General, 1903 - 2010
Student Affairs; General; Student Activities and Leadership; 1903-79; Box 1 [8A-A-5C] Contents: 1. Conferences, Conventions, Symposiums 2. Creative Arts Symposium, March 20-21 (1964) 3. Symposium - Creative Arts 4. Scheduler, Programs 5. Amer. Junior Red Cross 6. Boy Scouts 7. Boy's State 8. Business 9. Camp Crafts (Women) 10. Churches 11. Classical League 12. Education 13. 39th Semi-Annual meeting, Western Ohio, Super Round Table 14. Language Arts, K-12 (1977) 15. Fraternity - Beta Theta Pi (1954) 16. Fraternity - Phi Delta Theta (1948) 17. Hi-Y 18. Conference on Instructional Development, Improvement, and Institution 19. Kafka 20. Leadership Vitality Conference 21. Mental Hygiene 22. Miscellaneous 23. North American Inter-Seminary Conference 24. Religio in Life 25. Russo American 26. Student Christian Association 27. Two-Year College Conference 28. Conference of Youth for Government (1938-52) 29. Youth Traffic Conference 30. Women Midstream Decision (1976) 31. A Symposium on Americans Contributions to the Progress of Mollecular Biology 32. Syposium: Practical Use of Solar Energy in Ohio 33. Conferences - Sigma Chi Foundation 34. PHL - Dept. of Phil. Colloquium " A Hobbesian Defense of Law" 35. MU Higher Education Conference 36. The Old Northwest and State New Regionalism 37. Conference "The Comprehension College Writing Program" 38. Associated College Unions Conference (1963) 39. Conference - Jungian 40. Career Conference 41. The Humanities Center Conference 42. Industrial Management Conference 43. 5th Annual School Law Conference (1966) 44. DAR - Conference of the Ohio Chapter (1930) 45. Interstate History Council (1940) 46. F-F1, 1-C-Con 47. African American Traditions in American Culture
Student Affairs; General; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987-2005; Box 2 [8A-A-6A] Contents: 1. Cults on Universities 2. Mellon Study 3. African Art and American Culture 4. Miami Christians on Campus 5. Campus Activities Council 6. MLK Celebration Week 7. AIDS Quilt, Millett Hall (1997) 8. UPAC 9. Student Affairs Council 10. SL, CCL Brochue 11. Sl, CCL (2004-05) 12. SL, CCL 13. Sl, CCL Assessment Project 14. Assessment - Student Affairs 15. CSP Assessment Class 16. Accrediation Subcommittee on Mission and Integrity 17. CDB Budget Sheets 18. Haines ED CT Budget Sheets 19. Black Action Movement 20. Minority Career Fair - Exploration 21. Steven Ransom 22. Black Campus Ministry 23. Classified Job Enrichment Program 24. Diversity-Peer Education 25. Diversity Task Group 26. Drive-In Movie, Homecoming (2003) 27. Fine Arts - Project Advisory Team 28. Furniture Shriver Center - 2nd Floor 29. Hall Auditorium 30. Leadership Handout Series 31. Leadership Development Speakers Bureau
Student Affairs; General; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987; Box 4 [8A-A-7B] Contents: 1. Contracts and Approval 2. Contracts and Approval 3. Contracts and Approval
