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Havighurst, Walter and Marion



Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collection; [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]; Box 1


Biographical Materials, 1974-94, and undated 1. Biographical sketches (1974-92, and undated) 2. 90th birthday celebration materials (1991) 3. 92nd birthday exhibit at Havighurst Special Collections Library (1994) 4. Death, obituaries, tributes and memorial service (1994)

Personal and Professional Correspondence and Materials, 1927-92, and undated General 5. 1927-29 6. 1930-35 7. 1936-39 8. 1940-41 9. 1942-44 10. 1945-47 11. 1948-49 12. 1950-54 13. 1955-59 14. 1960-63 15. 1964-65 16. 1966-67 17. 1968-69 18. 1970-72 19. 1973 20. 1974 21. 1975 22. 1976 23. 1977 24. 1978 25. 1979.

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collection;Walter Havighurst: General Personal/Professional Correspondence and Materials, 1943-92, and undated; Box 2 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Personal and Professional Correspondence and Materials, 1927-92, and undated [cont.]

General [cont.] 1. 1980 2. 1981 3. 1982 4. 1983 5. 1984 6. 1985 7. 1986 8. 1987 9. 1988-92 10. n.d. 11. Drafts of Havighurst letters (n.d.) 12. News clips about Havighurst (various dates) 13. News clips about Havighurst (n.d.)

Correspondence with Individuals 14. Ken Grubb (1958-69) 15. Ken Grubb (1970) 16. Ken Grubb (1971-79) 17. Sungkyu Cho (1975-79) 18. Sungkyu Cho (1980) 19. Sungkyu Cho (1981) 20. Sungkyu Cho (1982-83) 21. Sungkyu Cho (1984-92, and undated) 22. Ophia Smith (1975-82, and undated)

Other 23. Student Writings (1943-67, and undated) 24. Writers' War Board Materials (1943-44) 25. Bread Loaf Writers' Conference Materials (1943-46) 26. Saturday Review - Ohio Valley Number (1944-45) 27. Abortive land grant book - notes and correspondence (1947-49) 28. "Jeeter and Grant," by Arthur Arent. Cavalcade of America radio program (October 26, 1948) 29. "Sword of Kentucky," by George Faulkner. Cavalcade of America radio program (March 1950) [Havighurst's review copy] 30. "General Forrest Rides Again," by George H. Faulkner (February 17, 1950)[Radio program adapted from a Havighurst short story] 31. Creative Arts Workshop, University of Wyoming (1950-52) 32. Ohio Sesquicentennial (1953) 33. Notes for Boulder, Colorado writing workshops (1953) 34. English 325 Instructional Materials (1967?).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collection General Personal/Professional Correspondence and Materials, 1974-94, and undated; Box 3 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection];

Contents: Personal and Professional Correspondence and Materials, 1927-94, and undated [cont.]

Other [cont] 1. Condolences on death of Marion Havighurst (1974) I 2. Condolences on death of Marion Havighurst (1974) II 3. Editorial Board - Miami University/Ohio State University Press (1974-78, and undated) 4 Miami University Committee on the Naming of Buildings (1967-69) 5 Miami University Committee on the Naming of Buildings (1974-81) 6 Publication of revised Old Oxford Houses (1975-76) 7. Smith Library of Regional History I (1976-85, and undated) 8. Smith Library of Regional History II (1976-85, and undated) 9. Miscellaneous correspondence and material re. Korea and Koreans (1974-79) 10. Miscellaneous correspondence and material re. Korea and Koreans (1980-81) 11. Miscellaneous correspondence and material re. Korea and Koreans (1982-86) 12. Miscellaneous correspondence and material re. Korea and Koreans (n.d.) 13. Correspondence re. LaFayette and Rene de Chambrun (1976-87) 14. Advisory Committee on Campus Historic Preservation (1977-79) 15. Materials for 15th American Studies International Seminar, Korea (September 25-27, 1980) 16. Miami 175th Anniversary Committee (1982-84) 17. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve Committee (1983-86) 18. Conference on the Future of the Book (March 3-4, 1985) 19. Northwest Ordinance Bicentennial Planning Committee (1986-87) 20. Miami University Heritage Commission (1987) 21. Correspondence re. Havighurst (1990-93) 22. Deaths of Alfred and Robert Havighurst (1991) 23. Frances McClure's Correspondence re. Havighurst (1992-94, and undated) 24. Havighurst Memorial Exhibit Materials (n.d.) 25. Miscellaneous notes, fragments, and other materials I (n.d.) 26. Miscellaneous notes, fragments, and other materials II (n.d.) 27. Miscellaneous notes, fragments, and other materials III (n.d.) 28. Miscellaneous notes, fragments, and other materials re. Oxford, Ohio, and Miami University (n.d.) 29. Note Cards 30. Assorted course materials I (n.d.) 31. Assorted course materials II (n.d.) 32. Assorted course materials III (n.d.).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collection Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated; Box 4 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection] Box 4


The Upper Mississippi (1937) 1. Manuscript Blue Books [Individual books irregularly marked Chapters 1-8, 11-13b, 15-16, 26] 2. Correspondence from and re. Constance Lindsay Skinner (1935-39) 3. Miscellaneous Correspondence (1937-42) 4. Reviews and Miscellany (1938, and undated)

The Winds of Spring (1940) 5. Outline and manuscript fragments 6. Galley Proof 7. Correspondence (1969)

The Long Ships Passing (1942, new ed. 1975) 8. Manuscript Blue Books [Individual books irregularly marked, 1-4, 6, 8-11, 13-27, 3 unnumbered] 9. Manuscripts [Marked Chapter Two (typescript), Chapter Three (typescript), Chapters 4, 5 (2 manuscripts), 6 (blue book and manuscript), 11-13, 16-22] 10. Plates 11. Correspondence (1940-41) 12. Correspondence (1942) 13. Publicity and Reviews (1942, 1950) 14. New Edition - Correspondence (1969-76) 15. New Edition - Publicity and Reviews (1975-76, and undated)

Masters of the Modern Short Story (1945) 16. Introduction [draft, typescript, and notes] 17. Correspondence (1944).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collection' Walter and Marion Havighurst Scrapbooks, 1914-1953, and undated Box 5 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


(1st draft)[Irregularly numbered blue books, nos, 1-9, 12-15, 24-28, 2 additional blue books, one a chapter entitled "A Boy and His Father"] 6. Manuscript Blue Books (2nd draft)[Numbered 1-29] 7. Notebook 8. Reviews (1949)

George Rogers Clark: Soldier in the West (1952) 9. Corrected typescript of Chapter 1

Annie Oakley of the Wild West (1954) 10. Manuscript Blue Books (2nd draft)[Numbered, Chapters 1-17; "revised," nos. 17-23] 11. Notebook 12. Typescript biographical sketch 13. Clippings and materials on Annie Oakley (1952-78, and undated) 13. Correspondence (1949-50) 14. Correspondence (1951) 15. Correspondence (1952) 16. Correspondence (1953-87, and undated) 17. Reviews, publicity, and miscellany (1956, and undated)

Wilderness for Sale (1956) 18. "The Ohio Fever: America's First Land Rush" [synopsis and reviewer's comments] 19. Correspondence (1954-56) 20. Reviews and publicity (1956, and undated)

Vein of Iron; the Picklands, Mather story (1958) 21. Printer's copy I 22. Printer's copy II 23. Clippings and correspondence (1958, 1982)

Land of the Long Horizons (1960) 23. Correspondence (1959) 24. Reviews and publicity (1960 and undated).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collections; Walter Havighurst: Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated; Box 6 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter Havighurst: Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated


The Heartland: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois (1962; rev. ed., 1974) 1. Manuscript Blue Books (2 drafts)[Irregularly numbered blue books, some titled "first draft" or "rough draft", nos. Prologue, 1-4, 6-7, 9-13a, 16-18, 20-21b] 2. Manuscript Blue Books (2 drafts)[Irregularly numbered blue books, some titled "first draft" or "rough draft", nos. 22-24, "The Presidential Chair" (2 books), "unused"] 3. Printer's Proof I 4. Printer's Proof II 5. Printer's Proof III 6. Printer's Proof IV 7. Revised edition--"Chapter 25. Unfinished Country"[typescript] 8. Correspondence (1959-61) 9. Correspondence (1962-66) 10. Correspondence [rev.ed. (1973-76) 11. Publicity and reviews (1962, and undated)

Proud Prisoner (1964) 12. Galley Proof 13. Correspondence (1963-65)

Voices on the River (1964) 14. Manuscript Blue Books (first rough draft)[Irregularly numbered, nos. 1-18, 20-24b] 15. Manuscript Blue Books [Irregularly numbered, nos. 1b-13, 15-24, acknowlegements, "Final revisions of River typescript"] 16. Typescript I 17. Typescript II 18. Typescript III 19. Correspondence (1960-61) 20. Correspondence (1962-63) 21. Correspondence (1964-65) 22. Reviews and publicity (1964, and undated).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Collections; Walter Havighurst: Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated; Box 7 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter Havighurst: Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated


Three Flags at the Straits (1966) 1. Correspondence (1962-67) 2. Reviews and publicity (1966, and undated)

The Great Lakes Reader (1966) 3. Correspondence and materials (1962-72) 4. Reviews and publicity (1966-67, and undated)

The Upper Mississippi Valley (1966) 5. The Upper Mississippi Valley: A Students' Guide to Localized History. Localized History Series. New York: Columbia University, Teachers' College Press, 1966.

Alexander Spotswood (1967) 6. Annotated typescript 7. Partial galley proof 8. Unbound printer's copy [?] 9. Photocopies of Spotswood letters 10. Correspondence (1965-68) 11. Reviews and publicity (1968, and undated)

Ohio Chronicle (abortive project, circa. 1970) 12. Assorted drafts of biographical sketches 13. Typescripts of biographical sketches/literary excerpts 14. Literary excerpts 15. Tentative and revised contents (June, October 1970) 16. Correspondence (1966-73)

River to the West (1970) 17. Correspondence (1962-70) 18. Reviews (1970-71, and undated)

Ohio: A Bicentennial History (1976) 19. Manuscript Blue Books [Irregularly numbered, "Ohio Horizons", "Introduction," nos. 1-11, 12{"W. H. Harrison," "Grant," "Garfield," "Wm. McKinley," "Taft," "Hayes," "Harding,"} 13] 20. Correspondence (1975-77) 21. Publicity and Reviews (1976-78, and undated) 22. Korean edition (1985).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter Havighurst: Books (Miami)--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1956-88, and undated; Box 8 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter Havighurst: Books (Miami)--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1956-88, and undated


The Miami Years, 1809-1959 (1959) 1. Uncorrected proof 2. Manuscript Blue Books [Chapters 4, 5, 13 ("final") 3. Correspondence (1956-57) 4. Correspondence (1958) 5. Correspondence (1959, and undated) 6. Clippings, reviews and publicity (1958-59)

The Miami Years, 1809-1969 (1969) 7. Correspondence and materials (1967-69, and undated) 8. Correspondence (1972-77) 9. Reviews and publicity (1969)

The Miami Years, 1809-1984 (1984) 10. New chapter manuscript 11. Correspondence and materials (1983-84, and undated)

Men of Old Miami (1974) 12. Manuscript Blue Books I [This Small College; Samuel S. Laws, David Swing] 13. Mauscript Blue Books II [William Dennison, Carter B. Harrison] 14. Manuscript Blue Books III [Harrison, Whitelaw Reid] 15. Manuscript Blue Books IV [Henry M. MacCracken, William S. Groesbeck, Calvin Brice] 16. Mauscript Blue Books V [Photos, Bibliography] 17. Manuscript Blue Books VI [This Small College; Carter B. Harrison; Robert C. Schenck {4 books}; William S. Groesbeck {3 books}; William Dennison {2 books}; Whitelaw Reid {4 books}; Charles Anderson {3 books} 18. Manuscript Blue Books VII [Samuel S. Laws {3 books}; Calvin S. Brice {3 books}; David Swing {4 books}; Henry M. MacCracken {2 books}; John Shaw Billings] 19. Holograph drafts and notes 20. Corrected typescript I 21. Corrected typescript II 22. Corrected typescript III 23. Corrected typescript IV 24. Corrected typescript V 25. Corrected typescript VI 26. Master Proof 27. Research, notes and note cards 28. Correspondence (1972-74) 29. Reviews and publicity (1974).

Faculty; Walter Havighurst: Havighurst, Walter and Marion Correspondence,and Miscellany, 1956-88, and undated Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; alter Havighurst: Books--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1935-87, and undated; Box 9 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

Walter Havighurst: Books (Miami)--Manuscripts, Correspondence, and Miscellany, 1956-88, and undated


Miami Album (1981) 1. Holograph Draft 2. Draft Typescript I 3. Draft Typescript II 4. Correspondence and business materials (1980-82, and undated) 5. Reviews and publicity (1982, and undated)

The Western College for Women [folio] (1982) 6. Drafts, Typescripts, and notes

The Dolibois Years (1982) 7. Holograph Draft I 8. Holograph Draft II 9. Typescript Proof I 10. Typescript Proof II 11. Research and notes 12. Correspondence (1981-82, and undated)

Miami Poets (1988) 13. Manuscript of essay on Percy Mackaye 14. Publicity (n.d.).

Faculty; Walter Havighurst: Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter Havighurst: Short Stories, Articles, Speeches, and Reviews, 1930-88, and undated; Box 10 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

Contents: Walter Havighurst: Short Stories, Articles, Speeches, and Reviews, 1930-88, and undated


