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Governance, 1928 - 2005

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-Governance; Enabling Act and Bylaws of the University Senate [binder]; 1987-88 [1A-C-She1f 1] Reference Section

Binder copy 1 and copy 1

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-Governance; Awards and Recognition Committee Files; 1999-2001; Box 1 [9A-C-3B]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-Governance; Curriculum Materials; 1981-2003; Box 1 [9A-C-3C]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Minutes and Materials: Graduate Renewal Subcommittee; 1994-95; Box 1 [9A-C-4B]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Miami Plan Materials; Box 1 [9A-C-4C]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Miami Plan Materials; Box 2 [9A-C-5A]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Miami Plan Materials; Box 3 [9A-C-5B]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Miami Plan Materials; Box 4 [9A-C-5C]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Miami Plan Materials; Box 5 [9A-C-6A]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance; Minutes and Materials of the Senate Athletic Advisory Committee; 1990-97; Box 1 [9A-D-2A]! Files: 1. Athletic Policy Committee (1990-91) 2. Athletic Policy Committee [Supporting] (1990-91) 3. Graduation Rates Disclosure Report (December 1991) 4. Athletic Policy Committee - Minutes and Annual Report (1991-92) 5. Athletic Policy -- Current Business [supporting] (1991-92) 6. Faculty Representative (1992) 7. Athletic Policy Committee (1992-93) I 8. Athletic Policy Committee (1992-93) II 9. Athletic Policy Committee (1992-93) III 10. Miscellaneous Materials on Academic Advising (1992-93) 11. Graduation Rate Materials (1992-93) 12. Gender Materials (1992-93) 13. MAC Priority Registration Survey (February 1993) 14. Athletic Policy Committee - Minutes and Annual Report (1993-94) 15. Athletic Policy Committee (1994-95) I 16. Athletic Policy Committee (1994-95) II 17. Athletic Policy Committee (1994-95) III 18. Athletic Policy Committee (1995-97) III

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Teaching Grants, Programs, Resources, and Events; 1992-; Box 1 [9A-B-6A]! Files: Committee for Improvement of Instruction 1. 1992-93 2. 1993-94 3. 1994-95 4. 1995-96 5. 1996-97 6. 1997-98 7. 1998-99 Committee for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching 1. 2000-2001. 2. Committee for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, Teaching Communities, Grants, Resources and Events, 2000-01

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Student Unrest Discipline Records; 1969-70; Box 1 [9A-B-6B]! [Confidential] [Purging of student names from records required before use] Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Hamilton Senate Minutes and Materials; 1985-; Box 1 [9A-B-6C]! Files: 1. 1985 2. 1986 3. 1987 4. 1988 5. 1989 6. 1990 7. 1991 8. 1992 9. 1993 10. 1994 11. 1995

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Minutes and Materials; 1968-70; Box 1 [9A-B-7A]! Files: 1. Regents Faculty Advisory Committee, 1969-70 2. Regents Faculty Advisory Committee, 1968-69 3. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, March 15, 1968-June 20, 1969 4. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, August 15, 1969 5. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, October 17, 1969 6. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, November 21, 1969 7. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, January 16, 1970 8. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, February 20, 1970 9. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, March 20, 1970 10. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, April 17, 1970 11. Ohio Board of Regents Minutes, June 19, 1970 12. Progress Report on the Management Effectiveness of Public Higher Education in Ohio 13. Federal Programs Involving the Board of Regents, A Progress Report, 1964-68 14. Technical Education in Ohio’s State Assisted Institutions of Higher Education A Progress Report, 1968 15. Development in Higher Education State of Ohio 1967-68 16. Ohio Public Technical Education Notebook, 1968-69 17. Report on May 16, 1968 and October 21, 1968, RFAC Meeting with Chancellor Millett 18. Reconstruction of the University a Seminary by John D. Millett

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Minutes and Materials; 1976-77; Box 2 [9A-B-7B]! Files: 1. Letter from Philip Macklin to Don Auble, January 28, 1977 2. Summare of Associate Degree Technical Program Proposal 3. University Council Reverse Chronological Order. 1976-77 4. Western College of Miami University Annual Report, 1976-77 5. State FTE Subsidy 6. Letter from David G. Brown to Donovan Auble, Economic Impact of INT Proposals, November 22, 1976 7. Proposal for an Associate Degree Program in Drafting/Design Technology at the Hamilton Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 8. Proposal for an Associate Degree Program in Insurance Technology at the Middletown Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 9. Proposal for Associate Degree Program in Manufacturing Technology at the Hamilton Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 10. Proposal for an Associate Degree Program in Automotive Technology at the Hamilton Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 11. Proposal for an Associate Degree in Climate Control Technology at the Hamilton Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 12. Proposal for an Associate Degree Program in Insurance Technology at the Middletown Campus of Miami University, January 28, 1977 13. Proposal for an Associate Degree Program in Real Estate Technology at the Hamilton Campus of Miami University 14. Proposal for an Associate Degree in Real Estate Technology at the Middletown Campus of Miami Universtity 15. University Council, Reverse Chronological Order, Philip A. Macklin, 1975-76 16. University Council, Reverse Chronological Order, Philip A. Macklin, 1974-75 17. University Council, Reverse Chronological Order, Philip A. Macklin, 1973-74 18. University Council, Reverse Chronological Order, Philip A. Macklin, 1972-73