Student Affairs; General; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987-2000; Box 5 [8A-A-6B] Contents: 1. Student Affairs 2. Glee Club 3. Lil Sibs 4. Media Lounge 5. Mentor Program 6. Pre-FYI (2000) 7. Residence Life Cinema 8. Program Board 9. MMGE University Service Convener 10. Scholar-Leader Info 11. Transient Vendor Committee 12. United Ohio Students for Change 13. Women of Color Day 14. Youth Access Policy 15. Student Organization Leadership Research Room 16. Homecoming (1988) 17. Gregory Nava 18. Nappy Roots 19. Edward James Olmos 20. Thom Pollard 21. Dr. Joyce Poole 22. Ralph Reed 23. Tim Riley/Robert Grant Debate 24. Robin Roberts 25. Randall Robinson 26. Philip Roth 27. The Samples 28. Stein, Ben 29. Gloria Steinem 30. George Stephanopolous 31. The Temptations 32. Phantom Planet 33. President Lech Walesa 34. Alice Walker 35. Wendy Wasserstein 36. Gil White 37. Panic 38. Ron Takaki 39. Scott Silverman 40. Caroll Spinney 41. Gloria Steinem 42. Bob Becker vs. Laura Inghram 43. Twista 44. Three Six Mafia 45. Train 46. Darry Van Leer 47. Visible Vault 48. King, Coretta Scott 49. J. Herman Blake 50. Barenaked Ladies 51. Black Comedy Showcase 52. Tony Bennett 53. The Samples 54. Barry Scheck 55. The Color Orange 56. Henry Rollins
Student Affairs; General; General Materials; 1985-2002; Box 1 [8A-A-3B] Contents: 1. Student Affairs Review/D. Hart 2. Staff Development Community Building 3. Dr. Alma Clayton-Pedersen Campus Visist - Community Building Forum and Lilly Conference (2001) 4. Dr. Thomas Erlich Campus Visit - For Community Building Forum and Lilly Conference (2000) 5. Dr. Terry Tafoya - Community Building Forum and Lilly Conference (1999) 6. Rebekah Carpenter - Support Staff Breakfast Speaker (1999) 7. Dr. Judy Sorum Brown Campus Visit - Community Building Forum (1998) 8. Dr. Arturo Madric Campus Visit - Community Building Speakr (1997) 9. J. Herman Blake Campus Visit, Community Building - Staff Development (1996) 10. Mossberg (1994) 11. Dr. Alexander W. Astin Campus Visit (1992) 12. Ahmed Kathrada Campus Visit (1998) 13. Tenth Anniversary Celebration - Student Affairs (1999) 14. Clay, William L. Scholarship and Research Fund 15. Miami University College Student Experiences - Survey Results (1985) 16. College Student Experiences - Summary and Comparison of 1984 and 1989 Survey Results (1990) 17. Academic Incentive Program (2000) 18. Strategic Plan (1988-99)
Student Affairs; General; Historical Files; 1950-1996; Box 1 [8A-A-1A] Contents: [Note--Some files contain restricted attorney-client correspondence] 1. Condom Machine Issue (1990-91) I 2. Condom Machine Issue (1990-91) II 3. Condom Machine Issue (1990-91) III 4. Condom Machine Issue (1990-91) IV 5. Condom Machine Issue (1990-91) V 6. Community-Campus Committee on the No-Car Rule (1979-85) 6a. Directory (1989-90) 7. Motor Vehicle Court Case (Destro)(1971-72) I 8. Motor Vehicle Court Case (Destro)(1971-72) II 9. Motor Vehicle Court Case (1982) 10. President's Enrichment Program (1990-92) 11. Public Ivys (1985-88) 12. Redskins Controversy (1972) 13. Redskins Controversy (1990-93) I 14. Redskins Controversy (1990-93) II 15. Redskins Controversy (1990-93) III 16. Redskins Controversy (1990-93) IV 17. Redskins Controversy (1996) 18. Senator John Glen Materials (1982-83) 19. Smoking Policy (1977-94) 20. Sunshine Law (1975-93) 21. Proposal on Black Student, Recruitment, Admission, and Retention (1986) 22. Traffic Study, US 27 (1984-89) 23. Transient Vendor Ordinance (1987) 24. Tuberculosis Control Policy (1950-85) 25. Division of Student Affairs (2008-2009) Barbara Jones 26. Student Affairs Council Agenda and Minutes, March 30, 2005
Student Affairs; General; Miscellaneous Materials; 1918-1988; Box 1 [8A-A-7C] Files: 1. Stock Notebook (1944-58) *In Preservation 2. Veterans Affair Office 3. Volunteer and Religous Programs 4. Women's Programs 5. Student Life Research Service 6. SFA: Student Finanacial Aid 7. Student Counseling Service 8. Student Counseling Service 9. Student Counseling Service Report (1941) 10. Student Activities Office 11. Social Director - Chaperones (1952) 12. Student Health Services - Tuberculosis Control (1950) 13. Student Health Service - Reports 14. Student Health Services - Policy Committee, Services 15. Student Health Services - Hospital Campaign (1922) 16. A History of Miami University Health Service (1966) 17. Student Health Center: Misc - Correspondence (1924-78) 18. Student Health Services - Epidemics -Trenchmouth (1947) 19. Student Health Center - Epidemic - Influinza (1918) 20. Student Health Services, Ruth Dutton Papers 21. Student Health Services: Budget, Fees (1947-50) 22. Student Health Services (1949-50) 23. Res Life (1984-85) 24. Residence Hall Staff Handbook, Applications, Pamphlets (1977) 25. Office of Minority Student Affairs/Newsletter (1971-72) 26. International Student Services/Information for Prospective students (1968-82) 27. Education Oppurtunity Office: Correspondence Regarding African American Studies and Students (1975-76) 28. Evaluation of Educational Oppurtunity Office (1976) 29. Handicapped Student Services Pamphlets 30. Education Oppurtunity Office: Minority Students Pamphlets, Africobra (1969) 31. Education Oppurtunity Program: Upward Bound Pamphlets, Applications, Guidelines (1968-69) 32. Student Affairs Newsletter, Vol 1, no 2, 3, 5 33. Craft Center Pamphlets (1980-81) 34. Freshman Class Profile (1972-85) 35. Contents of Box 36. VP for Student Affairs Job Description
Student Affairs; General; Miscellaneous Materials-FSLL; 1988-; Box 3 [8A-A-6C] Files: 1. Student Affairs Staff Photo Book 1990 2. ASE Booking info packet and VHS 1996 3. Black History Month Celebration Materials 1998 4. Black History Writing Project 5. Parents Weekend 1995 and 1996 6. Parents Weekend 1992, 93 and 94 7. Parents Weekend 1991 8. Parents Weekend 1990 9. Community Building Forum 10. Enrich 11. Terry Tafoya 12. misc 13. Community Building - Dr. Arturo Madrid 1997 14. Staff Development 1997-98 15. Unity Through Diversity 1989-90 16. Student Organization Registration 1990 17. New Student Organization Rules 18. Student Fees Allocation 19. ASG/RHC Board of Trustees 20. Guide for Evaluating Programs 21. Advisors Communication 22. Advisor's Lunch 1990-1991 23. Advisors Workshop series before 1990 24. Advisor Recognition 1989-90 25. Student Org Resource Guide 26. Advisor Handbook 27. Student Org Finances/ Accounts 28. Student Initiative Fund 29. Recognition Correspondence 30. Counsel Correspondence and phone calls 31. Correspondence- Alcohol Related Items 32. Improperly posted Flyers 33. Improperly Signs 88-89 34. Security Reports 35. Solicitation Violations 36. Building Guidelines 37. Lannigan Endorsement Fund 38. Co-curricular mentoring program 39. Computerized box office 40. Coordination and Implementation Committee 41. Black History Celebration (calendar) 2007, 2008
Student Affairs; General; Office Files and Materials; 1983-98; Box 1 [8A-B-1C] Contents: 1. 1219 Procedures [Judicial Affairs] (1992-93) 2. Academic Enhancement Program (1989-90) 3. Administrative Support Services Review (1993-94) 4. Admission Quota Policy for Student Athletes (1989-90) 5. Affirmative Action (1995-96) 5a. AIDS - Miami University Policy (1985-94) 6. Athletics (1987-90) 6a. Miami Scholarship Athletes information Sheet (1987) 7. Blake, Kevin Crazy Horse 8. Cincinnati Youth Collaborative 9. Commencement (1989-90) 10. Disciplinary Board Affairs (1992-93) 11. Disciplinary Board Affairs (1993-94) 12. MAC Senior Student Affairs Officers (1996-97) 13. Masturbation Society (1995-96) 14. Public Safety (1996-97) 15. Residence Life (1996-97) 16. Residence Life (1997-98) 17. Residence Life (1998-99) 18. Residence Life Program Review (1996) 19. Scholar Leader Program (1993-94) 20. Scholarship Coordination Committee - McGuffey Scholars Programs (1983-84) 21. Scholarship Coordination Committee - Presidential Scholars Program (1984-87) 22. Scholarship Coordination Committee - Minority Scholarships (1983) 23. Souers Scholarship - Sidney and Sylvia (1992) 24. Senior Challenge (1989-90) 25. Shriver Center [Permanent] (1984-86) 26. Shriver Center - Miscellaneous (1993) 27. Student Activities (1995-96) 28. Student Activities (1997-98) 29. Student Affairs (1995-96) 30. Student Affairs (1996-97) 31. Student Affairs (1997-98) 32. Student Affairs - Administrative Program Review (1995-96) 33. Student Affairs - Annual Report (1994) 34. Student Affairs - Outstanding Service Award [Permanent] (1990-93) 35. Student Affairs Planning Cycle (1995-96) 36. Student Affairs Reorganization (1989) 37. Student Conduct Regulations (1990-97) 38. Student Counseling Service (1992-96) 39. Student Leadership and Program Development (1989-90) 40. Student Leadership and Service Learning (1995-96) 41. Student Leadership and Service Learning (1996-97) 42. Student Leadership and Service Learning (1997-98) 43. Unity Through Diversity (1989-90)
Student Affairs; General; Office Files and Materials; 1991-98; Box 1 [8A-C-2A] Contents: [Some Files Contain Restricted Material] 1. Alcohol and Other Drugs (1996-97) 2. Assessment Committee (1995-96) 3. Assessment (1996-97) 4. Assessment (1997-98) 5. Black Action Movement [BAM] (1977) 6. Budget Cuts (1992-93) 7. Minority Students (1992-93) 8. Religious Organizations, Funding of (1998) [RESTRICTED] 9. ROTC (1991-95) 10. Strategic Planning (1994-98) 11. Undergraduate Fellows Program/NASPA (1992-97) 12. United States Student Association (1992) [RESTRICTED] Visits 1. Ernest L. Boyer (November 16, 1990) 2. Debbie Gardner (January 1991) 3. Edward A. Malloy Visit (March 7, 1991) 4. Arthur Levine (November 14, 16, 1991) 5. Niara Sudarkasa (November 1993) 6. Barbara Mossburg (November 1994) 7. Claire Guadiani (November 1995) 8. William Leftwich (1998) 9. Code of Student Conduct, The Student Handbook,2006-2007; 2007-2008
Student Affairs; General; Office Files and Materials; 1965-2002; Box 2 [8A-A-7A] Contents: 1. Special Admissions (1990) 2. Mathematics and Science Young Scholars Program [MUMSYS] (1994) 3. Minority Awareness Matching Fund [Permanent] (1990) 4. Motor Vehicle Regulations (1993-94) 5. Motor Vehicle Regulations (1994-95) 6. North Central Accreditation Review (1994-95) 7. North Central Accreditation Review (March 30, 1984) 8. Oxford College (1985-93) 9. Parking [Permanent] (1976-89) 10. Powell - Miscellaneous Correspondence (2000-01) 11. Powell - Miscellaneous Correspondence (1999-2000) 12. AAHE (1995) 13. ACE [American Council on Education] (2001) 14. NASPA Web Magazine Article (1997-98) 15. Program Board (1999-2000) 16. Publication Board - Student (1980-82) 17. Publications - Statement of Editorial Policy (1972-80) 18. Racism - Articles (1989-93) 19. Racial Harassment (1993-94) 20. Racial Harassment (1996-97) 21. Rape and Sexual Violence (1993) 22. Recommendations (1996-2002) 23. Recommendations [written by Myrtis Powell] (1991-94) 24. Recommendations (1995-96) 25. Residence and Dining Hall Management Advisory Group [Permanent] (1989-94) 26. Rowing Club [Permanent] (1989-91) 27. Rugby Club (1989-91) 28. Safe Ride (1990) 29. Scholarship in Escrow (1990) 30. Scholastic Enhancement Program (1999-2000) 31. Scholastic Enhancement Program (1992-96) 32. Security at Student-Sponsored Events (1995-96) 33. Sexual Assault (1999-2000) 34. Sexual Harassment [Permanent] (1987-97) 35. Sexual Harassment Referral Service and Sexual Harassment, General [Permanent] (1991-92) 36. Student Activities - Permanent Officers of Student Organizations (1965-99) 37. Student Housing Policy (1980-95) 38. Student Counseling Center [Permanent] (2002) 39. Student Federal Credit Union [Permanent] (1988) 40. Student Initiative Fund [Permanent] (1990-94) 41. Student Legal Services [Permanent] (1975-2000) 42. Student Organization Funding (1988-2000) 43. Study Space - 24 Hour [Permanent] (1978-90) 44. Task Force on Cultural and Racial Understanding (1989). 45. Sexual Assault-D Board and Sigma Chi; Binge Drinking and Fraternities- "Behind some Fraternity Walls-Brothers in Crime" (1996) 46. House Signs Folder (Bobbe Burke) 47. Mile Square 48. Leaving Town for the Holidays 49. Snow Routes 50. Off Campus Affairs Office 51. MU Veterans Office 52. New Office Names
Student Affairs; General; Freedom Summer ‘64 Memorial, Multicultural Affairs Council, Oxford Transportation System, and Replacing “Redskins;” (1991-2004); Box 1 [8A-B-7C] Contents: 1. Letters, Newspaper Articles, and an Analysis Conducted by the Office of the Student Body President Over the Term “Redskin” at Miami University, Shriver, October 24 1991-May 10 1993 2. “Managing for the Future” Task Force Report (July 1992) and Update (December 7 1998), Miami University 3. Letters and Newspaper Articles Describing Miami University’s Process in Choosing a New Nickname for Its Athletic Teams, March 22 1993-October 10 1996 4. Letters, Emails, and newspaper Articles Relating to Miami University’s Mississippi Summer Project Monument, June 22 1994-May 23 2001 5. Pamphlets, Letters, and Photographs Containing Memorial Notes and Dedications to the Freedom Summer ‘64 Memorial, June 24 1994-April 7 2000 6. Articles and Letters Relating to Miami University’s Board of Trustees Debate on the Use of “Redskin” and Other Indian Symbols, July 6 1996-October 25 1996 7. Letters on the Search for a New Nickname for Miami University’s Sports Teams, Garland, February 26 1997-October 23 1997 8. Protests, Letters, and Articles Relating to the Black Action Movement (BAM), Miami University, March 27 1997-July 30 1997 9. Multicultural Affairs Council, Statement of Charge and Responsibilities (August 18 1997) and Membership List (1997-1999) 10. Multicultural Affairs Council, Minutes of Meetings, September 9 1997-April 3 1998 11. Diversity Plan for Miami University (1998-1999) and Diversity Plan Responses/Updates to President’s Office (Spring Semesters 1999-2001) 12. Multicultural Affairs Council, Meeting Minutes, 1998-1999 13. Multicultural Affairs Council, Multicultural Center Proposals and Revisions, October 1 1998-July 19 1999 14. City of Oxford, Transportation System Task Force, Study Examining Oxford’s Existing Transportation System and What to Improve On, October 20 1998 15. Letters, Emails, and Articles Relating to the Investigation of Hate Messages Being Posted at the Center for black Culture and Learning, November 18 1998-August 29 1999 16. Multicultural Affairs Council, Multicultural Center Proposal, December 14 1998 17. Multicultural Affairs Council, Council Minutes, Statements of Progress/Updates, and Recommendations, 1999-2000 18. Multicultural Affairs Council, Annual Summary of Institutional Progress Towards Diversity, March 10 1999-December 7 1999 19. Multicultural Affairs Council, Diversity Plan Update, June 18 2002-July 31 2002 20. Multicultural Affairs Council, Diversity Statement Recommendations, March 2003-October 2 2003 21. City of Oxford, Transportation System Task Force, Meeting Results, January 28 2004 22. City of Oxford, Transportation system Task Force, Strategic Plan Priorities, May 4 2004 23. Letters and Emails Against the Destruction of Bishop Woods and the Old Manse to Build a New Business School, July 27 2004-December 8 2004 24. Plastimount Frames of the Mississippi Summer Project Monument, No Date
Student Affairs; General; Office Files and Materials and Contracts; 1965-2002; Box 2 [8A-J-2B] Contents: 1. One Race, One People One Peace November 15, 1997 2. Pablo Francisco with Rajiv Santyal December 3, 2004 3. Pearl, Matthew 5. STING 6. Cornell West January 23, 2003 7. Mixed Blood Theatre 8. Daugher of Africa 9. Diana Chuckwaker 10. The Allman Brother Band, April 21, 1995 11. 50 Cent and CLIPSE, April 23, 2003 12. Robert Ballard September 22, 1998 13. Dave Berry March 5, 2002 14. Beck 15. Ray Charles, The Association, Mark, September 23, 1898 16. Edna Buchanan, November 17, 2004 17. Patrick Buchanan, November 17, 2004 18. Bill Cosby, November 3, 1990 19. Busta Rhymes, April 9, 1999 20. The Calling April 18, 2002 21. Rubin Carter 22. Dave Chapelle, April 16, 2004 23. Mary Clark Higgins, November 17, 2004 24. Bill Cosby 25. Andrew Cuomo 26. Curnette and Maher Contract, September 16, 1996 27. Bill Cosby, October 5, 1996 28. Kenny Chesney, October 3, 1997 29. Ray Charles November 4, 1995 30. Linda Chavez, Julianne Malveaux, September 27, 1995 31. Derrick Bell, January 19, 1995 32. Big Head Todd of the Monsters October 26, 1994 33. Counting Crows November 20, 2002 34. Jean-Micheal Cousteau October 1, 2001 35. Cypress Hill and Goodie Mob, April 26, 1996 36. Morris Deas, February 1, 2000 37. Curnutte and Maher February 27, 1996 38. Frank DeFord and Carolyn Peck Feburary 5, 2001 39. Dinesh Di Souza and Dr. Ron Walters March 2, 1995 40. Eric Dyson January 23, 1998 41. Bob Dylan October 29, 1999 42. Jocelyn Elders March 11, 1996 43. Falsettoland February 20, 1998 44. Marlin Fitzwater April 10, 1996 45. Flying Fool April 5, 1997 46. Foxy Brown April 25, 1999 47. Carlos Fuentes October 30, 2000 48. Goose Sheet 49. Gin Blossoms April 16, 1996 50. George Ann Geyer November 5, 2001 51. Lani Guinier January 24, 2002 52. David Halberstam April 3, 2000 53. BSAA Comedy Show Ricky Harris, Lavelle Crawford, Rodney Johnson 54. Robert Hastings March 5, 1997 55. Here and Now Feburary 29, 1996 56. Harold Jones and MU Jazz Ensemble Red Cross Benefit October 24, 2001 57. Jonathan Karl September 10, 1996 58. Kris Parker KRS 1 59. Gladys Knight November 5, 1994 50. Jonathan Kozol March 6, 2000 51. Meave Leakey October 14, 2002 52. LIVE March 24, 1995 53. Greg Louganis November 9, 1995 54. Capt. James Lovell February 13, 1996 55. Branford Marsalis Pat Mitchell August 5, 2001 56. Pat McGee Band Augutst 24, 2003 57. John Mellencamp October 2, 1999 58. Pat Mitchell April 2, 2001 59. Dick Morris September 27, 2000 60. David Matthews and Richard Thornburgh November 18, 1996
Student Affairs; General; Emerging Leaders Program; 1990-2002; Box 1 [8A-J-2C] Contents: 1. Emerging Leadrs Program, Spring 1993 2. Program Information Binder, 1993-94 3. Program Information Binder, Fall 1998 4. Program Information Binder 1999-2000 5. Emerging Leaers Program Resources ELP Mentor Materials Recruitment and Training
Student Affairs; General; Miscellaneous Papers; 1981-2006; Box 1 [8A-B-1A] Contents: 1. Bob Burke Student Acitivies (2004-2006) 2. Student Affairs Materials (1993) 3. SIT Teams (undated) 4. Food Science Materials (1994) 5. S.I.T. Development (1994) 6. S.I.T. Development (1994) 7. SA 10th Avn. Party (1999) 8. Supervisery Training (1996) 9. Development Materials (1996-1998) 10. Staff Development Bobbe Burke (1996-1997)Staff Dev. Return to Bobbe (1994) 11. ST Affairs New Staff Programs Opening Events (1994-1997) 12. Staff Development (1996-1997) 13. '96 Community Bldg. Forum (1983-1996) 14. SD (1995-1996) 15. Involement Panels Blocs (undated) 16. Crestline Pamphlet Spring 1995 17. Telephone Bulletin Board (1990-2005) 18. General Fee Allocation Committee to Study (1995-1996) 19. Co-Curricular Transcript Mentor Program (1989-1993) 20. Co-Curricular Mentor Program Materials (1889-1993) 21. Miami University Office of Recreational Sports (1991-1992) 22. R.O.A.C. (1981-1995) 23. University Travel Resources (1989-1993) 24. Leadership Retreat (1987-1997) 25. Pre-FYI Task Force (1995-1999)
Student Affairs; General; Dishes; 1903-2010; Box 1; [8A-J-5A]
1. Three Teapots
2. Three Teacups
3. Two Spoons
4. Plate
5. Cake Spoon
- Creation: 1903 - 2010
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
12 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Box: 1; President's Distinguished Service Awards: Framed Photos; 1996-2004 (Graphic Materials)
- Box: 1; Student Activities and Leadership; 1903-79; 8A-A-5C (Text)
- Box: 2; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987; 8A-A-6A (Text)
- Box: 4; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987; 8A-A-7B (Text)
- Box: 5; Student Activities and Leadership; 1987; 8A-A-6B (Text)
- Box: 1; General Materials; 1985-2002; 8A-A-3B (Text)
- Box: 1; Historical Files; 1950-; 8A-A-1A (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Materials; 1918-1988; 8A-A-7C (Text)
- Box: 3; Miscellaneous Materials-FSLL; 1988-; 8A-A-6C (Text)
- Box: 1; Office Files and Materials; 1983-98; 8A-B-1C (Text)
- Box: 1; Office Files and Materials; 1991-98; 8A-C-2A (Text)
- Box: 2; Office Files and Materials; 1965-2002; 8A-A-7A (Text)
- Box: 1; Freedom Summer ‘64 Memorial, Multicultural Affairs Council, Oxford Transportation System, and Replacing “Redskins;” 1991-2004; 8A-B-7C (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Office Files and Materials and Contracts; 1965-2002; 8A-J-2B (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Emerging Leaders Program; 1990-2002; 8A-J-2C (Text)
- Box: 1; Student Affairs; General; Miscellaneous Papers; 1981-2006; 8A-B-1A (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository