996) 42. Promotion and Tenure Discussion Group (Shelia Atchley, May 1995) 43. Promotion and Tenure Revisions (March 1995) 44. Promotion and Tenure Letters (February 1995) 45. Promotion and Tenure (January 1995) 46. Promotion and Tenure (1994) 47. Quality Initiative (1994) 48. Rales Proposal (1995) 49. Rank: Doctoral/Master (1996) 50. Record Management Project (1995-96) 51. Registrar (1994-97) 52. "Your Right to Know" (1996) 53. Risser Articles: "Confronting Value Conflicts" (Spring 1996)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; Program Review; 1998-2001; Box 15 [6A-O-3B]+ Files: Program Reviews Department of Family Studies and Social Work 1998-2001 1. Binder FSW 160 Family Relations Historical and Comparative Analysis Summer I 2. FSW Alumni Survey on Quality of Graduate Education Completed Survey Forms, Spring 2001 3. FSW Survey on Quality of Thematic Sequences Completed Survey Forms, Spring 2001 4. FSW Alumni Survey on Quality of Undergraduate Education Completer Survey Forms, Spring 2001 5. Survey Participation Business Reply Cards

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Provost Office Files; Program Review; 1986-2005; Box 12 [6A-O-3C]+ Files: 1. Music 2. Religion 3. Psycholoty 4. Academic Program Review Committee 5. Program Review Mailing August 1992 6. Communications 1992-93 7. Aeronautics 1992-93 8. Program Review 1992-93

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost Office Files, Program Reviews 1986-2005; Box 2 [17A-D-3B]+ Files: 1. Support Services, SEAP/Library/U. Sec'y/PFD/Learning Assistance (1993-94) 2. Support Service Review, Fall (1993-94) 3. Provost's Office Evaluation, Fall (1993) 4. SEAP - Dean's Office Evaluation, Fall (1993) 5. Admission Review 6. Support Service Review, Spring (1993-94) 7. Support Services Review-RJH Responses, Spring (1993-94) 8. IES Environmental Services Program Review (1995-96) 9. French and Italian 10. Mathematics and Statistics Program Review 11. Support Services Review, Fall (1994-95) 12. Support Services Review (1994) 13. Support Services Review (1994) 14. Support Services Review (1994) 15. Support Services Review (1994) 16. Support Services Review (1994) 17. Support Services Review (1994) 18. Administrative Review, Spring (1995) 19. Admistrative Program Review 20. Program Review Engineering 21. Support Services Review, Spring (1994-95) 22. Art Department Program Review and Draft (1995-96) 23. Dept of Physics Program Report, Self Study and Review (1994-95) 24. Sociology Program Review (1995) 25. Department of Nursing Program Review (1994-95) 26. Gen Bus (1994-95) 27. Dept. of Economics Self-Study Report for Program Review (1994-95) 28. Follow-Up Responses to Provost (1994-95) 29. Program Review, Materials from Various Departments (1994-95)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1988-2001; Box 1 [6A-N-2C]+ Files: File One Dragon Fly, 1998-2000 Email from Ann Hopkins to William A. Rauckhorst, April 8, 1998 Email from Ann Hopkins to William A. Rauckhorst, June 5, 1998 Flier, DragonFly, n.d. Dragonfly Quest: Proposal Summary, n. d. Dragon Fly TV Proposal Summary, n. d. Letter from William A. Rauckhorst to Gerald F. Wheeler, National Teachers Association, April 6, 1999 Dragon Fly Magazine, January/February 2000 Letter from National Science Teachers Association to Ronald Crutcher, Provost, July 10, 2000

File Two Domestic Partners Resolution,1992 - 2000 Report of the Domestic Partner Benefits Task Force Prepared for the Faculty Welfare Committee, November 1992 Memo from Domestic Partner Benefits Task Force to Domestic Partner Benefits Mailing List, January 13, 1993 Letter from Judith de Luce to Members of University Senate, February 9, 1994 Letter from Paul G Risser to Judith de Luce, March 10, 1994 Letter from Gene Krebs to Paul Riser, March 10 1994 University Senate Minutes, March 31, 1994 University Senate Resolutions, April 4, 1994 University Senate Minutes, April 6, 1994 University Senate Minutes, April 13, 1994 University Senate Minutes, April 20, 1994 Newspaper clip on University Senate Resolution SR94-23, August 25, 1994 Letter from Paul G. Risser to the Board of Trustees, November 23, 1994 Excerpt from University Senate Minutes, February 7, 2000 Letter from J. Marcus Jobe to the Miami University Board of Trustees, February 16, 2000 Letter from Susan Joyce to the Miami University Board of Trustees, February 22, 2000 Memorandum from William B. Snavely to Steve Snyder, February 22, 2000 Domestic Partner Policy, MU Student Letters Received February 28, 2000 Letter from Steve Snyder to the Miami University Board of Trustees, February 29 2000 Letter from Don Adleta to the Inter-University Council of Ohio Presidents, December 19 2000 Ohio Faculty Council Resolution Benefits for Domestic Partners, n.d. File Three Divisional Visits, 1998 - 1999 Annual Report from the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1998 Email from David Haddad to, June 17, 1999 Memorandum from Burton I. Kaufman to Ronald Crutcher, July 1, 1999 Inter-Office Memorandum from John Skillings to Ronald Crutcher, July 1, 1999 Memorandum from Dan Short to Ronald Crutcher, July 21, 1999 Richard T. Farmer School of Business Mission Statement, n.d. Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to the College of Arts and Science Faculty Members, August 25, 1999 Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to the School of Education and Allied Professions Faculty Members, August 27, 1999 Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to the School of Engineering and Applied Science Faculty Members, August 30, 1999 Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to the Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration Faculty Members, October 12, 1999 Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to the Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration Faculty Members, October 12, 1999 Miami University College of Arts and Sciences list of High Priority Activities, n.d. Description of plan for provost visits to faculty and buildings in arts and sciences, n.d. Summary of Most Pressing Issues Facing the School of Applied Science and the University, n.d. College of Arts and Sciences, Major Priorities and Goals, n.d. Inter-Office Memorandum from Steven M. DeLue to the Members of the College of Arts and Sciences, n.d. Pamphlet for the Interdisciplinary Studies Program of Western College, n.d. Brief Summary of the 1998 – 1999 Annual Report of the Graduate School, n.d. File Four Curriculum, 1988 - 1999 Miami University Request for Degree Program or Area of Emphasis Approval, Revised August 1988 Proposal for a Major in Women’s Studies, n.d. Letter from Linda Ade-Ridder to Sally Lloyd, October 28, 1998 Letter from Charlotte Newman Goldy to Sally Lloyd, October 30, 1998 Letter from Barry Chabot to Sally Lloyd, October 30, 1998 Letter from Elizabeth Rogers, November 2, 1998 Email from Joseph T. Urell to Karl Mattox, April 14, 1999 Email from John Skillings to Joseph R. Urell, September 2, 1999 Letter from Joseph Urell to John Skillings, September 14, 1999 Inter-Office Memorandum from John Skillings to Joseph Urell, September 13, 1999 Additional Staffing and Financial Information for the Proposed Major in Women’s Studies from Sally Lloyd to John Skillings, September 3, 1999 File Five Course Approval Process Guide, n.d. Course Approval Process Reference Guide, n.d. File Six (CAS) Course Applicability System, 1996 - 2003 The Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, March 1996 Report to the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Advisory Council Review of the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, June 10, 2003. Description of CAS Evaluation Committee, n.d. File Seven Cottrell College Science Award, 2000 - 2002 Cottrell College Science Awards Application, September 1, 2000 Letter from John P. Schaefer to James Garland, May 13, 2002 Letter from Michael P. Doyle to Samir Ball, May 13, 2002 Email from Cindy Green to Dale C. Hinrichs, May 24, 2002 Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Awards Program Guidelines, n.d. File Eight Corridor Partnership, 2000 Letter from the School of Educational Renewal Based at Miami University, February 11, 2000 Directions from Oxford to The Booker T. Washington Community Center, n.d.

File Nine Continuing Education, 1992 - 2000 Memo from Ronald J. Henry to James R. Pollicita, May 7, 1992 Letter from James R. Pollicita to Miami University Speakers Bureau Client, May 13, 1992 List of Miami University Speakers Bureau Speakers and Phone Numbers, n.d. Memo from Jim Pollicita to Joe Urell, May 13, 1992 Letter from James R. Pollicita to Miami University Speakers Bureau Client, May 13, 1992 List of Miami University Speakers Bureau Speakers and Phone Numbers, n.d. Confidential Memo from Joseph T. Urell to James R. Pollicita, May 19, 1992 Letter from James R. Pollicita to Joseph T. Urell, May 15, 1992 Office of Continuin Education Priority Ranking of Senior Secretary Functions, n.d. Memorandum from John H. Buskey to David Haddad, July 20, 1992 Memorandum from Robert L. Crom to National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) Constituency for Industrial Extension, July 15 1992 NASULGC Position Manufacturing and Industrial Extension, June 26 1992 Letter from James R. Pollicita to the Workshop Directors, Departmetn Chairs, Deans, and Executive Directors, October 16, 1992 Guidelines for the 1992 – 1993 Credit Workshop, October 1992 Letter from Edward Demske and Joseph Urell to Betty Huffman, Bill Knisely, Jim Pollicita, and Bill Rauckhorst, January 7, 1993 Letter from Betty Huffman to Joe Urell, December 1, 1992 Letter from Anne Thompson to Kris Froehlke, Bill King, Bill Rauckhorst, and Juditht Sessions, January 11, 1993 Letter from Joe Urell to Ralph Gutowski, Adolph Haisler, Richard Little, Steve Snyder, Holly Wissing, April 20, 1993 Letter from James R. Pollicita to Joseph T. Urell, April 15, 1993 Letter from James R. Pollicita to Ronald J. Henry, August 12, 1993 Guidelines for the 1993-94 Credit Workshop Proposals, October 15, 1993 Credit Workshop Proposal Form, 1993 - 94 Memorandum from Robert C. Johnson to Jim Pollicita, December 14, 1993 Letter from Robert C. Johnson, Graduate School, February 5, 1993 Blank Credit Workshop Proposal Form 1992 - 93 Letter from Sally Myers to Edward Demske, March 10, 1994 Letter from Jim Pollicita to Sally Myers, February 27, 1993 Continuing Education Non-Credit Course Descriptions for Fall 1993, n.d. Data and Recommendations for health, fitness, and sports programming from Jim Pollicita to Joe Urell, April 1, 1994 Letter from James R. Pollicita to the Workshop Directors, Department Chairs, Deans, and Executive Directors, October 18, 1994 Guidelines for 1994 – 1995 Credit Workshop Proposals Credit Workshop Proposal Forms, 1994 List of Tuition and Fees for Credit and Non-Credit Workshops for both Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Fall/Spring 1994-95 – Summer 1995 Letter from Jim Pollicita to Bonnie Mason, Dennis Sullivan, and Don Nelson November 24, 1998 Draft of policy proposal for educational travel programs by Bonnie Mason, Dennis Sullivan and Don Nelson, October 1, 1998 Letter from Gustave Neuss III to the Miami University Office of the Registrar, May 27, 1999 Meeting Agenda by Jim Pollicita, April 10, 2000

File Ten Communications Audit (Admissions Related) 11/15/01, 2001 Audit of Admissions Related Communications for Miami University Oxford, Ohio, November 9, 2001

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1993-1995; Box 2 [6A-N-2D]+

File One Cleveland Scholarship Program, 1999 Email from Howard A Steindler to Harold Brown, November 5, 1999

File Two Children’s Defense Fund, 1999 Letter from Marian Wright Edelman to Ronald and Betty Crutcher, June 22, 1999 Flier and registration form for The 1999 Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Child Advocacy Ministry, July 19, 1999 Letter from Ronald A. Crutcher to Marian Wright Edelman, July 23, 1999 The State of America’s Children Yearbook, 1999

File Three Women’s Studies Research, 1984 - 1999 Guidelines for the Establishment of Centers and Institutes University Council, October 15, 1984 Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to Karl Mattox and Anne Hopkins, November 17, 1997 Miami University Women’s Studies Research Center Proposal, November 17, 1997 Memo from Susan C. Jarratt, February 20, 1998 Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to Joe Urell, June 30, 1998 Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to Joe Urell, June 30, 1998 Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to Karl Mattox and Anne Hopkins, November 17, 1997 Miami University Women’s Studies Research Center Proposal, November 17, 1997 Announcement and Call for Participation in the Women’s Studies Program of Miami University, n.d. Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to Karl Mattox, February 20, 1998 Announcement and Call for Participation in the Women’s Studies Program of Miami University, n.d. Announcement and Call for Participation in the Women’s Studies Program of Miami University, n.d. Memo from Susan C. Jarratt to the Women’s Studies Research Center Feminist Research Interest Group, 1998-99, March 31 1998 Description of Courses on Gender and Violence, Fall 1998 - Spring 1999 File Four Center for Research Libraries, 1995 - 1998 Letter from Bruce Ekstrand to Robert Johnson, January 26, 1995 The Center for Research Libraries Annual Membership Meeting Hotel Sofitel-Rosemont, April 21, 1995 Focus Volume XVI, no. 4-6, July - December, 1996 Letter from Paula Kaufman to Robert Johnson, January 20, 1997 Email from Paula Kaufman to, April 16, 1997 Email from to Janet Hoelle, April 20, 1997 Schedule for The Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members Annual Meeting, April 25, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members Annual Meeting, Rosemont IL, April 25, 1997 Annual Operations Data Report, FY 1995/1996 Annual Meeting Minutes, April 19, 1996 FY 1995/96 Financial REsults, June 30, 1996 Board of Directors Meeting binder, April 24, 1997 Personnel & Compensation Committee Report, April 25, 1997 Report of the Planning Committee, April 25, 1997 Approval of the FY 1997/98 Fee Structure, Membership Fee and Budget Totals, April 25, 1997 Annual Operating Plan for the Fiscal Year, 1997/98, April 1997 Description of the Council of Voting Members of the Center for Research Libraries, April 25, 1997 1997 Annual Meeting Schedule of Events, April 25, 1997 Membership Committee Report, April 25, 1997 Evaluation Form for the Annual Membership Meeting, April 25, 1997 Flier for the Symposium on CRL’s Role in the Emerging Global Resources Program, April 25, 1997 Strategic Directions and Initiatives, 1997-2001 Chair’s Annual Report to Council, April 25, 1997 List of CRL Council of Voting Members Attendance List, April 25, 1997 Letter from Donald B. Simpson to Anne H. Hopkins, April 15, 1997 Travel Directions to the Hotel Sofitel, Rosemont, n.d. Email from Hopkinsa to Janet Hoelle, July 24, 1997. The Center for Research Libraries Annual Operations Analysis, Fiscal Year 1996-97, September 1, 1997 Letter from Donald B. Simpson to Anne H. Hopkins, March 23, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Task Force Findings The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Task Force Member Survey Results The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Task Force Member Survey Results Expressed in Graphs The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Collections Summary of State Test Results The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Task Force Recommendation, Revised November, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries U.S. State Documents Task Force Report to CRL Planning Committee, March, 1998 Letter from CRL U.S. State Documents Task Force to CRL Planning Committee Memo from Don Simpson to the Board of Directors, April 1, 1998 Description of the 1998 Annual Meeting Symposium of the Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members, April 17, 1998. Agenda for the Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members 1998 Annual Meeting Business Session, April 17, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Council Week 1998, Schedule of Events Memo From David Bishop to the Board of Directors, April 14, 1998 Memo from Don Simpson to the Board of Directors, April 15, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries 1998-2000 CVM, BOD and EC Preliminary Meeting Schedule, n.d. The Center for Research Libraries Quarterly Financial Report, March 31, 1998 Council of Voting Members Annual Meeting Folder, April 17, 1998 Travel Directions to the Hotel Sofitel, Rosemont The Center for Research Libraries Evaluation Form Annual Membership Meeting April 17, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members 1998 Annual Meeting Report of the Planning Committee, April 17, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Annual Operations Analysis Fiscal Year 1996/1997, September 1, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries 1996 - 1997 Annual Report, n.d. Flier for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Council of Voting Members of the Center for Research Libraries, April 17, 1998 Description of the 1998 Annual Meeting Symposium of the Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members, April 17, 1998. Description of The Center for Research Libraries Cooperative Collection Development Program, n.d. Agenda for the 1998 Annual Meeting Symposium of the Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members, April 17, 1998 Minutes from the Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members Annual Meeting, April 25, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members Attendance List, April 25, 1997 Chair’s Annual Report to Council, April 25, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries, Council of Voting Members 1997 Annual Meeting Membership Committee Report, April 25, 1997 The Center for Research Libraries Council of Voting Members 1998 Annual Meeting Approval of FY Budget and Fees Total, April 17, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Annual Operating Plan and Budgets, FY 1998/1999 Letter from Simon and Rosner LLP to the Finance and Audit Committee of The Center for Research Libraries, September 4, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Board of Directors Meeting binder, November 5, 1998 The Center for Research Libraries Financial Statements, June 30, 1998

File Five Mallory Center, 2000 Annual Report for the Thomas H. Mallory Center for Premedical Education, July 2000 Handbook for the Thomas H. Mallory Center for Premedical Education, n.d. File Six European Recruitment Center, 2000 Memo from Jim McCoy to Joe Urell, November 28, 2000

File Seven Centers and Institutes Info, 1984 - 1997 Draft of Guidelines for the Establishment of Centers and Institutes, October 2, 1984 Letter to Rick Momeyer from Paul G. Pearson, October 4, 1984 Guidelines for the Establishment of Centers and Institutions University Council, October 15, 1984 Guidelines for the Establishment of Centers and Institutions University Council, October 15, 1984 Letter to Dr. Charles Teckman from C.K. Williamson, October 25, 1984 Letter from C. K. Williamton to Mr. Richard Momeyer, October 25, 1984 Memo to Joe Urell, Bud Williamson, and Doug Wilson from Dick Vandegrift, November 30, 1984 Invitation to Reception for SBA/CMS Faculty of The Center for Management Services, December 11, 1984 List of Miami Faculty Participants in the 1984 CMS Programs, n.d. Memo from Leonard J. Simutis to C.K. Williamson, December 11, 1984 Memo from Fuller Moore to R. Zwirn, Department of Architecture Chair; H. May, Dean, School of Fine Arts; L. Simutis, Dean of The Graduate School and Reserach; C. K. Williamson, Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs; C. Auer, Budget Director; E. Demske, Vice-President for Business and Financial Affairs, December 2, 1984 Proposal to Establish a Center for Building Science Research by fuller Moore, Professor of Architecture, December 3, 1984 Inter-office Memo from Robert H. Hickey to All Deans and Directors, December 28, 1984 Inter-office Memo from Joe Waggener to Joe Cox, December 3, 1984 Memo from Leonard J. Simutis to C.K. Williamson, December 11, 1984 Memo from Fuller Moore to R. Zwirn, Department of Architecture Chair; H. May, Dean, School of Fine Arts; L. Simutis, Dean of The Graduate School and Reserach; C. K. Williamson, Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs; C. Auer, Budget Director; E. Demske, Vice-President for Business and Financial Affairs, December 2, 1984 Proposal to Establish a Center for Building Science Research by fuller Moore, Professor of Architecture, December 3, 1984 Some document on Miami University Employment Policy, January 23, 1985 Letter from Joe Urell to Ed Demske, February 1, 1985 Letter from Edward E. Jones to C.K. Williamson, March 1, 1985 Proposed Definition Document, Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education, February 15, 1985 Memo from Leonard J. Simutis to C.K. Williamson, March 6, 1985 Letter from Edward E. Jones to Leonard J. Simutis, March 1, 1985 Proposed Definition Document, Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education, February 15, 1985 Memo from Leonard J. Simutis to C.K. Williamson, March 19, 1985 Inter-office memo from Ray White to Stephen Day, March 7, 1985 Inter-office Memo from Professor Marvin J. Dainoff to the Exxecutive Vice President for Academic Affairs, March 5, 1985 Proposal for the Establishment of a Center for Ergonomic Research in the Department of Psychology, February 1985 Inter-office Memo from Professor Marvin J. Dainoff to President Pearson, August 26, 1983 Proposal for the Establishment of a Center for Ergonomic Research in the Department of Psychology, July 1983 Letter from Bud Williamson to Marvin Dainoff, March 22, 1985 Memo from Leonard J. Simutis to C. K. Williamson, March 19, 1985 Memo to C.K. Williamson from Stephen M. Day, March 8, 1985 Inter-office Memo from Ray White to Stephen Day, March 7, 1985 Inter-office Memo from Professor Marvin J. Dainoff to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Proposal for the Establishment of a center for Ergonomic Research in the Department of Psychology, February, 1985 Inter-office Memo from Professor Marvin J. Dainoff to President Pearson, August 26, 1983 Letter from C. K. Williamson, to Dean Jan Kettlewell, Dean Stephen M. Day, Dean Leonard Simutis, April 15, 1985 Letter from Howard Nochumson to Miami University, July 12, 1985 Letter from E. Fred Carlisle to Elaine H. Hairston, August 27, 1985 Letter from E. Fred Carlisle to Elaine H. Hairston, August 12, 1985 Inter-office memorandum from Philip A. Russo to Steven M. Delue, August 19, 1985 Letter from Bill R. Moeckel to the Ad Hoc Committee -- Management Team, August 29, 1985 Inter-office memorandum from Bill R. Moeckel to President Pearson, August 22, 1985 Letter from John F. Mee to Bill R. Moeckel, July 3, 1985 Letter Bill R. Moecke lto John F. Mee, August 20, 1985 Letter from John F. Mee to Bill R. Moeckel, August 20, 1985 Letter from John F. Mee to Bill R. Moeckel, August 27, 1985 Inter-office Memo from Bill R. Moeckel to SBA Executive Committee, July 12, 1985 Memo from H.J. Zoffer President to AACSB Educational Institutions with Undergraduate Programs, July 15, 1985 Form for the John F. Mee distinguished Professorship Award, 1987 Inter-office Memo from R. Schaefer to E. Fred Carlisle, April 29, 1985 Statistical Consulting Center Yearly Activities, September 1984 - August 1985 Statistical Consulting Center, Summer 1985 Activities, May 1985 - August 1985 List of Centers and Institutes, November 1996 List of Centers and Institutes, March 1997. Fax Transmittal from Sarah Williams to Joseph T. Urell, March 13, 1997 Faxed Memo from Sarah Williasms to Anne Hopkins, April 11, 1997 List of Retention Initiatives for Conditional/Probationary Students, April 11, 1997 Faxed Memo from Sarah Williams to Anne Hopkins, April 11, 1997 List of Research Centers and Institutes at the Public Universities of Ohio, n.d File on the Miami University Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education Resources, n.d. List of Centers and Institutes, n.d.

File Eight Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1999 - 2000 Paper on Models for Campus Support of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Lee S. Shulman, 1999 Information and Applications for The Pew National Fellowship Program for Carnegie Scholars, The Teaching Academy Campus Progra, and the Work with the Scholarly and Professional Societies, published by The Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1999 Letter from Lee S. Shulman to Ronald A. Crutcher, February 2, 2000 Announcement of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Third Class of Carnegie Scholars, February 2000 File Nine CPPO - Career Planning and Placement Office, 1988 - 2000 Miami University Career Planning and Placement Office, Guidelines for On-Campus Recruiting, March 1988 Memo from Rick Hearnin to Ed Demske, December 21, 1994 Memo from Rick Hearin to Bob Johnson, January 4, 1995 Memo from Paul G. Risser to Richard L. Hearin, January 6, 1995 Memo from Robert C. Johnson to Rick Hearnin, January 9, 1995 Memo from Rick Hearnin to Bob Johnson, January 4, 1995 Memo from Rick Hearnin to Bob Johnson, January 13, 1995 Table presenting Employment Status of 1994 Teacher Certification Graduates, 1994 Placement Results from OASCUS Institutions, January 19, 1995 Memo from Rick Hearnin to Bob Johnson, January 23, 1995 Memo from Rick Hearin to Bob Johnson, January 23, 1995 Memo from Rick Hearnin to Joe Urell, February 13, 1995 Student Internship Services Strategic Plan, September 1994 Memo from Rick Hearin to Bill Knisely, Februaryy 13, 1995 Memo from Bob to Joe (and Anne), February 18, 1995 Memo from Myrtis H. Powell to Richard L. Hearin, February 23, 1995 Email from Richard L. Petrick to, October 11, 1995 State of Ohio Inter-Office Correspondence, September 29, 1995 Letter from Richard L. Hearin to Richard L. Petrick, October 13, 1995 Choices: A Mental Health Newsletter Published by Miami University Student Counseling Service, A Division of Student Affairs, December 7, 1995 Divisional Placement Summary from the Career Planning and Placement Office of Miami University, September 3, 1996 Letter from Anne H. Hopkins to Frank Ligas, October 11, 1996 Letter from Frank Ligas to Anne Hopkins, October 4, 1996 Memo from Rick Hearin to Anne Hopkins, December 18, 1996 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Career Services, October 1995 Perform of the Ad Hoc Committee on Career Services, February 15, 1996 SBA Executive Committee Review of CPPO Ad Hoc Committee Report, June 4, 1996 Ad Hoc Report meeting, February 28, 1996 Memo from Peter Magolda to Rick Hearin, March 11, 1996 Memo from Peter Magolda to Rick Hearin, March 11, 1996 Meeting with Myrtis Powell, March 4, 1996 Memo from Anne H. Hopkins to Rick Hearin and Sarah Inerny, February 28, 1997 Letter from John Weigand to Sara McInery Letter from Anne H. Hopkins to Sarah McInery, May 16, 1997 Letter from Rick Hearin to Anne Hopkins, May 7, 1997 Letter from Dennis C. Roberts to Sara McInerney, May 1, 1997 Letter from Judith A. Sessions to Richard L. Hearin, July 3 , 1997 Inter-Office Memo from Claudia Scott-Pavloff to Bruce Drushel, August 18, 1997 Memo from Rick Hearin to Anne Hopkins, October 8, 1997 Memo from Joseph L. Cox III, to Anne H. Hopkins, October 16, 1997 Letter from Rick Hearin to Joe Cox, February 5, 1998 Binder on the 1999 Miami Unviersity Career Fair, September 21, 1999 Memo from Richard L. Hearin to the Hoy Hall Percent for Art Committee, October 28, 1999 Memo from Joseph T. Urell to Richard Hearin, July 17, 2000 Email from Joe Cox to Rick Hearinm, September 2, 2003 Memo from Rick Hearin to the Academic Deans, September 3, 2003

File Ten Capital Plan, Ohio Board of Regents Guidelines for Preparing FY 1995 - 2000 Capital Plans, May 19, 1993 Deferred Maintenance and Capital Renewal Report, Miami University Physical Facilities Department Facilities Condition Audit, May 30, 1993 Letter from Edward J. Demske to Kenneth E. Burke and Myrtis H. Powell, June 11, 1993 Letter from Edward J. Demske to James A. Burchyett, July 16, 1993 Memo from Roger E. Rowe to Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, and Executive Directors, All Members Campus Planning Committee and All Members Space Utilization Group, August 25, 1993 Letter from Edward J. Demske to Members of the Board of Trustees, October 12, 1995 Summary of the New Policy for Higher Education Capital Improvement, n.d. Letter from Edward J. Demske to Matthew V. Filipic, October 2, 1995 Letter to Matthew V. Filipic, September 28, 1995 Capital Plan Overview, n.d. Resolution R96-, December 8, 1995 Draft for Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, November 27, 1995 Draft 4, Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, Miami University, 1995 - 2000 Ohio Board of Regents Guidelines and Procedures for Purchasing Instructional and Data Processing Equipment with HB 904 Capital Appropriations, n.d.

File Eleven Capital Plans, 1993 - 1995 Capital Improvements Request Binder, 1995 - 2000, June 1993 Memo from Robert G. Keller to Clyde Eberhardt, July 22, 1993 Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, September 12, 1995 Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, September 18, 1995 Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, September 20, 1995 Summary of the New Policy for Higher Education Capital Improvement, n.d. Comprehensive Six-Year Capital Program, n.d.

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1984-2003, Undated; Box 3 [6A-N-3B]+

File 1; China: Fudan University 1984-undated A. Agreement for Interchange of Faculty and Students August 8, 1984 B. Zhongshan University Student Exchange December 20, 1985 C. Topics for Meeting January 12, 1987 D. Draft Letter to Vice President of Fuhan University January 26, 1987 E. Letter to Vice President of Fuhan University February 16, 1987 F. Inter-Office Memo April 6, 1987 G. Agreement Between Fudan and Miami April 30, 1987 H. Miami Response to Agreement May 11, 1987 I. Copy of Agreement and University Senate Guidelines May 12, 1987 J. Fudan Exchange Agreement Letter (Yellow Paper) July 15, 1987 K. Memorandum Regarding Fudan Agreement September 22, 1987 L. Office of Provost Receipt ND M. Guidelines for Faculty and Student Exchange ND

File 2; China General 1985-1989 A. China Study and Scholarships April 5, 1985 B. Chinese Visiting Scholar January 16, 1986 C. The IIE American Study Information Center in China March 13, 1986 D. Response to China Study October 23, 1986 E. Story on Reform to Chinese Universities October 31, 1986 F. Provost Receipt June 5, 1987 G. Welcome Letter to Mr. Zhou June 10, 1987 H. Welcome Letter to President Ding September 8, 1987 I. Chinese Visiting Scholar Exchange October 13, 1989

File 3; University of Cape Town Exchange Agreement (Pending – April, 1999) 1985-2000 A. Guidelines and Procedure for Formal Exchange Agreements April 24, 1985 B. Exchange Agreement with University of Cape Town April 28, 1999 C. Revised Proposal Exchange Agreement November 23, 1999 D. Letter Regarding Exchange Students December 1, 1999 E. Memorandum of Understanding Between Miami and University of Cape Town December 1, 1999 F. Cape Town Exchange File February 3, 2000 G. Memorandum of Understanding Between Miami and University of Cape Town February 4, 2000 File 4; Student Financial Aid 1986-1999 A. Response to Veterans Administration Compliance Survey and Financial Aid Documents April 30, 1986 B. Update on Federal Student Aid Programs August 21, 1986 C. Letter from Congressman Bob McEwen Regarding Federal Financial Aid August 28, 1986 D. Memorandum Concerning The United States Department of Education Program Review November 21, 1989 E. Findings from Consultants Research on Miami University Financial Aid August 10, 1991 F. Fiscal Operations Report and Application for Perkins Loan October 4, 1991 G. Revised Guidelines for the Financial Aid Appeals for Student Athletes December 27, 1991 H. Confirmation Letter Regarding Financial Aid Appeals for Student Athletes January 30, 1992 I. Summer of 1992 Student Financial Aid Information February 26, 1992 J. Response to Western College Regarding Financial Aid July 13, 1992 K. Fiscal Operations Report and Application for Perkins October 6, 1992 L. Appointment of Director of Student Financial Aid Letter November 5, 1992 M. Scholarship Priorities Letter November 7, 1994 N. Financial Aid Inquiry January 24, 1996 O. Statement from the News Bureau to Address Federal Financial Aid Delays March 15, 1996 P. Miami University Harrison Scholarship Competition Spring, 1996 Q. McAuley High School Auction Participation Letter January 10, 1997 R. Miami University Chemistry Acceptant List Fall, 1997 S. Miami University Chemistry Acceptant List (Early Decision) Fall, 1997 T. 1997 Miami University Freshman Class Prediction June 16, 1997 U. Miami University Financial Aid by Source Information June 16, 1997 V. Miami University Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Programs June 17, 1997 W. Revised Proposal for Student Financial Aid October 6, 1997 X. Recruitment Model Article from Newsweek March 31, 1999

File 5; Sexual Harassment 1987-2001 A. Sexual Harassment on Campus November, 1987 B. Miami University Sexual Harassment Policy Letter September 4, 1990 C. Miami University Sexual Harassment Policy September 11, 1990 D. Miami University Sexual Harassment Policy Letter September 12, 1990 E. Miami University Sexual Harassment Policy Letter September 12, 1990 F. Letters Regarding Sexual Harassment Policy September 28, 1990 G. Proposed Sexual Harassment Policy Letter October 16, 1990 H. Miami University Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment October 31, 1990 I. Preliminary Report of Campus Harassment Codes May-June, 1991 J. Sexual or Explicit Pictures Within the Workplace Letter January 29, 1992 K. Poster Display on Harassment Letter April 13, 1992 L. Miami University Sexual Assault Pamphlet September 24, 1992 M. Sexual Harassment Committee Confirmation June 12, 1995 N. Sexual Harassment Committee Letters July 26, 1996 O. Miami University Policies Against Sexual Harassment Booklet September, 1997 P. Draft of Suggested Revisions for Miami Sexual Harassment Policy December 4, 1997 Q. Letter Regarding Sexual Harassment Orientation Programs May 9, 2001

File 6; Australia 1990-1991 A. Educational Proposal Documents November 6, 1990 B. America/Australia Educational Relationship Documents January 7, 1991 C. Hearder Materials Letter January 7, 1991 D. Australian Overture January 30, 1991

File 7; Brazil 1990-ND A. Proposal Between University of Brasilia and Miami August 1, 1990 B. Declaration of Cooperation Between University of Brasilia and Miami August 1990 C. Declaration of Cooperation #2 Between University of Brasilia and Miami August 14, 1990 D. Tinker Foundation Proposal September 28, 1990 E. Letter to University of Brasilia President Ruiz December 20, 1990 F. Copy of Agreements with University of Brasilia January 11, 1991 G. Exchange Student Letter to President Ruiz April 9, 1991 H. Brazilian Students Letter June 19, 1991 I. Exchange Student Requirement Letter August 22, 1991 J. Letters to Dr. Harris August 25, 1991 K. Portuguese Copies of Agreement August 27, 1991 L. Agreement of Cooperation and Exchange Document September 3, 1991 M. Agreement of Cooperation and Exchange Document (Portugese) September 3, 1991 N. Letter to Mr. Fernandez October 3, 1991 O. Brazilian Possibilities Letter November 20, 1991 P. Follow up to Meeting Letter September 10, 1992 Q. Brasilia Overture Letter March 31, 1993 R. Program Changes Letter August 31, 1994 S. University of Brasilia Agreement Letter December 2, 1997 T. Agreement of Cooperation and Exchange Letter ND U. Agreement Notes (Yellow Paper) ND V. Memorandum of Understanding ND

File 8; Sustainability Project 1990-ND A. Miami University Sustainability Project Overview 1990 B. Cleveland Foundation Proposal Letter January 23, 1992 C. Huntington Sustainability Proposal February 24, 1993 D. Farmer School of Business Sustainability Project April, 1993 E. Sustainability Project Conference Notes May 9, 1993 F. Copy of Cleveland Foundation Report February 19, 1994 G. James Rees Capstone Briefing March 15, 1994 H. Sustainability Project Itinerary April 1-5, 1994 I. Christopher Stinson Announcement May 16, 1994 J. Cleveland Foundation Report May 30, 1994 K. Miami University Sustainability Project Newsletter October, 1994 L. Sustainability Project Proposal from Orie Loucks and Homer Erekson April 19, 1995 M. Response to Sustainability Project Proposal April 19, 1995 N. Center for Sustainable System Inter-Office Memorandum May 4, 1995 O. Sustainability Center Notes May 28, 1995 P. Sustainability Project Newsletter July 1996 Q. Sustainability Perspectives in Resources and Business Fall 1997 R. Sustainability Perspectives Newsletter Fall 1998 S. Miami University Sustainability Project Information Letter ND

File 9; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing) 1991-1993 A. China’s Labor Market in the 1990’s Research Proposal August 1991 B. Draft Questionnaire for a Study of Labor Behavior During China’s Reform December 30th 1991 C. Visit by Chinese Researchers Miami University Letter March 17th 1992 D. President Pearson Response to Memorandum March 20, 1992 E. President Pearson Invitation to Chinese Academy March 26, 1992 F. President Pearson Invitation to Chinese Academy #2 May 21, 1992 G. Schedule of Events for President Liu’s Visit to Miami July 27, 1992 H. Revised Invitation to Chinese Academy August 31, 1992 I. Invitation and Guest List for Events November 18, 1992 J. President Pearson Signed Letter in Chinese Text November 1992 K. CASS Agreement December 28, 1992 L. Exchange Agreement Documents December 28, 1992 M. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Agreement Letter December 30, 1992 N. Cooperative Research Signatures December 1992 O. CASS and Miami University Agreement February 4, 1993

File 10; Evaluation of Teaching Statement 1992-1997 A. Evaluation of Teaching Statement July 2, 1992 B. Memorandum: Evaluation of Teaching April 9, 1997 File 11; GCCCU Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities 1992-ND A. GCCCU Resolution Approval January 15, 1992 B. GCCCU Memorandum January 14, 1993 C. GCCCU Mission Statement January 20, 1993 D. GCCCU Executive Director Acceptance Letter January 25, 1993 E. GCCU Placement Test Information February 2, 1993 F. GCCCU FIPSE Proposal February 4, 1993 G. Funding Request for GCCCU Symposium on Gender Issues February 22, 1993 H. FIPSE Proposal Acceptance February 23, 1993 I. GCCCU TriState Online Project Proposal January 12, 1994 J. GCCCU TriState Online Project Proposal Approval January 24, 1994 K. Agenda for May 19 Meeting May 2, 1994 L. Agenda for May 19 Meeting May 2, 1994 M. Agenda for November 17 Meeting November 9, 1994 N. Request for Tuition Reimbursement December 1, 1994 O. GCCCU Teaching Effectiveness Programs January 18, 1995 P. GCCCU Participation on Miami Regional Campuses January 18, 1995 Q. GCCCU Letter to Board, Committees, and Working Groups June 7, 1995 R. GCCCU Proposal Writing Workshop October 24, 1995 S. GCCCU Meeting Memorandum January 18, 1996 T. GCCCU March Meeting Notice February 13, 1996 U. SOHFEC Proposal July 11, 1996 V. September Meeting Notice September 9, 1996 W. GCCCU Celebration of Teaching Luncheon October 22, 1996 X. GCCCU Celebration of Teaching Pamphlet November 14, 1997 Y. GCCCU Notice of November Meeting November 9, 2000 Z. GCCCU 2000-2001 Membership Directory December 12, 2000 AA. Collaborative PHD With Union Institute via GCCCU June 10, 2002 BB. GCCCU Booklet ND

File 12; CASS/CADESC 1993-1994 A. Exchange Proposal with CADESC August 30, 1993 B. Academic and Economic Exchange Agreement September 8th 1993 C. International Agreements Letter October 7, 1993 D. Tenure Committee Evaluation Letter March 3, 1994 E. Miami University Chinese Mayor Program Expenses March 17, 1994 F. Division of Responsibilities, Chinese Mayors Program May 18, 1994 G. International Agreement Files May 19, 1994 H. Infrastructure Project in China Letter May 24, 1994 I. Chinese Mayor Programs Email May 24, 1994 J. Returned Mail Letter May 24, 1994 K. Chinese Mayors Training Program May 25, 1994 L. Chinese Mayors’ Program Messages May 25, 1994 M. Fax Message to Chinese Professor June 2, 1994 N. Fax Messages June 6, 1994 O. Letter from the Chinese Mayors’ Association June 23, 1994

File 13; Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien Austria 1993-1996 A. Partnership Document Between Miami and Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien April 26, 1993 B. Revised Agreement with Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien October 19, 1993 C. Exchange With Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien February 22, 1996 D. Advanced Regional Research Library in Vienna October 31, 1996 File 14; Scholarships General 1993-1998 A. Scholarship and ACT Score Pie Graph June, 1993 B. Miami University Financial Aid Breakdown 1993 C. Scholarship Provost January, 1994 D. Financial Aid Budget Discussion Outline December 14, 1993 E. Vice-Presidential Recommendation Concerning Scholarships December 23, 1994 F. Vice-Presidential Recommendation Concerning Scholarships January 24, 1995 G. Academic Scholarship Improvement Resolution February 1, 1995 H. Goal Statements for Scholarships February 7, 1995 I. Race Based Scholarship Programs March 9, 1995 J. Scholarship Policy Recommendations March 24, 1995 K. Minority Scholarship Program September 15, 1995 L. Committee on Faculty Research Program Support Letter September 25, 1995 M. Lubrizol Foundation Student Scholarship Acknowledgment Letter April 19, 1996 N. Scholarship Criteria Letter August 28, 1996 O. Scholarship Criteria Letter September 4, 1996 P. Letter to Senator Oelslager December 29, 1997 Q. Scholarship Fund Effects on Recruitment May 13, 1998

File 15; Single Transferrable Vote (STV) 1993-1999 A. Letter to Faculty with STV Overview October 26, 1993 B. Response to STV Article April 16, 1997 C. STV Newspaper Article January 14, 1999

File 16; Enrollment (McCoy) 1993-ND A. Responding to the Enrollment Challenge: A Position Paper December 17, 1993 B. Progress Report on Enrollment September 16, 1994 C. Diverse Student Population Plan Proposal October 18, 1994 D. Oxford Campus Student Data December 22, 1998 E. Enrollment Reports February 14, 1999 F. Oxford Student Data Charts ND G. Oxford Student Data Charts ND H. A Review of the Admission Organization ND

File 17; Project Discovery, 1994-1999 A. Discovery Project Mid – Point Review Report, February 25, 1994 B. Meeting with Dr. Paul Risser, Dr. Ron Henry, Dr. Bob Johnson, June 20, 1994 C. Discover Project Letter, December 14, 1994 D. Discovery Project Mid-Year Report Letter, January 20, 1995 E. Discovery Project Mid-Year Report, January 20, 1995 F. Discovery Project Information Folder, February 13, 1995 G. Discovery Project Briefing Letter, February 16, 1995 H. Project Discovery Quantitative Research Letter, September 29, 1995 I. Discovery Project Landscape Study, November 13, 1995 J. Project Discovery Landscape Study November 16, 1995 K. Project Discovery Political Follow-Up, April 19, 1996 L. Support for Project Discovery Memorandum, April 26, 1996 M. Discovery Project Grant, October 30, 1998 N. Discover Project – Letter to Robert Taft, December 10, 1998 O. Discover Project – Letter to Springfield School District, February 12, 1999 P. Potential Discovery Staffing Letter, ND Q. Discovery and Bridging the Gap Staffing, ND

File 18; Hampton Fund for Faculty International Initiatives 1995-1999 A. Hampton Fund Faculty Initiatives Memorandum August 9, 1995 B. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum August 29, 1995 C. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Proposal Memorandum October 17, 1995 D. Recommended Awards for Hampton Fund October 25, 1995 E. Hampton Fund Proposals October 1995 F. Hampton Visiting Scholar November 13, 1995 G. Letter to the Hampton Family December 15, 1995 H. New Committee Members and Colloquium Memorandum January 26, 1996 I. Faculty Colloquium Memorandum January 31, 1996 J. Hampton Colloquium Memorandum February 9, 1996 K. Hampton Fund Colloquium Memorandum February 13, 1996 L. Hampton Fund Colloquium Book February 22, 1996 M. Letter to Hampton Family February 23, 1996 N. Spring 1996 Round of Competition Awards April 1, 1996 O. Copy of an Envelope Addressed to the Hampton Family May 31, 1996 P. Terms of Service Letter December 12, 1996 Q. Summary of Endowments 1996 R. Fall 97 Football Guests Letter January 23, 1997 S. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum January 27, 1997 T. Visit of Hampton Family Letter February 3, 1997 U. Shriver Center use for Colloquium Letter March 11, 1997 V. Hampton Fund Spring Proposals March 26, 1997 W. Guggenheim Fellowship Congratulatory Letter April 4, 1997 X. Letter to Hampton Family April 15, 1997 Y. Hampton Fund Explanation (Orange Paper) June 1997 Z. Letter to Award Winner August 27, 1997 AA. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum September 4, 1997 BB. Letter to Hampton Family October 2, 1997 CC. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Colloquium Memorandum October 6, 1997 DD. Cancer Diagnosis Letter from Philip Hampton October 8, 1997 EE. Request for Award Approval Letter October 21, 1997 FF. Hampton Fund Recommendations Letter October 24, 1997 GG. Service on Hampton Reading Committee October 30, 1997 HH. Letter to the Hampton Family November 10, 1997 II. Letter Concerning Size of Hampton Awards November 25, 1997 JJ. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum March 26, 1998 KK. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum August 28, 1998 LL. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum October 21, 1998 MM. Letter to Hampton Family November 23, 1998 NN. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum March 16, 1999 OO. Hampton Fund International Initiatives Memorandum March 24, 1999 PP. Reading Committee Letter May 4, 1999 QQ. Service on the Hampton Reading Committee Letter May 4, 1999

File 19; Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities 1996-2000 A. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Memorandum to the Board of Trustees Members and Financial Statements, 1996-1997 B. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Membership Directory, 1997-1998 C. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Annual Report, September 2, 1997 D. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Celebration of Teaching, November 14, 1997 E. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Meeting Letter, November 11, 1998 F. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Directory, November 17, 1997 G. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Summary of November 18 Meeting, December 1, 1997 H. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Summary of November 18 Meeting, December 1, 1997 I. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Adjunct Faculty Data, March 2, 1998 J. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Celebration of Teaching, November 12, 1999 K. Greater Cincinnati Consortium of College and Universities Acceptance Letter, March 8, 2000

File 20; Evaluation of Administrators Schedule 1996-2002 A. Five Year Evaluation Schedule for Academic Administrators September 1996 B. Revised Faculty Evaluation of Administrators Policy August 13, 1998 C. Five Year Evaluation of Administrators September 1998 D. Evaluation of Administrators October 12, 1999 E. Evaluation of Administrators October 2, 2000 F. Evaluation of Administrators September 25, 2001 G. Evaluation of Administrators October 1, 2002

File 21; Summer School Practices Western Kentucky Survey 1997 A. Western Kentucky Survey Documents January 28, 1997

File 22; Inter-Campus Indirect Changes 1997 A. Proposed IDC Methodology Feburary 19, 1997

File 23; Student Technologies Center 1997 A. Technology Center Proposal Letters August 20, 1997 B. Memo Updating Student Technology Center Progress December 8, 1997

File 24; Scripps, 1997-2003 A. Workplan for Robert Atchley, June of 1997 B. Application to Robert C. Johnson, November 26, 1997 C. Scripps Long-Term Care Project Memorandum, June 16, 1998 D. Scripps Gerontology Center Report, Summer 1998 E. Scripps Gerontology Center Info Book, Summer 1998 F. Scripps Info Letter, August 27, 1998 G. Scripps Affiliation to Miami Letter, October 30, 1998 H. Memorandum of Ohio Senior Services and Scripps, December 2, 1999 I. Scripps Spotlight on Aging, Fall 2000 J. Scripps Ohio Population Map, 2000 K. Scripps Long Term Research Project, October-November, 2002 L. Scripps Long Term Research Project, August, 2003 M. Scripps Long Term Research Project, September, 2003

File 25; Miami University Scripps Folder 1997-1998 A. Scripps Gerontology Center Ohio Long Term Care Research Project Documents 1997-1998

File 26; Shriver Book 1997-1998 A. Preliminary Shriver Book Emails September 24, 1997 B. Cost to Produce Shriver Book Letters October 9, 1997 C. Printing Receipt for Shriver Book November 1, 1997 D. Bill Pratt’s Comments on the Shriver Book November 3, 1997 E. Details of the Shriver Book November 18, 1997 F. Shriver Book Editing Notes December 10, 1997 G. Additional Info on the Shriver Book January 17, 1998 H. Copyright Form for the Shriver Book January 30, 1998 I. Emails Regarding Shriver Book Cover April 23, 1998 J. Emails Regarding Shriver Book Project September 10, 1998

File 27; Research Challenge Program 1997-2000 A. Research Challenge Concept Papers November 21, 1996 B. Initial Research Challenge Program Meeting January 21, 1998 C. Research Challenge Advisory Committee Approval Letter March 15, 1998 D. Letter Approving the Release of the Research Challenge Awards March 2, 2000

File 28; Suburbia 1998 A. Enquirer Editorial about Miami University Play Suburbia June 26, 1998 B. Merit of Suburbia Script Nearly Lost Letter July 22, 1998

File 29; SEAP: Efficiency Challenge (The Regents Scholars Program for Math & Science 1998-1999 A. Request for Efficiency Challenge Proposals November 16, 1998 B. Efficiency Challenge Proposals January 25, 1999 C. SEAP Miami University Reward Letter May 14, 1999 D. Regents Scholar Program Efficiency Challenge Winter 1999

File 30; Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition 1999 A. Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Information Letter February 11, 1999

File 31; Environmental Co-Major Proposal 1999 A. Environment Programs at Miami Draft April 23, 1999

File 32; Presidential Fee Waivers 1999 A. President Garland Fee Waiver Confirmation August 18, 1999 B. Presidential Fee Waivers Authorization August 18, 1999

File 33; Emeritus Faculty 1999 A. Note to Directory August 26, 1999 B. Note to Directory August 26, 1999 C. Response to Roy Regarding Emeritus Faculty August 30, 1999 D. Response to Roy Regarding Emeritus Faculty August 30, 1999

File 34; GCCCU- Diversity 1999-2000 A. Diversity in Higher Education in Greater Cincinnati April 1999 B. Unity Breakfast Notes May 20, 1999 C. February Fourteenth Meeting Email February 8, 2000

File 35; Harrison Scholars 1999-ND A. Megan Grunert Harrison Scholars Application October 4, 1999 B. Susan Schroer Harrison Scholars Application October 4, 1999 C. Joshua Stuchlik Harrison Scholars Application October 4, 1999 D. Silvia Newell Harrison Scholars Application October 4, 1999 E. Michelle Girard Harrison Scholars Application October 4, 1999 F. Christopher Hurst Harrison Scholars Application October 5, 1999 G. Notes from Harrison Scholars Meeting November 16, 1999 H. Harrison Scholars Interview Teams November 22, 1999 I. Harrison Scholars Suggested Interview Questions November 22, 1999 J. Harrison Dinner Letter December 5, 1999 K. Harrison Program Candidates December 5-6, 1999 L. Harrison Interview Teams December 6, 1999 M. Harrison Scholarship Interview Score Sheet 2000-2001 N. Harrison Scholars Interview Score Sheet ND O. Harrison Scholar Notes (Yellow Paper) ND P. Tim Aten Senior Year Goals Letter ND Q. Kathryn Liddle Educational and Professional Goals Letter ND

File 36; Electronic Village 1999-ND A. Electronic Village Support Letter August 24, 1999 B. Request for Community High Speed Data Info August 24, 1999 C. Memorandum from Electronic Village Meeting September 8, 1999 D. Conventional Network Architecture ND

File 37; The Educational Leadership Program: Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation 1999 A. ELP Newsletter Autumn 1999 File 38; Early English Composition Assessment Program 2000 A. Early English Composition Assessment Program Request for Proposals March 30, 2000 B. Early English Composition Assessment Program Request for Proposals March 31, 2000

File 39; Executive Recruiting Services (Global Lead Management Consulting) 2000 A. Executive Recruiting Services September 22, 2000

File 40; Shattering Silences 2000 A. Shattering Silences Reading and Video Resources 2000

File 41; Recovery Funds FY 2001 A. Recovery Funds Notice Letter January 4, 2001

File 42; Shriver Professorship 2001 A. Shriver Professorship Stipend Letter February 5, 2001

File 43; PFF (Preparing Future Faculty) 2001 A. APA Letter April 25, 2001

File 44; Enrollment Management 2000 A. Enrollment Management Concept Plan August 31, 2000 B. Enrollment Management Notes (Yellow Paper) September 2, 2000 C. Strategic Enrollment Conference Emails September 27, 2000 D. Developmental Budget Letter October 2, 2000 E. Enrollment Management Notes (Yellow Paper) October 3, 2000 F. Steering Committee Meeting Agenda Email October 20, 2000 G. Fall of 2000 Freshmen Enrollment Data October 20, 2000 H. Student Data x6 ND

File 45; Enrollment By Major 2000 A. Memorandum: Program Review September 13, 2000 B. Student Major/Minor Data ND C. Student Major/Minor Data ND D. Student Major/Minor Data ND E. Student Major/Minor Data ND F. Student Major/Minor Data ND

File 46; Environmental Science PHD, Wright State Proposal 2000-2001 A. Letter to Ohio Board of Regents October 17, 2000 B. PHD Program Proposal Letter October 18, 2000 C. PHD Program Confirmation Letter October 26, 2000 D. Wright State University Full Ph.D. Proposal November 2, 2001

File 47; Inter-Institutional Collaborations 2003 A. Department of Teacher Education Inter-institutional Collaborations October, 2003

File 48; Silvoor Sanctuary ND A. Silvoor Sanctuary Planning Documents ND

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1985-2004, Undated; Box 4 [6A-N-4A]+

File One: Council on International/Educational Exchange 1985-1993 A. Letter to Dr. Luan November 4, 1985 B. Miami University Memorandum for Luan Luce December 11, 1985 C. Council on International Educational Exchange February 17, 1986 D. Miami University Memorandum for E. Fred Carlisle February 24, 1986 E. CIEE Membership Letter February 26, 1986 F. Letter to Fred Carlisle September 17, 1986 G. Letter to Dr. Luan Luce September 30, 1986 H. CIES Letter to Colleagues December 3, 1987 I. Memorandum for CIEE Membership February 12, 1988 J. Letter to Ms. Katz February 16, 1988 K. Administrative Official for Visiting Scholars Under the Fulbright Program September 1, 1993 L. A Survey of International Activities 1993

File Two: Administrations Systems Strategic Planning Committee 1995 A. Discussion Paper March 1, 1995

File Three: Teaching Evaluation 1995-1997 A. Teaching Evaluation Memo June 23, 1995 B. Teaching Evaluation Plans February 18, 1997

File Four: Wilmington Agreement 1995-1998 A. Wilmington Agreement Memorandum May 8, 1995 B. Wilmington Agreement Graduate Program Letter August 27, 1998

File Five: Assessment Council 1995-Undated A. Final Report from Bob Johnson December 4, 1995 B. Core Performance Measures, IUC Presidents October 3, 1996 C. Performance Funding Fax Message October 16, 1996 D. Summary of Proposals October 17, 1996 E. Assessment Council Meeting Note ND

File Six: Tenure/Gender 1995-2001 A. Divisional Breakdown of Tenure September 27, 1995 B. Tenure and Promotion Tenure February 9, 1996 C. Information on Hiring and Retention April 22, 1996 D. Tenure Rate by Gender April 22, 1996 E. New Tenured and Tenure Eligible Faculty September 10, 1997 F. Tenure Status of Full-Time Faculty January 9, 2001

File Seven: Technology in Education 1996-1997 A. Technology in Education Report April 1, 1996 B. Memorandum for Joseph Urell April 7, 1996 C. 1997 Technology Expo April 9, 1997

File Eight: WMUB 1996-1998 A. Station Review of WMUB August 12, 1996 B. WMUB Memorandum August 16, 1996 C. Audit for WMUB August 22, 1996 D. Programing Consultancy January 1997 E. New Programming Strategy for WMUB December 19, 1997 F. Letter from Megan Moloney January 20, 1998 G. Program Recommendations for WMUB January 22, 1998

File Nine: Women’s Coalition Meeting (See Tenure/Gender Issues) 1996-1998 A. Summary of Hiring of Assistant Professors in Tenure-Track Positions April 22, 1996 B. Hiring and Retention of Tenure Faculty by Gender September 9, 1996 C. Tenure and Retention Data September 13, 1996 D. Memorandum March 24, 1997 E. Reservation Confirmation Email April 20, 1997 F. April Lunch Emails April 27, 1997 G. Tenure Rate by Gender April 29, 1997 H. Summary of Hiring of Assistant Professors in Tenure-Track Positions April 21, 1998

File Ten: Teaching Evaluation Policies – General 1996-2003 A. Teaching Evaluation Policies April 1, 1996 B. First Year Initiative: Evaluation of Teaching October 31, 1997 C. Teaching Evaluation Plans July 13, 1998 D. Joseph Urell – Teaching Evaluation Plans July 16, 1998 E. Plans for Evaluating Teaching July 17, 1998 F. Teaching Evaluation Plans September 17, 1998 G. DSC/MIS Teaching Evaluation Plan November 29, 1999 H. Miami University Offices and Services Directory August 2001 I. Inter-Office Memorandum: Evaluation of Teaching November 13, 2001 J. University + Community Research Partnerships: A New Approach August 11, 2003

File Eleven: International Cosmos Prize Book 1997

File Twelve: Mollie Weller Award 1997 A. Memorandum of Understanding for Mollie Weller Award 1997

File Thirteen: Teaching Evaluation Plans – PHS April 10, 1997

File Fourteen: Teacher Evaluation Plans: School of Business 1997-Undated A. Economics Department Teaching Evaluation Plan April 1997 B. Teaching Evaluation Plans for the Farmer School of Business September 14, 1998 C. Faculty and Teaching Evaluation – Department of Finance October 30, 1998 D. Marketing Department Teaching Evaluation Plan January 13, 1999 E. Department of Management – Teaching Evaluation Plan ND

File Fifteen: Technology Center (Gaskill/MCIS) 1997-Undated A. Gaskill Hall Plan Memorandum August 14, 1997 B. Note for Cox Joe August 20, 1997 C. Note for Cox Joe August 21, 1997 D. Miami University Capital Improvement Projects ND

File Sixteen: WMUB – Letters of Concern 1998 A. Letter to Dr. Garland about WMUB-FM January 16, 1998 B. Letter from Megan Moloney January 20, 1998 C. Letter from Karl Mattox January 20, 1998 D. Letter to Cleve Callison regarding WMUB-FM January 22, 1998 E. Response to Megan Moloney January 22, 1998 F. Letter to Jessica Haberman January 22, 1998 G. Letter to Provost Hopkins regarding Student Participation January 25, 1998 H. Letter to Dr. Duffy January 26, 1998 I. Letter to Carl Mayer January 26, 1998 J. Letter to Mr. Fazio January 29, 1998 K. Letter to Ms. Shew January 29, 1998 L. Letter Updating Friends of WMUB February 1998 M. Letter to Ms. Riggs February 3, 1998 N. Letter to Mr. Fogarty February 4, 1998 O. Letter to Mr. Ludwin February 17, 1998 P. Letter to Ms. Shackle February 18, 1998 Q. Letter to Mr. Diver February 26, 1998 R. Letter from Roland Hill February 28, 1998 S. Letter from Ronald Gable March 8, 1998 T. Just the Fax! March 9, 1998 U. Handwritten Letter to President Garland March 16, 1998 V. Handwritten Letter to President Garland March 17, 1998 W. Letter to President Garland March 21, 1998

File Seventeen: Teacher Evaluation Plans – SAS Department February 2, 1998

File Eighteen TB Testing Policy-MUPIM Revision 1998 A. TB Testing Policy Letter April 7, 1998

File Nineteen: TOPS Program -Department of Human Services 1998 A. TOPS Contract July 7, 1998

File Twenty: Teaching Evaluation Plans: Speech Pathology July 14, 1998

File Twenty-One: Teaching Evaluation Plans: School of Fine Arts July 16, 1998

File Twenty-Two: Western Dean’s Scholarship Fund 1998 A. Western Fund Gift Letter August 25, 1998 B. Western Dean’s Scholarship Fund Letter September 22, 1998 C. Western College Dean’s Fund Memorandum October 15, 1998

File Twenty-Three: Y2k Impact Assessment Report (MCIS) 1998 A. Y2k Impact Assessment Report September 11, 1998

File Twenty-Four Tuition: Assessment Policies (Stonehill) 1998 A. Tuition Assessment Changes September 21, 1998

File Twenty-Five: TEClink (Draft Plan) 1998 A. Implementation of TEClink October 5, 1998

File Twenty-Six: Miami University Programmatic Strategic Plan July 19, 1999

File Twenty-Seven: Technology Initiative 1999 A. Technology Initiatives Proposal July 23, 1999 B. Letter of thanks to Dr. Crutcher August 12, 1999

File Twenty-Eight: Black Alumni Coordinating Committee 1999 A. Miami University Black Alumni Coordinating Committee December 14, 1999

File Twenty-Nine: Report on the Quality of Teacher Education in Ohio 1999-2000

File Thirty: CAWC Steering Committee 1999-ND A. Space for Empowerment September 30, 1999 B. Letter to Provost Crutcher November 28, 1999 C. Profile for Denison University February 7, 2000 D. Center for American and World Cultures Letter February 7, 2000 E. Multiculturalism and the Miami Plan February 11, 2000 F. February 24 Meeting Summary February 24, 2000 G. Summary of March 21 Summer Diversity Planning March 21, 2000 H. Handwritten Steering Communication March 30, 2000 I. March 30, 2000 Meeting Notes March 30, 2000 J. Handwritten Notes ND K. Center for American and World Cultures Letters ND

File Thirty-One: Status of Women and Minorities 1999-Undated A. Status of Women and Minorities at Miami University Fall 1999 B. Minorities in Higher Education Book 1999 C. Report on the Status of Women and Minorities March 10, 2000 D. Teleconference Schedule March 27, 2000 E. Meeting Notes March 29, 2000 F. Meeting Attendees ND

File Thirty-Two WMUB 2000-ND A. WMUB Public Radio Report June 22, 2000 B. WMUB Inter-Office Memorandum June 23, 2000 C. Reporting Relationship for WMUB Letter July 6, 2000 D. WMUB Past, Present, and Future Presentation December 14, 2001 E. WMUB Notes (Yellow Paper) ND

File Thirty-Three: Enrollment Planning and Steering Committee 2000 A. Letter to Friends of Miami University October 2000 B. Appoint of Enrollment Planning Steering Committee October 3, 2000 C. Janet Hoelle – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 16, 2000 D. Donna Shackelford – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 E. Robert C. Johnson – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 F. Liz Walker – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 G. Barb Kolb – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 H. Karen Denzler – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 I. Doug Meikle – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 J. Anna Dollar – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 K. Lisa Groger – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 L. Robert C. Johnson – Attempt to Schedule Meeting October 17, 2000 M. Meeting Schedule 2000

File Thirty-Four: White House Fellowships 2000 A. White House Fellows Program Folder November 2000

File Thirty-Five: Evaluation of Administration 2000-2002 A. Handwritten Evaluation of Administration 2000-2001 B. Evaluations for 2002-2003 February 26, 2002

File Thirty-Six: Academic Affairs Technology Committee 2001 A. Priorities and Resource Allocation Committee Report February 7, 2001

File Thirty-Seven: Enrollment Flow Subcommittee 2001 A. Preliminary Report May 7, 2001

File Thirty-Eight: Year-end Report to ACCandU July 20, 2001

File Thirty-Nine: Ohio Colleges and Universities 2001: Profile of Student Outcomes, Experiences and Campus Measures December 12, 2001

File Forty: Annual Profile of Ohio’s Colleges and Universities (CD) December 2001

File Forty-One: Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes to College 2002

File Forty-Two: Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality: The Power of Intersectionality February 22, 2002

File Forty-Three: Proposed New Criteria for Accreditation June 2002

File Forty-Four: Miami University MU Net Services Kit August 2002

File Forty-Five: A Miniature Guide for Students and Faculty of Analytic Thinking 2003

File Forty-Six: Miami University Upper Class Housing Program Report Executive Summary February 14, 2003

File Forty-Seven: Taft Announces Appointments to Newly-Formed Commission June 2, 2003

File Forty-Eight: Miami University MU Net Services Kit Version 8.0 August 2003

File Forty-Nine: Proposal for Miami Center for Innovation and Commercialization November, 2003

File Fifty: Miami University 111-112 Teachers’ Guide 2003-2004

File Fifty-One: Women of Color Luncheon 2003-Undated A. Invitation to Dr. Khaula Murtadha Reception February 27, 2003 B. Email to Ms. Lambert February 27, 2003 C. Email Response to Women of Color Luncheon February 27, 2003 D. Final Itinerary for Dr. Nancy Barcelo March 3-5 2004 E. Women of Color Celebration Poster March 4, 2004 F. Women of Color Celebration Bookmark X2 March 4, 2004 G. Dr. Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo Career Synopsis ND H. Nany “Rusty” Barcelo Resume ND I. Dr. Khaula Murtadha Introduction ND J. Adinkra Letter in Envelope ND

File Fifty-Two Jon Wergin – Departments That Work 2003-Undated A. Department Chair Retreat Roster August 21, 2003 B. Letter Regarding Jon Wergin Book September 12, 2003 C. Department Head List ND

File Fifty-Three: Technology Literacy for Incoming Students Undated A. Technology Literacy Documents

File Fifty-Four: Surveys Being Conducted at Miami University Undated

Provost; Dean; Program Review Recorded From the Office of Provost; 1986-2004; Box 1 [6A-L-6C]+ Content:

Files: 1. New Sciences Building Programming and Architecture Schematics and Report on the Student Initiative and Vibrancy Research Project 1990 2. A Strategic Plan for the Development of the School of Fine Arts, Miami University December 1986 3. Social Work Program Miami University November 1994 4. Administrative Program Review Guidelines August 1996 5. City of Oxford High Bandwidth Data and Video Network February 2000 6. Institutional Relations Unit Review 1997 7. Master of Business Administration Program Review 1997-1998 8. Zoology - Program Review 1997- 1998 9. Educational Leadership Program Review 1997-1998 10. Interdisciplinary Studies Program Review 1997-1998 11. International Studies Program Review 1997-1999 12. Program Review for the Department of Philosophy Self-Study Report 1997 13. Department of Educational Leadership Miami University Self Study 1997 14. Department of Accountancy Academic Program Review Vitae October 2003 15. Department of Geology A Self-Assessment submitted to the Program Review Committee 2003 16. Department of Educational PsychologyProgram Review october 2003 17. Department of Geology Miami UNiversity Assessment of Contributions to the Mami Plan for Liberal Education October 2003 18. Miami Plan Courses Department of Philosophy Program Review Fall 2003 19. Department of Philosophy Self-Study Report Program Review 2003 20. Academic Program Review Data 2003-2004 21. Department of Accountancy Academic Program Review Report October 2003 22. Faculty Biographical Information Department of Geology MiamiUniversity October 2003

Provost; Dean; Program Review Recorded From the Office of Provost; 1986-2005; Box 4 [6A-L-7C]+ Content:

Files: 1. Communication 2004-2005 2. Management 2004-2005 3. Western College 2004-2005 4. PhD Reviews- Rept for BOT 1996 5. OBR-Biological Sciences Review 1996 6. Gerontology Doctoral Review 1995 7. Audiology Doctorate 2000 8. Doctoral Review Social Gerontology 2003 9. Doctorate Review- History 1995-1996 10. Social Gerontology Ph.D. 2002 11. Psychology 2004-2005 12. Speech Pathology and Audiology 2004-2005 13. Teacher Education 2004-2005 14. Business Technology 2004-2005 15. Chemistry-Doctoral Review 1997-1998 16. Graduate Program Review 1997 17. Psychology- Doctoral Review 1998-2000 18. Program Review 2003-2004 19. Program Review 2003-2004 20. Finance 2003-2004 21. Finance 2003-2004 22. Educational Psychology 2003-2004 23. Final Program Review Department of Accountancy 2003-2004 24. Geology 2003-2004 25. International Studies 2003-2004 26. 2003-2004 27. Final Program Review Department of Geology 2003-2004 28. History PhD Program 1997-2001 29. Final Program Review International Studies 2003-2004 30. Paper Sciences and Engineering 2003-2004 31. Final Program Review Paper Science 2003-2004 32. PSE Program Review Consultants 2003-2004 33. Final Program Review Department of Philosophy 2003-2004 34. Political Science 2003-2004 35. Program Review 2002-2003 36. American Studies Program Review 2002-2003 37. Architecture and Interior Design Program Review 2002-2003 38. Women’s Studies Program Review 2002-2003 39. Program Review 2002-2003 40. Educational Leadership Program Review 2002-2003 41. French and Italian Program Review 2002-2003 42. Department of French and Italian Self-Study Program Review 2002 43. Institute of Environmental Sciences Program Review 2002-2003 44. Engineering Technology Program Review 2002-2003 45. Final Program Review Institute of Environmental Sciences 2003 46. International Programs Program Review 2002-2003 47. Spanish and Portuguese- Program Review 2002-2003 48. Spanish and Portuguese- Program Review 2002-2003 49. Dr. John Greisberger OIP 2002 50. History Department Program Review 1994

Provost; Dean; Program Review Recorded From the Office of Provost; 1986-2005; Box 5 [6A-M-1A]+ Content:

Files: 1. Miami University Department of English PhD Program Review 2. Dept. of Educational Leadership Miami University 3. Sedona Magazine Special Outdoors and History Edition Fall 1996 4. Olomouc Miroslaw Krob and Jr. 5. Olomouc Miroslaw Krob and Jr. 6. Women’s Center Five Year Report 1991-1996 7. Department of Business Technology Hamilton and Middletown Self-Study Report 1996 8. Department of Business technology Hamilton and Middletown Self-Study Report 1996

Provost; Dean; Program Review Recorded From the Office of Provost; 1986-2005; Box 6 [6A-M-1B]+ Content: Files: 1. Self-Study for the American Studies Program 2002 2. Joseph M. Bachelor Wildlife Reserve and Other Natural Areas 3. Joseph M. Bachelor Wildlife Reserve and Other Natural Areas 4. Department of Zoology, Miami University, Ph.D. Program Review Report, October 1995 5. Women’s Studies Program Review Fall 2002 6. Department of Microbiology, Miami University, Ph.D. Program Review Report, April 1995

rovost; Dean; Program Review Recorded From the Office of Provost; 1986-2005; Box 7 [6A-M-1C]+ Content: Files: 1. Department of Family Studies and Social Work Self-Study Report Volume III 2. Department of Family Studies and Social Work Self-Study Report Volume I 3. Department of Family Studies and Social Work Response to Initial Accreditation of Baccalaureate Site Visit 4. Department of Family Studies and Social Work Progress Report, June 1996

Provost; Dean; Program Review; 1996-2002; Box 8 [6A-M-2B]+ Content: Files: 1. EDP Program Review 1996-1997 2. Self-Study Report Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) 1995-1997 3. John E. Dolibois European Center 1997 4. Department of English Academic Program Review October 2000 5. Program Review 1997-1998 6. MUDEC Program Review Report by Ekkehard Stiller 1996 7. Geology Program Review 1997 8. Department of Philosophy Review 1998 9. John Dolibois European Center Program Review 1997 10. Program Review 2000-2001 11. Program Review 2000 12. Program Review 2001-2002 13. Department of Political Science Program Review 14. Program Review 1999-2000 15. Department of Family Studies and Social Work Program Review 2001 16. Department of English Academic Program Review October 2000 17. Academic Program Review Data 2002 18. Program Review- Misc. 2001-2002 19. Art Program Review 2001-2002 20. Art Program Review 2001-2002 21. Family Studies and Social Work Program Review 2001-2002 22. General Business Program Review 2001-2002 23. Mathematics and Statistics- Program Review 2001-2002 24. Women’s Studies Program Review 1996-1998 25. Women’s Studies Program Self-Study Report 1995-1996

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1997-2024, Undated; Box 4 [6A-N-3C]+ Content: Files: 1. China Jihan University 2. Scotland Glasgow 1985-1999 3. Mexico Guadalajara, Mexico 1985-1999 4. Italy Rome Stanford Center for Classical Studies 1996 6. India Management Insti. 1985-86 7. Germany, Heidelbert 8. Jewish Studies 1990-1996 9. East Angila 1990-1998 10. Czechoclovakia 1990-91 11. OBR Garrison Walters Vice Chancellor Acadmic and Special Programs 1990-96 12. Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg 1991-92 13. Miami Plan-Capstone Courses 1991-1998 14. MUDEC Office 15. Newly Independent States USSR 16. Junior Scholars Programs 17. Denmark University of Aarhus 18. East Asian Studies Korean Studies 19. Conservatorire de la Musique de la ville 20. Miami Plan Thematic 21. MURAC Miami University Research Advisory Council 21. MCIS Learning Technologies Enrichment Program 22. Korea 23. Kathmandu University (Nepal) 24. Thailand Chiana Mai University 25. UDLA Puebla (US California) 26. Outside Service 27. Italy: Urbino International 28. Japan Kansai Gaidai Exchange 29. NASULGC Educational Fair Use Guidelines 30. K-12 Collaboration (SEAP) 31. Minority Enrollments 32. Middlebury College School in Russia 33. Ohio Ethics Commission 34. MUSE/SOME Miami University Society of Emeriti 35. K-12 Programs 36. Minority Enrollments 37. Middlebury College in Russia 38. Ohio Ethics Commission 39. MUSE/SOME: Miami University Socieity of Emeriti Society of Miami Emeriti 40. K-12 Programs 41. Ohio View 42. Ohio Faculty Council (formerly Chancellor's Advisory Committee) 43. Ohio Sunshine Laws Update 44. Novgorod (Russia) 45. Leadership Development Programs 46. Germany Karlsruhe 47. Kellogg Commission Report 48. Microsoft Licensing Agreement 1998-99 49. Ohio Campus Disruption Statute 50. Leadershape 51. Mosaic Program 52. Marching Band 53. Mas Kade Proposal 54. Minority Faculty Fellowship 55. Liberal Education - Review of Miami Plan 4/2000 56. Miami University National Fellowships Recognition Breakfast Program (2024)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1997-, Undated; Box 30 [] Content: Files: 1. Dragon Fly Mat Myers 2. Finance 09-10 3. Farmer School of Business Hiring Request 10/9/2007 4. Full Time Employees 5. Fullbright Association 2002-2003 2003-2004 6. Fullbright Scholar Grants thrpugh CIES (Council for International Exchange of Scholars) 7. Ford Foundation 8. Financial Assistance 9. First-Year Multicultural Student Contact 10. First Year Seminars 11. First-Year Student (Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges) 12. Farmer School of Business- Audit of Credit Workshop 13. Geology APR 14. Grades 15. Grade Inflation 16. Governmental Affairs 17. Governance Evaluation of Service- Regional Campus 10/9/2007 18. Graduate Student Survey 19. Governance Letters 20. Graduate Survey 2005 10/9/2007 21. Governance 22. Governemnts Comission on Higher Education and the Economy (CHEE) 23. Governance- Assessment Theatre 24. Hayek 25. Harassment/ Discimination Panel 26. Harassment/ Discrimination Review Panel 27. Haggai Foundation 28. Higher Education Research Institute - C.I.R.P. Code Book 29. Honors Program 30. History Department 10/9/2007 31. Hodge Convocation to Capstone 32. Higher Educational Institute 33. Higher Education Act (HEA) 34. Hiring Excellence 35. Howard Hughes Medical Institute 2006 Undergraduate Grants Program 36. Howard Hughes Medical Institute 37. Institute for Experiental Learning (Internship Program in Washington, DC) 38. Institute for Educational Managment 39. IUC 10/9/2007 40. Information Technology Services Allocation 41. Imagining America Consortium Agreement 42. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System 43. Information Technology Advisory Committee 10/9/2007 44. Insurance Programs 45. Imagining 46. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation 47. Jury Duty Letter 48. Joint Masters Degrees with Foreign Institutions 49. Laws Hall 10/9/2007 50. Leave Requests 06-07 07-08 51. Learning Assistance Linda Dixon 52. Legal Issues- Parker 53. Library Personnel Policy 54. Life 55. Lumina Foundation for Education 56. Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering Proposal

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1995-, Undated; Box 31 [] Content: Files: 1. Annual Report July 2003 2. Farmer School of Business 3. Institute of Reading Development Feburary 2003 4. Innovation and Commericialization, Miami Center For 5. Lumina Foundation Grant Proposal 6. Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering 2005-2006 7. Mallory Thomas Mallory Center- Pre-Medical 8. Mallory Pre-Medical Center 9. Mallory Materials - Feburary 1998 10 Mallory Center Annual Report July 2002 11. Melon Foundation Initiative 12. Miami University Ethics and Compliance Review 2019 13. Mini University Child Development Center 14. National Student Clearing House 15. NCCI- National Consortium for Continous Improvement in Higher Education 16. NCHEMS- National Center for Higher Education Management Systems 17. New Faculty Workshop Fall 2011 18. New Faculty Workshop Fall 2012 19. National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 20. Radiation Safety Report 21. Theater 2005-2006 22. University Reports 23. Western College Program

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 2000-, Undated; Box 32 [] Content: Files: 1. Association of American Colleges and Universities Correspondance 2. Athletic Training Program 3. Articulation Agreements 4. Articulation Agreement Columbia University Fu Foundations 5. American Studies Program 6. Art Museum 7. Academic Advising 8. Business School Language Requirments 9. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Feburary 26th 2010 10. Bicentennial Student Center 11. Board of Regents 2013 12. Business Library 13. Board of Trustees 2006 14. Beaver Gift 15. Choose Ohio First 16. Computing Accreditation Commission (AC) of ABET 17. Center For Interactive Media Studies (IMS) July 13, 1999 18. Divisional Realignment 19. Distance Education Licensure 20. Education Health Sports 10/9/2007 21. Enrollment Mangement 22. Film Studies 23. Federal Funding 2005 24. Farmer School of Business MBA 25. Fingerhut, Eric- Chancellor 10/9/2007 26. First Year Faculty Experience 2002-2003 27. First Year Initiative Committee Reports 28. First Year Seminar 29. First Year Student Letter 30. Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education Proposal: Developing Facualty Learning Communications to Transform Campus Culture for Learning 31. Ford Foundation 32. Hamilton Campus Housing March 3, 2008 33. Hamilton Campus Housing January 17th, 2008 34. Hamilton Campus Partership 35. Harrison Scholars 36. Harrison Scholars 2001-2002 37. Hefner Museum Proposal July 2001 38. Higher Education Research Institute Survey Fall 2001 39. Higher Education Research Institute Survey Questions 40. Higher Education Performance "Report Card" 41. High Impact Education Practices 42. Hesburgh Award 2002 43. Inauguaration 44. Innovation Incentive 45. Institutional Diversity Plan (Sue Summers, Chair of Committee) 46. Lima Technical College 47. Manufacturing with Mike Mills, Carolyn Haynes re: Harrison Scholars 48. Office of Affirmative Action, 2000 49. Program Reviews- Botany

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 2000-, Undated; Box 33 [] Content: Files: 1. 2+2 Agreement with Dalian 2. Agreement of Collaboration-Beijing and Peoples Republic of China 3. Austrian Student Program 4. American University- Cario, Egypt 5. China (RENDA) 6. College of the Bahamas (Formerly "Bahamian Field Station") 7. China Union Medical University International Agreement 8. China Universities 9. Confucius Institute 10. Czech-Prague-Academy of Architecture and Design 11. Documents 12. Dublin University College 13. International Education American Institute for Foreign Study 14. International Education, Office of 15. International Exchange Locator 16. International Exchange Guidelines 17. International Housing 18. International Funding Opportunities 19. International Inititatives - Farmer School Business 20. International Joint Masters Population and Soical Gerontology 21. International Programs 2002-2003 22. International Programs 2001-2002 23. International Recruitment 24. International Students 25. International Student and Faculty Directory 26. International Visiting Scholar Exchange 27. ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) 28. International Writing Across the Curriculum 29. International Research and Exchange 30. Liaoning 31. Memorandum of Understanding Nanjing University 32. Memorandum of Understanding Xi'an Jiaotong University 33. National Study of Faculty and Student (2004) 34. New Faculty Line International Studies and Economics 35. New International Students 2007-2008 36. Office International Education- 2004-2005 37. Office of International Education April 8, 2011 38. OIP- Innocents at Home Redux- May 2000 39. Palacky University, Czech Republic 40. Pecking Union Medical Center- Beijing, China 41. Shanghai China 42. Sun Yat-Sen Guangzhou, China

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 34 [] Content: Files: 1. Academic Affairs Units Review 2. Academic Programs Review- Round 2 Guidelines and Procedures (6year cycles starting 1998-99) 3. Academic Program Review Letters 2011-2012 4. Inventing Flight 5. Scholarships Team 10/9/2007 6. Tragedy Reports 7. Tuition Reciprocity Agreement 8. Tom Smith 9. Truman Scholarships 10. Tuition Alternatives 11. Tuition Fee Waiver 12. Tuition Reciprocity Agreement 13. Tuition Reciprocity Agreement July 2004 14. Tuition Restructuring 15. Tuition Restructure Project Fall 2003 16. Tuition and Scholarship 17. Turner Will 10/9/2007 18. Talawanda School District Split: 2003 19. Talawanda School Reorganization 20. Tapping America's Potential 21. Teaching Effectiveness Program 22. Teens for Literacy 23. Tenure Procedures 24. Tenure Provisions 25. Top 25 Initiative 26. Unclassified Staff Postions 10/9/2007 27. Unclassified Staff in Academic Affairs 28. University Business 29. Unclassified Staff 30. VAS (Voluntary Systems of Accountability) 31. Vacancy Credit Information 32. VOALC 33. W.K Kellogg Foundation Annual Report

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 35 [] Content: Files: 1. College of Arts and Sciences-301 2. Esports 3. Finance and Audit Committee June 27th 2019 4. Finance and Audit Committee February 13, 2019 5. Finance and Audit Committee Meeting May 16, 2019 6. Global Initiatives 7. J.P. Morgan 8. 19.20 Makaroff 9. MUSF Foundation Board Fall Report 2018 10. Nace Research 11. P-card approvals 12. P-Card Receipts 13. P-Cards 14. Retreat 15. Rebecca Olivers 16. Rebecca Olivers Review 17. Strageic Goals College of Creative Arts 2019-2020 18. Senate Consent 19. Strategic Initiative Fund 20. State Mandates-2015 21. University Library 1994-1995

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 37 [] Content: Files: 1. ABET 2. American Council-Miscellaneous 3. Accreditation 4. American Dietetic Association Accreditation Site Visit-2003 5. American Psychological Association- Miscellaneous 6. Accrediation-Miscellaneous 7. Accrediation Recommendations 8. Accreditation Committee Breakfest 2003 9. ACEND (Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics 10. Accreditation Subcommittee on Engagement and Service 11. Accreditation Subcommittee on Preparing for the Future 12. Accreditation Subcommittee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 13. Accreditation Subcommittee on Student Learning and Effective Teacher 14. Accreditation Subcommittee on Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula 15. Accreditation Subcommittee on Mission and Integrity 16. American Association of College Nursing 17. AACSB - Miscellaneous 18. AACSB Accreditation January 29-31, 2001 19. American Speech-Language Hearing Association 20. Council for Higher Education Accreditation 2007 21. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) 2003 22. Council for Higher Education Accreditation 1999 23. CIC Statements 24. Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education 25. Council for Interior Design Accreditation 26. Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education 27. Council on Social Work Education 28. Dietetics Accreditation 29. Engineering Technology Accrediation Team 30. Foundation for Interior Design Education Research Team Jan 2002 31. Foundation for Interior Design Education Research 2002 32. National Architectural Accrediting Board 1997 33. National Architectural Accreditation Board November 16, 2009 34. National Association of Schools of Art and Design 35. National Association of Schools of Art and Design Site Visit-March 2007 36. Physical Education, Health, and Sport Studies Accreditation 2004-2005 37. Speech, Pathology, and Audiology Accreditation 38. Social Work Accreditation 39. Social Work Review- October 2002 40. SEAS Accreditation

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 38 [] Content: Files: 1. Art Museum 2. Athletic Scholarship (Loss of) 3. Assessment at Miami 4. Astronaut Scholarship Foundation 10/9/2007 5. AIMS Budget 6. Annual Report MML 7. Alliance 8. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Lydia English Program Director 9. AP Credit Data 10. Admitted Student Questionnaries 10/9/2007 11. AQIP (Academic Quality Improvement Project) 12. Associated Student Government Legislation 13. Association of Governing Boards of Universities 14. Associate Professors 15. Association of American College and Universities- Frederic W. Ness Book Award 2004 16. American Center for Civic Characters 17. A.C.E (American Council on Education) Fellows Programs 18. Botony 2005-2006 19. Bicentennial Planning Task Forces 20. Budget Recovery FY 2004-07 21. Business Fee 10/9/2007 22. Budget 2003-2004 23. Budget- Spousal Reimbursements 24. Center for the Arts: Prospects 25. Columbus State/ Miami University, Miami University Hamiliton/Middletown Agreement (Plus Two Program-Engineering Technology) 26. Center for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics 27. Center for Lifelong Learning 28. Center for Human Psychophysiology 29. Choose Ohio First 10/10/2007 30. Center for Educational Renewal 31. Center for Community Engagement 32. Centers 33. Center for Chemistry Education 34. Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching 35. Center for Health Enhancement 36. Center and Institutes (New guidelines- December 2004) 37. Center for the Advancement of Computational Research May 2003 38. Center for Animal Behavior 39. Center for the Arts 40. Center for Online Learning 41. Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate 42. Carnegie Scholars Program 43. Ecology Research Center 44. CBCC (Center for Black Culture and Learning) 45. Howe Center for Writing Excellence 46. Interactive Media Studies 47. Institutional Animal Care and use Committee Semi-Annual Report October 1, 2001 48. Pratt. G Michael 49. School of Fine Arts

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 39 [] Content: Files: 1. 2002 President's Academic Enrich Award 2. Dutton 3. President's Academic Enrichment Award 4. President's Academic Enrichment Award 03-04 5. President's Academic Enrichment Award 05-06 Proposal 6. President's Academic Enrichment Award 06-07 7. President's Academic Enrichment Award Humanities and the Public 8. President's Academic Enrichment Award Originals 9. President's Academic Enrichment Award Full Proposals 10. President's Academic Enrichment Award 07-08 11. President's Academic Enrichment Award (Awards) 12. President's Academic Enrichment Award Committee 2007-2008 13. President's Academic Enrichment Award 14. President's Academic Enrichment Award Proposals (Full) 15. Salaries 16. Scholarship 17. Senate Awards- Benjamin Harrison 18. Service Proposal 19. Shakespeare Folios 20. Shoupp Awards Proposal 21. Signing Authority 22. School of Interdisciplinary Studies Promotion Document 23. Smoking Policy 24. Speak 25. STEM

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 40 [] Content: Files: 1. 2015, Wyoming Department of Education 2. 2015, College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding Winton Woods 3. 2015, College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding Talawanda 4. 2015, College Credit Plus Southwest Local 5. 2015, Sinclair MOU 6. 2015, Student Exchange 7. 2015, e-Learning Pilot Program Sonya University 8. 2015, New Tork Methodist 9. 2015, Preble Shawnee 10. 2015, Universidade Federal Fluminense Brazil 11. 2015, Franklin City 12. 2015, Fairfield City 13. 2015, Fudan University 14. 2015, University of Helsinki 15. 2015, Graz University of Technology 16. 2015, Carolina's College of Health 17. 2015, Education Affilation Agreement 18. 2015, Academic Programs International 19. 2015, Beijing Institute of Technology 20. 2015, Chulolongkorn University Bamgkok Thailand 21. 2015, Cincinnati State 22. 2015, City of Differdange 23. 2015, Howe Center 24. 2015, Western College 25. 2014, Wittenberg University 26. 2014, Weifong University China 27. 2014, Sinclair 28. 2014, Shroff S.R. Rotary 29. 2014, Seoul National University Business School, Seoul, South Korea 30. 2014, Sanya University 31. 2014, Sanya University Visitng Scholar 32. 2014, Sanya University 33. 2014, Renda 34. 2014, Renmin University, Beijing 35. 2014, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University 36. 2014, Mahidol University, Thailand 37. 2014, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 38. 2014, Liaoning Normal University 39. 2014, Fudan University Business School 40. 2014, Henan University 41. 2014, Henan University 42. 2014, Henan Experimental High School 43. 2014, University of Helsinki 44. 2014, Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, West Virgina 45. 2014, Dalian Polytechnic University 46. 2014, Mindxplorer International Group LLC 47. 2014, Bermuda College 48. 2014, Universita Della Calabria 49. 2013, Yonsei University 50. 2013, University of Sulaimani 51. 2013, Salahaddin University 52. 2013, Qingdao Municipal Education Bureau 53. 2013, Yuanpei College, Beijing University 54. 2013, Universitas Ma Chung, Indonesia 55. 2013, Henan University 56. 2013, American University of Iraq 57. 2013, Columbus State 58. 2013, Doshisha University 59. 2013, Beijing Institute of Education 60. 2011, Chungwoon University 61. 2011, University of Lincoln 62. 2010, Korea University 63. 2010, Studio Art Centers International 64. 2010, Unversidad De Oviedo 65. 2010, Kansai Gaidai University 66. 2010, University of West Bohemia 67. 2010/11, Chinese University of Hong Kong 68. 2009, Dalian University of Technology 69. 2009, Beijing Jiaotong University 70. 2009, Institute of Buddhist Dialectics Dharamasala, India 71. 2009, Wuhan Institute of Technology 72. 2009, Shanghai Normal University 73. 2008/9, National Chung Cheng University 74. 2008, College for Higher Tibetan Studies, India 75. 2008, Vietnam National University 76. 2008, Rikkyo University 77. 2008, University of Cambridge 78. 2008, Columbia University 79. 2008, Korea Univeristy 80. 2007, Shanghai University of Finance 81. 2007, Pusan National Univerisity 82. 2007, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 83. 2006, University of London 84. 2006, Shanghai Normal University 85. 2006, Nanjing Forestry University 86. 2006, University of Leicester 87. 2006, General Agreement on International Partnership 88. 2005, Universidad Autonoma De Tamaulipas 89. 2005, Korean National University of the Arts 90. Crowder, Michael Volwiler Professorship, Ernest 91. Documents and Overview Visiting Distinguished Chair Polish History and Culture 92. Documents and Overview Volwiler Professorship, Ernest 93. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 94. Documents and Overview Shriver, Philip R. Professorship 95. Documents and Overview Seibert, Joseph Professorship (SBA) 96. Documents and Overview Schalleck, Maryloo Spooner Professorship 97. Lorigan,Gary Volwiler Professorship, Earnest September 2009-2012 98. Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocal 99. Membership Agreement for Training Organization 100. Pestana, Carla Smith, W.E. Professor of History 2003-2008 and 2009-2013 101. Steube (John W) Professorship 102. Tobin James Wiepking Professorship, Helen and Karl 103. Volwiler Professorship 104. Ward, Anthony Weipking Distinguished Professor 2009-2010

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 41 [] Content: Files: 1. 2020 Super Comm 2. Commencement 3. Concerns 4. Continuing Education and Summer Sessions 5. Conflict of Interest 6. Congress of Vedanta 10/9/2007 7. Continiuing Education 8. Corressspondence Incoming 9. Correspondence-Outgoing 2011-2012 10. Computational Science 11. Celt- Center for the Enchancement of Learning and Teaching 12. Capital Plan 13. Center for Public Management and Regional Affairs (Ruruals University Project) 14. Community of Practice on Engaged Learning (COPEL Application) 15. Contracts and Grants 16. Degree Authorization 17. Defense Acquisition University 18. Design Collaborative 19. Differential Learning Loads 20. Equity and Equal Opportunity Office 21. Enrollment Reports 22. Enrollment Management 23. Endowment Gift Agreement 24. Emeritus 25. Emeritus September 20, 2013 26. Evaluation of Aministrators 2005-2006 27. Evaluation and the Academy: Are we Doing th Right Thing? (Grade Inflation and Letters of Recommendation 28. Evaluations- Annual Performance 29. Evaluation of Faculty 30. Equity and Equal Opportunity 31. Faculty Welfare 32. Faculty- Part-Time 33. Farmer Board of Vistors 34. Federal Student Aid 10/9/2007 35. Fee Structure 36. Joh T. Petters Centers for Leardership, Ethics, and Skills Development 37. Kluge Center 38. Miami University Map 39. Miami University 3- Year Timeline 40. Year of the Arts 2011-2012 41. Performance Report Deans (2002) 42. Performaning Arts Center: 2/7/03 43. Page (Thomas C.) Center for the Study of Entrepreneurship 44. Rules of Contracting- Office of General Counsel- 45. Rinella Learning Center 46. Regional Campus Business and Industry Centers

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 42 [] Content: Files: 1. Center For Writing Excellence 2. Ohio Research Scholars 10/9/2007 3. Ohio Retirement System 4. Ohio Board of Regents 5. Ohio Academy of Science 6. Ohio Board of Regents Articulation and Transfer 05-06/06-07 7. Ohio Board of Regents Governors Executive Order 10/9/2007 8. Ohio Board of Regents- Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering Program 9. Ohio Board of Regents- Name Change 10. Ohio Board of Regents- Phd of PHL in Student Affairs in Higher Education 10/9/2007 11. Ohio Board of Regents- Strategic Vision for Higher Education 12. Office of Teaching and Learning 2002 13. Ohio Campus Compact 14. Ohio Campus Contact February 12, 2009 15. Ohio Humanities Council 10/9/2007 16. Ohio Association of Scholars 17. Ohio International Consortium 10/9/2007 18. Ohio Learning Network 19. Ohio Link 20. Outside Service Reports 21. Operating Budget 07-08 22. Posse Foundation 23. Procter and Gamble 24. Payroll/Humans Resources 10/9/2007 25. Promotion to Full Professor Mary Woodworth's copies 26. Promotion to Associate Profesor 27. Risk Management 10/9/2007 28. Risk Management 10/9/2007 29. Risk Assessment 30. Readmission Procedure Rinella Learning Center 10/9/2007 31. Recruiting and Hiring Tenure Track Faculty (August 2002) 32. Red Feather 10/9/2007 33. Regents Chinese Academy 10/9/2007 34. Regional Campus- Hamiliton 35. Residency Requirements Sophomore 36. Rhodes Scholarship 37. Right and Responsbilities Commitee 38. Psychology Annual Report (2007) 10/9/2007 39. Public Record Request 10/9/2007 40. Radiation Safety Committee Chair 41. Outside Consulting Herbst 10/9/2007

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 43 [] Content: Files: 1. Abbreviated Minutes Process 2. Cancellations 3. Consent Calender Process 4. CAS-Zoology Doug Meikle, Chair 5. CAS-Speech Pathology and Audiology Kathleen Hutchinson Chair 6. CAS-Honors Program 7. CAS-Mathematics Patrick Dowling, Chair 8. CAS-Microbiology Luis Actis, Chair 9. CAS-Physics, Mick Pechan, Chair 10. CAS-Political Science, Steve DeLue, Chair 11. CAS-Psychology, Leonard Mark, Chair 12. CAS-Sociology and Gerontology Jean Lynch, Chair 13. Majors/Degrees Approval Process 14. Policy Revision Process 15. Senate Appointment 16. Senate Bylaws 17. Senate Executive Committee 18. Senate Calendar/Dates 19. Subcommittee Membership/Updates 20. Roll-Call Attendence 2004-2005 21. Resolutions Approval Process 22. Renaming Depts/DIV Approval Process 23. Senate Resolution 14-01 24. Sense of the Senate Resolutions 25. Senate Bot Reports 26. University Senate 27. Western College 28. Western College Program 29. Western Colege Alumnae Association 30. Western Endowed Accounts 31. Western College Purchase Miami University-Fiscal Year 2006 32. Western College Program Expenses 33. Visitors to U.S. Recognition Process

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 43 [] Content: Files: 1. College of Arts and Science 2002-2003 2. Diversity Report-December 31, 1997 3. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) 4. Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting-Chicago April 14-16, 2003 5. Higher Learning Commission Accreditation 2002 6. Higher Learning Commission Accreditation 2003 7. North Central Association- General. 8. National Association of School of Music 9. North Central Association-Miscellaneous 10. National Association of Theater 11. National Association of Schools of Theater 12. National Collegiate Athletic Association 13. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 14. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education-Miscellaneous 15. National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission 16. Overview 17. Retirement, Peter W, Rose 18. Paul Anderson 19. Paul Anderson Accreditation Meeting September 3, 2003. 20. Report-December 31, 1997 21. Reports- 2005

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 44 [] Content: Files: 1. 1994-1995 Handbooks 2. AACSB Accreditation- 2015 3. Center for American and Wrold Cultures Program Review-2016 4. Interior Design (2015) 5. Graduate School Self-Study Reports 6. National Association of Schools of Music 7. North Central Association 8. North Central Association- 1985 9. North Central Association- 1995 10. Nursing Accreditation-2015 11. North Central Review- January 18, 1994 12. Reports 1992-1993 13. Site Visit-January 1995

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 45 [] Content: Files: 1. 2016-2017 Policy and Informational Manual 2. Academic Program Review Computer and Information Technology Final 3. Academic Program Review Computer Science and Systems Analysis Final 4. Academic Program Review Sociology and Gerontology 5. Academic Program Review Physics 6. Academic Program Review Chemistry and Biochemistry Final 7. Academic Program Review Anthroplogy Final 8. Art Department 9. Bachelor of Science in Nursing Self-Study Report 10. College of Arts and Sciences- Teaching Education 11. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry-Program Review 2006 12. Department of Computer and Informational Technology 13. EAP Criteria for Teaching Effectiveness May 2002 14. French and Italian Review 15. Fine Arts Teaching Evaluation 16. International Studies 17. Memorandum 18. Miami University- School of Engineering Hamiliton and Middletown Self Study 19. Nursing- Self Study Report 2006 20. Promotion 21. Program Review 2007-2008 22. Program Review- English Final 23. Program Review Self Study Office of the Secretary of the University 24. Self Study Document, Department of Family Studies and Social Work 25. Self Study Document of Sociology and Gerontology 2006-2007 26. Self Study- Department of Geology 27. Seeking Cultural Competence in Hiring 28. School of Engineering and Applied Science Teaching Evaluation 29. SBA Teaching Evalution 30. SBA Departmental Teaching Evaluation 31. Summer Orientation and Registration 10/9/2007 32. Summer School Initiative- Oxford 10/9/2007 33. Tag 34. Teens for Literacy

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 46 [] Content: Files: 1. Academic Deans April 12, 2017 2. Academic Deans April 26, 2017 3. Arts and Science 4. COAD 2011 Drawers 5. COAD Agenda January 30, 2013 6. COAD March 6, 2013 7. COAD Meeting Agenda April 10th, 2013 8. COAD Agenda May 8, 2013 9. COAD April 15th, 2015 10. COAD Review April 19, 2017 11. COAD Meeting Agenda April 17, 2013 12. Duplicative Programs 13. Drawer 3 Student Achievement Award 14. Engineering 15. Fine Arts 16. Graduate 17. Graduate 18. Education 19. Howe Writing Center 20. Haynes/Honors 21. Honors Fall 2010 22. International Education 23. International Education 24. Interdisciplinary Enchancement Committee 25. Letter from the Provost April 8, 2013 26. Library 27. Luxemborg 28. Miami Fiance Committee 29. Miami University 2018-19 Academic Calender 30. Memory House 31. Promotion 32. Provost Retreat 33. Regional 34. Sophomore 35. Searches 36. Secretary 37. Simpson: Scarborough 38. Secretary 39. Senate Materials 40. Student Affairs 41. Space Utilization 42. Sustainability 43. Teaching Evaluations 44. Truestees 45. Top 25 Program 46. Trustee Finance Committee 47. University Senate 48. Voice of America 49. Workload Policy 50. Wilks

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 47 [] Content: Files: 1. Agenda Items/Notes 2. Assesment Regional Campuses 3. Dolibois European Center 4. Directions to Miami University Dolibois European Center in Differdange 5. Exectuctive Committee of University Senate 6. EHS (Intruction Design and Technology Program) 10/9/2007 7. EHS Educational Psychology Nelda Cambron-McCabe, Chair 8. EHS Teacher Education Jim Shiveley, Chair 9. EHS Family Studies and Social Work Gary Peterson, Chair 10. EHS Kinesiology and Health Helaine Alessio, Chair 11. Executive Director Hamilton Campus Search 12. Ernsting, King 13. Farmer School of Business Accountancy Marc Rubin, Chair 14. Farmer School of Business Business Technology Theodore Light, Chair 15. Farmer School of Business Desicision Science and Management Information System 16. Farmer School of Business Finance Steve Wyatt, Chair 17. Farmer School of Business Marketing Jim Stearns, Chair 18. Farmer Agreement 10/9/2007 19. Global Lead Consultant for Miami University Middletown May 2002 20. Graduate School 2002-2003, 2004-2005 21. Hamilton Campus 2002-2003 22. Lana Wilson 23. Miami Univerisity Hamilton 2003-2004 24. Miami University Middletown- Campus Climate 2003 Summary of Findings (Global Lead Management) 25. Middletown Campus SATSS 26. Miami University Dolibois European Center 27. Miami University Dolibois European Center Allowance 28. Middletown Campus 2002-2003, 2003-2004 29. Middletown Women Faculty and Staff 30. Miami University Dolibois European Center 2002-2003, 2003-2004 31. Miami University Dolibois European Center Faculty Reviews May 2002 32. Nursing-Baccalaurate Program 33. Regional Campus Service 34. Regional Campus- Middletown 35. Regional Campus Cell Tower 36. Regional Campus Study 4/23/09 37. Stewardship and Donar Relations 38. Stiller Evaluation 39. School of Engineering and Applied Science- Chronology 40. School of Engineering and Applied Science- Computer Science and Software Engineering 41. School of Engineering and Applied Science- Engineering Technology Ayodele Abatan, Chair 42. School of Engineering and Applied Science- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 43. School of Engineering and Applied Science- Nursing, Paulette Worcester, Chair 44. School of Education and Allied Professions 2002-2003 45. School of Fine Arts Architecture and Interior Design John Weigand Chair 46. School of Fine Arts Art Tom Effler, Chair 47. Theatre 48. Regional Campus BIS Degree 49. Richard T Farmer School Business New Building 50. Regional Campuses 2001-2002, 2003-2004 51. Regional Campuses Responsibilities 52. Regional Campus Bachelor Degree 10/9/2007 53. Regional Campus 54. University Senate: Executive Committee

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 48 [] Content: Files: 1. Autonomous University- Tamaulipas, Mexico 2. Belval 3. College and Arts and Science (Thumbdrives) 4. Chateau Differdange Luxemborg (Miami University Dolibois European Center) 5. Cambridge, England 6. Cambridge Junior Visiting Fellows 7. Cambridge Initiative 8. Downing College- Cambridge, England 9. Educational Leadership Exchange- Dijon, France 10. Fiscal Year 2016 11. Fitzwilliam College- Cambridge, England 12. Governance Documents 2009 Department Divisons (CDs) 13. Germany, University of Heidleberg 14. Ghana 15. Hirosaki University 16. Helsinki University of Technology 17. Information 18. International Education Committee 19. Israel University Study 20. Institute of Buddhist Dialectics 21. Japan Study Abroad Foundation 22. Korean Langauge 23. King's College-Cambridge, England 24. King's College Proposal 25. Latin American Studies 26. Magdalene College-Cambridge England 27. Miami University Dolibois European Center 28. Nepal Studies 29. Nantes, Frances 30. Poland 31. Rikkyo University 32. South Asia 33. Selwyn Program 2001-2002, 2002-2003 34. Selwyn College Program 1999-2000 35. Selwyn Program- Peddars Way Housing/Miami Tenancy Agreement-December 2002 36. Selwyn Program- Memo of Understanding for Michael O'Brien 37. Thailand Mahidol University 38. University of Tsukuba 39. Ukraine Visits 40. Workshop 41. Yonsei University

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 49 [] Content: Files: 1. Evaluation- Linda Dixon 2. Insitutional Relations 2002-2003 Randi Thomas 3. Insitutional Response Team 4. Intergrated Arts Plan 2000-2001 5. Inside Washington 6. IT Material 7. Interactive Media Studies 8. Institute for Learning in Retirement 9. Institute of Enviromental Sciences 10. Instutional 11. Jewish Studies 11. John Hughes 12. Latin American Studies 10/9/2007 13. Lifesphere- Knolls of Oxford 14. Living Wage 10/9/2007 15. Living Wage Studentfor Staff 16. Lifelong Learning 17. Music 18. Minority Leadership Program (MLP) Scholars 19. Made at Miami Final Report 20. MBA 10/9/2007 21. Memos from David Keitges Office of International Education 22. Master of Fine Arts Joint International 23. Middletown Promise 10/9/2007 24. Music Department 25. Miami Center for Nepal Studies (September 2004) 26. Miami University Residence Hall Association 27. National Science Foundation Miscellaneous 28. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Institutional Representative 29. National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges General 30. National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) 31. National Learning Infrastructure Initiative- Fellowship for 2003 (NLII) 32. Proposal Master of Sciences in Computational Science and Engineering

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 50 [] Content: Files: 1. 2017 Information Technology Strategy 2. 2019-20 Leterre 3. Academic Program Review Drawer 3 4. All In 5. Board of Trustees Committee February 19, 2015 6. Board of Trustees Retreat June 4th and 5th 2015 7. Board of Trustees April 30, 2015 8. Business- Drawer 1 9. COAD Fall 2012 Semester Drawer 3 10. Clemson Forward 11. Finney Law Firm 12. Fund Evaluation Group 13. Goals/ Planning 2007/2008 Drawer 3 14. ITSAC- Drawer 3 15. Higher Education 16. Inside Higher Education 17. Investment Committee 5/5/17 18. Miami University Foundation Committee Meeting May 5, 2017 19. Miami 2020 Plan 20. Provost Phyllis Callahan 21. Salary Roster October 1, 2020 22. Salary Roster October 1, 2019 23. Salary Roster October 1, 2018 24. Salary Roster October 1, 2017 25. Salary Roster October 1, 2016 26. Salary Roster October 1, 2015 27. Salary Roster October 1, 2014 28. The Chronicle Review 29. University Subcommittee 30. Vita Skillings Drawers 3

Academic Affairs/Provost; Provost; Miscellaneous Files, 1998-, Undated; Box 51 [] Content: Files: 1. 2015 2. Ask Roger Jenkins, Lindmor Foundation Professorship (Business) 3. A and R Committee Files Distinguished Professors 4. Award and Recognition Committee 5. Armco Alumni Professor 6. Altman Clinical Professorship BUS781 7. Blaney Professorship Robert H and Nancy J 8. Boge, Claire Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 9. Baer, Elizabeth Forsythe Chair 10. Brezhneva, Olga Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 11. Bailer, John Distinguished Teaching Award For Excellence in Graduate Instruction and Mentoring 12. Cayton, Andrew Distinguished Professors 13. Current Distinguished Professors 14. Cottell, Phillip Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 15. Croucher, Sheila. Rejai, Paul Professorship 16. Cox, James Distinguished Scholars 17. Center for American and World Cultures 18. Documents and Overview Altman Professorships, John W. CAS 709 19. Documents and Overview Anderson, Jack R., Chair 20. Documents and Overview Baines Professorship, Janet and Elliott 21. Documents and Overview Pansuka, George Professorship 22. Documents and Overview O'Toole Family Professorship 23. Documents and Overview Olive, Amber Science Fund 24. Documents and Overview Ohio Casualty Professorship 25. Documents and Overview Naus Faculty Scholars 26. Documents and Overview Mayerson, Frederic H. Chair (SFA/SBA) 27. Documents and Overview Madison, James Fellowship 28. Documents and Overview Lange Professorship 29. Documents and Overview Lewis Professorship, James and Bath 30. Documents and Overview Kosciuszko Chair 31. Documents and Overview SBA Distinguished Chair Search 1993 32. Documents and Overview Rejai Paul Professorship 33. Documents and Overview Jenkins, Roger and Basia Innovation Fund 34. Documents and Overview Rees, James Professorship 35. Documents and Overview Humbach, Nancy Endowed Chair Foreign Language Education 36. Documents and Overview Endowed Professorships 37. Documents and Overview Endres, Michael U. and Jane S. Faculty Fellow 38. Documents and Overview Howe, Roger and Joyce Professorship 39. Documents and Overview Distinguished Scholars 40. Documents and Overview Greer, Carl R. Endowment 41. Documents and Overview Heckert, John Professorship 42. Documents and Overview Glos, Ramond E. Professorship in Business 43. Distinguished Professor Awards Distinguished Professors 44. Documents and Overview Bubnis, Bernard and Parker Robin GA Fellowship 45. Dilek, Yildirim Distinguished Professor 2010 46. Dawisha, Adeed Distinguished Professor 2010. 47. Documents and Overview Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 48. Documents and Overview Garland Professorship (James and Carole) 49. Dollar, Anna Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 50. Dilek, Yildrim Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 51. Eid, Khalid Garland Professorship (James and Carole) 52. Eminent Scholar- CHM Site Visit 53. Ettouney, Osama Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Awards 54. Even, William Glos, Raymond E. Professorship in Business 55. Ernst and Young Professor Accountancy Ballou Brain 2009-2014 56. Eminent Scholar CHM/BIOCHM 57. Finch, Byron Panuska, George Professorship 58. Fopma-Loy, Joan Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 59. Forman, Janis Howe, Roger and Joyce Professorship 60. Faimon, Peg Naus Family Faculty Scholars 61. Griffith, Mark Anderson, Jack R Professorship in Finance 62. Howe Professorship 63. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation 64. Kaufman, Donald Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 65. Kiss, John Distinguished Scholar 66. Krehbiel, Timothy Endres Michael U. and Jane S Faculty Fellow 67. Lundsford, Andrea Howe, Roger and Joyce Professorship 68. Leitner, Larry Distinguished Teaching Award 69. Lindner 70. McConnell, Allen Lewis Professorship, James and Beth 71. McMahon-Klosterman, Kathy Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 72. Sommers, Jeffrey Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 73. Melley, Timothy Knox E. Phillps Undergraduate Innovative Teaching Award 74. Snavely, Kay Knox, E. Phillips Undergraduates Innovative Teaching Award 75. Makaroff Christopher Beckman Scholars 76. Morgan, Susan Distinguished Professors 77. Miller, Carolyn Howe, Roger and Joyce Professorship 78. Markley Chair 79. Naus Family Faculty Scholars 80. Nominations Distinguished Scholars 81. Notes on Professorships 82. Neack, Laura Rejai, Paul Professorship 83. Rothgeb, John Rejai Paul professorship 84. Paul Rejai 85. Professorships 86. Platt, Glenn Armstrong (C. Michael) Interactive Media Studies Chair


  • Creation: 1974 - 2024


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Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

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Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


16 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio


Miscellaneous Files: File One: China: Jinan University 1983-Undated A. China Exchange Letter November 30, 1983 B. Pearson Letter to Professor Gilbert April 27, 1984 C. Agreement for the Interchange of Faculty and Students August 8, 1994 D. Letter to Professor Qi September 6, 1994 E. Pearson Letter to President Li October 1, 1984 F. The China Exchange Agreement with Miami University October 17, 1984 G. Jinan and Zhongshan Universities Exchange Agreements October 25, 1984 H. Letter to Dr. Wong November 1, 1984 I. Letter from Jinan University November 5, 1984 J. Chinese Exchange Agreement November 29, 1984 K. China Exchange Acceptance Letter December 4, 1984 L. Scholarship for Study in China January 2, 1985 M. Chinese Exchange Agreements January 18, 1985 N. Jinan and Zhongshan Exchange Agreements January 28, 1985 O. China Exchange January 28, 1985 P. Chinese University Exchange March 4, 1985 Q. Chinese Exchange Agreements March 4, 1985 R. Chinese Exchange Program (small letter) March 28, 1985 S. Meeting Confirmation Letter May 8, 1985 T. Letter to VP Li June 17, 1985 U. Inter-Office Memorandum June 19, 1985 V. Letter to President Li September 4, 1985 W. Visit from Chinese Guests September 19, 1985 X. Memorandum October 1, 1985 Y. Letter from Luan Luce October 22, 1985 Z. Letter to Professor Han October 23, 1985 AA. Letter to President Pearson March 6, 1986 BB. Letter to Professor Chan March 19, 1986 CC. Inter-Office Memorandum (blue paper) April 1, 1986 DD. Jinan University Exchange Agreement April 9, 1986 EE. Itinerary for Zhongshan Visit April 28, 1996 FF. Letter to Dr. Feng June 4, 1987 GG. Postcard to Miami University December 28, 1987 HH. Draft for Provost Carlisle’s Monday Speech ND File Two: Scotland: Glasgow 1985-Undated A. Exchange Agreement with University of Glasgow December 30, 1985 B. Letter to Professor Sharp February 24, 1986 C. Visit by Professor Joy Tivy April 4, 1986 D. Agreement Between Glasgow and Miami April 17, 1986 E. Letter from Luan Luce April 28, 1986 F. Letter to Matt, Exchange Student May 12, 1986 G. Letter to Dr. Collins May 20, 1986 H. Proposed Amendment to Student Exchange Agreement November 10, 1999 I. Agreement for Student Exchange Program Undated

File Three: Mexico: Guadalajara, Mexico (SEAP/Univa) 1985-Undated A. Guidelines and Procedure for Formal Exchange Agreement April 24, 1985 B. Draft Agreement for Student Teaching Program May 2, 1996 C. Copy of Agreement with UNIVA October 1, 1996 D. Exchange Agreement with UNIVA October 22, 1996 E. Explanation of UNIVA Agreement December 1, 1997 F. UNIVA February 13, 1998 G. Hospitality Letter to Miami October 14, 1998 H. High School Partner School Project Draft Undated

File Four: Italy, Rome: Stanford Center for Classical Studies 1986 A. Membership in Stanford’s ICC July 15, 1986

File Six: India: International Management Institution 1986 A. Letter to Governor Celeste April 4, 1986

File Seven: Germany: Heidelberg Agreement 1986-1987 A. Statement of Cooperation between Miami and Universitat Heidelberg 1986-1987

File Eight: Jewish Studies 1988-Undated A. The Foundation Center Source Book Profile 1988 B. Resource People – Jewish Studies June 13, 1990 C. Confidential Letter to Joe Urell June 15, 1990 D. Letter to Mr. Friedman June 28, 1990 E. The Miami Hillel Newsletter Fall 1990 F. Letter to Bill Hanger from Joe Urell August 30, 1990 G. Jewish Studies Program at Miami October 9, 1990 H. Letter to Robert V. Friedenberg May 9, 1991 I. Letter to Ken Burke April 3, 1995 J. Ries Potential Gift November 9, 1995 K. Jewish Studies January 10, 1996 L. Letter to Joseph S. Reis January 26, 1996 M. Foundation Seeks Proposals (news clip) undated

File Nine: East Anglia 1990-Undated A. East Anglia Agreement August 23, 1990 B. Junior Year Abroad 1990 C. University of East Anglia Agreement September 13, 1990 D. East Anglia – Miami Agreement October 8, 1990 E. Copy of UAE and Miami Agreement October 18, 1990 F. Fees for the University of East Anglia Program February 6, 1991 G. UAE Exchange March 6, 1991 H. Letter from Joseph Urell April 1, 1991 I. UAE Addendum April 4, 1991 J. East Anglia Memorandum October 26, 1995 K. Memorandum from Donald Nelson January 7, 1998 L. Termination of UAE Agreement January 9th 1998 M. Additional UAE Notes UD N. Study Abroad Agreement UD

File Ten: Czechoslovakia 1990-1991 A. Group Project Summary to Brazil Summer 1990 B. Czechoslovakia Fulbright Hays Project Summer 1991 C. International Student and Faculty Directory Fall 1991 D. Faculty Progress Reports September 1991 E. Agenda for Ralph Hines Visit September 26 & 27 1991

File Eleven: OBR – Garrison Walters Vice Chancellor – Academic and Special Programs 1990-1996 A. “Time to Degree” November 1, 1990 B. Letter to Garrison Walters November 15, 1990 C. Approval Letter of Pharmacy Degree May 14, 1991 D. Inquiry into the Doctor of Pharmacy June 14, 1991 E. Administrator Coordinator for Math and Science Discovery Project August 14, 1991 F. Faculty Teaching Assignments Summary June 19, 1992 G. Response to Technology Degree Proposal January 3, 1994 H. Faculty Retreat at Ohio State December 6, 1994 I. Letter to Anne Hopkins May 22, 1995 J. Board of Regents May 25, 1995 K. Voice of America Documents June 1, 1995 L. Letter to Garry Walters with Attached Article February 16, 1996 M. Today’s Meeting with the Law Deans May 31, 1996

File Twelve: Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg 1991-1995 A. Documents from Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg 1991 B. Letter to Dr. Seck April 14, 1992 C. Pierre Seck’s Visit of Miami University April 24, 1992 D. Meeting with Pierre Seck and Armand Michaux May 20, 1992 E. Letter to Prime Minister Jacquest Santer May 27, 1992 F. Letter to the Director of Western College October 10, 1995

File Thirteen: Miami Plan – Capstone Courses 1991-1998 A. Endowing Capstone Courses July 23, 1991 B. Capstones Memorandum February 10, 1994 C. Proposed Endowed Capstones March 15, 1994 D. Inter-office Memorandum April 27, 1994 E. Department of French and Italian Memorandum May 3, 1994 F. Endoweed Capstones Memorandum May 10, 1994 G. Capstones Letter October 11, 1995 H. Capstone Enrollment Data 1995-1996 I. Student-Initiated Capstone Courses March 20, 1998

File Fourteen: MUDEC Office 1991-2002 A. Study Abroad Coordinator September 16, 1991 B. Luxembourg International Program (Yellow Paper & Documents) October 1, 1991 C. Coordinator Account October 25, 1991 D. Budget Reallocation for 1992-1993 October 25, 1991 E. MUDEC Coordinator October 25, 1991 F. Document to Ron, from Bob October 28, 1991 G. Funding for the MUDEC Coordinator Position October 30, 1991 H. Office of International Programs Secretary November 13, 1991 I. MUDEC Alumni Newsletter January 3, 1992 J. Overtime April 28, 1993 K. Miami Plan September 9, 1993 L. AT Meeting with Dr. Henry November 19, 1993 M. Proposed Recruiting Strategies 1993-1994 N. Letter from Joe Urell August 29, 1994 O. Budget Requests August 19, 1994 P. Equipment Request August 30, 1994 Q. Staff at European Center Fall 1994 R. Letter to Joseph Urell September 4, 1994 S. Cambridge Program March 16, 1995 T. MUDEC Coordinator April 3, 1995 U. Letter to Dr. Hopkins April 4, 1995 V. Affiliation Agreement Between Miami and Ohio State September 26, 1995 W. Guide to Emailing October 3, 1995 X. Award for MUDEC Students October 3, 1995 Y. MUDEC Applications for Faculty November 9, 1995 Z. Summer Term Request July 8, 1996 AA. New Address of MUDEC October 2, 1997 BB. Letter from Anne Hopkins November 15, 1997 CC. Core Course Faculty Appointment in the Humanities July 21, 1998 DD. MUPIM Project August 7, 1998 EE. European Center Staff Directory January 14, 1999 FF. Meeting with Joe Urell January 21, 1999 GG. MUDEC Oxford Coordinator’s Office 1999-2000 HH. Staffing of MUDEC January 27, 2000 II. Future Staffing at Luxembourg March 14, 2000 JJ. Future Staffing of Luxembourg Office April 6, 2000 KK. Budget Request May 19, 2000 LL. Travel to MUDEC April 16, 2001 MM. Interoffice Memorandum May 3, 2001 NN. MUDEC Annual Report May 9, 2001 OO. Miami Position Announcement Observation May 15, 2001 PP. Letter to Joe Urell June 8, 2001

File Fifteen: Newly Independent States (USSR) 1992-1993 A. Newly Independent States Memorandum December 22, 1992 B. Newly Independent States Memorandum January 22, 1993

File Sixteen: Junior Scholars Programs 1992-1998 A. Junior Scholars Program July 28, 1992 B. Junior Scholars July 31, 1992 C. Letter to Dr. Kullman August 19, 1992 D. Letter to Mrs. Troxel September 3, 1992 E. Junior Scholars Programs – Outline of Duties May 25, 1993 F. Department Chairs October 25, 1993 G. Interoffice Memo Regarding Funding December 23, 1993 H. Support for African-American Students to Attend the Summer Juniors Scholars Program June 3, 1994 I. Request for Junior Scholars Program May 3, 1995 J. Request Letter from Robert Smith April 20, 1995 K. Junior Scholars Program May 12, 1995 L. Letter to Anne Hopkins – Junior Scholar Program January 26, 1996 M. Facsimile Cover Sheet February 7, 1997 N. Letter to Provost Anne Hopkins June 9, 1997 O. Thank you Letter to Anne Hopkins August 7, 1996 P. Recruiting in Europe December 12, 1997 Q. Recruiting, Lost Money July 30, 1998

File Seventeen: Denmark – University of Aarhus 1992-1998 A. Agreement for the Exchange of Students Between Miami and Aarhus 1992-1993 B. Trip Report – Visit to University of Aarhus June 10, 1994 C. Interested Faculty Letter July 18, 1994 D. Exchange Agreement with Aarhus University, Denmark December 21, 1998 File Eighteen: East Asian Studies – Korean Studies 1993 A. Korean Studies Letter April 16, 1993 B. Summary Report on Korean Studies at Miami University May 13, 1993 C. Korean Studies Letter May 14, 1993

File Nineteen Conservatoire de la Musique de la Ville 1993 A. Luxembourg Conservatory Agreement November 19, 1993 B. Agreement Between Miami and Musique de la Villa de Luxembourg November 24, 1993

File Twenty: Miami Plan – Thematic Sequence 1993-1998 A. Study Abroad Thematic Sequence October 1, 1993 B. Miami Plan October 25, 1993 C. The Miami Plan Memorandum December 10, 1993 D. Thematic Sequences February 11, 1994 E. Suggested Amendment Change for Regional Campuses March 18, 1994 F. Thematic Sequence Decorations March 18, 1994 G. Student Letter Regarding Thematic Sequence June 19, 1994 H. Senate Actions on Thematic Sequences September 13, 1994 I. Miami Plan – Thematic Sequences July 3, 1995 J. Thematic Sequences – Commencement Office February 1, 1996 K. Thematic Sequences in the “Existing Minors” February 29, 1996 L. Thematic Sequences May 9, 1996 M. Thematic Sequences in the Existing Minors June 6, 1997 N. Thematic Sequences February 12, 1998 O. Miami Plan March 2, 1998 P. Miami Plan – Thematic Sequences – DARS March 17, 1998

File Twenty-One: MURAC – Miami University Research Advisory Council 1993-2000 A. Miami University Research Advisory Council April 25, 1993 B. Miami University Research Advisory Council April 24, 1995 C. Meeting of the Miami University Research Advisory Council February 17, 1999 D. Meeting of the Miami University Research Advisory Council March 31, 1997 E. Meeting of the Miami University Research Advisory Council April 16, 1999 F. Meeting of the Miami University Research Advisory Council April 20, 2000 G. Grant Setup Letter May 4, 2000

File Twenty-Two: MCIS – Learning Technologies Enrichment Program 1993-2001 A. Educational Technologies Enrichment Grants September 22, 1993 B. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program October 25, 1993 C. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Details December 1, 1993 D. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Funded Proposals 1993-1994 E. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Review and Ranking January 31, 1994 F. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Review February 3, 1994 G. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Details December 2, 1994 H. Letter to Paul Anderson January 9, 1996 I. Request for a Meeting January 24, 1996 J. Learning Technology Enrichment Program April 17, 1996 K. LTEP Award Emails October 15, 1996 L. LTEP Funding Denial Letter October 18, 1996 M. LTEP Funding Acceptance Letter October 18, 1996 N. Learning Technologies Enrichment Program Details April 8, 1997 O. 1997-1998 LTEP Funding Documents October 27, 1997 P. LTEP Recipients Informal Presentation 1997-1998 Q. Teaching/Learning and the Internet February-May 1998 R. LTEP Proposal Acceptance Letter January 4, 1999 S. LTEP Program November 17, 1999 T. Letter to all Faculty August 25, 2000 U. Awards in Learning Technologies Enrichment Program December 4, 2000 V. Grants in LTEP Program December 14, 2000 W. LTEP Program Suspension Letter June 7, 2001

File Twenty-Three: Korea 1993-Undated A. Hyundai Business Group January 6, 1993 B. Proposal for Research in South Korea Summer 1994 C. Suggested Names September 13, 1994 D. Korean Contacts and Letters October 17, 1994 E. Letter to Mr. Kim October 17, 1994 F. Letter from Joe Urell to Paul Risser October 26, 1994 G. Letter to Professor Cho October 27, 1994 H. Letter to Chairman Chung October 27, 1994 I. Summary of South Korea to Joe November 1, 1994 J. South Korea: A Country Study November 5, 1994 K. Seoul’s Big Splash November 5, 1994 L. The Opening of Asia November 12, 1994 M. Letter to Donald Nelson November 15, 1994 N. Letter to Various Korean Officials November 22, 1994 O. Letter from Paul Risser on South Korea December 15, 1994 P. Letter to President Risser December 16, 1994 Q. Advice on East Asia and Korea January 23, 1995 R. Korean Connection September 29, 1995 S. Letter to Mr. Chung February 14, 1996 T. Dylan Armstrong Resume Undated

File Twenty-Four: Kathmandu University (Nepal) 1994 A. Letter to Vice Chancellor Sharma September 6, 1994

File Twenty-Five: Thailand: Chiang Mai University 1994-1997 A. Chiang Mai University May 24, 1994 B. Thailand’s Financial Crisis November 13, 1997

File Twenty-Six: UDLA – Puebla (US/California) 1994-1997 A. Funds for Exchange Program November 11, 1994 B. Letter to Veronica Stoiber November 17, 1994 C. Letter to Mtra. Zee Green January 7, 1997

File Twenty-Seven: Outside Service 1994-1999 A. Unfinished Agenda Item from April 19 Meeting April 21, 1994 B. Approval to Perform Outside Service September 14, 1994 C. Approval to Perform Outside Service August 21, 1995 D. Approval to Perform Outside Services September 25, 1995 E. Outside Service Concern January 31, 1996 F. Letter Regarding Gene Metcalf’s Concerns February 16, 1996 G. Request to Provide Outside Service May 15, 1996 H. Revised Request for Outside Service Approval November 15, 1996 I. Approvals to Perform Outside Services 1996-1997 J. Approval to Perform Outside Services Memorandum October 5, 1998 K. Miami University Copy of Approval to Perform Outside Services September 24, 1999

File Twenty-Eight: Italy: Urbino International 1995 A. Affiliation Agreement Between Miami University and Ohio State March 14, 1995

File Twenty-Nine: Japan: Kansai Gaidai Exchange 1995-1998 A. Invitation to Attend 50th Anniversary Celebration of Foreign Studies October 23, 1995 B. Visiting Professor Vacancy at Kansai Gaidai University of Japan January 12, 1998

File Thirty: NASULGC-Educational Fair Use Guidelines 1996-1997 A. Letter to Dr. Lisa Livingston June 21, 1996 B. The Conference on Fair Use December 1996 C. Memorandum January 14, 1997 D. CONFU Proposals for Educational Fair Use Guidelines April 1, 1997 E. Educational Fair Use Guidelines April 8, 1997 F. Educational Fair Use Guidelines April 14, 1997

File Thirty-One: K-12 Collaboration (SEAP) 1996-1997 A. Job-Training Efforts and K-12 Partnerships December 17, 1996 B. Job-Training Efforts and K-12 Partnerships January 30, 1997 C. Fax Transmittal January 31, 1997 D. K-12 Partnerships and Job Training Efforts March 20, 1997 E. K-12 and University Collaboration May 25, 1997 F. Letter to Anne Hopkins, Book Attached November 18, 1997

File Thirty-Two: Minority Enrollments 1996-1999 A. Minority Students Admission and Enrollments April 16, 1996 B. Invitation to Reception for Minority Faculty and Staff August 1, 1998 C. Data for Monitoring Minority Student Progress January 5, 1999 File Thirty-Three: M2SE: Minorities in Math, Science, and Engineering 1996-Undated A. M2SE Letter to Dr. Hopkins February 13, 1996 B. M2SE Letter from David Haddad February 20, 1996 C. Letter to Denise Casey March 4, 1996 D. Thank you Letter to David Haddad E. Letter to Rudolph Frank March 7, 1996 F. M2SE Luncheon Letter October 15, 1996 G. M2SE Summer Program November 26, 1996 H. M2SE Fundraising Luncheon October 2, 1997 I. ESTEEM Program Final Report June 22-26 1998 J. ESTEEM Program Final Report June 14-18 1999 K. Minorities in Math, Science, and Engineering July 28, 1999 L. ESTEEM Program Final Report June 26-30 2000 M. M2SE Fundraising Luncheon September 11, 2001 N. Orientation Agenda for ESTEEM Undated

File Thirty-Four: Middlebury College School in Russia 1997 A. Letter to President McCardell April 17, 1997

File Thirty-Five: Ohio Ethics Commission 1997 A. Letter from the Ohio Ethics Commission September 29, 1997 B. Letter to Mr. Freel October 31, 1997

File Thirty-Six: MUSE/SOME: Miami University Society of Emeriti 1997 A. Dr. Hopkins Invitation to Speak November 3, 1997

File Thirty-Seven: Minority Recruitment 1997-1998 A. About Minority Affairs November 7, 1997 B. May Report June 17, 1998 C. Recommendations from Suzanne Summers May 14, 1998 D. Response to Suzanne Summers Recommendations May 28, 1998

File Thirty-Eight: K-12 Programs 1997-2000 A. K-16 Partnerships and Collaborations November 1997 B. Faculty Involvement with K-12 Students & Teachers February 23, 2000 File Thirty-Nine: OhioView 1997-Undated A. OhioView July 23, 1997 B. OhioView Research Consortium February 15, 1998 C. OhioView September 10, 1998 D. Invitation to OhioView Launch Ceremony September 24, 1998 E. OhioView Project Draft March 15, 1999 F. Summary of October 5 OhioView Members Meeting Undated G. OhioView Presentation Slides at Ohio State Undated

File Forty: Ohio Faculty Council 1998 A. Next Meeting with Garland June 5, 1998

File Forty-One: Ohio Sunshine Law Update 1998 A. Sunshine Laws Update March 1998

File Forty-Two: Novgorod (Russia) 1998-1999 A. Novgorod Pamphlet 1998 B. Letter to Joe Urell January 6, 1999

File Forty-Three: Leadership Development Programs 1998-2000 A. Letter from Harvard October 1, 1998 B. Response Letter to Harvard from Student Affairs November 8, 1999 C. Christine Cowan-Gascoigne January 6, 2000

File Forty-Four: Germany: Karlsrune 1999 A. Possible Affiliation with University of Karlsruhe November 16, 1999 B. Possible Engineering Partnership Letters December 2, 1999

File Forty-Five: Kellogg Commission Report 1999 A. The Engaged Institution: Profiles and Data March 25, 1999

File Forty-Six: Microsoft Licensing Agreement 1999 A. Microsoft Licensing Agreement May 3, 1999 B. Microsoft Office Standard May 28, 1999 C. Estimated Microsoft License Funding and Distribution Costs September 3, 1999 D. Microsoft License Funding Recommendation September 3, 1999 E. Microsoft Inter-University Council Agreement Funding Survey September 3, 1999

File Forty-Seven: Ohio Campus Disruption 1999 A. Notice and Details of Arrest August 25, 1999 B. Hearing Notice to Student August 25, 1999

File Forty-Eight: Leadershape 1999-Undated A. Project Letter to Joseph Urell April 23, 1999 B. Chance to Get Acquainted with Current Students June 9, 1999 C. Guest Leader Panel July 26, 1999 D. The LeaderShape Institute Undated

File Forty-Nine: Mosaic Program 1999-Undated A. IDS August 24, 1999 B. The Mosaic Program: A Model for Diversity Seminars and A Focused Learning Community for First-Year Studentss June 3-7 1999 C. Miami University Newspaper Article September 2, 1999 D. Invitation to Educating All of One Nation October 28-30 1999 E. College of Arts and Science and McBride IDS 51 Seminar Fall Semester 1999 F. Leadership and Development Programs at Miami Pamphlet UD G. Mosaic Hall Diversity Seminar Pamphlet UD

File Fifty: Marching Band 1999-Undated A. Serious Incident with the Marching Band September 20, 1999 B. Email Regarding Serious Band Incident September 20, 1999 C. Response to Marching Band Incident September 28, 1999 D. Marching Band Notes (yellow paper) September 28, 1999 E. Questions and Answers Band Incident Undated

File Fifty-One: Max Cade Proposal 2000 A. Letter to Dr. Hachmann June 2, 2000 B. Inter-Office Memorandum June 15, 2000 C. Proposal for Max Kade Lecture Hall June 19, 2000 D. Letter to Dr. Hachmann June 20, 2000

File Fifty-Two: Minority Faculty Fellowships 2000 A. For Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities September 12, 2000

File Fifty-Three: Liberal Education – Review of Miami Plan 2000-2001 A. Review of Liberal Education at Miami University X3 April 25, 2000 B. Review of Liberal Education at Miami May 4, 2000 C. Review of Liberal Education at Miami August 14, 2000 D. Response to Consultants’ Review of Liberal Education Memo August 14, 2000 E. Miami Plan Foundation Structural Revision August 15, 2001

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