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Minutes and Materials; 1977-83; Box 3 [9A-B-7C]! Files: 1. University Council, 1982-83 2. University Council 1981-82 3. University Council 1980-81 4. University Council 1981-82 5. University Council 1979-80 Reverse Chronological Order 6. University Council 1981-82 Reverse Chronological Order 7. University Council 1978-79 Reverse Chronological Order 8. University Council 1977-78 Reverse Chronological Order

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Graduate Council/Graduate Committee; 1928-91; Box 1 [9A-C-1A]! Files: 1. Graduate Committee Minutes (September 14, 1928-December 23, 1946) 2. Graduate Council Minutes (1947-61) 3. Graduate Council Members (1947-56) 4. Graduate Council Minutes (1952-60) 5. Graduate Council Minutes, Papers (1973-74) 6. Graduate Council (1974-75) 7. Graduate Council Minutes (1979-81) 8. Graduate Council Minutes (September 8, 1983-May 24, 1984) 9. Graduate Council Minutes (January 1990-December 1991)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Graduate Council Minutes; 1994-2000; Box 1 [9A-C-1B]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Graduate Council Minutes; 2000-04; Box 2 [9A-C-1C]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Committees, 1989-90. Master Files: General Administrative (1989-90)/Liberal Education Forum (1986-88); 1986-90; Box 1 [9A-C-2A]! Files: 1. Academic Policy, Committee on 2. Animal Care and Use Committee 3. Appeals Committee on Student Residency 4. Athletic Policy, Committee on 5. Awards and Recognition, Committee on 6. Bishop Medal Subcommittee 7. Honorary Degrees Subcommittee 8. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve Committee 9. Silvoor Sanctuary Subcommittee 10. Biosafety, Committee on Institutional 11. Campus Planning Committee 12. Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee 13. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee 14. Codification Committee 15. Computer Policy Committee 16. Faculty Conference 17. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 18. Faculty Welfare Committee 19. Finance Contingencies, Committee on 20. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 21. Governance Committee 22. Hammond Lecture Series 23. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on 24. Honors Program, Committee on University 25. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of 26. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors 27. International Education, Committee on 28. Lecture Series Committee, University 29. Liberal Education Committee 30. Library Committee 31. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee on 32. Performing Artist Series 33. Placement Coordinating Committee 34. Radiation Safety Committee 35. Recreational Sports Committee 36. Scholarship Review Committee 37. Sigma Chi Foundation/William P. Huffman Scholars-in-Residence Committee 38. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee 39. Student Health, Committee on 40. Student Motor Vehicles Appeals Committee 41. Student Publications and Broadcast Media, Committee on 42. Traffic Appeals Committee, Faculty and Staff 43. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee 44. Undergraduate Course and Curriculum, Committee on 45. Undergraduate Research Committee 46. University Appeals Board 47. University Disciplinary Board Panel Miscellaneous Committees: 48. Cable Television and Networking Task Force 49. Continuing Education, Advisory Council for 50. Course Scheduling, Ad Hoc Committee to Examine 51. Divisional Academic Grievance Committee 52. Fulbright Campus Evaluation Committee 53. Higgins Project Committee 54. Improvement of the Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students, Committee on 55. Motor Vehicle Student Group, 1989-90, Report of the Oxford-Miami University 56. Recreational Faculities Project Report 57. Smoking Regulations, Task Force on 58. Space Utilization Group 59. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, Robert E. 60. Student Affairs Executive Council 61. Student Legal Services Program, Miami University Master Files 62. General Administrative Mailing Master Files 9/1/89-6/30/90 63. Liberal Education Forum Materials 2/28/86-10/31/88 64. Richard T. Farmer School of Business 1991 Annual Report/Dedication Ceremony Programs 65. Liberal Education

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Minutes and Materials: Graduate Council, and Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee to the Ohio Board of Regents; 1985-90; Box 1 [9A-C-2B]! Files [includes minutes, materials, agendas, notes and memos]: Student Affairs Council 1. 1987-88 2. 1988-89 3. 1989-90 Graduate Council 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1987-88 4. 1988-89 5. 1989-90 Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee to the Ohio Board of Regents 1. 1986-88

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Women's Disciplinary Board: University Regulations, Rules, Old Cases, Minutes; 1929-62; Box 1 [SWORD]

When searching for this box in Sierra use SEC in the search engine. Box 5 SEC5 Barcode 814900306 i26159855 Barcode 35054014304865 Files: 1. Discipline, Historical University Regulations Concerning (1909-)_ 2. Motor Vehicle Regulations (1950's) 3. Women's Traffic Court: Cases (1950's) 4. Women's Disciplinary Board: Minutes (May 8, 1929-June 4, 1947) 5. Women's Disciplinary Board: Reports, Minutes (1947-48, 1948-49)_ 6. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records, Minutes (1949-50, 1950-51)_ 7. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records, Minutes (1951-52) 8. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1952-53) 9. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records, Traffic Court (1953-54)_ 10. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records, Traffic Court (1954-55)_ 11. Women's Disciplinary Board: Traffic Court Cases (1955-56)_ 12. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1955-56) 13. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1956-57) 14. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1957-58) 15. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1958-59) 16. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1959-60) 17. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1960-61) 18. Fingerprints (1960-61) 19. Women's Disciplinary Board: Records (1961-62)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: School of Applied Science; 1970-96; Box 1 [9A-C-6B]! Files: Engineering Technology 1. 1973-74 2. 1974-75 3. 1975-76 4. 1976-77 5. 1977-78 6. 1978-79 7 1979-80 8. 1980-81 9. 1981-82 10. 1982-83 11. 1983-84 12. 1984-85 13. 1985-86 14. 1986-87 15. 1987-88 16. 1988-89 17. 1989-90 18. 1991-94 19. 1994-96 Industrial Technology 1. 1970-71 2. 1971-72 3. 1972-73 4. 1976-77 5. 1977-78 6. 1978-79 7. 1979-80 8. 1980 Manufacturing Engineering 1. 1981 2. 1981-82 3. 1982-83 4. 1983-84 5. 1984-85 6. 1985-86 7. 1986-87 8. 1989-90 9. 1995-96 10. 1996-97 Nursing 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1987-88 4. 1988-89 5. 1989-90 6. 1990-91 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94 Office Administration 1. 1973-74 2. 1974-75 3. 1975-76 4. 1976-77 5. 1977-78 6. 1979-80 7. 1980-81 8. 1982-83 9. 1983-84 10. 1984-85 11. 1985-86 Paper Science and Engineering 1. 1985-87 2. 1994-96 Secretarial Science 1. 1970-71 2. 1971-72 3. 1973-74 Systems Analysis 1. 1984-85 2. 1985-86 3. 1986-87 4. 1987-88 5. 1988-89 6. 1989-90 7. 1990-94 8. 1994-95

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: College of Arts and Science: A-G; 1971-; Box 1 [9A-C-6C]! Files: Botany 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Chemistry 1. Chemistry (1988) Classics 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Communication/WMUB 1. Communication (1986-87) 2. 1985-88 3. 1989-90 4. 1990-93 English 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 French and Italian 1. 1987-88 Geography 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Geology 1. 1984-87 2. 1987-88 3. 1989 4. 1990 5. 1990-93 German, Russian, and East Asian Languages [GREAL] 1. 1971-72 2. 1972-73 3. 1973-74 4. 1974-75 5. 1975-76 6. 1976-77 7. 1977-78 8. 1978-79 9. 1979-80 10. 1980-81 11. 1981-82 12. 1982-83 13. German Section Faculty Meeting (March 1982 -April 1983) 14. 1983-84 15. 1984-85 16. 1985-86 17. 1986-88 18. 1989-90 19. 1990-93 20. 1995-96 21. 1996-97 22. 1998-99 23. 1999-2000 24. 2000-01 25. 2001-02 26. 2002-03 27. 2003-04

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: School of Fine Arts; 1976-; Box 1 [9A-C-7A]! Files: Architecture 1. 1986-87 2. 1987-88 3. 1988-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94/1994-95 9. 1995-96 10. 2001-02 11. 2003-04 12. 2004-05 Art 1. 1986-87 2. 1987-88 3. 1988-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94/1994-95 9. 1995-96 10. 2001-02 11. 2002-03 12. 2003-04 13. 2004-05 Music 1. 1976-77 2. 1977-78 3. 1978-79 4. 1979-80 5. 1980-81 6. 1981-82 7. 1982-83 8. 1983-84 9. 1984-85 10. 1985-86 11. 1986-87 12. 1987-88 13. 1988-89 14. 1989-90 15. 1990-91 16. 1991-92 17. 1992-93 18. 1993-94/1994-95 19. 1995-96 20. 2001-02 21. 2002-03 22. 2003-04 23. 2004-05 Theatre 1. 1986-87 2. 1987-88 3. 1988-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94/1994-95 9. 1995-96 10. 2001-02 11. 2003-04

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: College of Arts and Science: H-Z; 1981-; Box 2 [9A-C-7B]! Files: History 1. 1986-88 2. 1989 Mathematics and Statistics 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Microbiology 1. 1988 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Naval Science 1. 1988 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Political Science 1. Political Science (1986-88) Religion 1. 1986-87 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Sociology and Anthropology 1. 1986-88 2. 1989-90 3. 1990-93 Spanish and Portuguese 1. 1981-82 2. 1984 3. 1986-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. August-November 1992

