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Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching, Office for, bulk: 1971 - 2024

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; 1971-1980; Box 1 [6A-L-4C]+ OAST Reports, 1971-80 Contents: Misc. Reports 1. Report on Extramural Support of Research (1971-72) 2. Possible Research Portion [Ch.6] (1971-72) Annual Reports 1. 1971-72 [research portion only] 2. 1972-73 3. 1973-74 4. 1974-75 5. 1975-76 6. 1976-77 7. 1977-78 8. 1978-79 9. 1979-80

Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; 1980-1990; Box 2 [6A-L-5A]+ OAST Reports, 1980-90 Contents: Annual Reports 1. 1980-81 2. 1981-82 3. 1982-83 4. 1984-85 5. 1985-86 6. 1986-87 7. 1987-88 8. 1988-89 9. 1989-90 Annual Report of the Dean of the Graduate School 1. 1982/83-1986/87

Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; 1990-2002; Box 3 [6A-L-5B]+ OAST Reports, 1990-2002 Annual Reports 1. 1990-91 2. 1991-92 3. 1992-93 4. 1993-94 5. 1994-95 6. 1996-97 7. 1997-98 8. 1998-99 9. 1999-2000 10. 2000-01 Monthly Report 1. 6/1999-6/2002

Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; OAST Materials; 1971-2004; Box 4 [6A-L-5C]+ Files: 1. 24th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (2004) 2. The Greening of the Future, (1993) 3. The Greening of the Future (1982) 4. 14th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1994) 5. The Greening of the Future (1994) 6. The Greening of the Future (1993) 7. The Greening of the Future (1991) 8. The Greening of the Future (1990) 9. The Greening of the Future (1992) 10. The Greening of the Future (1987) 11. The Greening of the Future (1991) 12. The Greening of the Future (1991) 13. Cooking by Degrees (1990) 14. The Greening of the Future (1989) 15. The Greening of the Future (1988) 16. The Greening of the Future (1986) 17. The Greening of the Future (1985) 18. The Greening of the Future (1984) 19. The Greening of the Future (1984) 20. The Greening of the Future (1982) 21. The Greening of the Future (1983)

Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; 1971-2002; Box 5 [6A-L-6A]+ Files: 1. Lilly Post Doctoral Fellowship Program 2. Alumni Files - Howell, Leonard H. 3. 2001: A Teaching Learning Odyssey 4. 20th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (2000) 5. Contributed Paper Proceedings: Abstracts and Proposals (1999) 6. 19th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1999) 7. 18th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1998) 8. 18th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1998) 9. The Greening of the Future (1997) 10. 17th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1997) 11. The Greening of the Future (1996) 12. 16th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1996) 13. The Greening of the Future (1995) 14. 15th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching (1995) 15. Welcome to the 38th Annual Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Conference Program, 2018

Academic Affairs; Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching; 1991-2002; Box 6 [6A-L-6B]+ Miscellaneous Materials, 1991-2002 1. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, v.1-9 2. Committee on Improvement of Instruction / Committee for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, Annual Program Book 3. Teaching Effectiveness Retreat Alumni Teaching Scholars Program, February 21, 1994


  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1971 - 2024


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


6 Boxes

Language of Materials