Short Stories 1. Ideas for Short Stories I 2. Ideas for Short Stories II

Publications 3. " Homing: A Tale of the Alaskan Trade." North American Review 229, n.2 (February 1930): 184-89. 4. "Last Voyage." Collier's (April 20, 1940): 9-10, 34-36. 5. "Suicide Ship." Collier's (March 8, 1941): 11-12, 47-48, 69. 6. "Four Lives." Saturday Evening Post (September 13, 1941): 13-14, 71-78. 7. "Hearts of Oak." Saturday Evening Post (November 1, 1941): 14-15, 96-100. 8. "No Homeward Course." Star Weekly (Toronto) (November 15, 1941) 9. "Hearts of Oak." Argosy of Complete Stories 3, n.3, n.s. (April 1942): 3-13. 10. "Four Brothers." Collier's (August 28, 1943): 20, 70-76. 11. "Word from Sicily" Collier's (November 20, 1943): 20, 62-63. 12. "Midnight Sailing." Collier's (December 25, 1943): 22-23, 34-25. 13. "The Bright Land." Collier's (June 17, 1944): 19, 61-65. 14. "Timber Line." Collier's (September 9, 1944): 58, 74-76. [with typescript] 15. "Obstacle Course." Collier's (January 13, 1945): 14, 58-59. [with typescript] 16. "Hunting Weather." Collier's (February 9, 1946): 14, 30-32. 17. "Marching Song." Tomorrow 5, n.7 (March 1946): 48-53. [with typescript] 18. "Kiona." Collier's (March 2, 1946): 23, 28-29. 19. "The Captain's Cap." Collier's (August 10, 1946): 11, 70-71. 20. "The Bell of San Anselmo." Collier's (December 28, 1946): 64-68. 21. "Wind from the Montains." Tomorrow 7, n.6 (February 1948): 19-23. 22. "Jason Hazard's Swim." Collier's (February 28, 1948): 14-15, 30-36. 23. "The Long Winter." Collier's (February 14, 1953): 62-67. 24. "Frontier Scout." Saturday Evening Post (June 2, 1956): 31, 83-87. [with draft, "Simon Kenton's Prisoner"] 25. "A Good Riddance." Miami Dimensions (March 1959): 9, 34-35. 26. "Suicide Ship," in Stand By for Adventure: Six Stories of Action, pp. 11-35. Edited by William H. Larson. Whitman Publishing Company, 1967.

Typescripts 27. "Five Dark Lighthouses" [1600 words](1935) 28. "The Return of Sober Amos"[6000 words](1939) 29. "General Forrest Rides Again" (1950)

Undated Typescripts 30. "Afoot in the Cumberlands"[2000 words] 31. "Ball-Player's Luck" [1000 words] 32. "The Bright Land" [6000 words] 33. "Chow Boy" [3300 words] 34. "The Colt" [5000 words] 35. "The Frowning Mountain" [6000 words] 36. "The Fugitives" 37. "Heading North"[1000 words] 38. "Hitch-Hiker" [5000 words] 39. "A Lesson in Knots"[5500 words] 40. "A Man's Chance" [1300 words] 41. "My grandfather grew garrulous in his last year . . . " [untitled--by Havighurst?] 42. "Normandie" 43. "Old People Always Forget" [4500 words] 44. "Pardners" [5000 words] 45. "Passport to Freedom" [1600 words] 46. "Sandwich Man" [1000 words] 47. "Sentimental Journey" [6000 words] 48. "Simon Kenton's Prisoner [5000 words] 49. "The Suffern Papers" [5000 words] 50. "Third Generation"[5500 words-corrected] 51. "The Villa in the Valley" [5000 words]

Undated Drafts and Notes 52. "The Summer of Tommy Disney, Jr."

Articles and Speeches

Publications 53. "The Alps De Luxe." Forum 78, n.3 (September 1927): 50- 54. "What Street Signs Tell of London." Forum 78, n.5 (November 1927): 62-68. 55. "The Land and the People. An address given by Prof. Walter Havighurst, . . . " Miscellaneous Bulletin. Purdue University/U.S. Department of Agriculture (May 1941): 3-14. [with typescript and notes] 56. "The Land and the People." Land Policy Review 4, n.6 (June 1941): 3-12. 57. "The Ohio Valley: A Cultural Middle Ground." Saturday Review of Literature 28, n.1 (January 6, 1945): 5-6. 58. "Amerikas „Land der Mitte" " Heute: Eine Neue Illustrierte Zeitschrift 11 (May 1, 1946): 20-25. 59. "Christmas in Cleveland a Cerntury Ago." Cleveland News (November 26, 1947) 60. "The Novel in America: 1900-1950." in The Past Half-Century in Literature: A Symposium Conducted before the Ohio College English Association, pp. 1-9. National Council of Teachers of English, 1952. 61. "Michner of the South Pacific." College English 14, n.3 (October 1952): 1-6. 62."The Endless Variety that Brings Joy." Chicago Sunday Tribune (December 7, 1952): pt. 4, p.8. 63. "Of Norwegian Customs Kept in New World" Chicago Sunday Tribune (December 7, 1952). 64. "Kelley's Island." American Heritage n.s.4, n.3 (Spring 1953): 56-59. 65. "Custer's last stand -- in Madison Square Garden." Colorado Quarterly 2, n.1 (Summer 1953): 95-107. 66. "The Ohio Heritage." Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 62, n.3 (July 1953): 211-18 [with typescript and notes] 67. "The Ohio Heritage." Miami Alumnus (July 1953): 6-8. 68. "Primer from a Green World" American Heritage 8, n.5 (August 1957): 11, 93-95. 69. "The Artist-in-Residence I." Ohioana of Ohio and Ohioans 1, n.2 (Summer 1958): 35-38. 70. "Miami University--Mother of Fraternities at 150 I." Fraternity Month (October 1960): 22-23. 71. "Miami University--Mother of Fraternities at 150 II." Fraternity Month (June 1961): 18-20. 72. "Journey's End: 1865." American Heritage 13, n.2 (February 1962): 32-35, 83. [with notes] 73. "McGuffey's Art: Its Light Penetrated Wilderness." Cincinnati Enquirer (August 26, 1962): 4-D. 74. "A Sword for George Rogers Clark." American Heritage 13, n.6 (October 1962): 56-64. 75. "Land of Plenty." Rotarian (April 1963): 36-37. 76. "Three Centuries on the 'Great Water'." Chicago Tribune Magazine (June 21, 1964): Sec 7. 77. "Continuity and Change in Literature." Literature Today: A Service Bulletin on Literature from Houghton Mifflin Company 1 (1964?): 1-9. [with typescript] 78. "Blue Water Country: Route of the Voyageurs." Ford Times 58, n.4 (April 1965): 2-6. [with typescript] 79. "Time and the River." Mad River Review 1, n.2 (Spring/Summer 1965): 21-28. [with typescript] 80. "The Eight-Sided Desk." Miami Alumnus (April 1966): 14-15. 81. "Writing from the Heartland." Literature Today: A Service Bulletin on Literature from Houghton Mifflin Company 7 (1967?): 1-12. [with typescript] 82. "The Literature of Our Inland Seas." Michigan in Books 9, n.3 (Spring 1967): 99-107. 83. "Havighurst Delivers Eulogy At Rites For Foster Cole." Oxford Press (June 27, 1968). [with typescript] 84. "The Open Door." Illinois Libraries (March 1969): 172-77. 85. "Writing from the Heartland." Ohioana Quarterly 12, n.3 (Autumn 1969): 67-71. 86. "Steamboat to the Rockies." The American West 7, n.5 (September 1970): 6-11, 61-62. [with draft and notes] 87. "Six Hundred Faces." Kansas Quarterly 2, n.2 (Spring 1970): 98-103. 88. "A Memorial to Robert Sinclair." (1974) 89. "Alumni Library Becomes Alumni Hall" Miami Alumnus (February 1974): 12-13. [with notes] 89a. "The Way to Alaska." American Heritage (February 1974): 32-36. 90. "The Snowball Rebellion, 1848." Redskin Illustrated (September 13, 1975): 6-7. 91. "Harrison for President, 1888." Redskin Illustrated (September 27, 1975): 6-7. 92. "The Chapel Bell, 1861-65." Redskin Illustrated (October 18, 1975): 6-7. 93. "The Eight-Sided Desk." Redskin Illustrated (November 1, 1975): 6-7. 94. "Football in the Nineties." Redskin Illustrated (November 22, 1975): 6-7. 95. "Church at the Crossroads. Address at Bethany Lutheran Church, Batavia, Illinois" (February 29, 1976): 1-10. [with typescript and notes] 96. "The Way to Future City." Illinois State Historical Society Journal (August 1976): 224-37. 97. "Regional Writing in America." Ohioana Quarterly 20, n.4 (Winter 1977): 146-54. 98. "Regional Writing in America. II. Writing in the Midwest." Ohioana Quarterly 21, n.1 (Spring 1978): 8-13. 99. "Three Flags at Mackinac." American Heritage 29, n.5 (August/September 1978): 50-59. 100. "Lighting Out for the Territory." The Old Northwest (December 1978): 4, n.4 (December 1978): 311-18. 101. "Writing From America's Heartland." American Studies Quarterly (Seoul, Korea) (1979): 2-6. 102. "The Writer's Reward." Ohioana Quarterly 22, n.3 (Autumn 1979): 100-02. [with typescript] 103. "The Bachelor Tradition." The Miamian (December 6, 1979): 6-7. 104. "The Imagination in America." Journal of American Studies (Seoul, Korea) 12 (1980): 1-18. [with typescript and draft] 105. "House of Horizons: The Public Library in Ohio." American Library Association Bulletin (January 1980): 6-31. [with typescript and notes] 106. "Bachelor Hall Dedication Recalls Miami of Old." Miami Alumnus (January 1980): 1-3. [with typescript and notes] 107. "Glimpsing Korea, 1979." Miami Alumnus (January 1980): 15-17. [with typescript] 108. "Will Hamilton Reclaim Capt. Symmes?" Hamilton Journal-News (March 22, 1981): A-10.[with typescript, "A Man and a Monument," draft, and notes] 109. ""'A Place National History Has Passed Through.'" Oxford Press (July 9, 1981). 110. "Howells of Hamilton." The Old Northwest 8, n.1 (Spring 1982): 7-11. [with typescript] 111. "The Book Business Then and Now I." Ohioana Quarterly 29, n.2 (Summer 1986): 44-49. [with typescript] 112. "The Two Graves of R. H. Bishop." Miamian (Winter 1988): 9-11. 113. "Careers in College Teaching." [Miami College of Arts and Sciences pamphlet](n.d.). 114. "Midwest Horizons." Miamian (n.d.) 115. "The Redemption of Lottie Moon I -II (n.d.) [with typescript, "General Burnside's Prisoner"]

Typescripts 116. "Nature's Totem Poles" (1933) 117."American Earth" [partial typescript with notes](1941) 118. "Joseph M. Bachelor Memorial" (1948) 119. "Alice Robinson"[by Havighurst?](October 1952) 120. "Kelley's Island--Nine Miles Out"(1953) 121. "Strike-Bound London" (1956) 122. "The Presence of the Past" [speech at Alfred Kelley Dinner, Athletic Club] (March 24, 1961) 123. Commencement Speech at Miami University (1965) 124. "With One Voice" [remarks at Phillip Shriver's inauguration as Miami University President](October 14, 1965) 125. "Three Flags at Mackinac"[with notes] (1966) 126. "Transportation in the Mississippi River System" [for The Readers' Encyclopedia of the American West (1971)] 127. "Transportation on the Great Lakes" [for The Readers' Encyclopedia of the American West (1971)] 128. "Change and Continuity in Oxford" [for Friends of King Library] (March 1975) 129. Interview in connection with ODK citation (May 1975) 130. "Bound Away--Freshwater and Saltwater" (1976) 131. "Oxford Bicentennial"[remarks on McGuffey](1976) 132. "Old Oxford Houses" [Foreward and text for back of jacket](1976) 133. Homecoming Remarks (October 14, 1977)[with draft and notes] 134. "Batavia Public Library" [with draft, "The Writer and the Library"](1979) 135. "Illinois Journey: Past and Present" (1979)[with draft and notes] 136. "Crossroads America" [annoted and corrected](1980) 137. "River of Destiny" (April-May 1980) 138. "House of Memories: The Moon-Richey Residence" (September 1980)[with notes] 139. Mary McMillan (May 3, 1981) 140. " 'Redskins' The Origin of the Designated Name for the Miami University Athletic Teams"(October 9, 1981) 141. "The Bryan Library" (1982) 142. "Annette Covington" [talk at Miami Art Museum--with draft and notes](September 1, 1982) 143. "Footprints in Lebanon: Presence of the Past" [Remarks at the Golden Lamb?](September 11, 1982) 144. "Slant Walk Belvedere" (November 21, 1982) 145. "Old Ties and a New Hall" [remarks at dedication of Havighurst Hall, with draft] (November 5, 1983) 146. "Miami Redskins, 1830" [with draft and notes](1984?) 147. "J. M. Bachelor Wildlife Preserve, Bonham Road Entrance" (November 2, 1984) 148. "C. Ray Wilson 1965-1986." (1986) 149. "Stanley Burnshaw" (1986) Other 1. Address Book 2. Empty Stamp Book.

Faculty; Walter Havighurst: Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter Havighurst: Short Stories, Articles, Speeches, and Reviews, 1930-86, and undated ; Box 11 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter Havighurst: Short Stories, Articles, Speeches, and Reviews, 1930-86, and undated


Undated Typescripts 1. Alfred Emerson and Miami in the Late 1880's [corrected] 2. "Charter Day Ball" 3. David Swing House 4. "Defenders of Freedom" 5. "The Fabulous Country" 6. "Form and Fiction" [fragment] 7. "From Outpost to Queen City" 8. House of Ashton Roots 9. "John Shaw Billings: A Man of Learning" [with draft and notes] 10. "Lectures on Current Americana" 11. McFarland House 12. McGuffey House 13. McGuffey Memorial 14. "Men of Old Miami" 15. "The Midwest as Hearthstone" 16. "Nine Hundred Million Words a Year" 17. Ohio I [with drafts] 18. Ohio II 19. "Ohio History" [Fragment, possibly of anthology or encyclopedia chapter, written for Worldmark Press] 20. Ohio in Fiction 21. "Ohio in Literature" 22. "Old Miami, New Miami: Continuity and Change" 23. "The Open Door [ I]" 24. "The Open Door [2]" 25. "An Oxford Romance" 26. Phi Beta Kappa Address, Ohio State University 27. "Pioneer Life" 28. "Pioneering in the Old North West" [corrected and annotated typescript of remarks at Northwest Technical College] 29. "The Rediscovery of America" [with draft and notes] 30. "The Rediscovery of Ohio" 31. "Regional Writing in America - Summary and Text" 32. "Robert Frost 1875-1963" 33. "The Shining Future" 34. "The Shining Road - V" 35. "The Short Story as Metaphor" 36. "The Short Story in Our Time" [with notes] 37."Some Techniques of Modern Fiction [by Havighurst?] 38. "Stampede to the Gogebic" 39. "The Story of Inscription Rock at Kelleys Island, Ohio" [by Havighurst?] 40. "Swing-Shideler House" 41. "They Came to Kane County": Lars Bengston and Enrico Fermi" 42. "The Three C's" 43. "Truth and the Storyteller" 44. "The Truth of Fiction" 45. "An Unfinished Business" [with draft] 46. "What Does a Short Story Mean?"[by Havighurst?] 47. "Whistle for the Soo"[with draft] 48. "Women of Old Miami" 49. "A Writer Looks at Writing" 50. "Writing from America's Heartland--Summary" 51. "Writing from the Heartland" Undated Drafts and Notes 52. "Los Alamos and Cliff Dwellings" 53. "Black America on Stage, 1895" [fragment with notes] 54. "A Burgher's Entrance"[re. John Shaw Billings] 55. "The Care and Feeding of a Writer" [lecture at Conneticut College] 56. "Character and Fiction" 57. "Chelsea" 58. "Children's Literature" 59. "Christmas" [2 unused sketches] 60. "Clyde Fisher" 61. "The Craft Story and the Art Story" 62. Early Fraternity Life at Miami 63. Education for the Fuller Life 64. "Fair Oxford" 65. "Fever River" 66. "Fifty Miami Years" 67. Fisher Hall Writers' Club Photograph 68. George Orwell and 1984 69. Growth of Miami 70. Helen Jo Scott Mann / Murat Halstead 71. Henry M. MacCracken's Hall of Fame 72. "History of Ohio University" 73. History of the Miami University English Department [remarks] 74. "It's a Strange Thing to be an American" 75. "Land and the People" 76. "A Land of Colleges" 77."The Literary Uses of History" 78. McGuffey and the McGuffey Readers 79. "Miami Milieu" 80. "Miami/Western, 1920-40" 81. "NARA" 82. "The Novel in America: Continuity and Change" 83. "The Novelist's Relation to his Material" 84. Ohio [fragment] 85. "Ohio History" 86. Old Main Chapel 87. "Old Miami, New Miami , Days of Old and Days to Be" 88. "The Old Northwest" [with notes] 89. "Pages from the Past" 90. Phi Beta Kappa 91. Phi Delta Theta Early History 92. "The Pines" 93. Recollections of Depression years in Oxford, of travels for Dept. of Agriculture., and of Miami during the 1930's and 1940's /Notes for Bob Howard Interview 94. "River of Destiny" 95. "The Road Ahead" 96. Samuel Holden Parsons 97. "Seventy-Five Years of Miami University" 98. "Simon Kenton's Prisoner" 99. "Society of Inquiry" 100. "Stratford-on-the Mississippi" 101. "Teaching--Requirements, Rewards" 102. "Techniques in Current Fiction"/ "The Shaping of a Novel" 103. "Three Roads to Ohio" 104. "To be Told to Western College" 105. "Travellers' Tales" 106. "The 12 Mile Limit" 107. "The Two Questions" 108. "Upham Hall"/"Elliott and Stoddard" 109. "Upham Hall"/"Stoddard Hall"/"Rowan Hall"/"Grey Gables"] 110. "The Upham Years" 111. "What's in a Name" [Remarks re. the James Patterson homestead and Western College] 112. "Whenever the Page Lies Open" 113. "Writing from the Heartland--Chicago" 114. "Writing from the Heartland--Dayton" 115. "Writing from the Midwest" 116. "Writing from the Midwest--Cleveland"

Book Reviews 117. "Atomic Freedom: The Big Secret. By Merle Colby." Saturday Review (May 28, 1949): 15-16. 118. "New Connecticut in Ohio: The Western Reserve. By Harlan Hatcher." Saturday Review (July 16, 1949): 28. 119. "Rich and Lively Scrapbook of Great Lakes History: A Pictorial History of the Great Lakes. By Harlan Hatcher and Erich A. Walter." Chicago Tribune (December 8, 1963). 120. "Voices in the Valley: Myth-Making and Folk Belief in the Shaping of the Middle West. By Frank R. Kramer." Ohio History (1964?): 125. 121. "Ohio Scenes and Citizens. By Grace Goulder." Ohio History (1964): 190. 122. "The Man Behind the Books: Papa Hemingway. By A. E. Hotchner." Chicago Tribune (April 10, 1966): Books Section, 1, 3. 123. "The complex comflicts of men: The Captain. By Jan de Hartog." Chicago Tribune (November 27, 1966): Books Section, 1. 124. "Where the Rivers Met: Citadel in the Wilderness. By Evan Jones." New York Times (November 13, 1966) 125. "A land of promise and how it grew: Illinois. By Robert Howard." (September 10, 1972) 126. "Centennial History of the University of Nebraska. Vol. II, The Modern University, 1920-69." By R. McLaran Sawyer. (1973?) 127. "The Annotated McGuffey. By Stanley W. Lindberg" The Old Northwest 3, n.1 (March 1977): 70-72. 128. "Chronicling the Death of Dixie: Mary Chesnut's Civil War. Edited by C. Vann Woodward." American Journal 2, n.1 (Winter/Spring 1982): 54-56.[with typescript and draft].

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Marion Boyd Havighurst: Appointment, Calendar and Data Books, 1946-73, and undated Walter Havighurst: Short Stories, Articles, Speeches, and Reviews, 1930-86, and undated; Box 12 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

Marion Boyd Havighurst:

Contents: Marion Boyd Havighurst: Appointment, Calendar and Data Books, 1946-73, and undated


Calendars/Appointment Books 1. 1946 2. 1948 3. 1950 4. 1951 5. 1952 6. 1953 7. 1954 8. 1955 9. 1956 10. 1957 11. 1958 12. 1959 13. 1960 14. 1961 15. 1962 16. 1963 17. 1964 18. 1965 19. 1966 20. 1967 21. 1968 22. 1969 23. 1970 24. 1971 25. 1973

"Data" Books [Include accounts of trips, recipies, and other miscellaneous information] 1. 1948 "George M. Shera" 2. 1956 3. 1957 4. 1958 5. 1959 6. "Memo Book" (n.d.)

Other 1. Address Book 2. Empty Stamp Book.

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion;Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Marion Boyd Havighurst: Marion Boyd Havighurst: Correspondence, Personal Materials and Publications, 1926-90; Box 13 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

Marion Boyd Havighurst:

Contents: Marion Boyd Havighurst: Correspondence, Personal Materials and Publications, 1926-90


Correspondence and Personal Materials 1. Yale University M.A. Theses and Commencement Program (1926) 2. Correspondence (1930-50) 3. Correspondence (1960-72) 4. Correspondence (1973) 5. Cards from Walter Havighurst (1967-68, and undated) 6. Obituary and biographical sketch (1974, 1982)

Publications and Other Works 7. Notebooks and Research Materials (1938, and undated) 8. Murder in the Stacks (1943, reprint ed., Miami University, 1989) 9. Murder in the Stacks - Copyright information (1934, 1985, 1989) 10. Murder in the Stacks - Articles and reviews (1957-90) 11. Murder in the Stacks - Correspondence, including Frances McClure's, concerning reprinting (1985, 1988) 12. Murder in the Stacks - Reprinting specifications, printer's propofs, drafts of preface and introduction, related correspondence (1988-89) 13. Murder in the Stacks - Prepublication publicity, articles and correspondence (1989-90) 14. Murder in the Stacks - Alumni Weekend sales (1989) 15. Murder in the Stacks - Purchases and distribution, including correspondence (1989-90, 1993) 16. Miscellaneous publications (1920-30) 17. Miscellaneous publications (1930-40) 18. Miscellaneous publications (1940-50) 19. Miscellaneous publications (n.d.) 20. Drafts and typescripts (n.d.) 21. Music by Marion Boyd Havighurst and Ruth Bracher (n.d.) 22. Watercolors by Marion Boyd Havighurst (n.d.) 23. Title page for Dominion of Canada (n.d.) .

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion;Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Scrapbooks, 1914-1953, and undated; Box 14 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter and Marion Havighurst Scrapbooks, 1914-1953, and undated

Contents: 1. Scrapbook of Marion Boyd Havighurst poems 2. Scrapbook of Marion Boyd Havighurst notes - Includes notes on Harman Blennerhassett 3. Marion Boyd Havighurst student notebook (1914-15) 4. Marion Boyd Havighurst notebook containing music notes and a few poems 5. Scrapbook of news clips -- Murder in the Stacks, by Marion Boyd; Pier 17 (1935); The Quiet Shore (1937); The Upper Mississippi (1937) 6. Scrapbook of news clips -- The Torrids of Spring (1940); The Homeward Course (1941); The Long Ships Passing (1942); High Prarie, by Walter and Marion Havighurst (1944); Land of Promise (1945) 7. "Reviews, 1949-1951," scrapbook of news clips -- Signature of Time (1949); Song of the Pines (1949-51); Climb a Lofty Ladder (1952); George Rogers Clark (1952-53) 8. Scrapbook of news clips (1935-52).

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Marion Boyd Havighurst: Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece, Ruth Neff); Box 15 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Memorabillia (received from niece Ruth Neff)

Contents: - Pictures - Publications/Publication Information - Letters/Invites to Havighurst Family - Legal Files and Wills - Miscellaneous Items, Brochure, Books, Newsletters - 4 Letter Size Packages - "Uncle Walter" folder

Faculty; Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Marion Boyd Havighurst: Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece, Ruth Neff); Box 16 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]


Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece Ruth Neff)

Contents: - Pictures - Publications/Publication Information - Letters/Invites to Havighurst Family - Legal Files and Wills - Miscellaneous Items, Brochure, Books, Newsletters - 4 Letter Size Packages - "Uncle Walter" folder

Faculty; Walter Havighurst: Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece Ruth Neff) ; Box 17 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

box 17 [2A-D-7C]?

Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece Ruth Neff)

Contents: - Black and White Havighurst box - Financial and Banking Information - Leather Book cover - Publications - Disk of contents of Red and Black Scrapbooks (returned to niece) - Phi Delta Theta Plaque - Newspaper - Photos

Faculty; Walter Havighurst: Havighurst, Walter and Marion; Walter and Marion Havighurst Memorabillia (received from niece Ruth Neff) ; Box 18 [Transferred to Manuscripts Collection]

Contents: - Black and White Havighurst box - Financial and Banking Information - Leather Book cover - Publications - Disk of contents of Red and Black Scrapbooks (returned to niece) - Phi Delta Theta Plaque - Newspaper - Photos


  • Creation: 1809

Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


From the Record Group: 229 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