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: School of Education and Allied Professions; 1985-; Box 1 [9A-C-7C]! Files: Educational Leadership 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1988-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94 9. 1994-95 10. 1995-96 11. 1996-97 12. 1997-98 13. 1998-99 14. 1999-2000 15. 2002-03 Educational Media 1. 1988-89 Educational Psychology 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1988-89 4. 1989-90 5. 1990-91 6. 1991-92 7. 1992-93 8. 1993-94 9. 1994-95 10. 1995-96 11. 1996-97 12. 1997-98 13. 1998-99 14. 1999-2000 15. 2001-02 16. 2002-03 Family and Consumer Sciences 1. 1989-90 2. 1990-91 3. 1991-92 4. 1992-93 5. 1993-94 6. 1994-95 7. 1995-96 Family Studies and Social Work 1. 1995-96 2. 1996-97 3. 1997-98 4. 1998-99 5. 1999-2000 6. 2001-02 7. 2002-03 Home Economics and Consumer Sciences 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1988-89 Personnel and Guidance 1. Personnel and Guidance (November 10, 1978) Physical Education, Health and Sport Studies 1. 1987-88 2. 1988-89 3. 1989-90 4. 1990-91 5. 1991-92 6. 1992-93 7. 1993-94 8. 1994-95 9. 1995-96 10. 1996-97 11. 1997-98 12. 1998-99 13. 1999-2000 14. 2002-03 Teacher Education 1. 1985-86 2. 1986-87 3. 1987-88 4. 1988-89 5. 1989-90 6. 1990-91 7. 1991-92 8. 1992-93 9. 1993-94 10. 1994-95 11. 1995-96 12. 1996-97 13. 1997 (September-December) 14. 1998 (January-February) 15. 1998 (March-April) 16. 1998-99 17. 1999-2000 18. 2002-03 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 1. 2002-03

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Faculty Departmental Meeting Minutes: School of Business Administration; 1994-; Box 1 [9A-D-1A]! Files: 1. Accountancy (1994-95) 2. Business Technology (February-March 1997) 3. Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (1994-95) 4. Economics (1994-95) 5. Finance (1994-95) 6. Management (1994-95) 7. Marketing (1994-95)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Divisional and Departmental Governance Materials; 1971-75; Box 1 [9A-D-1B]! Not Indexed

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Departmental and Divisional Governance Documents; 1990-2005; Box 1 [9A-D-2B]! Files: 1. Accountancy (1999, 2002) 2. Accountancy (July 2003) 3. Anthropology (April 2003) 4. Applied Science (August 1998) 5. Architecture and Interior Design (August 2002) 6. Art (Spring 2000) 7. Art (Spring 2003) 8. Arts and Science (July 1998) 9. Botany (May 1987) 10. Botany (March 2002) 11. Business Technology (May 1993) 12. Business Technology (July 14, 2005) 13. Chemistry and Biochemistry (August 2002) 14. Chemistry and Biochenistry (August 2004) 15. Classics (Rev. 1990) 16. Classics (2003) 17. Communication (August 2002) 18. Comparative Religion (2000-01) 19. Computer and Information Technology (April 29, 2002) 20. Computer Science and Software Engineering (April 2005) 21. Computer Science and Systems Analysis ((January 2003) 22. Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (April 1998) 23. Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems ((September 2004) 24. Economics (November 14, 1990) 25. Education and Allied Professions (April 1999) 26. Education and Allied Professions (November 2002) 27. Educational Leadership (January 17, 1990) 28. Educational Psychology (n.d.) 29. Educational Psychology (May 2003) 30. Electrical and Computer Engineering (2004) 31. Engineering and Applied Science (July 1, 2000) 32. Engineering Technology (October 26, 2000) 33. English (September 1993) 34. English (October 1997) 35. Family Studies and Social Work (May 1996) 36. Family Studies and Social Work (February 2000) 37. Farmer School of Business (October 1998) 38. Farmer School of Business (September 1, 2005) 39. Finance (January 25, 2002) 40. Finance (April 2002) 41. Fine Arts (April 1999) 42. Fine Arts (April 2003) 43. French and Italian (May 6, 2002) 44. French and Italian (December 13, 2004) 45. Geography (September 6, 1991) 46. Geology (September 10, 2004) 47. GREAL (September 2003) 48. GREAL (July 6. 2005) 49. Hamilton Campus (December 12, 1999) 50. Hamilton Campus (June 2001) 51. History (October 20, 1999) 52. History (March 2007) 53. Interdisciplinary Studies (October 1984) 54. Interdisciplinary Studies (October 18, 1990) 55. Management (May 2002) 56. Management (August 30, 2005) 57. Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (April 2003) 58. Mathematics and Statistics (March 2002) 59. Mathematics and Statistics (May 2005) 60. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (October 7, 2005) 61. Marketing (August 1995) 62. Marketing (n.d.) 63. Mathematics and Statistics (March 2002) 64. Microbiology (August 2002) 65. Microbiology (n.d.) 66. Middletown Campus (July 2002) 67. Middletown Campus (October 17, 2005) 68. Music (April 2002) 69. Music (December 7, 2005) 70. Nursing (2002) 71. Nursing (2004)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Departmental and Divisional Governance Documents; 1990-2005; Box 2 [9A-D-2C]! Files 1. Paper and Chemical Engineering (February 6, 2003) 2. Paper Science and Engineering (January 2001) 3. Philosophy ( n.d.) 4. Philosophy (May 30, 2003) 5. Physical Education, Health, and Sports Studies (August 2002) 6. Physical Education, Health, and Sports Studies (August 5, 2005) 7. Physics (April 1999) 8. Political Science (December 2001) 9. Psychology (October 1999) 10. Religion (September 12, 2005) 11. ROTC, Air Force (May 19, 1999) 12. ROTC, Naval (May 19, 1999) 13. Scripps Gerontology Center ((August 15, 2002) 14. Sociology and Gerontology (September 29, 2004) 15. Sociology, Gerontology, and Anthropology (November 2000) 16. Spanish and Portuguese (April 1996) 17. Speech Pathology and Audiology (August 2002) 18. Speech Pathology and Audiology (August 5, 2003) 19. Systems Analysis (September 2001) 20. Teacher Education (May 2001) 21. Teacher Education (October 7, 2003) 22. Theatre (December 1992) 23. Theatre (October 6, 2004) 24. University Libraries (January 2003) 25. University Libraries (May 20, 2005) 26. Zoology (April 2003)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Departmental and Divisional Procedures Govenance Statements; 1977-2000; Box 1 [9A-D-1C]! Files: DIVISIONAL 1. Applied Science (August 18, 1998) 2. Business Administration (October 23,1998) 3. Fine Arts ( April 1999) 4. Hamilton Campus (1999) 5. Interdisciplinary Studies (October 1984) [Out to Secretary 8/4/05] 6. Miami University Libraries (May 1977) 7. Middletown Campus (August 1998) DEPARTMENTAL 1. Accountancy (n.d.) 2. Accountancy (August 2000) 3. Arts (n.d.) 4. Botany (1999) 5. Chemistry and Biochemistry (August 1998) 6. Classics (1990) 7. Communication (May 1998) 8. Economics (November 11, 1998) 9. Educational leadership (November 7, 1990) 10. Educational Psychology (n.d.) 11. English (July 21, 1999) 12. Family Studies and Social Work (May 1996) 13. Finance (November 31, 1997) 14. French and Italian (May 4,1999) 15. Geography (September 6, 1991) 16. Geology (December 12, 1990) 17. GREAL (April 1998) 18. History (December 15, 1998) 19. Management (February 26, 1999) 20. Manufacturing Engineering (September 6, 1998) 21. Marketing (February 1991) 22. Mathematics and Statistics (October 1998) 23. Microbiology (January 12, 1979) 24. Music (May 4,1988) 25. Nursing (1999) 26. Political Science (March 6, 1987) 27. Psychology (n.d.) 28. Religion (February 24, 1997) 29. Paper Science and Engineering (October 28, 1996) 30. Phys.Ed, Health and Sports Studies (April 30,1999) 31. Physics (April 21, 1999) 32. Spanish and Portugesse (April 16, 1996) 33. System Analysis (September 1994) 34. Teacher Education ( October 27, 1998) 35. Theater (October 21, 1992)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance - Departmental and Divisional; Departmental and Divisional Governance Documents; 1990-2005; Box 1 [9A-D-2B]! Files: 1. Accountancy (1999, 2002) 2. Anthropology (April 2003) 3. Applied Science (August 1998) 4. Architecture and Interior Design (August 2002) 5. Art (Spring 2000) 6. Arts and Science (July 1998) 7. Botany (March 2002) 8. Business Administration (October 1998) 9. Business Technology (May 1993) 10. Chemistry and Biochemistry 11. Classics (Rev. 1990) 12. Communication (August 2002) 13. Comparative Religion (2000-01) 14. Computer Science and Systems Analysis ((January 2003) 15. Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (April 1998) 16. Economics (November 1990) 17. Education and Allied Professions (April 1999) 18. Education and Allied Professions (November 2002) 19. Educational Psychology (n.d.) 20. Engineering Technology (October 2000) 21. English (October 1997) 22. Family Studies and Social Work (February 2000) 23. Finance (April 2002) 24. Fine Arts (April 1999) 25. French and Italian (May 6, 2002) 26. Geography (September 6, 1999) 27. GREAL (September 2003) 28. Hamilton Campus (June 2001) 29. History (October 20, 1999) 30. Interdisciplinary Studies (October 1984) 31. Management (May 2002) 32. Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (April 2003) 33. Marketing (August 1995) 34. Mathematics and Statistics (March 2002) 35. Microbiology (n.d.) 36. Middletown Campus (July 2002) 37. Music (April 2002) 38. Nursing (2002)

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Assorted Microfiche; 1949-94; Box 1 PHOTO 7 F2 Box 1 Group 1 SubGroup FCH Fiche: [Materials rec'd from University Secretary 6/98 [98-6-3]? Board of Trustees' Minutes 1. 1953-54 [4 fiche] 2. 1954-55 [2 fiche] 3. 1955-56 [6 fiche] 4. 1956-57 [3 fiche] 5. 1957-58 [3 fiche] 6. 1958-59 [3 fiche] 7. 1959-60 [4 fiche] 8. 1960-61 [3 fiche] 9. 1961-62 [4 fiche] 10. 1962-63 [4 fiche] 11. 1963-64 [4 fiche] 12. 1964-65 [4 fiche] 13. 1965-66 [5 fiche] 14. 1966-67 [5 fiche] 15. 1967-68 [4 fiche] 16. 1968-69 [4 fiche] 17. 1969-70 [6 fiche] 18. 1970-71 [6 fiche] 19. 1971-72 [4 fiche] 20. 1972-73 [4 fiche] 21. 1973-74 [8 fiche] 22. 1974-75 [4 fiche] 23. 1975-76 [5 fiche] 24. 1976-77 [4 fiche] 25. 1977-78 [5 fiche] 26. 1978-79 [4 fiche] 27. 1979-80 [4 fiche] 28. 1980-81 [5 fiche] 29. 1981-82 [8 fiche] 30. 1982-83 [8 fiche] 31. 1983-84 [8 fiche] 32. 1984-85 [5 fiche] 33. 1985-86 [9 fiche] 34. 1986-87 [8 fiche] 35. 1987-88 [9 fiche] 36. 1988-89 [11 fiche] 37. 1989-90 [9 fiche] 38. 1990-91 [8 fiche] 39. 1991-92 [6 fiche] 40. 1992-93 [10 fiche] 41. 1993-94 [11 fiche] Ohio Board of Regents 42. 1963-64 [2 fiche] 43. 1964-65 [2 fiche] 44. 1965-66 [4 fiche] 45. 1966-67 [4 fiche] 46. 1967-68 [5 fiche] 47. 1968-69 [6 fiche] 48. 1969-70 [7 fiche] 49. 1970-71 [5 fiche] 50. 1971-72 [7 fiche] 51. 1972-73 [7 fiche] 52. 1973-74 [8 fiche] 53. 1974-75 [5 fiche] 54. 1975-76 [8 fiche] 55. 1976-77 [6 fiche] 56. 1977-78 [7 fiche] 57. 1978-79 [6 fiche] 58. 1979-80 [7 fiche] 59. 1980-81 [4 fiche] 60. 1981-82 [6 fiche] 61. 1982-83 [9 fiche] 62. 1983-84 [3 fiche] 63. 1984-85 [5 fiche] 64. 1985-86 [5 fiche] 65. 1986-87 [4 fiche] 66. 1987-88 [4 fiche] 67. 1988-89 [6 fiche] 68. 1989-90 [5 fiche] 69. 1990-91 [4 fiche] 70. 1991-92 [4 fiche] 71. 1992-93 [5 fiche] 72. 1993-94 [9 fiche] Student Affairs Council 73. 1962-63 [1 fiche] 74. 1963-64 [1 fiche] 75. 1964-65 [1 fiche] 76. 1965-66 [1 fiche] 77. 1966-67 [1 fiche] 78. 1967-68 [1 fiche] 79. 1968-69 [1 fiche] 80. 1969-70 [1 fiche] 81. 1970-71 [2 fiche] 82. 1971-72 [3 fiche] 83. 1972-73 [2 fiche] 84. 1973-74 [2 fiche] 85. 1974-75 [3 fiche] 86. 1975-76 [3 fiche] 87. 1976-77 [3 fiche] 88. 1977-78 [3 fiche] 89. 1978-79 [3 fiche] 90. 1979-80 [2 fiche] 91. 1980-81 [2 fiche] 92. 1981-82 [1 fiche] 93. 1982-83 [3 fiche] 94. 1983-84 [2 fiche] 95. 1984-85 [3 fiche] 96. 1985-86 [2 fiche] 97. 1986-87 [2 fiche] 98. 1987-88 [2 fiche] 99. 1988-89 [2 fiche] 100. 1989-90 [2 fiche] 101. 1990-91 [1 fiche] 102. 1991-92 [1 fiche] 103. 1992-93 [1 fiche] 104. 1993-94 [6 fiche] Faculty Council 105. 1964-65 [3 fiche] 106. 1965-66 [2 fiche] 107. 1966-67 [2 fiche] 108. 1967-68 [2 fiche] 109. 1968-69 [2 fiche] 110. 1969-70 [2 fiche] University Council 111. 1970-71 [2 fiche] 112. 1971-72 [2 fiche] 113. 1972-73 [2 fiche] 114. 1973-74 [3 fiche] 115. 1974-75 [3 fiche] 116. 1975-76 [2 fiche] 117. 1976-77 [2 fiche] 118. 1977-78 [2 fiche] 119. 1978-79 [2 fiche] 120. 1979-80 [1 fiche] 121. 1980-81 [1 fiche] 122. 1981-82 [2 fiche] 123. 1982-83 [1 fiche] 124. 1983-84 [1 fiche] 125. 1984-85 [1 fiche] 126. 1985-86 [2 fiche] 127. 1986-87 [2 fiche] University Senate 128. 1987-88 [5 fiche] 129. 1988-89 [6 fiche] 130. 1989-90 [5 fiche] 131. 1990-91 [5 fiche] Information Bulletin for Faculty and Staff 132. 1962-63 [2 fiche] 133. 1966-67 [1 fiche] 134. 1968-69 [2 fiche] 135. 1969-70 [2 fiche] 136. 1970-71 [2 fiche] 137. Miami University Information Manual (September 1971)[3 fiche] 138. Miami University Information Manual (1977-78)[3 fiche] 139. Miami University Policy and Information Manual (August 1, 1978)[4 fiche] 140. Diary of Disruption: A Chronology of Events at Miami University from 4-15-70 [1 fiche] 141. General Education in the Decades Ahead (September 18, 1975)[1 fiche] 142. Insuring a Future of Strength, A Report Submitted to President Paul G. Pearson (December 1987)[1 fiche] 143. Miami University Advisory Task Force for Academic Priorities. Report and Recommendations (July 7, 1972)[3 fiche] 144. Report of Task Force on Cultural and Racial Understanding (May 15, 1989)[1 fiche] 145. Report of the Committee to Examine the Status of Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at Miami University (November 21, 1979)[2 fiche] 146. Status Report on the Implementation of Recommendations of the Report of the President's Commission on the Improvement of the Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students (September 7, 1989)[6 fiche] 147. The Miami Plan for Liberal Education, Ratified by the Faculty Assembly (May 1, 1989)[1 fiche] 148. The Report of the Committee on Educational Policies (September 1969)[2 fiche] 149. The Report of the Long Range Program Committee of the Miami University Alumni Association (September 1949)[1 fiche]

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; Assorted Microfiche Duplicates; Box 1 PHOTO 7 F2 Box 1 Group 1 SubGroup FCH [99-4-2]? Fiche: Board of Trustees Minutes 1. 1953-54 [4 fiche] 2. 1954-55 [2 fiche] 3. 1955-56 [6 fiche] 4. 1956-57 [3 fiche] 5. 1957-58 [3 fiche] 6. 1958-59 [3 fiche] 7. 1959-60 [4 fiche] 9. 1960-61 [3 fiche] 10. 1961-62 [4 fiche] 11. 1962-63 [4 fiche] 12. 1963-64 [4 fiche] 13. 1964-65 [4 fiche] 14. 1965-66 [5 fiche] 15. 1966-67 [5 fiche] 16. 1967-68 [4 fiche] 17. 1968-69 [4 fiche] 18. 1969-70 [6 fiche] 19. 1970-71 [6 fiche] 20. 1971-72 [4 fiche] 21. 1972-73 [4 fiche] 22. 1973-74 [8 fiche] 23. 1974-75 [4 fiche] 24. 1975-76 [5 fiche] 25. 1976-77 [4 fiche] 26. 1977-78 [5 fiche] 27. 1978-79 [4 fiche] 28. 1979-80 [4 fiche] 29. 1980-81 [5 fiche] 30. 1981-82 [8 fiche] 31. 1982-83 [8 fiche] 32. 1983-84 [8 fiche] 33. 1984-85 [5 fiche] 34. 1985-86 [9 fiche] 35. 1986-87 [8 fiche] 36. 1987-88 [9 fiche] 37. 1988-89 [2 fiche] 38. 1989-90 [9 fiche] 39. 1990-91 [8 fiche] 40. 1991-92 [6 fiche] 41. 1992-93 [10 fiche] 42. 1993-94 [11 fiche] 43. 1994-95 [10 fiche] [2 copies] Faculty Council 1. 1964-65 [3 fiche] 2. 1965-66 [2 fiche] 3. 1966-67 [2 fiche] 4. 1967-68 [2 fiche] 5. 1968-69 [2 fiche] 6. 1969-70 [2 fiche] University Council 1. 1970-71 [2 fiche] 2. 1971-72 [2 fiche] 3. 1972-73 [2 fiche] 4. 1973-74 [3 fiche] 5. 1974-75 [3 fiche] 6. 1975-76 [2 fiche] 7. 1976-77 [2 fiche] 8. 1977-78 [2 fiche] 9. 1978-79 [2 fiche] 10. 1979-80 [1 fiche] 11. 1980-81 [1 fiche] 12. 1981-82 [2 fiche] 13. 1982-83 [1 fiche] 14. 1983-84 [1 fiche] 15. 1984-85 [1 fiche] 16. 1985-86 [2 fiche] 17. 1986-87 [2 fiche] University Senate Minutes 1. 1987-88 [5 fiche] 2. 1988-89 [6 fiche] 3. 1989-90 [5 fiche] 4. 1990-91 [5 fiche] 5. 1994-95 [7 fiche] [2 copies] 6. 1995-96 [5 fiche] [2 copies] Students Affairs Council Meetings 1. 1962-63 [1 fiche] 2. 1963-64 [1 fiche] 3. 1964-65 [1 fiche] 4. 1965-66 [1 fiche] 5. 1966-67 [1 fiche] 6. 1967-68 [1 fiche] 7. 1968-69 [1 fiche] 8. 1969-70 [1 fiche] 9. 1970-71 [2 fiche] 10. 1971-72 [3 fiche] 11. 1972-73 [2 fiche] 12. 1973-74 [2 fiche] 13. 1974-75 [3 fiche] 14. 1975-76 [3 fiche] 15. 1976-77 [3 fiche] 16. 1977-78 [3 fiche] 17. 1978-79 [3 fiche] 18. 1979-80 [2 fiche] 19. 1980-81 [2 fiche] 20. 1981-82 [1 fiche] 21. 1982-83 [3 fiche] 22. 1983-84 [2 fiche] 23. 1984-85 [3 fiche] 24. 1985-86 [2 fiche] 25. 1986-87 [2 fiche] 26. 1987-88 [2 fiche] 27. 1988-89 [2 fiche] 28. 1989-90 [2 fiche] 29. 1990-91 [1 fiche] 30. 1991-92 [1 fiche] 31. 1992-93 [1 fiche] 32. 1993-94 [6 fiche] 33. 1994-95 [1 fiche] [2 copies] 34. 1995-96 [1 fiche] [2 copies] Ohio Board of Regents Meetings 1. 1985-86 [3 fiche] 2. 1986-87 [4 fiche] 3. 1991-92, July-October [4 fiche] 4. 1992-93 [5 fiche] 5. 1993-94 [12 fiche] [2 copies of 3 fiche] 6. 1994-95 [2 fiche] [2 copies]

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1987-1988; Box 1; [9A-K-4A] Contents:

1. Executive Committee of the University Senate 1987-1988 2. Advisory Committee Papers 1988

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1992; Box 2; [9A-K-4B] Contents:

1. University Senate Master Fil August 24, 1992-December 31, 1992 2. University Senate Master File January 1-May 30, 1993 3. University Senate Master File June 1, 1993-February 16, 1994 4. University Senate Master File Feb. 17, 1994-July 31, 1994

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1992-1995; Box 3; [9A-K-4C] Contents:

1. Executive Committee of University Senate June 1, 1992-December 31, 1992 2. Executive Committee of University Senate January 1, 1993-April 15, 1994 3. Executive Committee of University Senate April-16, 1994-October, 31 1995 Subcommittee: Committee on Committees 4. Executive Committee of University Senate November 1, 1995 Subcommittee: Committee on Committees

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1995-1996; Box 4; [9A-K-5A] Contents:

1. University Senate Master File August 1, 1994-January 4, 1995 2. University Senate Master File January 5, 1995-April 30, 1995 3. University Senate Master File May 1-1995-January 31, 1996 4. University Senate January 31-1996-September 5, 1996

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1996-1999; Box 5; [9A-K-5B] Contents:

1. University Senate Master File September 10, 1996-December 2, 1996 2. University Senate Agendas 1997-1998 3. University Senate Agendas 1998-1999

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1999-2000; Box 6; [9A-K-5C] Contents:

1. University Senate Master File 1999-2000 2. University Senate Master File 2000-2001

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1997-1999; Box 7; [9A-K-6A] Contents:

1. University Senate Master File December 2, 1996-June 30, 1997 2. University Senate Master File July 1, 1997-December 31, 1997 3. University Senate Master File January 1, 1998-May 8, 1998 4. University Senate Master File May 11, 1998-March 31, 1999

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1999-2005; Box 8; [9A-K-6B] Contents:

1. University Senate Minutes 8/30/1999-4/17/2000 2. Miami University 2000/2001 Minutes Aug. 28/Apr. 16 3. University Senate 2001-2003 Minutes 4. University Senate 2003-2005 Minutes

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 2003-2006; Box 9; [9A-K-6C] Contents:

1. University Senate 2003-2004 Master File 2. University Senate 2005-2006 Master File

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1991-1999; Box 10; [9A-K-7A] Contents:

1. University Senate Minutes 09/03/91-04/04/94 2. University Senate Minutes 09/09/1996-04/14/1997 3. University Senate Minutes 09/08/1997-04/13/1998 4. University Senate Minutes 8/31/1998-4/12/1999

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1987-1999; Box 11; [9A-K-7B] Contents:

1. University Senate Minutes 9/14/1987-4/17/1989 2. University Senate Minutes 8/28/1989-4/15/1991 3. University Senate Minutes 08/29/1994-04/29/1996

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1988-2002; Box 12; [9A-L-3A] Contents:

1. Executive Committee of University Senate 9/1/88-2/28/89 2. Executive Committee of University Senate 3/1/89-3/31/90 3. University Senate 2001-2002 Master File

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 1990-2003; Box 13; [9A-L-3B] Contents:

1. Executive Committee of University Senate 4/1/90-5/31/91 2. University Senate 2002-2003 Master File

Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Governance-General; University Senate; 2004-2007; Box 14; [9A-L-3C] Contents:

1. University Senate 2004-2005 Master File 2. University Senate 2006-2007 Master File


  • Creation: 1928 - 2005


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Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

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35 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
