Posters, 1869 - 2020
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; "Peabody Hall Parlors" Plaque [29-C-1B]
Framed Plaque
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Pictorial Poster on Peabody Hall Renovation [33A-B-4D]
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Integrative Curricular Programs Posters; 1982-85; [31A-B-1A] Framed Posters: "Integrative Curricular Programs" description. 1. Divisional Colloquium, "In Search of Moby Dick" (1/18-30/1982) [2 copies] 2. Divisional Colloquium, ""A Sense of the Earth" (8/251982-9/3/1982) [2 copies] 3. Divisional Colloquium, "Barry Lopez's Of Wolves and Men" (1/14-25/1985)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Guest Speakers: Creativity and Culture; 1982-91 and undated [31A-B-2A] Framed Posters: 1. Sharon Doubiago--reading from Hard Country (April 9 --) 2. John R. Stilgoe, "Tropical Paradise in the American Imagination: 1910-1941" (11/3/1982) 3. Stephen Morse, "The Insanity Defense" (11/11/1986) 4. Jane Howard, "Thoughts About 4 1/3 Books" (12/2/1986) 5. John Mitchell, Public Presentation 6. wokiksuye "live and remember"/ dingo-dingo "The Dance of Life" (1991)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Guest Speakers: Social and Natural Systems Posters; 1983-85 [31A-B-2A] Framed Posters: "Guest Speakers in the Western College Program" description 1. Martin Bernal, " The Origins of Vietnamese Communism" (9/27/1983) 2. Martin Bernal, "The Politics of Scholarship: Debates in Greek Historiography" (9/28/1983) 3. Richard L. Millett, "The U.S. and Nicaragua: An Endless Dilemma" (4/9/1983) 4. Charles Van Doren, "How to Read a Book" (9/17/1984) 5. Martin Trow, "The Future of Interdisciplinary Studies" (2/4/1985) Creativity and Culture: Natural Systems 1. "The History and Philosophy of Contemporary Evolutionary Thought" (12/2-3/1986)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Special Co-Curricular Programs Posters; 1982-85 [29A-B-1A] Framed Posters: 1. "McKee Monday" (1-4/ 1982) 2. "Springfest: A Celebration of Imagination" 4/1982) 3. "McKee Mondays" (9-12/1982) 4. "McKee Monday!" (8-12/1983) 5. "Peabody Wednesday" (1-5/1984) 6. "McKee Monday!" (1-4/1985)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Special Co-Curricular Programs Posters; 1984-97 [29A-A-1A] Framed Posters "Special Co-Curricular Programs" Description 1. "McKee Monday!" (1-4/1984) 2. "McKee Monday!" (9-12/1986) 3. "McKee Monday's at Western" (1-4/1987) 4. "McKee Monday!" (9-12/1987) 5. "McKee Monday" (8-10/1988) 6. "McKee Monday" (1-4, 1989) 7. "Peabody Wednesdays" (2-4/1990) 8. "Peabody Wednesday" (9-11/1990) 9. "Western Wednesdays (9-11/1991) 10. "Western Weeklies" (2-4/1997)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Performances in Leonard Theatre Posters; 1982-89 [29A-C-1A] Framed Posters "Performances in Leonard Theatre" Descriptive Plaque 1. Jeffrey Hooper, "Raise the Roof" (2/191982) 2. Roadside Theatre (9/1-2/1986) [2 copies] 3. Tom Small "Music @ Western" (3/6/1988) 4. James Richard Peacock, "The End of Winter: (4/25/1988) 5. "Women's 'Ourstory' Film Festival" (3/1990) 6. Edward Albee, "Finding the Sun" / David Mamet, "An Interview" (4/24/1998)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Performances in Leonard Theatre Posters; 1988-2000 [29A-C-1B] Framed Posters: 1. "Reclaiming Our Miami Years: A Celebration of Women at Miami, 1888-1988" (4/1988); (11/14/1998)[Posters for different performances] 2. Bertolt Brecht, "The Mother" (4/27-28/1991) 3. Brendon Kelly, "Satori" / Wendy Wasserstein, "The Heidi Chronicles" (4/12-13/1996) 4. Eugene Ionesco, "The Killing Game" (12/4-5/1998) 5. "An Evening With Three Women of History" (2/28/2000)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Willis Okech Poster Framed Poster. Framed Poster. Rec'd from Nancy Arthur, IDS, 6/2008
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Abby King Poster [33A-C-4G] Framed Poster
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Chris Koenig Poster [33A-C-4G] Framed Poster Framed Poster. Rec'd from Nancy Arthur, IDS, 6/2008
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; "Glenn Miller Ave." Poster; 2000 [33A-D-4B] Autographed Autographed Rec'd from WMUB 7/2009 10/2000
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Poster for Re-Release of "The Glenn Miller Story" [33A-B-4D] Rec'd from WMUB 7/2009
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Poster for Diane Rehm Visit; 2000 [33A-D-4B] Autographed Autographed Rec'd from WMUB 7/2009 10/2000
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Majida Saida Al-Hussam Poster [33A-C-4G] Framed Poster Framed Poster. Rec'd from Nancy Arthur, IDS, 6/2008
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Shannon Wilhelm Poster [33A-C-4G] Framed Poster Framed Poster. Rec'd from Nancy Arthur, IDS, 6/2008
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series Posters; 1981-90 [31A-A-1B] Framed Posters: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series" description. 1. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" Lecture Series (11/1981) [2 copies] 2. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" Lecture Series (10-11/1982) [2 copies] 3. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" Lecture Series (11/1983) [2 copies] 4. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" Lecture Series (10-11/1984) 5. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" Lecture Series (11/1985) 6. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series" (8-12/1988) 7. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series" (1-4/1988) 8. "Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series" (8-12/1990)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series in Kumler Chapel Posters; 1989 [31A-A-2A] Framed Posters: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series In Kumler Chapel, 1989" description. 1. Mad River Theater Works, "Heartstrings" (9/6/1989) 2. Bruce Lincoln, "Re-Thinking the Idea ofWomen's Initiation" (9/6/1989); Fachon Shur Ceremonial Dance Company, "Sarah Speak!" (September 13, 1989) 3. Rhonda Hammer. "Women in Production: The Chorus Line 1932-1980" (9/27/1989) 4. Patricia Jung, "Reconceiving Pregnancy: A New Look at the Abortion Debate" (10/4/1989); Joy James, "The Ethics of Women Organizing Against Racism" (19/11/1989) 5. Karen Maitland Schilling, "The Challenge in Acknowledging Difference" (10/18/1989); Othello Harris, "Race, Gender, and Sport" (10/25/1989) 6. Sandi Fox "Quilts and Gender" (11/1/1989) / Ricky Clark, "Social Hitory, Women and Quilts" (11/8/1989) 7. P. Anna Johnson Rodieck, "We All Are One" (11/15/1989) 8. Jane Kahle, "Girls in School: Women In Science" (11/29/1989) 9. Chris Matheu, "Architect in Independent Practice: (12/6/1989) 10. Michael Moffatt, "College Life in the 1980's" (12/13/1989)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Scholars in Residence Posters; 1985-2001 [31A-A-1A] Framed Posters: "Interdisciplinary Scholars in Residence" description. 1. Meridel Le Sueur, "Vision of A People's Culture" (4/18, 22/1985) 2. Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz, "Mayday for the Workers of the World" (5/1/1991) 3. Mwelwa Musambachime, "Zambia's Role in Peacemaking in Africa: the Cases of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo" (10/18/20001)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Western College Faculty Lectures Posters; 1984-92 [28A-F-1A] Framed Posters: 1. "Liberal Arts Education and the Professions" (4/11-12/1984) 2. "Voices: A New Way of Seeing Tribal Perceptions in America" (Spring 1992) 3. Susan Allen Toth, "Eccentgric Adventures: A Traveler's Memoirs" (12/2/1992)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - 18th Annual Senior Project Presentations (4/22-24/1997) 2. Western College Program - Twelfth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/22-24/1991) 3. Western College Program - 10th Annual Senior Project Presentation (4/18-19/1989) 4. Western College Program - Eighth Annual Senior Project Conference, Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall (4/21-22, 1987) 5. Western College Program - Twenty-Sixth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/26-28/2005) 6. Western College Program - Senior Project Conference (4/24-25/2002)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1978-2006 [28A-D-1A] Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - Graduation Day (5/6/2006) 2. Western College Graduation 1985-86 3. Western College Program - 1981 Seniors 4. Western College Program - 1985 Seniors 5. Western College Program - 2005 Seniors 6. Western College Program - 1978 Seniors 7. Western College Program - 1998 Seniors 8. Western College Program - 1993 Seniors
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1978-2006 [28A-D-1B] Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - 1984 Seniors 2. Western College Program - 1983 Seniors 3. Western College Program (5/8/2004) 4. Western College Program Senior Project Conference
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1980-2002 and undated [28A-E-1A] Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - Twenty-Seventh Annual Senior Project Conference (4/25-27/--) 2. Western College Program - Class of 2001 3. Western College Program - Class of 2002 4. Western College Program - Class of 1999 5. Western College Program - 1996 6. Western College - Class of 1980 7. Western College - Candlelighting (5/7/1988)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1982-94 [28A-E-1B] Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - 1991 Seniors 2. Western College Program - 1990 Seniors 3. Western College Program - 1987 Recognition Ceremony 4. Western College Program - 1982 Seniors 5. Western College Program - Class of 1994 6. Western College Program - 1989 Seniors
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1982-96 [29A-D-1A] Framed Items: 1. "Saying what's on our minds" - Third annual Senior Project Conference, Peabody Hall. (4/20-21/1982) [2 copies] 2. Western College Program - 13th Annual Senior Project Presentations, Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall (4/20-22/1992) 3. Western College Program - 17th Annual Senior Project Presentations (4/24-25/1996) 4. Western College Presents World Fest (1983)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1984-90 [29A-F-1A] Framed Items: 1. Western College - 7th Annual Senior Presentation (4/22-23/1986) 2. Western College Program - 6th Annual Senior Project Conference (4/23-24/1985) 3. Western College Program - Fourth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/19-20/1983) 4. Western College Program - Eleventh Annual Senior Project Conference (4/23-25/1990) 5. Western College Program - Ninth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/19-20/1988) 6. Western College Program - Fifth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/24-25/1984
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1984-2004 [29A-E-1A] Framed Items: 1. 16th Annual Western College Program Senior Project Presentations (4/18-20/1995) 2. Western College Program - 14th Annual Senior Project Presentations (4/19/21/1993) 3. Bryanna Fish, "Nicaragua" (9/25/1984) 4. 24th Annual Senior Project Conference , School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Leonard Theater, Peabody Hall ((4/22-24/2003) 5. School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western College Program, Senior Conference Presentations (4/27-28/2004)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1986-2008 and undated [28A-F-1B] Framed Items: 1. Western College Progrm - Senior Project Conference, Leonard Theater, Peabody Hall ((4/24-26/2007) 2. Western College Program - Twenty-Ninth Annual Senior Project Conference (4/29/2008-5/2/20008) 3. Western College Program - Senior Project Conference (4/27-29/1999) 4. Western College Program - Senior Project Conference (4/17-19/2001) 5. Western College Program - 21st Annual Senior Project Conference (4/25-26/2000) 6. Western College Program - Senior Project Workshops Conference (4/21-22/1998) 7. "...And He Had Six Sisters" A Performance Work by Kaylynn Sullivan Two Trees (10/30/1986) 8. Peter Kelley, "Honoring the Legacy Discovering and Restoring the Rivers of Lewis and Clark" (4/17/--)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1995-2008 [28A-E-1C] Framed Items: 1. Western College Program - 1995 Seniors 2. Western College Program - 1997 Seniors 3. Western College Program - Graduation (5/10/2008) 4. Western College Program - Graduation (5/5/2007) 5. Western College Program - 2000 Seniors 6. Western College Program - Seniors (5/6/2003)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates: B. F. Goodrich; 1988 [33A-B-4E] Framed poster.
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates: Bank Mart; 1985 [34A-B-4F] Framed poster. Framed poster. Rec'd from Laws, Hall and Associates 8/2009.
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates [34A-B-4F] Framed poster. Framed poster. Rec'd from Laws, Hall and Associates 8/2009.
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters;!JJ
Posters Drawer 1 Posters [Right]
1. Athletics at Miami (Poster)
2. Child Care Center Project Overview
3. A Glenn Miller Story Movie Poster
4. Explore Ohio's Statewide Digital Library, Ohio Memory Project (Poster)
5. Love at Miami (Poster)
6. Miami's Changing Campus
7. Miami Mysteries
8. Miami Stories Oral History Project
9. Miami University Archives Legends of Miami
10. Miami University Seals (Poster)
11. Oxford College Historical (Poster)
12. Student Organizations (Poster)
13. Stewart School Poster, Nancy R. Yost, nd
14. In Spite of Conflict, Miami Student, Kent State Protest, 1971 (Poster)
15. BIX LIVE -- Bix Beiderdecke memorial Jazz Festival Davenport, Iowa, July 21-24, 1988
16. Western Under Glass Seventeen Years of Project Presentations, April 22-May 12, 1997 (Poster)
17. Imagining Russia Havighurst Center Lecture April 1, 2001 (Poster)(2 Copies)
18. Western Senior Project Conference, April 17-19, 2002 (Poster)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters;!JJ
Posters Drawer 2 Artwork [Left]
1. Ohio Covered Bridge by Marion Mardis Artwork (3 Copies)
2. Watercolor Painting - Tiger Lilies in a Blue Vase, nd
3. Flowers in Vase Drawing, November 1966
4. Miami Indian, John A, Ruthven Sketches
a. Campfires
b. Miami Indian I
c. Unsigned
5. Miami Indian I, John A. Ruthven Lithograph Steel Printing, 1974
a. 9/11/74 Blue
b. 9/11/74 Yellow
c. 9/12/74 Red
d. 9/13/74 Background (BGRD)
e. 9/16/74 Herring-Gull
f. 9/16/74 Black
6. Miami Indian I, John A. Ruthven Lithograph Prints Individual Colors, 1974
a. Blue (2)
b. Red (2)
c. Yellow(2)
d. Background (BGRD)(3)
e. Black (2)
7. Miami Indian I, John A. Ruthven Lithograph Prints Mixed Colors, 1974
a. Yellow, Black
b. Yellow, Black, Red
c. Yellow, Red
d. Yellow, Blue
e. Yellow, Red, Blue (2)
f. Red, Blue
g. Yellow, Red, Blue, BGRD
h. Yellow, Red, Blue, BGRD, Black
8. Miami Indian I, John A. Ruthven Colored Print with Annotations, 1974
9. Miami Indian I, John A. Ruthven (103/1000), 1974
10. Miami Indian II, John A. Ruthven Color Key, 1980
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters;!JJ
Posters Drawer 3 Blueprints [Left]
1. Plantings for Boy's Dormitory #2 January 10, 1949 (Plans)
2. Landscaping Plans for Logan Lodge in Wells Hall, January 9, 1949 (Plans)
3. Miami Campus Landscaping, January 1940
4. Fisher Boiler House, Floor Plans, Details
5. Temporary Building for Art and Music Miami University, Charles Cellarius Architect
6. Campus Avenue Building
7. Miami Central Plan, Revised 8/30/1938
8. Fisher Hall Area, Miami University, March 1962
9. Men's Dormitory, Charles Cellarius; Fosdick and Hilmer Engineers
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Blueprints; 1978-2011;
Posters Drawer 8 Blueprints [Left]
1. Miami University King Library Phase II Moveable Equipment Layout Dec 21, Dec 14, Nov 20?
2. Miami University King Library Acquisitions Drawings, nd
3. Miami University King Library Acquisitions Department, nd
4. Miami University King Library Existing Wall Structure Technical Service Area 3/23/78
5. Miami University King Library Existing Wall Structure Technical Service Area 3/23/78
6. Miami University Hughes Science Library Carpet Plan, nd
7. Miami University King Library Existing Wall Structure Technical Service Area 3/23/78
8. Miami University King Library Existing Wall Structure Technical Service Area March '78
9. Miami University King Library Existing Wall Structure Technical Service Area March '78
10. Miami University Brice Hall Science Building Drawings 1-9 May 28, 2004
11. Miami University Brill Science Library 5/17/2011
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Laws Hall Blueprints; 2011;
Blueprints Drawer 10 [Left]
1. Miami University Laws Hall Security Alarm Floor Plan 1 Sheets S-01 - S-03 April 29, 2011
2. Miami University Laws Hall Planting Plan Option 1, Final Review 7/14/11 Bid Set 8/4/11
3. Miami University Laws Hall Plant List Planting Details and Notes, Final Review 7/14/11 Bid Set 8/4/11
4. Miami University Laws Hall Second Floor, nd
5. Miami University Laws Hall Basement Floor, nd
6. Miami University Laws Hall Ground Floor, nd
7. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans , 12/04/09
8. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans , 12/04/09
9. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Site Plans Sheet 1 of 5, 5/10/10
10. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans Sheet 2 of 5, 6/1/10
11. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans Sheet 3 of 5, 6/1/10
12. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans Sheet 4 of 5, 6/1/10
13. Miami University Laws Hall Rehabilitation Phase 1 Life Safety Plans Sheet 5 of 5, 6/1/10
14. Miami University Laws Hall Landscape Demolition, Final Review 7/14/11 Bid Set 8/4/11
15. Miami University Laws Hall Layout Plan, Final Review 7/14/11 Bid Set 8/4/11
16. Miami University Laws Hall Security Alarm Floor Plan 1 Sheets S-01 - S-03 April 29, 2011
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Map; 1934;
Posters Drawer 9 Map [Left]
1. Miami University Map 1934
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1820-2009 [2R-F-3H]
1. B Schmidt Citation for John Millet (undated)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2007; [2R-F-4A]
1. Howe Writting Center First Place Contest Winner (2007)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1978-2008 [2R-F-4B]
1. Howe Writing Center Fair
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2006 [2R-F-4C]
1. Howe Writing Center Student Writing Day (2006)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters [2R-F-6A]
1. Miami University tarp (undated)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2009 [2R-F-6B]
1. 200 Years Poster (2009)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2009 [2R-F-6C]
1. Miami University Celebrates 200 Years (2009)
Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1792 [2R-F-6D]
1. Maryland Map Pa. Adlum and Wallis (1792)
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Athletics; 1993-;
Posters Drawer 1 Miami Athletics Posters and Maps [middle]
1. Miami University Archives "M" Association
2. Miami University Hall of Fame October 2, 1993
a. Patrica "Tish" Bucher
b. Dick Hunter
c. Bob Lohr
d. Mark Manering
e. Jim Thomas
3. Miami University Hall of Fame Chapter Members (2 copies)
a. Jay Coville
b. Ara Parseghian
c. John Pont
d. Wilbur (Web) Ewbank
e. Walter (Smokey) Alston
f. Paul Brown
g. George Rider
h. Earl (Red) Blaik
4. Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics 1978-79
5. Celebrating Miami Women in Athletics 1999-2000
6. Miami University 1999 Varsity Ice Skating Team
7. Miami University Hockey Schedule Signed Poster 2005-06
8. Miami Hockey Jersey Evolution, 2006
9. Miami University Hockey Schedule 2012-13
10.Miami University Mid American Conference WOmen’s Soccer 2001
11. Miami University Mid American Conference Soccer 2001
12. 2002 Women’s Soccer MAC Champions
13. Miami Men's Soccer Schedule, n.d.
14. Miami Softball Schedule, 2000
15. Miami Women's Volleyball Schedule, 1999
16. Miami University Baseball Bicentennial Reunion, April 17-19, 2009
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Athletics; 1964-;
Posters Drawer 2 Miami Athletics Posters and Maps [middle]
1. Cradle of Coaches A Legacy of Excellence Walter Havighurst Special Collections Miami University Libraries August 19 - December 13, 2013
2. Sports Illustrated Ron Harper Cleveland Cavaliers, nd
3. Miami’s Devin Davis “Providing ‘Hair Raising’ Excitement”, Poster (2 Copies)
4. Miami Basketball Schedule, 1970-71
5. Miami Magic Basketball 1971-1972 Schedule
6. Miami Basketball Banquet 1977-1978
7. Basketball in 1908
8. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1905-1914
9. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1915-1924 (2 Copies)
10. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1925-1934
11. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1935-1944 (2 copies)
12. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1955-1964
13. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1965-1974
14. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1975-1984
15. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition” 1985-1994 (2 Copies)
16. Miami Basketball “Celebrating The Tradition” 1995-2004 (2 Copies)
17. Miami Basketball “Celebrating The Tradition in 1970s - 1980s”, 2004-05 (3 copies)
18. Miami Basketball “Celebrating the Tradition in 1990s-2000s”, 2004-05 (3 copies)
19. Miami Basketball 2004-05 (3 copies)
20. 100 Years of Basketball Poster, 2004-2005 (2 Copies)
21. Miami Redhawks Football “The Defense Never Rests”
a. #35 Outside Linebacker JoJuan Armour
b. #52 Middle Linebacker Drew Purcell
c. #12 Defensive Back J.Baker
d. #46 Outside Linebacker Dustin Cohen
22. ‘Weeb’ Ewbank
23. Miami Football Schedule 1966
24. Miami Football Schedule 1967
25. Miami Spring Sports Schedule 1968 Football, Golf, Tennis, Track, and Baseball
26. Miami Football Schedule 1969
27. Miami University Football Schedule 1972
28. Miami University Football Team 1974
29. Miami “Redskins” 1977 Football Schedule, Championships, Bowl Appearances, Cradle of Coaches
30. Miami University Cradle of Coaches 1978 Football Schedule and 1978-79 Basketball Schedule
31. Last Game at Miami Field November 6, 1982
32. Miami Redskins Football Schedule 1988
33. "The Game" Miami v. Cincinnati, September 24, 1988 12:30 pm Yager Stadium Oxford, Ohio (3 Copies)
34. Miami Football Schedule 1994
35. Miami Redhawks Football 1999 Schedule
36. Miami Redhawks Football 2005
37. Miami Football Schedule 2012
38. Mid American Conference Wrestling Championships - 1964
a. Arnie Saferstein, Ron Masonic, Larry Janis, Coach Joe Galat, John Schael, Paul Sammis, Denny Mlod, Mike Dane, Stan, Trecker, Tim Stein, Buddy Young, Ron Percinski, Jay Black
39. Miami University Wrestling March 3-4 1967 – Swimming Match 9-11 1967
40. Mid American Conference Wrestling Championships - 1968
a. Wally Podgurski, John Sustersic, Terry Faulk, Steve Craycraft, Lynn Stuart, Tom Duck, Mickey Goldman, Alex Berger, Bill Beacham, Coach Joe Galat, Greg Ware, Cecil Sallee, Asst. Coach John Schael, George Graf, Pete Sleeper, Dick Savidge, Ron Sheer
41. “Wanted Dead or Alive” Miami University Wrestling Schedule 1987-88
42. 1990 MAC Wrestling Championship Miami University Wrestling Schedule
43. “Guarding the Gold” Miami University Wrestling Schedule 1991-1992 (2 Copies)
44. “Burying the Competition” Miami University Wrestling Schedule 1992-1993 (21 Copies)
45. “The Grateful Red” Miami University Wrestling Schedule 1995 (3 Copies)
46. “Building An Empire” Miami University Wrestling Schedule 1993-1994 (8 Copies)
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University General Events Posters; 2006-;
Posters Drawer 3 Miami University General Events Posters [middle]
1. ‘Wish You Happy Diwali”
2. Petition for the Rights of Future Generations The Cousteau Society
3. Miami Student Poster with Graphics, n.d.
4. Miami Student Poster with Graphics, n.d.
5. Women in the Lab from Then to Now
6. Miami University Health Services Alcohol Poster
7. I am Miami Posters
8. I am Miami Code of Love and Honor
9. Miami University Archives Records Retention Center with Former University Archivist
10. Enrico Fermi Poster
11. Miami University Convocation Speaker Barbara Ehrenreich August 25, 2003 (10 Copies)
12. Miami Class of 2006 Photo
13. A Century of the School of Education and Allied Professions Rededication of McGuffey and Phillips Halls April 21, 2007
14. King Library ‘READ’ Miami University Libraries and MUL Diversity Cluster Poster, n.d.
15. Celebrating 10 Years of Global Rhythms Calendar 2008
16. Oxford Calendar 2009-2010
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Student Affairs Posters;
Posters Drawer 4 Miami University Student Affairs [middle]
1. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Zoology Club
2. Miami Students Making History: The Miami Student est 1826
3. Miami Students Making History: InterFraternity Council est 1833
4. Miami Students Making History: Catholic Campus Ministry est 1853
5. Miami Students Making History: Recensio est 1893
6. Miami Students Making History: Panhellenic Association est 1909
7. Miami Students Making History: Associated Student Government est 1909
8. Miami Students Making History: Association for Women Students est 1912-1974
9. Miami Students Making History: Kappa Delta Phi est 1922
10. Miami Students Making History: Dance Theater est 1933
11. Miami Students Making History: Association of Jewish Students est 1944
12. Miami Students Making History: Astronomy Club est 1948
13. Miami Students Making History: Alpha Phi Omega est 1948
14. Miami Students Making History: National Pan-Hellenic Council est 1949
15. Miami Students Making History: Pi Delta Phi est 1949
16. Miami Students Making History: Society of Women Engineers est 1950
17. Miami Students Making History: Marlins Synchronized Swim Club est 1953
18. Miami Students Making History: Program Board est 1957
19. Miami Students Making History: National Residence Hall Honorary est 1965
20. Miami Students Making History: Circle K est 1966
21. Miami Students Making History: Cords est 1968
22. Miami Students Making History: Miami University’s Luxembourg Campus est 1968
23. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Student FOundation est 1972
24. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Gospel Singers est 1972
25. Miami Students Making History: Campus Activity Council est 1973
26. Miami Students Making History: Association for Women Students (AWS) est 1974-Present
27. Miami Students Making History: Pi Sigma Epsilon est 1975
28. Miami Students Making History: Handball Club est 1976
29. Miami Students Making History: Charter Day Ball est 1976
30. Miami Students Making History: Microbiology Club est 1978
31. Miami Students Making History: TAPPI est 1980
32. Miami Students Making History: M.U.C.T.M est 1982
33. Miami Students Making History: Students for Peace and Justice est 1984
34. Miami Students Making History: Chamber Singers est 1987
35. Miami Students Making History: First Miami Student Credit Union est 1988
36. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Rowing Club est 1988
37. Miami Students Making History: Habitat for Humanity est 1988
38. Miami Students Making History: Spectrum est 1989
39. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Student Dietetic Association est 1990
40. Miami Students Making History: Association of Latin and American Students est 1992
41. Miami Students Making History: Alpha Kappa Psi est 1995
42. Miami Students Making History: Miami Business Consulting est 1996
43. Miami Students Making History: National Science Teachers Association est 1996
44. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Fencing Club est 1999
45. Miami Students Making History: On Campus for Cancer Awareness est 2000
46. Miami Students Making History: Art and Architectural History Association est 2000
47. Miami Students Making History:Redfins Swim Club est 2000
48. Miami Students Making History: National Society of Professional Engineers est 2001
49. Miami Students Making History: Primatology Club est 2001
50. Miami Students Making History: Men Against Rape and Sexual Assult est 2001
51. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Model United Nations est 2002
52. Miami Students Making History: Martial Arts Club est 2003
53. Miami Students Making History: HAWKS peer Health Educators est 2003
54. Miami Students Making History: Green Oxford est 2004
55. Miami Students Making History: Best Buddies est 2004
56. Miami Students Making History: The Walking Theatre Project est 2004
57. Miami Students Making History: Redhawk Racking est 2005
58. Miami Students Making History: Much and So est 2005
59. Miami Students Making History: Students for Staff est 2005
60. Miami Students Making History: Red Alert est 2005
61. Miami Students Making History: Red Alert est 2005
62. Miami Students Making History: Interfaith Circle est 2005
63. Miami Students Making History: Classics Club est 2006
64. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Foreign Language Association est 2006
65. Miami Students Making History: American Society of Engineers est 2006
66. Miami Students Making History: Art Museum Student Association est 2006
67. Miami Students Making History: Academic Team est 2006
68. Miami Students Making History: Ambassadors for Children est 2006
69. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Paintball Club est 2006
70. Miami Students Making History: Miami University Club Football est 2007
71. Miami Students Making History: SALCE est 2007
72. Miami Students Making History: Secular Students of Miami est 2007
73. Miami Students Making History: Napali Association at Miami est 2007
74. Miami Students Making History: Miami Book Club est 2007
75. Miami Students Making History: First Book est 2007
76. Miami Students Making History:Latin American Graduate Student Association est 2007
77. Miami Students Making History: Tau Beta Pi est 2008
78. CAC Info Nights Poster, n.d.
79. Campus Activities Council Recruitment “CAC Wants You!”, Feb 16th
80. Student Activities Fair ‘ Don’t Just Sit There--Do Something!” September 14 and 15
81. Campus Activities Council Info Nights, Sept 14 and 15
82. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Informational Meeting November 5 7:00pm
83. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Informational Meeting Nov. 8th
84. Miami Students Making History: Campus Activities Council 1973
85. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Meetings Schedule October 23 1991
86. Student Activities Fair September 1992
87. Campus Activities Council Recruitment February 25, 1992 (2 copies)
88. Campus Activities Council Fall Recruitment 1995
89. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Meetings Schedule February 10, 2008
90. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Meetings Schedule February 10, 2008
91. Campus Activities Council Recruitment Meetings Schedule February 10, 2008
92. 3rd Annual Greek Leadership Conference
93. 7th Annual Greek Leadership Conference
94. 11th Annual Breast Cancer Banquet Presented by Zeta Tau Alpha and Program Board
95. Anti-Hazing Poster
96. Coming Out of the Dark: A Story of How Trump Came from Tragedy Andrea Fuller Cooper
97. Delta Tau Delta Commincoation, Sxuality and Relationships Lecture with Dr. James Gibson
98. Fraternity Spring Rush
99. Gender Issues in the Workplace: Past Present and Future
100. Greek Life At Miami University: An Ongoing Tradition
101. Hazing and C.H.U.C.K Eileen Stevens
102. Higher Education: A Right or a Privilege
103. The Miami Model for Greek Excellence
104. Tuesdays with Morrie: Lessons for Living featuring Mitch Albom
105. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
106. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
107. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
108. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
109. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
110. What in the World Were They Thinking? Greek Founders Poster
111. Greek Leadership COnference March 9th
112. Sing Out Against Racism April 21
113. “Eaten Alive” Dramatic Presentation November 5
114. Women’s Leadership Series: Speaker Joan Fox November 10
115. Death by Hazing Eileen Stevens Speaks dec 7th
116. Fraternity and Sorority Rush 1994
117. Miami University’s Human Dignity Series 1995
118. Fraternity and Sorority Rush 1996
119. Fraternity and Sorority Rush 1997
120. Meet the Interfraternity Council 1997
121. Greek Life at Miami University A-Z 1997
122. Warrior’s Report Phi Kappa Tau Beta Chapter Spring 1997
123. 5th Annual Greek Leadership Conference March 2, 1997
124. Greek Week Alert Sept 1997
125. Greek Values Society Spring 1998
126. 6th Annual Greek Leadership COnference March 1, 1998
127. Greek Update Fall 1998
128. Teleconference Greek Life and Higher Education Collaborating to Build a Culture of Learning October 26, 1998
129. Take Back the Night November 16, 1998
130. Fraternity and Sorority Rush 1998
131. Fraternity and Sorority Rush 1999
132. The Travelers Guide to Greek Life 1999
133. Warriors Report Phi Kappa Tau Beta Chapter Spring 1999
134. Miami and Greeks: A Look Behind, A Look Ahead November 2 1999
135. The Greek update 1999
136. Rush 2000
137. Classroom 2000
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Performing and Visual Arts Posters;
Posters Drawer 5 Miami University Performing and Visual ArtsPosters [middle]
1. Miami University Choraliers, nd
2. Miami University Choraliers, nd
3. Miami University Men’s Glee Club,nd
4. Miami University Men’s Glee Club, nd
5. Miami University Men’s Glee Club, nd
6. Miami University Choraliers, nd
7. Concert in Song Choraliers and Men’s Glee Club
8. Concert in Song Choraliers and Men’s Glee Club (german)
9. Miami Music Department Collegiate Chorale Schedule, nd
10. Miami Music Department Collegiate Chorale Schedule, nd
11. Tryouts for Miami Music Organizations, nd
12. Tryouts for Miami Music Organizations, nd
13. Miami University Graduate Students of Color Association Presents: Common Threads: Weaving the Experience of People of Color
14. Performing Arts Series: Denyce Graves January 28 (2 Copies)
15. Miami University Drawing, etc. By Victor Furth Feb 3-7
16. Performing Arts Series: Porgy and Bess February 21 (2 Copies)
17. Miami University Creative Arts Council 'The Marx Brothers' February 21st
18. Arts at Miami 'Venus' February 27 - March 3
19. Suffragettes in Silent Cinema A Documentary by Kay Sloam March 1st
20. Art Education Speaker Elliot Eisner March 7th
21. Miami University Theatre 'The Boys Next Door' March 27 - April 6
22. Miami University Theatre Department of Theatre and Communication The Diviners April 12-14 and 19-21
23. Concert Board and Performing Arts Series Presents: Lupe Fiasco April 19th
24. Miami University Campus Activities Board Concert Board and Tech Board Charlie Daniels Band April 23rd
25. Concert Board of Creative Arts Council Doug Henning, May 13th
26. Summer Theatre at the Village Playhouse 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamCoat' July 11 - 28
27. Miami University A Graphic Design Show Hiestand Gallery September 16-23
28. Program Board and Alumni Affairs Presents: MoTown Review October 10
29. Program Board and Concert Board Present: The Samples October 12
30. Miami University Campus Activities Council National Touring Company of Second City October 31
31. Matuschka Presents Take Back Your Body November 3
32. Miami University Art Faculty Show November 13-December 2
33. Men in Song November 16th
34. Men in Song November 16th
35. Dance Theatre December 4 and 5
36. Miami University Glee Club 16th Annual Tour 1922
37. Miami University Artist Series Nicolai Geda March 7, 1965
38. Miami University Choraliers in Concert Nov 13, 1970
39. Miami University A Concert of Christmas Music Dec 6, 1970
40. Chorialiers, Men's Glee Club, Miami Symphony Orchestra in Concert Orff “Carmina Burana” March 5, 1971
41. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
42. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
43. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
44. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
45. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
46. Miami University Concert in Song Men’s Glee Club And Choraliers 1973
47. Miami University Men in Song Men’s Glee Club May 4, 1973
48. Concert in Song Choraliers and Men’s Glee Club (German) Sept 17, 1973
49. European Concert Tour 1973 Set 28, 1973 Choraliers and Men's Glee Club
50. European Concert Tour 1973 Set 28, 1973 Choraliers and Men's Glee Club
51. The Choraliers November 9, 1973
52. The Choraliers Men's Glee Club and Chamber Chorale March 3, 1974
53. Carl Orff Carmina Burana – The Choraliers Men’s Glee Club Chamber Chorale Symphony Orchestra May 3, 1974
54. Carl Orff Carmina Burana – The Choraliers Men’s Glee Club Chamber Chorale Symphony Orchestra May 3, 1974
55. Miami University Music Department Presents Haydn's Paukenmesse [ Mass in Time of War] May 31, 1974
56. Miami University Music Department Presents Haydn's Paukenmesse [ Mass in Time of War] May 31, 1974
57. Miami University Summer Theatre ‘74 Summer Season
58. Men’s Glee Clubs of Miami University and University of Cincinnati Nov 14, 1975
59. Miami University Artist Series The Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig October 31, 1978
60. Miami University Artist Series 1978-1979 David Bar-Illan January 25, 1979
61. Concert Board Presents A Flock of Seagulls April 7th, 1989
62. Miami University Artist Series 1979-1980 Ballet Repertory Company November 6, 1979
63. Miami University Artist Series 1979-1980 Jerome Lowenthal
64. Miami University Concert Board Linda Ronstadt with Danny Kortchmar April 4, 1980
65. Miami University Artist Series 1981-1982 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Sept. 27
66. Miami University Art Museum Buckminster Fuller January 15-February 27, 1983
67. Miami University Art Museum Eisenstaedt Germany September 3-October 16 1983
68. Men’s Glee Club Fall Concert November 16, 1984
69. Men’s Glee Club Spring Concert March 8, 1985
70. Songs of Triumph March 28, 1985
71. Miami University Symphony Orchestra April 19, 1985
72. Miami University Glee Club Oct 31, 1986
73. Festival of Holiday Music Dec 7, 1986
74. 80th Anniversary Year Miami University Glee Club June 13, 1987
75. 80th Anniversary Year Miami University Glee Club June 13, 1987
76. Miami University Performing Arts Series Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra October 4, 1987
77. Miami University Glee Club Fall Concert Nov 13, 1987
78. Bound For Glory Men’s Glee Club Spring Concert April 8, 1988
79. Men’s Glee Club Fall Concert Nov 11, 1988
80. A Festival of Holiday Music December 4, 1988
81. Concert Board Presents: The Smithereens December 12, 1989
82. Miami Concert Board and Black Greek Council Present: A Tribe Called Quest and Steptacular II A Lesson in Steppin April 25, 1992
83. Performing Arts Series 1992-93 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Sept 20, 1992
84. Miami University Performing Arts Series 1992-93 Krasnoyarsk Siberia Dance Company February 4, 1993
85. V Day The Vagina Monologues February 19, 1999
86. Performing Arts Series: Madame Butterfly March 24, 2000 (3 Copies)
87. Sovereign Stories: A Film Series Exploring Contemporary Native America January 10-February 28, 2006
88. The Oxford String Quartet March 30 2006
89. Talking Back: An Exhibit on American Indian Literary Activism March 1-May 31, 2006
90. The F Word – Feminists Working on Real Democracy: The Vagina Monologues February 4 and 5th, 2017
91. The F Word – Feminists Working on Real Democracy: V Day The Vagina Monologues February 4 and 5th, 2017
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Lectures Posters;
Posters Drawer 6 Miami University Lectures Posters [middle]
1.Miami University Student Foundation Get on the Road to Success January 29 and 30
2. CAC, ASG, and MARS Presents Dr. Drew Pinsky February 8
3. CAC Lecture Board Leon Bing February 22
4. First Year Interactions of Campus Activities Council John Gray Hatred Does it Exist in You? March 1
5. CC Lecture Board and Innovative Productions Phyllis Frelich Signs of Understanding March 31
6. CAC Lecture Board Danny Sugarman April 6
7. First Year Interactions of CAC Dr Judy Kuriansky Sex in the ‘90s April 12
8. College of Arts and Science Scholar in Residence John G Kemeny March 26-29, 1975
9. History Department Presents “1986 McCellen Lecture Professor Charles Alexander Ohio University on Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth Heros in Contrast,” April 15, 1986
10. Miami Marketing Enterprises Presents The Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie The Motivational Program for the Eighties February 5, 1987
11. CAC Lecture Board RillingStone PJ O’Rourke Troubled Tourist Holidays in Hell October 6, 1988
12. CAC Lecture Board Norman Solomon Fernald December 6, 1988
13. Lecture Board CAC A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live Jeff Weingrad February 2, 1989
14. CAC Lecture Board Sarah Weddington The Constitutional Implications of Roe v Wade: Will the Bush Administration Overturn this Landmark Ruling February 15, 1989 (2 copies)
15. “To Be Young, Gifted, and Black” Conrad X. Tillard February 21, 1989
16., From the 60s to the 90s Alternative Visions of Racial Justice (25th Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project) March 31- April 1, 1989
17. Lecture Board and Innovative Productions: These are the Days of our Lives March 28, 1989
18. Lecture Board and Innovative Productions: A Day in the Life of America and the Soviet Union March 28, 1989
19. Lecture Board and Innovative Productions: A Day in the Life of America and the Soviet Union March 28, 1989
20. Lecture Board and Innovative Productions: A Day in the Life of America March 28, 1989
21. CAC Lecture Board KRS-ONE “Edutainment” Kris Parker February 20, 1991
22. CAC Innovative Productions Arun Gandhi Relevance of Non-Violence Today October 27, 1991
23. CAC Lecture Board Juan Wiliams November 5, 1991
24. The Politics of Sexuality: A Question of Rights 3 Day conference to Examine Sexuality and Oppression Andrea Dworkin April 2-4, 1993
25. Gender and Violence Interdisciplinary Symposium Changing the Way We Think About Battering Ann Jones February 26, 1999
26. 2001 Black History Celebration Kathy Wade: In Concert “The First Voice of a New Era” March 22, 2001
27. The American and World Culture Speakers Series Mwelwa Musambachime Zambia’s Role in Peacemaking Africa: The Cases of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo October 18, 2001
28. Department of Political Science and FInch Lecture Cowardly Lions: Missed Opportunities to Prevent Deadly Conflict and State Collapse I. William Zartman April 15, 2002
29. Department of Political Science Finch Lecture on World Affairs The Contradictions of American Democracy a View from Europe Anthony King April 10, 2003
30. Senior Class 2003 Last Lecture Joseph Tyler III and Dr. Phillip R. Shriver April 22, 2003 (2 Copies)
31. Department of Political Science Finch Lecture on World Affairs Does Bush have a Middle East Strategy William B. Quandt April 15, 2004
32. Department of Political Science and the International Studies Program Legacies of Violence Lessons from Rwanda South Africa Mozambique Helena Cobban April 16, 2004
33. The State and Judiciary Thomas Mayer March 31, 2005
34. Department of Political Science Preventing Nuclear Terrorism April 8, 2005
35. The O’Hara Lecture Series on Law and Politics and the Department of Political Science Dr. Stanley Greenberg “Leadership and Popular Opinion September 28, 2005
36. Books and Ballots: The Value of Information in a Democratic Society March 30, 2006
37. O’Hara Lecture Series on Law and Politics and the Department of Political Science From Philadelphia to Baghdad: The Declaration of Independence and the World Charles Kelser February 22, 2007
38. Political Science Department The Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Democracy William Galston April 17, 2007
39. Department of Political Science Finch Lecture The Dueling Impact of Iraq and Terrorism or US National Security and Foreign Policy April 25, 2007
40. CAC Lecture Board MSNBC Tucker Carlson Lecture March 12, 2008
41. Miami University Women’s Center Women’s Leadership and Male Ally Award Nominations 2009
42. Miami Veritas Lecture Series and the O’Hara Lecture in Law and Politics Dr Peter Augustine Lawler Freedom, Dignity, and Democracy in America: Implications for Public Policy March 26, 2009
43. Parents Council Presents International Women’s Health Exhibition and Forum September 22, 2009 (Printed in Chinese)
44. Freedom and Despotism The Contradictory Legacy of Haiti’s Revolution Professor Robert Fatton Jr. April 14, 2010
45. JANUS Forum Kristol and RIchardson The Role of the US in the World October 20, 2013
46. Celebrating Global Sisterhood Dr. Tammy Kernodle March 10, 2015 (4 Copies)
47. Genocide and Holocaust Education Program Ellen Kennedy Never Again Must Mean Never September 30, 2015
48. Celebrating Global Sisterhood Dr. Roxanne Ornelas Belonging and Equality: Women Rise and Organize March 7, 2017
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Campus Events Posters;
Posters Drawer 7 Miami University Campus Events Posters [middle]
1. Native American Program Events, nd
2. Native American Program Events, nd
3. The Body Project Workshop
4. Cooked Out Jyve Theory
5. CAC Hollywood Homecoming
6. Miami Regatta CAC Homecoming
7. Miami Homecoming
8. Miami Homecoming “It’s Tradition”
9. Miami Homecoming “It’s Tradition”
10. CAC Kids Fest ‘Party Under The Big Top’
11. CAC ‘Come Clown Around The Ice SibFest’
12. CAC Miami’s Magic Kingdom Kidsfest ‘
13. Program Board College Bowl The Varsity Sport of the Mind February
14. World Hijab Day Booth and Panel February 1 (2 Copies)
15. CAC Innovative Productions and Black Student Action Assoc. Africa Fest February 7
16. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Pepé Le Pew)
17. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Pilot Snoopy)
18. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th(Daffy Duck)
19. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Speedy Gonzales)
20. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Scooby Doo)
21. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Charlie Brown and Lucy Football)
22. SAM Presents: Faculty Feud Business Competition and Talent Show February 9th (Donald Duck)
23. Campus Activities Council Innovative Productions ‘Fun Flicks Totally Interactive Video’ March 27
24. A Day in the Life of the Soviet Union A Day in the Life of America March 28
25. 27 Annual Tour Mills Bros. 3 Ring Circus Oxford Circus Showgrounds June 27th
26. CAC Harlan Cohen August 29
27. Andrea Lusford 'Writing in the College Years: The Stanford Study of Writing by Students in All Majors' Septemebr 23
28. Ernst Nature Community Theatre October 6
29. Miami University Homecoming Carnival October 9-11
30. Homecoming Weekend Dan Ahdoot October 9
31. Molefio Asante 'Using Writing to Improve Students' Thinking and Reasoning Powers' October 27
32. Miami Program Board Gleek Out November 2
33. CAC Innovative Productions American Pictures November 8
34. CAC Innovative Productions A Holiday Tribute to Dr Seuss December 8
35. Miami University Homecoming 1972
36. 'Thanks for the Memories' Parent's Weekend 1980
37. Miami University Charter Day Concert David Bean Artist In Residence February 19, 1981
38. Parents Weekend 1983 ‘Our Past Presents and Future We Share with You’
39. 1984 Lil’ Sibs Committee of CAC “Sibs Celebrate Good Times’
40. Parents Weekend A Family Affair U Won’t 4-get! 1985
41. Late Night at Miami University, 1987
42. Innovative Productions Presents Alex Harris Witness to Apartheid October 25, 1988
43. There's No Place like Home Miami University Homecoming, 1988
44. Experience Our World, Parents Weekend, 1988
45. Parents Weekend Experience out world Concert Board Presents 5th Dimension and the Kingston Trio November 12, 1988
46. Living the Dream/Let Freedom Ring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Observance January 16-20, 1989
47. Campus Activities Council Making Tracks to Miami All Aboard the PArents Express Parents Weekend ‘89
48. Campus Activities Council Sibs on Safari 1989
49. Innovative Productions of CAC The Second City Touring Company April 21, 1989
50. Miami Parents Weekend 1990: A World Premiere
51. Timeless Reflections Charter Day Ball March 9, 1991 (Photo Collage)(2 Copies)
52. Timeless Reflections Charter Day Ball March 9, 1991 (Drawing)
53. Circus of Sibs The Greatest Weekend on Earth, 1991
54. Parents Weekend 1991 Painting the Town Red!
55. “Unity Fest 91” A Celebration of Diversity September 21, 1991
56. Campus Activities Council Nintendo Campus Challenge April 27-28, 1992
57. Red White and You Homecoming, 1992
58. Campus Activities Council Kidsfest, 1992
59. KidsFest 1993: Where the Wild Things Are
60. Campus Activities Council University Travel and Resource Spring Break ‘93 “Make a Run for the Sun”
61. Campus Activities Council Miami Homecoming 1996 Legends of the Fall
62. Parents Weekend Family Ties Under Miami Skies, 1996
63. Native American Heritage Month, 1996
64. Piecing Together the Fabric of Women’s Lives Women’s Her-story-Ourstory Month, 1997
65. Piecing Together the Fabric of Women’s Lives Women’s Her-story-Ourstory Month, 1997
66. Telling the Native Story native american indian heritage month November, 1997
67. Living the Legacy of Women’s Rights Women’s Her-story-Ourstory Month, 1998
68. Miami University Awesome Celebrate Diversity April 1-9, 1998
69. Native American Programs 1998-99
70. Celebrating Women’s History Month Women Putting our Story Stamp on America, 1999
71. Miami University COncert BOard Bill Cosby November 3, 1999
72. Native American Programming at Miami University, Spring 2005
73. Beyond Red Power: New perspectives on American Indian Politics and Culture, 2006
74. CAC First Year Opportunities 2007 Winter Mega Fair, January 27
75. Miami Parents Weekend 2006
76. A Century of the School of Education and Allied Professions Rededication of McGuffey and Phillips Halls April 21, 2007
77. Center for American and World Cultures Spring 2007 Series Intersecting Lives: Globalization in Diversity in the 21st Century
78. 5th Latin American and Caribbean Festival September 7, 2007
79. CAC 1Nation2Worlds November 7, 2007
80. Don’t Siesta, Spring Fiesta! Spring Fest 2008
81. Movie Night on Central Quad October 21, 2008
82. Family Weekend 2008 Jay Leno, October 4
83. Red Brick Rally May 8 2009
84. Bicentennial Family Weekend 2009 Bill Cosby October 3
85. Miami University Bicentennial Homecoming 2009
86. Campus Activities Council kidsfest 2009
87. Spring Fest 2009
88. Red Brick Rally May 7, 2010
89. Spring Fest CAC 2010
90. 2015 Convocation Keynote Speakers Andrew Eninger and Rachel Miller (2 Copies)
91. Late Night Miami Spring 2015
92. Late Night Miami Spring 2016
93. 16th Annual Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Symposium -- Alice Bag February 17, 2017
94. Horizon Graduation May 12, 2017
95. CraftSummer Summer Workshops 2017
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Lecture Series Posters;
Posters Drawer 8 Miami University Lecture Series Posters [middle]
1. Miami Lecture Series: Ambassador Abba Eban ‘The Prospects for Peace in the Middle East’ September 5, 1977
2. Miami Lecture Series: Howard K Smith ‘ The Changing Challenge to America: Today’s News in Perspective’ April 4, 1978
3. Miami Lecture Series: Clarence M. Kelley ‘Terrorism and Kidnapping’ September 12, 1978
4. Miami Lecture Series: Carl Bernstein ‘ The American Press After Watergate’ October 26 1978
5. Miami Lecture Series: William F. Buckley, jr. ‘Some of the Problems of Freedom’ November 14, 1978
6. Miami Lecture Series: William A. Leonard ‘Is There Television After Death?’ March 29, 1979
7. Miami Lecture Series: Bella Abzug April 10, 1979
8. Miami Lecture Series: Ed Bradley September 11, 1979
9. Miami Lecture Series: Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden ‘Critical Issues Facing America as it Heads into the 80s’ October 23, 1979
10. Miami Lecture Series: Joseph Heller October 30, 1979
11. Miami Lecture Series: William Shawcross ‘The Holocaust in Cambodia’ March 6, 1980
12. Miami Lecture Series: Alexander Ginzburg ‘The Human Rights Struggle in the Soviet Union’ April 15, 1980
13. Miami Lecture Series: Andrew Young October 8, 1980
14. Miami Lecture Series: Mercedes McCambridge ‘Personal Saga of Courage in the Face of Alcoholism' November 5, 1980
15. Miami Lecture Series: John T. Malloy ‘Dress for Success’ February 3 1981
16. Miami Lecture Series: Kathryn L. Koob April 6, 1981
17. Miami Lecture Series: Betty Williams: ‘Can There Be Peace in Northern Ireland?’ October 12, 1981
18. Miami Lecture Series: Coretta Scott King ‘Major Challenges for the 80s: Eliminating Poverty, Racism, and Violence’ November 30, 1981
19. Miami Lecture Series: Mike Peters ‘Confessions of an Editorial Cartoonist’ February 8, 1982
20. Miami Lecture Series: Jean-Michel Cousteau ‘Underwater Jungle Law’ March 2, 1982 (2 copies)
21. Miami Lecture Series: Michael Manley ‘The Third World’ November 16, 1982
22. Miami Lecture Series: Jeff Greenfield ‘Politics in the Age of Mass Media’ March 8, 1983
23. Miami Lecture Series: Albert Hague ‘Fame: From Professor to Albert Hague: Converting Your Education into a Livelihood’ April 12, 1983
24. Miami Lecture Series: Frances Fitzgerald ‘Cultural Dimensions of American Foreign Policy’ November 1, 1983
25. Miami Lecture Series: Christine Craft ‘Television News and Show Business’ March 12, 1984
26. Miami Lecture Series: Richard Reeves ‘1984: The Year of Voting Dangerously’ November 14, 1984
27. Miami Lecture Series: Joshua Logan ‘The Theater with Josua Logan’ February 13, 1985
28. Miami Lecture Series: Anne Burford ‘Inside the EPA’ April 9, 1985
29. Miami Lecture Series: Judith Crist ‘Mad About the Movies’ October 8, 1985
30. Miami Lecture Series: Simon Wiesenthal 'Murderers Among Us: Consequences of the Holocaust’ November 13, 1985
31. Miami Lecture Series: Ralph Nader ‘Consumer Issues of the 80s’ April 9 1986
32. Miami Lecture Series: Dr. Joyce Brothers ‘Unlocking Your Hidden Powers-The Key to Success’ October 21, 1986 (Poster and program)
33. Miami Lecture Series: Dumisani Kumalo and Donald Woods ‘Personal Experiences in South Africa’ February 4, 1987
34. Miami Lecture Series: Tom Wolfe ‘An Evening with the Author’ April 14, 1987 (Poster and program)
35. Miami Lecture Series: Henry G. Cisneros ‘ Survival of the American Cities in the 1980s’ September 22, 1987
36. Miami Lecture Series: Gloria Steinem ‘Women of the Eighties: The Second Wave’ October 12, 1987 (Poster and program)
37. Miami Lecture Series: Dale Van Atta ‘ Scandals, Scoundrels, and Saints: News Behind the Headlines’ March 1, 1988 (Poster and program)
38. Miami Lecture Series: John Kenneth Galbraith ‘An Evening with John Kenneth Galbraith’ April 7, 1988 (Poster and program)
39. Miami Lecture Series 1988-1989 Schedule
40. Miami Lecture Series: Mike Farrell ‘ An Exchange of Views’ September 27, 1988 (Poster and program)
41. Miami Lecture Series: Shirley Chisholm ‘Of Course Women Dare’ November 1, 1988
42. Miami Lecture Series: Richard E. Leakey ‘The Origins of Mankind’ February 13, 1989
43. Miami Lecture Series: Kurt Vonnegut ‘How to Get a Job Like Mine’ March 29, 1989
44. Miami Lecture Series: Susan Sontag ‘Illness as Metaphor’ October 10, 1989 (Program and Card)
45. Miami Lecture Series: Frank Borman ‘The Future of Aviation’ November 7, 1989 (Poster and card)
46. Miami Lecture Series: Cicely Tyson ‘A Tribute to the Civil Rights Movement’ March 6, 1990 (Poster and program)
47. Miami Lecture Series 1990-1991 Schedule
48. Miami Lecture Series: William Rusher and Nat Hentoff ‘A 1st Amendment Debate’ October 3, 1990 (Program and card)
49. Miami Lecture Series: Elie Wisel ‘An Evening with Elie Wisel’ November 7, 1990 (Poster, program, and card)
50. Miami Lecture Series: Margaret Atwood ‘A Poet’s Voice-A Reading with Commentary’ February 5, 1991 (Poster and card)
51. Miami Lecture Series: Gary Shepard ‘Beijing, Baghdad, and Beyond’ April 15, 1991 (2 Copies)
52. Miami Lecture Series 1991-1992 Schedule (2 Copies)
53. Miami Lecture Series: Christie Hefner ‘Marketing in the 90s: Where are the Opportunities? Where are the Challenges?’ September 30, 1991
54. Miami Lecture Series: William F. Buckely, jr. ‘Reflections on Current Contentions’ November 6, 1991
55. Miami Lecture Series: Robert F. Kennedy, jr. ‘Our Environment Destiny’ February 24, 1992 (Poster and program)
56. Miami Lecture Series: Angela Y. Davis ‘Part 1: The Legacy of Columbus and the Future of South Africa’ March 6, 1992
57. Miami Lecture Series: William J. Bennet ‘Our Children and Our Country: Challenges to America in Education’ October 12, 1992 (Program)
58. Miami Lecture Series: Scott Turow ‘My Life in Letters’ November 11, 1992
59. Miami Lecture Series: Naomi Wolf March 9, 1993 (Program)
60. Miami Lecture Series 1993-1994 Schedule Pamphlet
61. Miami Lecture Series: Nadine Stossen ‘Controversies and the Constitution’ September 13, 1993 (Program)
62. Miami Lecture Series: Joseph Steffan ‘A Gay American Fights for the RIght to Serve His Country’ October 14, 1993 (Program)
63. Miami Lecture Series: Jean-Michael Coustaeu ‘Rediscovery of the World’ November 9, 1993 (Poster and program)
64. Miami Lecture Series: Jamie Escalante ‘Ganas: Desire to Learn is What Counts’ February 11, 1994
65. Miami Lecture Series 1994-1995 Schedule
66. Miami Lecture Series 1994-1995 Schedule Pamphlet
67. Miami Lecture Series: Edward James Olmos ‘We’re All in the Same Gang’ September 20, 1994 (Program)
68. Miami Lecture Series: Randall Robinson ‘US Foreign Policy in Haiti’ October 26, 1994 (Program)
69. Miami Lecture Series: Dr. Jane Kilbourne ‘ Deadly Persuasion: Advertising and Addiction’ November 14, 1994
70. Miami Lecture Series: Wendy Wasserstein ‘A Life in the Theater’ February 28, 1995 (Program)
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Lecture Series Posters;
Posters Drawer 9 Miami University Lecture Series Posters [middle]
1. Miami Lecture Series: Linda Chaves and Julianne Malveaux ‘Debate on Affirmative Action’ September 27, 1995
2. Miami Lecture Series: Greg Louganis ‘Breaking the Surface’ November 9, 1995 (Card)
3. Miami Lecture Series: Captain James Lovell ‘Apollo 13: A Successful Failure’ February 13, 1996 (Program and card)
4. Miami Lecture Series: Dr. M. Joyce Elders ‘The Future of Healthcare Reform’ March 11, 1996 (Card)
5. Miami Lecture Series: Martin Fitzwater ‘The 1996 Elections’ April 10, 1996
6. Miami Lecture Series 1996-1997 Schedule
7. Miami Lecture Series: Ralph Nader and Richard Thornburgh ‘Consumer vs. Corporate America-Who’s Got the Power?’ November 18, 1996 (2 Copies)
8. Miami Lecture Series: George Stephanopoluos ‘A View From Washington’ March 4, 1997
9. Miami Lecture Series: Dr. Robert Grant and Tim Riley ‘A Censorship Debate’ March 26, 1997
10. Miami Lecture Series 1997-1998 Schedule
11. Miami Lecture Series: Ronald Takai ‘A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America’ January 26, 1998
12. Miami Lecture Series 1998-1999 Schedule
13. Miami Lecture Series: Robert D. Ballard ‘Living the Dream: Deep Sea Exploration’ September 22, 1998
14. Miami Lecture Series: Karen Armstrong ‘A History of God’ November 2, 1998
15. Miami Lecture Series: Barry Scheck ‘ DNA Evidence: The Innocence Project’ January 26, 1999
16. Miami Lecture Series: Lech Walesa ‘Value and Its Role in Politics’ March 29, 1999
17. Miami Lecture Series 1999-2000 Schedule
18. Miami Lecture Series: Robin Roberts ‘A Celebration of Winning Women’ October 4, 1999
19. Miami Lecture Series: Ralph Reed ‘Values and Politics’ November 15, 1999
20. Miami Lecture Series: Morris Dees ‘Teaching Tolerance’ February 1, 2000
21. Miami Lecture Series: Jonathan Kozol ‘ Amazing Grace: Children and the Conscience of a Nation’ March 6, 2000 (Poster and program)
22. Miami Lecture Series: David Halberstam ‘The Culture of Celebrity’ April 3, 2000 (Card)
23. Miami Lecture Series 2000-2001 Schedule
24. Miami Lecture Series: Dick Morris ‘The Presidential Election and the Media’ September 27, 2000 (Poster and program)
25. Miami Lecture Series: Carlos Fuentes ‘US and Latin America: Sharing a Continent’ October 30, 2000 (Program)
26. Miami Lecture Series: Frank Deford and Carolyn Peck ‘Race, Title 9, and the State of Intercollegiate Athletics’ February 5, 2001 (2 Copies)
27. Miami Lecture Series: Branford Marsalis ‘Virtuosity and Excellence’ March 5, 2001 (Poster and program)
28. Miami Lecture Series: Pat Mitchell ‘Social Responsibility and Business’ April 2, 2001
29. Miami Lecture Series: Jean-Michael Cousteau ‘An Evening with Jean-Michael Cousteau’ October 1, 2001 (Poster and program)
30. Miami Lecture Series: Georgie Ann Geyer ‘Where is the World Going?’ November 5, 2001 (Poster and program)
31. Miami Lecture Series: Lani Guiner ‘Lift Every Voice’ January 24, 2002 (Poster and program)
32. Miami Lecture Series: Dave Barry ‘Higher Education: A Bad Idea or What?’ March 5, 2002 (Program and Poster)
33. Miami Lecture Series 2002-2003 Schedule
34. Miami Lecture Series: Meave Leakey 'Origins and Evolution: The Search and Discovery of How we Became Human’ October 14, 2002 (Program)
35. Miami Lecture Series: Cornel West ‘Race Matters’ January 23, 2003 (2 Copies)
36. Miami Lecture Series: Ben Stein “Better Than Ben Stein’s Money: An Evening with Ben Stein’ February 24, 2003 (Poster and program)
37. Miami Lecture Series: P.J. O’Rourke ‘All the Trouble in the World: If Things Have Been Going to Hell Forever, Why Haven’t They Gotten There Yet?’ September 30, 2003 (Program and poster)
38. Miami Lecture Series: Gloria Steinem ‘Feminism 101’ November 17, 2003
Poster and program
39. Miami Lecture Series: Ralph Nader and Alan Keyes ‘Our Future-Whom Should We trust?’ February 9, 2004
40. Miami Lecture Series: Caroll Spinney ‘The Wisdom of Big Bird and the Dark Genius of Oscar the Grouch: The Lessons from a Life in Feathers’ March 30, 2004 (Poster and Program)
41. Miami Lecture Series: Pat Buchanan and Andrew Cuomo ‘A Debate’ October 4, 2004 (Poster and program)
42. Miami Lecture Series: Edna Buchanan, Carol H. Clark, Matthew Pearl ‘Who Done It? An Evening of Murder, Mayhem, and Literature’ November 17, 2004 (Poster and program)
43. Miami Lecture Series: Paul Rusabagina ‘Hotel Rwanda: A Lesson Yet to be Learned’ February 23, 2005 (Poster and program)
44. Miami Lecture Series: Bob Woodward ‘From Deep Throat to Iraq’ September 26, 2005 (Poster and program)
45. Miami Lecture Series: Bebe Moore Campbell ‘Singing in the Comeback Choir’ November 14, 2005 (Poster and program)
46. Miami Lecture Series: Brandi Chastain and Rick Riley ‘Is Sport Still a Game? Sports in US Culture’ February 6, 2006
47. Miami Lecture Series: Helen Fisher ‘Why We Love’ March 6, 2006
48. Miami Lecture Series: Tom Daschle and Rod Paige ‘No Child Left Behind: Is It Making the Grade?’ October 16, 2006 (2 Copies)
49. Miami Lecture Series: Gregory Magurie ‘Wicked’ November 13, 2006 (Poster and program)
50. Miami Lecture Series: Kathy Reichs 'Forensic Anthropology: Crime Lab to Crime Fiction’ February 12, 2007 (Poster and program)
51. Miami Lecture Series: Bob Schieffer ‘From the Anchor’s Desk, Facing the Nation’ March 5, 2007 (Poster and program)
52. Miami Lecture Series: Dee Dee Meyers and Scott McClellan ‘The 2008 Presidential Election: An Insider’s View’ September 17, 2007 (Poster and program)
53. Miami Lecture Series: Daniel Kindlon and Rossalind Wiseman ‘Queen Bees or Alpha Girls: The State of Young Womanhood Today’ October 29, 2007
54. Miami Lecture Series: Dan Patrick ‘Athletes as Heroes: Are There No Role Models Anymore?’ February 11, 2008
55. Miami Lecture Series: James McBride ‘ Plain Talk: A Meditation on American Pop Culture’ March 31, 2008 (2 Copies)
56. Miami Lecture Series: Elisabeth Bumiller, Larry Wilmore, and John Zogby ‘Election 2008: How Race, Gender, and Age are Reshaping American Politics’ October 6, 2008 (Poster and program)
57. Miami Lecture Series: Jonathan Murray ‘Unscripted: The Real Story of Real World and Reality TV’ October 27, 2008 (Poster and program)
58. Miami Lecture Series: Dan Rather ‘ The First 100 Days’ February 23, 2009
59. Miami Lecture Series: Salman Rushdie ‘At What Cost Safety? Today’s Moral Compass’ March 23, 2009
60. Miami Lecture Series: Robert F. Kennedy ‘Our Environmental Destiny’ September 21, 2009 (Program and poster)
61. Miami Lecture Series: Selena Roberts and Drew Rosenhaus ‘Professional Sports: Are Fans the Losers?’ November 2, 2009 (Poster and program)
62. Miami Lecture Series: Cleve Jones ‘Harvey Milk, the AIDS Quilt, and Human Rights’ February 8, 2010 (Poster and program)
63. Miami Lecture Series: Edward James Olmos ‘Social Activism and Education: How We Become One Gang’ March 22, 2010 (Program and poster)
64. Miami Lecture Series: Jon Landau ‘From Titanic to Avatar: Where Technology is Taking Hollywood’ October 11, 2010 (Program and poster)
65. Miami Lecture Series: Adam Richman ‘Why We Eat, What We Eat, Where We Eat, and Why Culinary Anthropology Doesn’t Suck’ November 1, 2010 (Program and poster)
66. Miami Lecture Series: Bill Nye ‘Consider the Following: Let’s Get Cool with Science!’ January 31, 2011 (Program and poster)
67. Miami Lecture Series: Soledad O’Brien ‘Diversity on TV, Behind the Scenes, and in Our Lives’ April 4, 2011
68. Miami Lecture Series: Peter Bergen ‘10 Years Later: How 9/11 Changed America’s Place in the World’ September 12, 2011 (Program and poster)
69. Miami Lecture Series: Armen Keteyian ‘ Ethics Between the Lines: Is Integrity Gone From Sports?’ October 24, 2011 (2 Copies) (Program and poster)
70. Miami Lecture Series: Sanjay Gupta ‘ Medicine and Media: Reporting on War and Disaster’ January 30, 2012 (Program and poster)
71. Miami Lecture Series: Geoffrey Canada ‘Improving the Lives of Children, One Poor Child at a Time’ February 27, 2012 (2 Copies) (Poster and program)
72. Miami Lecture Series: Jerry Springer ‘Media Manipulation from the Master Manipulator’ September 24, 2012 (2 Copies)(Poster and program)
73. Becki Donatelli and Sam Graham-Felson ‘#Voting: Social Media and the 2012 Election’ October 15, 2012 (2 Copies)
74. Miami Lecture Series: Rick Steves ‘Europe Through the Back Door’ November 12, 2012 (2 Copies) (Poster and program)
75. Miami Lecture Series: Krista Tippett ‘On Bringing: Spirituality in Modern Times’ January 28, 2013 (Poster and program)
76. Miami Lecture Series: Neil deGrasse Tyson ‘Science as a Way of Knowing’ April 8, 2013 (2 Copies) (Program and poster)
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Concepts, Drawings, and Newspapers;
Posters Drawer 10 Miami University Concepts, Drawings, and Newspapers Posters [middle]
1. Concept Poster: ‘At Your Service Seven Days a Week’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
2. Concept Poster: ‘You Don’t Cook, You Don’t Clean, You Don’t Do Dishes’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
3. Concept Poster: ‘Make A Rune For the Best Deal in Town’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
4. Concept Poster: ‘Wait a Second, Time is Running Out’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
5. Concept Poster: ‘Why Shop for Apartment, Groceries, and Bathroom Tissue’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
6. Concept Poster: ‘Yes it is a Big Deal’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (large print)
7. Concept Poster: ‘Why Shop for Apartment, Groceries, and Bathroom Tissue’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (Black and White)
8. Concept Poster: ‘Why Shop for Apartment, Groceries, and Bathroom Tissue’ Housing, Dining, and Guest Services (in color)
9. Concept Poster: Housing Dining, and Guest Services (Black and White)
10. Concept Poster: Housing Dining, and Guest Services (in color )
11. Concept Poster: Housing Dining, and Guest Services (in color )
12. Concept Poster: ‘Residence Hall Living is a Big Deal’ Housing Dining, and Guest Services (Black and White)
13. Concept Poster: ‘Residence Hall Living is a Big Deal’ Housing Dining, and Guest Services (Black and White)
14. Concept Poster: ‘You Don’t Clean, You Don’t Cook, You Don’t Do Dishes’ Housing Dining, and Guest Services (in color)
15. “To Philip R Shriver…. With Sincere Best Wishes the Golden Knights”
16. Armstrong Student Center Renovation Plans
17. The Cincinnati Daily Vol. 82 March 24, 1869
18. The New York Journal of Commerce Vol 74 January 1 1870 (2 pages)
19. Clara Hutton ‘60 Collage
20. Biography of a University Edwin L. Fulwider, Poster
21. Miami University Admissions Department Spring 2002
Object Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Miami University Library Events;
Posters Drawer 11 Miami University Library Events Posters [middle]
1. Larry Clark ‘Miami Student Activism Then and Now: Reflections on the Black Student Action Association and Vietnam War Protests in 1970’ February 14 Cards (3 Copies)
2. Larry Clark ‘Miami Student Activism Then and Now: Reflections on the Black Student Action Association and Vietnam War Protests in 1970’ February 14 Poster (2 Copies)
3. Carl Westmoreland ‘Freedom Stations: The Educational and Historical Foundations of American Liberty’ February 28 Poster (3 Copies)
4. Carl Westmoreland ‘Freedom Stations: The Educational and Historical Foundations of American Liberty’ February 28 Card (2 Copies)
5. Carl Westmoreland ‘Freedom Stations: The Educational and Historical Foundations of American Liberty’ February 28 Large Poster
6. Dr. Carolyn Jefferson Jenkins ‘ The Power of Our Story’ March 12 Poster (4 Copies)
7. Dr. Carolyn Jefferson Jenkins ‘ The Power of Our Story’ March 12 Cards (2 Copies)
8. Valerie Edwards Elliot ‘History of Oxford College for Women’ March 14 Card (2 Copies)
9. Valerie Edwards Elliot ‘History of Oxford College for Women’ March 14 Large Poster
10. Dr. Naaborle Sackeyfio ‘Women’s Empowerment in the Global South and Why it Matters in the 21st Century March 19 Cards (2 Copies)
11. Dr. Naaborle Sackeyfio ‘Women’s Empowerment in the Global South and Why it Matters in the 21st Century March 19 Poster (2 Copies)
12. Robert Keller ‘Defining Memorials by their Design Concept’ April 11 Poster (2 Copies)
13. Robert Keller ‘Defining Memorials by their Design Concept’ April 11 Large Poster
14. Sheldon Anderson ‘ The Stella Walsh Story’ October 4 Poster (2 Copies)
15. Judith P. Zinsser and Masha Stepanova ‘Russian Ballet at Miami’ October 6 Poster (2 Copies)
16. Callie Batts Maddox Ph. D. ‘With Motion Full of Gentle Charm: Women’s Baseball of Western College and Miami University’ October 9 Poster (3 Copies)
17. Callie batts Maddox Ph. D. ‘With Motion Full of Gentle Charm: Women’s Baseball of Western College and Miami University’ October 9 Card (2 Copies)
18. Shardon Herbers, Ed. D ‘ The Challenges of Following the Steps of a Trailblazer’ October 11 Poster (2 Copies)
19. Nathan S. French and Isabelle G. Sistino ‘Speak out you Swine’ October 20 Poster (2 Copies)
20. S. Chandler Lighty ‘History Relevance and Archives Advocacy October 22
21. Robin Heise ‘The Value of Local Government Archives’ October 25 Poster
22. Robin Heise ‘The Value of Local Government Archives’ October 25 Card
23. Richard Oertel Ph.D. ‘Old Mail and Oxford’s Early Academic Community’ October 25
24. Stefanie Hilles ‘When Books Become Art: The history of the artist book as told through Miami University’s Special Collections’ October 29 Poster
25. Stefanie Hilles ‘When Books Become Art: The history of the artist book as told through Miami University’s Special Collections’ October 29 Card (4 Copies)
26. Bill Modrow ‘ Walter E. Havighurst: A Look at His Life and Legacy’ November 1 Poster (4 Copies)
27. 14th Annual African American Read-In February 3rd, 2003
28. Black History Month Celebration Schedule 2007
29. 20th Annual African American Read-In February 2nd, 2009
30. 20th Annual African American Read-In February 2nd, 2009
31. Miami University Archives “Who Are we?” 2009
32. 21st Annual African American Read-In February 22nd, 2010
33. 22nd Annual African American Read-In February 7th, 2011
34. 24th Annual African American Read-In February 20th, 2013
35. Ohio Archives Month Disaster in Ohio October 2013
36. 25th Annual African American Read-In February 26, 2014
37. Zeb Baker ‘Miami University and the Politics of Athletic Non-Discrimination,’ February 9, 2017
38. Zeb Baker 'Miami University and the Politics of Athletic Non-Discrimination,' February 9, 2017
39. Sharon M. Draper M.A. ‘History Becomes Story: Weaving Memories, Mint Juleps and Moonlight’ February 13, 2018 Poster
40. Sharon M. Draper M.A. ‘History Becomes Story: Weaving Memories, Mint Juleps and Moonlight’ February 13, 2018 Card
41. Sharon M. Draper M.A. ‘History Becomes Story: Weaving Memories, Mint Juleps and Moonlight’ February 13, 2018 Large Poster
42. A Symbiotic Affair: The Intricate Relationship of Art and Science Spring 2019
43. A Symbiotic Affair: Mussels: What Was/What Remains Spring 2019
44. A Symbiotic Affair: The Intricate Relationship of Art and Science Closing Event May 10, 2019
45. Stephanie Danker ‘Art and Activism: Looking Closer at Historical Documentary Photographs and Contemporary Imagery’ February 12, 2020 Poster (2 Copies)
46. Stephanie Danker ‘Art and Activism: Looking Closer at Historical Documentary Photographs and Contemporary Imagery’ February 12, 2020 Card (3 Copies)
47. ‘One World, Many Stories’ Children’s Literature Exhibition
48. Spring Lecture Series Presented by the Havighurst Special Collections February - April
49. King 50 Birthday Open House November 18, Black and White Image Student Sleeping
50. King 50 Birthday Open House November 18, Black and White Image Women Walking out of King
51. King 50 Birthday Open House November 18, Colored Image King in the Fall
52. King 50 Birthday Open House November 18, Colored Image King with Students Outside
53. Miami Memories of the University Libraries
- Creation: 1869 - 2020
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
13 Items
21 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Libraries -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Artifacts
- Campus Activities Council -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Choraliers -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- College sports
- Fraternities and Sororities
- Glee Club -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Lecture Series
- Newspapers--19th Century
- Parents Weekend
- Peabody Hall -- Buildings -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Performing Arts Series
- Pictures
- Plans
- Posters
- Student Affairs Council
- Object: Posters; "Peabody Hall Parlors" Plaque (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Pictorial Poster on Peabody Hall Renovation (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Integrative Curricular Programs Posters; 1982-85 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Guest Speakers: Creativity and Culture; 1982-91 and undated (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Guest Speakers: Social and Natural Systems Posters; 1983-85 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Special Co-Curricular Programs Posters; 1982-85 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Special Co-Curricular Programs Posters; 1984-97 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Performances in Leonard Theatre Posters; 1982-89 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Performances in Leonard Theatre Posters; 1988-2000 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Abby King Poster (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Chris Koenig Poster (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; "Glenn Miller Ave." Poster; 2000 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Poster for Re-Release of "The Glenn Miller Story" (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Willis Okech Poster (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Poster for Diane Rehm Visit; 2000 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Majida Saida Al-Hussam Poster (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Shannon Wilhelm Poster (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series Posters; 1981-90 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series in Kumler Chapel Posters; 1989 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Scholars in Residence Posters; 1985-2001 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Western College Faculty Lectures Posters; 1984-92 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1978-2006 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1978-2006 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1980-2002 and undated (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1982-94 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1982-96 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1984-90 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1984-2004 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1986-2008 and undated (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Posters; Interdisciplinary Studies Photos and Posters; 1995-2008 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates: Bank Mart; 1985 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates: B. F. Goodrich, 1988 (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Posters; Laws, Hall, and Associates (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Blueprints; 1978-2011; [Map Case: , Drawer: 8] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Athletics; 1968-?; [Map Case: 2, Drawer: 1 'Athletic Related Posters and Maps'] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Co-Curricular Programs; 1980-?; [Map Case: 2, Drawer: 11] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Art; 1965-?; [Map Case: 2, Drawer: 12] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Lecture Series; 1982-1999; [Map Case: 1, Drawer: 8] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Miami Posters; [Map Case: 1, Drawer: 1 'Posters'] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; Laws Hall Blueprints; 2011; [Map Case: . Drawer 10] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Map; 1934; [Map Case , Drawer 9] (Graphic Materials)
- Map-case: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1820-2009 2R-F-3H (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2007 [2R-F-4A] (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1978-2008; 2R-F-4B (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2006; 2R-F-4C (Graphic Materials)
- Object: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2R-F-6A (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2009; 2R-F-6B (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 2009; 2R-F-6C (Graphic Materials)
- Box: Pictures/Artifacts/Maps/Plans/Posters; Posters; 1792; 2R-F-6D (Graphic Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository