General, 1891 - 2020
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Athletics Yearly Recap; 1979-; Box 1 [7A-A-1A]! Not Indexed !
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Title IX Materials; 1975-99; Box 1 [7A-A-1C]! Files: ! 1. Title IX Controversy (1975, 1999) 2. Title IX Reports / Studies (1979) 3. Title IX Reports / Studies (1984) 4. Title IX Compliance Review (1984) I 5. Title IX Compliance Review (1984) II 6. Title IX Materials for Trustees Meeting (February 6, 1999) I 7. Title IX Materials for Trustees Meeting (February 6, 1999) II 8. Miami University Women's Coaching Staff. Response to Title IX Intercollegiate Athletics Self-Evaluation. (May 24, 1993) 9. Miami University Self-Study Commitment to Equity (1/25/95)
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports School Brochure Materials; 1982; Box 1 [7A-A-1E]! 1. Booklet and Envelope Ohio's Largest Miami Summer Sports School 2. Boys Basketball Draft Letter Camp 3. Wrestling Camp Draft Letter 4. Hockey Camp Draft Letter 5. General Information about camp 6. General Descriptions summer camp 7. Two black and white pictures - volleyball and wrestling 8. Design materials for brochures for summer camps
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1958-60; Box 1 [7A-A-2A]! Contents: 1958 1. March-June 2. July-August 3. September 4. October 5. November 6. December 1959 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1960 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1961-64; Box 1 [7A-A-2B]! Contents: 1961 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July-August 8. September 9. October 10. November 11. December 1962 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. October 8. November 9. December 1963 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July-August 8. September 9. October 10. November 11. December 1964 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1965-66; Box 1 [7A-A-2C]! Contents: 1965 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1966 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1967-74; Box 1 [7A-A-3A]! Files: 1967 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1968 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1969 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1970 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1971 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1972 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1973 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June-August 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 1974 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1975-82; Box 1 [7A-A-3B]! Files: 1975 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. September 7. October 8. November 9. December 1976 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May-August 6. September-October 7. November-December 1977 1. January-February 2. March-April 3. May-June 4. August-November 5. December 1977-March 1978 1978 1. April 2. May 3. June-July 4. September-November 5. December 1978-February 1979 1979 1. March-April 2. May 3. August-September 4. October 5. November-December a. Winter Sports Schedule 1979-80 1980 1. January-February 2. March-June 3. August-December 1981 1. January-February 2. March-May 3. September-October 4. November-December 1982 1. January-February 2. March-April 3. May-June 4. September-October 5. November-December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1983-89; Box 1 [7A-A-3C]! Files: 1983 1. January-February 2. March-April 3. May-June 4. August-October 5. November-December 1984 1. January-February 2. March-April 3. May-August 4. September-October 5. November-December 6. December 1984-February 1985 1985 1. March-May (2) 2. June-November 3. August-November 4. December 1985-February 1986 5. December 1985-June 1986 1986 1. August-October 2. November-December 1987 1. January-February 2. March-April 3. May-July 4. August-October 5. November-December 1988 1. January-April 2. May-July 3. August-December 1989 1. January-March 2. April-August 3. August-October 4. November-December
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1990-; Box 1 [7A-A-4A]! Files: 1. 1990 a. January-February b. March-April c. May-June d. July-August e. September-October f. November-December 2. 1991 a. January-February b. March-April c. May-June d. July-September e. September-October 3. 1992 a. September b. October c. November d. December 4. 1993 a. January b. February c. March d. August-September e. October f. November g. December 5. 1994 a. January b. February c. March-August d. September e. October f. November 6. Dept. of Intercollegiate Athletics Student -Athlete Handbook
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; News Clips; 1998-2005; Box 1 [7A-A-4B]! Contents: Cross Country 1. 1998 2. 2002-03 3. 2003-04 4. 2004-05 Field Hockey 1. 1998-99 2. 2001 3. 2002-03 4. 2003-04 5. 2004 Golf 1. 2001-02 2. 2002-03 3. 2003-04 4. 2004-05 Ice Hockey 1. 2000-01 2. 2001-02 3. 2002-03 4. 2003-04 5. 2004-05 Soccer 1. 1998-99 2. 2001-02 3. 2002-03 4. 2003-04 Softball 1. 1998-99 2. 2001-02 3. 2002-03 4. 2004-05 5. n.d. Swimming/Diving 1. 1978-2002 2. 2002-03 3. 2003-04 Sychronized Skating 1. 2002-03 2. 2003-04 Tennis 1. 1998-99 2. 2002 3. 2002-03 4. 2003-04 Track and Field 1. 2001 2. 2003-04 3. 1974-79 Volleyball 1. 1993-99 2. 1999-2000 3. 2000 4. 2001 5. 2001-02 6. 2002-03 7. 2003-04 8. 2004-05 Miscellaneous 1. Administration / Staff (2001-03) 2. Multi-Sports Articles (2001-02) 3. 1999 4. 1999-2000 1 5. 1999-2000 2 6. 2001-02
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; News Clips: Baseball, Basketball, Women's Basketball; 1998-2005; Box 1 [7A-A-4C]! Contents: Baseball 1. 1998 2. 1999 3. 2000 4. 2001 5. 2002 6. 2003 7. 2003-04 8. 2004-05 Basketball 1. 1998 2. 1999 1 3. 1999 2 4. Basketball Playoffs (1999) 1 5. Basketball Playoffs (1999) 2 6. Basketball Playoffs (1999) 3 7. NCAA Basketball Tourney (1999) 8. 1999-2000 1 9. 1999-2000 2 10. 1999-2000 3 11. 1999-2000 4 12. 2001-02 13. 2002-03 14. 2003-04 15. 2004-05 Women's Basketball 1. 1999-2000 2. 2000-01 3. 2001-02 1 4. 2001-02 2 5. 2002-03 6. 2003-04 7. 2004-05
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miscellaneous Athletic Programs; 1891-; Box 1 [7A-B-1A]! Contents: 1. Field Day Exercises/Athletic Meets (1893-1911) a. May 27, 1891 [3rd annual Field Day Exercises] b. June 3, 1893 [5th annual Field Day Exercises] c. June 8, 1895 [7th annual Field Day Exercises] d. May 3, 1899 [11th annual Athletic Meet] e. May 6, 1901 [13th annual Athletic Meet] f. March 4, 1911 [Indoor Athletic Meet] 2. Interscholastic Track Meet [2nd] (May 27, 1911) 3. Interscholastic Track Meet [4th] (May 24, 1913) 4. Interscholastic Track Meet [7th] (May 13, 1916) 5. Miami vs. Cincinnati (May 15, 1926) 6. Ohio Intercollegiate Meet (May 27-28, 1927) 7. Miami vs. Ohio Wesleyan (May 5, 1928) 8. Buckeye Athletic Association [3rd] (May 18-19, 1928) 9. Miami vs. Ohio (April 28, 1933) 10. Miami vs. Cincinnati (May 13, 1933) 11. Buckeye Intercollegiate Athletic Conference [8th] (May 26-27, 1933)) a. Buckeye Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, (May 27, 1939) 12. Miami University High School Track and Field Meet [19th] (May 8-9, 1952) 13. NCAA Track and Field Meet (June 17-18, 1955) 14. Miami University High School Track and Field Meet [28th] (May 12, 1962) 15. National Collegiate Track and Field Chanpionships (June 16-18, 1966) 16. Drake Relays [66th](April 25-26, 1975) 17. George Rider High School Track and Field Meet [48th] (April 30-May 1, 1982) 18. George Rider High School Track and Field Meet [49th] (May 4-5, 1984) 19. George Rider High School Track and Field Meet [50th] (May 3-4, 1985) 20. Swimming (1955-61) a. 32nd Annual National Collegiate Swimming Championships (March 24-26, 1955) b. "Shoes for Show"/ Marlin Club (February 25-27, 1960) c. "I Remember When" / Marlin Club (April 13-15, 1961) d. Miami vs. Western Michigan (March 5, 1960) e. Miami vs. University of Cincinnati (January 7, 1961) f. Miami vs. Ball State (February 3, 1961) g. Miami vs. Kenyon College (February 4, 1961) h. Miami vs. Kent State (February 11, 1961) 21. Golf a. Spartan Golf Meet (5/8/1977)[news clip] b. MSAA Golf Classic (June 2, 1997) c. Miami Golf Tour (1999) 22. Tennis a. Ohio Intercollegiate Tennis Association, Fifth Annual Tournament (May 29-31, 1913) b. Miami Invitational Women's Tennis (September 22-23, 1990) c. Miami Invitational Women's Tennis (October 3-4, 1992) d. Miami Invitational Women's Tennis (October 2-3, 1993) e. Miami Invitational Women's Tennis (October 1-2, 1994) f. Miami vs. Bowling Green and Cincinnati (March 31, 1996) 23. Soccer a. Miami vs. Northern Kentucky (September 3, 1988) b. Miami vs. Marshall (September 10, 1988) c. Miami vs. Western Michigan (October 1, 1988) d. Miami vs. Wilmington (October 26, 1988) e. Miami vs. Morehead State (October 29, 1988) f. Miami vs. Seattle Pacific (November 5, 1988) g. Miami vs. Bowling Green (October 10, 1990) h. Redskin Invitational (October 5-6, 1991) i. Miami vs. Butler (October 18, 1991) j. Miami vs. Louisville (November 1, 1991) k. Miami vs. Cleveland State (September 29, 1992) l. Miami vs. Wright State (September 7, 1996) m. Miami Soccer Invitational (September 14-15, 1996) n. Kelme Kickoff Classic (August 31-September 1, 1997) 24. Wrestling a. Miami vs. Valparaiso (February 25, 1995) 25. A Winning Tradition, benefits program
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miscellaneous Files; Box 1 [7A-L-4A]! Files: 1. Scores MMiami Magazine #iami Standings (1909-78) 2. Ohio collegiate Athletic Association (1911-12, and undated) 3. Budget / Finances (1911-52, and undated) 4. Athletic Letters (1912) 5. Solicitations (1912-94, and undated) 6. Athletic Facilities - Proposed (1914) 7. M Men / Tribe Miami (1928-45) 8. Xavier Athletic Controversy (1934) 9. Athletic Policies (1937-52, and undated) 10. Eligibility (1946-47) 11. Miami and MAC (1947-66 and undated) 12. Miami All-MAC Football by Years (1947-91) 13. Boarding Department Jobs (1948-49, and undated) 14. Athletic Advisory Committee Minutes and Materials (1948-50) 15. All-Sports Banquet (1948-81) 16. Football Correspondence a. W.P. Roudebush to Ed Nippert (Dec 7, 1948) b. Ed Nippert to W. P. Roudebush (Nov 26, 1948) c. W.P. Roudebush to Ed Nippert (March 13, 1949) d. Chas Mileham to James Gordon (1950) 17. Tickets and Schedules (1915-88) a. Football schedule (1928; 1932; 1983; 1988) b. Student Ticket books (1915-16; 1926-27; 1931-32; 1932-33 seasons) c. Varsity Golf Schedule (1979) d. Women's Track and Field Schedule (1979) e. Softball Schedule (1979) f. Spring Sports Schedule Poster (1949, and no date) g. Tennis Schedule (1978-1979) h. Used Press box tickets 1951 i. Sideline pass and parking permit for Cincinnati Enquirer Photographer (Xavier/ Miami game; October 6, 1951) j. Season Ticket order forms (1974, 1977, and no date) k. Athletic Ticket Charge Card flier (1974) 18. Broadcasting (1949-50) a. Rifle Team (1953-54) 19. Athletic Advisory Board Minutes and Materials (1964-66) 20. Sports Schools / Clinics (1964-81 and undated) 21. Athletic Hall of Fame (1969- ) a. Football Banquets (1969-77) 22. Spring Sports Banquet (1970-79) 23. Miscellaneous Sports Banquets (1972-79) 24. Women's Intercollegiate Athletics (1975-79, and undated) a. 1977 Mid American Cross Country Championships, 11/5/1977 25. Gymnastics Club (1976-77) a. meet program b. schedule c. memo about visiting team from Poland d. Redskin Softball Team 20-3; MU Netters Win Twice; Miami Women 4th In Relays, 05/8/1977 26. Red and White Club (1989) Brochure 2012-13 a. Miami University Hall of Fame Program, Miami vs. Western Michigan, February 4, 1984 (Love and Honor) 27. Intercollegiate Athletics Task Force Materials (1994-95) 28. Miami University Student Aid Association Materials (1995-96) 29. Miami University Student Aid Association Task Force Report and Constitution (December 20, 1995) 30. Miami University Student Aid Association Volunteer Packet (1996) 31. Intercollegiate Athletics General Fee Presentation (January 25, 1996) 32. Miami University Student Aid Association Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Summer Retreat (July 15-19, 1996) 33. Compliance Guide for Athletic Boosters (1996-97) 34. Miami University Student Aid Association Volunteer Fund Drive Operation Manual (1998) 35. NCAA Division I Graduation-Rates Summary (1995) 36. Athletics Literacy Program (1996) 37. Athletics Budget (1993-) 38. MAC Hall of Fame (1987-1991) 39. Cheerleaders (1998-2001) 40. Dance Team (1997-2001) 41. Red and White Club (2002-2008) 42. Intercollegiate Athletics Student Employee Handbook (1998-99) 43. Women's Athletic Banquet Materials (April 25, 1999) 44. Miami University Home Football Attendance (2003) 45. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Presentation (n.d.). 46. MAC Miscellaneous 47. Field Hockey (1974-75) 48. Sports Report A Review of Policies and Executive Regulations Governing NCAA Championships 49. Financial Summary 1986 National Collegiage Division I Men's Basketball Championship First Round, Second Round Regionals and Finals 1986 50. Miami University Hall of Fame, Class of 2003-04; Miami University All Sports Banquet, December 17, 1959
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Media Guides/Photos; 2003-04; CD [PHOTO-10F-3] Filing cases located next to the Photograph Collection!
1. 2003-04 Women's Swimming Mugshots, Action, Team Photos
2. 2003 Volleyball Mugshots, Team Photos
3. 2003 Football Mugshots, Team Photo
4. 2003-04 Men's Golg Mugshots, Team Action Photos
5. 2003 Field Hockey Mugshots, Team, Action Photos
6. Men's Basketball Mugshots, Team Photos
7. Women's Basketball Mugshots, Team Photos, Action
8. 2003-04 Sychronized Skating Collegiate and Senior Mugs, Team Photos
9. 2003 Women's Soccer Mugshots, Team, Action Photos
10. 2004 Baseball Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
11. 2003-04 Media Guides, Photos for Miami Archives
12. 2003-04 Track and Field, Cross Country Applied Tech Photographs not named
13. 2003-04 Men's Basketball Media Guide Pagemaker, PDF Files
14. 2003-04 Women's Swimmin MAC Championships Photos Brett Hansbauer
15. 2004 Baseball Mugshots, Team Photo
16. 2003-04 Men's Basketball Action Pics by Brett Hansbauer
17. 2003-04 Ice Hockey Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
18. 2003-04 Men's Golf Media Guide, Media Guide Pics
19. 2003-04 Men's Swimming Media Guide Media Guide Pics
20. 2003 Volleyball Media Guide Pagemaker PDF Files
21. 2003-04 Men's Swimming Mugs, Action, Team Photos
22. 2003-04 Women's Track and Field Media Guide
23. 2003-04 Women's Swimign Media Guide/Media Guide Pics
24. 2003-04 Women's Basketball Media Guide Pagemaker/PDF Files
25. 2003 Football Action Photos Brett Hansbauer, Jeff Blatnik-Kent State
26. 2003 Volleyball Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
27. 2003-04 Sychornized Skating Media Guide w/pics
28. 2004 Women's Tennis Media Guide/Actio Pics, Mugshots, Team Photos
29. 2003-04 Ice Hockey Mugshots, Team Photos
30. 2003-04 Track and Field Mugs, Team, Action Photos
31. 2003 Men's Track Mugshots, Action Photos
32. 2004 Softball Action Photos Brett Hansbauer
33. 2004 Football Photos, Notes
34. 2004 Football Action Photos Independence Bowl 12/28/04
35. 2005 Women's Tennis Media Guide, Photos, Stats, Notes
36. 2004 Women's Tennis Action Photos, Mugshots, Team Photo
37. 2005 Baseball Action Photos, Mugshots, Team Photos
38. 2004-05 Ice Hockey Photos, Bugby-Green
39. 2004 Women's Soccer Media Guide, Pagemaker/PDF
40. 2004-05 Women's Basketball Media Guide, Photos, Notes
41. 2004-05 Ice Hockey Photos, Geurin Team Photos
42. 2004 Softball Mugshots MAC Championship Action
43. 2003 Football Media Guide
44. 2003 Soccer Media Guide
45. 2004 Baseball Media Guide
46. 2004 Softball Media Guide
47. 2003 Field Hockey Media Guide
48. 2003-04 MTRK Media Guide
49. 2003-04 Hockey Media Guide
50. 2003-04 Women's Basketball Notes, Photo/Stats
51. Hockey Club Freshman Caps
52. 2004-05 Men's Swimming Action, Mugs, Team
53. 2004 football Action Photos at Michigan 9/4/04
54. 2004 Football Action Photos MAC Championship 12/2/04
55. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. UCF 10/23/04
56. 2004 Football Action Photos at Indiana State 8/28/04
57. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. Toledo 11/2/04
58. 2004 Field Hockey Media Guides, Mugs, Action
59. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Action Photos Senior, Team Photos
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Track and Field/Cross Country/Swimming/Baseball/Ice Hockey/Football/Basketball/Tennis: Applied Tech Photos; 2003-04; CD [PHOTO-10F-3] Filing cases located next to the Photograph Collection!
1. 2004 Baseball Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
2. 2003-04 Media Guides, Photos for Miami Archives
3. 2003-04 Track and Field, Cross Country Applied Tech Photographs not named
4. 2003-04 Men's Basketball Media Guide Pagemaker, PDF Files
5. 2003-04 Women's Swimming MAC Championships Photos Brett Hansbauer
6. 2004 Baseball Mugshots, Team Photo
7. 2003-04 Men's Basketball Action Pics by Brett Hansbauer
8. 2003-04 Ice Hockey Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
9. 2003-04 Men's Golf Media Guide, Media Guide Pics
10. 2003-04 Men's Swimming Media Guide Media Guide Pics
11. 2003 Volleyball Media Guide Pagemaker PDF Files
2. 2003-04 Men's Swimming Mugs, Action, Team Photos
12. 2003-04 Women's Track and Field Media Guide
13. 2003-04 Women's Swimign Media Guide/Media Guide Pics
14. 2003-04 Women's Basketball Media Guide Pagemaker/PDF Files
15. 2003 Football Action Photos Brett Hansbauer, Jeff Blatnik-Kent State
16. 2003 Volleyball Action Photos by Brett Hansbauer
17. 2003-04 Sychornized Skating Media Guide w/pics
18. 2004 Women's Tennis Media Guide/Actio Pics, Mugshots, Team Photos
19. 2003-04 Ice Hockey Mugshots, Team Photos
20. 2003-04 Track and Field Mugs, Team, Action Photos
21. 2003 Men's Track Mugshots, Action Photos
22. 2004 Softball Action Photos Brett Hansbauer
23. 2004 Football Photos, Notes
24. 2004 Football Action Photos Independence Bowl 12/28/04
25. 2005 Women's Tennis Media Guide, Photos, Stats, Notes
26. 2004 Women's Tennis Action Photos, Mugshots, Team Photo
27. 2005 Baseball Action Photos, Mugshots, Team Photos
28. 2004-05 Ice Hockey Photos, Bugby-Green
29. 2004 Women's Soccer Media Guide, Pagemaker/PDF
30. 2004-05 Women's Basketball Media Guide, Photos, Notes
31. 2004-05 Ice Hockey Photos, Geurin Team Photos
32. 2004 Softball Mugshots MAC Championship Action
33. 2003 Football Media Guide
34. 2003 Soccer Media Guide
35. 2004 Baseball Media Guide
36. 2004 Softball Media Guide
37. 2003 Field Hockey Media Guide
38. 2003-04 MTRK Media Guide
39. 2003-04 Hockey Media Guide
40. 2003-04 Women's Basketball Notes, Photo/Stats
41. Hockey Club Freshman Caps
42. 2004-05 Men's Swimming Action, Mugs, Team
43. 2004 football Action Photos at Michigan 9/4/04
44. 2004 Football Action Photos MAC Championship 12/2/04
45. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. UCF 10/23/04
46. 2004 Football Action Photos at Indiana State 8/28/04
47. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. Toledo 11/2/04
48. 2004 Field Hockey Media Guides, Mugs, Action
49. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Action Photos Senior, Team Photos
50. 2005 Baseball Media Guide
51. 2004 Football Media Guide
52. 2004 Football Action Photos
53. 2004 Football Action Photos at Cincinnati 9/11/04
54. 2004-05 Men's Track Mugs, Action
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Action Photos-Freshmen/Sophomores/Juniors/Media Guides/Photographs/Ice Hockey, Basketbal, Swimming, Football, Sychronized Swimming, Volleyball; 2004-05; CD [PHOTO-10F-3] Filing case located next to the Photograph Collection!
1. 2003-04 MTRK Media Guide
2. 2003-04 Hockey Media Guide
3. 2003-04 Women's Basketball Notes, Photo/Stats
4. Hockey Club Freshman Caps
5. 2004-05 Men's Swimming Action, Mugs, Team
6. 2004 football Action Photos at Michigan 9/4/04
7. 2004 Football Action Photos MAC Championship 12/2/04
8. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. UCF 10/23/04
9. 2004 Football Action Photos at Indiana State 8/28/04
10. 2004 Football Action Photos vs. Toledo 11/2/04
11. 2004 Field Hockey Media Guides, Mugs, Action
12. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Action Photos Senior, Team Photos
13. 2005 Baseball Media Guide
14. 2004 Football Media Guide
15. 2004 Football Action Photos
16. 2004 Football Action Photos at Cincinnati 9/11/04
17. 2004-05 Men's Track Mugs, Action
18. 2004-05 Synchronized Skating Media Guide
19. 2004-05 Men's, Women's Track Media Guides
20. Women's Swimming Action Photos, Mugs, Team
21. 2005 Golf
22. 2004 Volleybal Player Coach Action Photos
23. 2004 Vollyeball Media Guide, Team Photo, Miscellaneous Action
24. 2005 Softball Media Guide
25. 2005 Football Action Photos, Mugshots, Team Photos
26. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Action Photos Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors
27. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Mugshots and Action, Coaching, Spirit, Miscellaneous
28. 2004-05 Men's Basketball Media Guide
29. 2004-05 Men's, Women's Swimming Media Guides
30. 2004-05 Women's Track, X-Cross Country Action, Mugs, Team
31. Miami Magazine #1 2004 8/24/04
32. Miami Magazine #2 2004 8/31/04
33. Miami Magazine #3 2004 9/7/2004
34. Miami Magazine #4 2004 9/14/2004
35. Miami Magazine #5 2004 9/21/2004
36. Miami Magazine #6 2004 10/5/2004
37. Miami Magazine #7 2004 10/13/2004
38. Miami Magazine #8 2004 10/19/2004
39. Miami Magazine #9 2004 10/26/2004
40. Miami Magazine #10 2004 11/9/2004
41. Miami Magazine #11 2004 11/16/2004
42. Miami Magazine #12 2004 11/23/2004
43. Miami Magazine #13 2004 11/30/2004
44. Miami Magazine #14 2004 12/7/2004
45. Miami Magazine #15 2004 1/25/2005
46. Miami Magazine #3 2005 Review Central Michigan Magazine 9/13/2005
47. Miami Magazine #5 2005 Review Kent State Game/B 9/26/2005
48. Miami Magazine #6 Review Cincinnati 9/30/2005
49. Miami Magazine #7 Review N. Illinois 10/10/2005
50. Miami Magazine #8 Review Akron 10/17/2005
51. Miami Magazine #9 Review Eastern Michigan 10/24/2005
52. Miami Magazine #10 Review Temple 10/31/2005
53. Miami Magazine #12 Review Buffalo - 2nd Week New Update 11/25/2005
54. Miami Magazine #13 Review Ohio University 11/30/2005
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Action Photos-Freshman/Sophomores/Juniors/Media Guides/Photographs/Ice Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Football, Synchronized Swimming, Volleyball; 2000
10F-3 Filing cabinet located next to the Photograph Collection
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 1; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
1. Miami Magazine #1 2004 8/24/04
2. Miami Magazine #2 2004 8/31/04
3. Miami Magazine #3 2004 9/7/2004
4. Miami Magazine #4 2004 9/14/2004
5. Miami Magazine #5 2004 9/21/2004
6. Miami Magazine #6 2004 10/5/2004
7. Miami Magazine #7 2004 10/13/2004
8. Miami Magazine #8 2004 10/19/2004
9. Miami Magazine #9 2004 10/26/2004
10. Miami Magazine #10 2004 11/9/2004
11. Miami Magazine #11 2004 11/16/2004
12. Miami Magazine #12 2004 11/23/2004
13. Miami Magazine #13 2004 11/30/2004
14. Miami Magazine #14 2004 12/7/2004
15. Miami Magazine #15 2004 1/25/2005
16. Miami Magazine #3 2005 Review Central Michigan Magazine 9/13/2005
17. Miami Magazine #5 2005 Review Kent State Game/B 9/26/2005
18. Miami Magazine #6 Review Cincinnati 9/30/2005
19. Miami Magazine #7 Review N. Illinois 10/10/2005
20. Miami Magazine #8 Review Akron 10/17/2005
21. Miami Magazine #9 Review Eastern Michigan 10/24/2005
22. Miami Magazine #10 Review Temple 10/31/2005
23. Miami Magazine #12 Review Buffalo - 2nd Week New Update 11/25/2005
24. Miami Magazine #13 Review Ohio University 11/30/2005
25. Miami Magazine #1 January 16, 2007
26. Miami Magazine #2 Football vs. Northwestern Review 9/5/2006
27. Miami Magazine #4 Football vs. Kent State Review 9/19/2006
28. Miami Magazine #7 2006 Miami vs. Northern Illinois Review 10/9.2005
29. Miami Magazine #8 Miami vs. Buffalo Review 10/16/2006
30. Miami Magazine #9 Miami vs. Akron Review 10/23/2006
31. Miami Magazine #10 Miami vs. Ball State 10/30/2006
32. Miami Magazine #11 Miami vs. WVU 11/6/2006
33. Miami Magazine #12 Miami vs. Bowling Green 11/20/2006
34. Miami Magazine #13 Miami vs. Ohio University 11/28/2006
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 2; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 3; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 4; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 5; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 6; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 7; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 8; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 9; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 10; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 11; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 12; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 13; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 14; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 15; 2004; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Maagazine, Collection Located In filing cabinets next to photograph Collction; 2004-06; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]!
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine,
1. Miami Magazine #1 2004 8/24/04
2. Miami Magazine #2 2004 8/31/04
3. Miami Magazine #3 2004 9/7/2004
4. Miami Magazine #4 2004 9/14/2004
5. Miami Magazine #5 2004 9/21/2004
6. Miami Magazine #6 2004 10/5/2004
7. Miami Magazine #7 2004 10/13/2004
8. Miami Magazine #8 2004 10/19/2004
9. Miami Magazine #9 2004 10/26/2004
10. Miami Magazine #10 2004 11/9/2004
11. Miami Magazine #11 2004 11/16/2004
12. Miami Magazine #12 2004 11/23/2004
13. Miami Magazine #13 2004 11/30/2004
14. Miami Magazine #14 2004 12/7/2004
15. Miami Magazine #15 2004 1/25/2005
16. Miami Magazine #3 2005 Review Central Michigan Magazine 9/13/2005
17. Miami Magazine #5 2005 Review Kent State Game/B 9/26/2005
18. Miami Magazine #6 Review Cincinnati 9/30/2005
19. Miami Magazine #7 Review N. Illinois 10/10/2005
20. Miami Magazine #8 Review Akron 10/17/2005
21. Miami Magazine #9 Review Eastern Michigan 10/24/2005
22. Miami Magazine #10 Review Temple 10/31/2005
23. Miami Magazine #12 Review Buffalo - 2nd Week New Update 11/25/2005
24. Miami Magazine #13 Review Ohio University 11/30/2005
25. Miami Magazine #1 January 16, 2007
26. Miami Magazine #2 Football vs. Northwestern Review 9/5/2006
27. Miami Magazine #4 Football vs. Kent State Review 9/19/2006
28. Miami Magazine #7 2006 Miami vs. Northern Illinois Review 10/9.2005
29. Miami Magazine #8 Miami vs. Buffalo Review 10/16/2006
30. Miami Magazine #9 Miami vs. Akron Review 10/23/2006
31. Miami Magazine #10 Miami vs. Ball State 10/30/2006
32. Miami Magazine #11 Miami vs. WVU 11/6/2006
33. Miami Magazine #12 Miami vs. Bowling Green 11/20/2006
34. Miami Magazine #13 Miami vs. Ohio University 11/28/2006
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 5; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 6; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 7; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 8; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 9; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 10; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 12; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Miami Magazine, no. 13; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; NCAA Self-Study Report and Appendices; 2000-01; Box 1 [7A-A-1D]! Contents: 1. 2000-2001 NCAA Self-Study Report 2. 2000-2001 Written Plan Appendices 3. Self-Study Report Appendices 1-27 4. Self-Study Report Appendices 28-45
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Football Newspaper Clippings; 1998-2000; Box 1 [7A-A-5A]! 1. Football Newspaper Clippings 1998 (1) 2. Football Newspaper Clippings 1998 (2) 3. Football Newspaper Clippings 1999 (1) 4. Football Newspaper Clippings 1999 (2) 5. Football Newspaper Clippings 1999 (3) 6. Football Newspaper Clippings 2000 7. Football Newspaper Clippings 2001-2006
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Media Guides, Swimming, and Wrestling, Swimming Mens; Box 1 [7A-B-1D]! 1. 1961-62 Swimming and Wrestling Information 2. 1963-64 Swimming and Wrestling Information 3. 1964-65 Swimming and Wrestling Information 4. 1975-76 Men's Swimming 5. 1977-78, 1979-80 Men's Swimming 6. Swimming 1994 7. Swimming and Diving 1996-97 8. Swimming and Diving 1997 (MAC Championship Guide) 9. Men's Swimming 2000 10. Swimming and Diving 2000-01 11. Swimming and Diving 2001-02 12. Swimming 2002-03 13. Swimming 2003-04 Mens 14. Swimming and Diving 2004-05 15. Swimming 2005-06 16. Swimming 2006-07 17. Swimming and Diving 2007-08 18. 2009-10 Men's Swimming and Diving Team 19. Tennis 1975-, 1976, 1977 Men's Tennis 20. Tennis 1970, 1973, 1974 21. Tennis 1978, 1979, 1980 22. Tennis 1982, 1985-86, 1986-87 23. Tennis 1987-88, 1990 24. Tennis 1991, 1993-94 25. Tennis 1995 26. Tennis 1996 27. Tennis 1996-97 28. MAC Tennis Championships 1997 29. Tennis 1999
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Swimming and Diving; Scores, Miscellaneous Papers, Booklets, Clippings, Negatives and Photographs; 2000-2012; Box 1; [???] Contents: Group 1: Photographs and Negatives a. CDs of 2009-10 MSW + WSW b. Women's Swimming and Diving Negatives undated c. Women's Swimming and Diving Negatives undated d. Women's Swimming and Diving Negatives undated e. Women's Swimming and Diving-Photos undated f. Women's Swimming and Diving Photos undated Group 2: Womens Swimming and Diving Booklets a. Miami Swimming and Diving 2008-2009 Team Manual Group 2: Women's Swimming and Diving Scores and Miscellaneous Papers a. Women's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2000-2010 b. Women's Swimming and Diving-Miscellaneous 2001-2008 c. Women's Swimming and Diving-Miscellaneous Papers 2001-2009 d. Women's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2008-2009 e. Women's Swimming and Diving-Scores December 2009-2010 f. Women's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2009-2011 g. Women's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2009-2010 h. Women's Swimming and Diving Miscellaneous Papers 2012 i.Women's Swimming and Diving-Media Forms undated Group 3: Men's Swimming and Diving Scores and Miscellaneous Papers a. Men's Swimming and Diving-Scores and Miscellaneous Papers 2006-2010 b. Men's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2008-2010 c. Men's Swimming and Diving-Scores and Miscellaneous Papers 2008-2012 d. Men's Swimming and Diving-Scores 2010 e. Men's Swimming and Diving Papers 2012
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Basketball, Golf, Track and Field, Cross Country and Volleyball; Photographs, Negatives, and Miscellaneous Papers; 1904-2007; Box 2; [???] Contents: Men's Basketball a. No Team 1904 b. No Team 1905 c. Men's Basketball-Photos 1983 d. Men's Basketball-Photos undated e. Men's Basketabll-Negatives undated Women's Basketball a. Women's Basketball-Photos 1998 Golf a. Golf-Photos 1997-1998 b. Golf Negatives undated Men's Track and Field Photographs a. Photograph 1906 b. Photograph 1911 c. Photograph 1912 d. Men's Track and Field-Photos 2002-2004 e. Men's Track and Field-Photo 2007 f. Men's Track and Field-Photos undated g. Men's Track and Field-Photos undated h. Photos Track-Mens undated i. Men's Track and Field-Miscellaneous Papers undated j. Men's Track and Field-Clippings undated k. Reynold's, Erik Men's Track and Field undated l. Men's Track and Field Negatives undated m. Men's Track and Field Negatives undated Women's Track and Field a. Women's Track and Field-Photos 2001 b. Women's Track and Field-Photos 2001 c. Women's Track and Field-Photos 2002-2004 d. Women's Track Clippings 2006-2007 Men's Track and Field and Cross Country a. Men's Track and Field + Cross Country undated Men's Cross Country a. Men's Cross Country-Photos undated Women's Cross Country a. Women's Cross Country-Photos undated All Academic Team a. Track and Cross Country 1994-2001 All Academic Certificates Volleyball a. Volleyball Miscellaneous Papers 1997-1999 b.Volleyball Photos 1998-1999 c. Volleyball Photos 1998-2002 d. Volleyball Clippings 2007 e. Volleyball Negatives undated
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Football; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence and Negatives ; 1892-2012; Box 3; [???] Contents: Group 1: Miscellaneous Papers a. Football-Miscellaneous Papers 2000-2008 b. Football-Article, Two Copies of Fort Collins Coloradoan "Rams Can't Stop RedHawks, Rothlisberger Septmeber 21, 2003 c. Football-Journal News December 14, 2003 d. Football-Journal News December 19, 2003 e. Football-Miscellaneous Papers 2003 f. Football-Two Copies of Journal News Clipping November 14, 2004 g. Football 2006 Clippings h. Football-Clippings 2007 i. Football-Certificates 2008 j. Football-Journal News Clipping November 11, 2010 k. Football-Correspondence 2010 l. Football-Press-Register CLipping January 7, 2011 m. Football-Certificates 2012 Group 2: Photographs a. Photograph with Team Roster 1892 b. Photograph 1902 c. Photograph with Team Roster 1902 d. 1907 "Freshman Team" e. Photograph 1908 f. Photograph with Team Roster 1908 g. Football-Photo 1909 h. Football-Photo with Team Roster 1909 i. Photograph 1915 j. Photograph 1916 k. Football-Photos 2005-2007 l. Football-Photos 2005-2007 m. Photograph with Team Roster undated n. Photograph undated o. Photograph undated p. Football-Photograph undated q. B. Lee undated r. Football-Photos undated s. Football-Photos undated t. Football Photos undated Group 3: Negatives a. Black Binder, Negatives 1999-2001 b. Football Negatives undated Group 4: Miscellaneous a. Officially Licensed Commemorative Envelope, "Tostitos Fiesta Bowl National Championship, UMiami vs Ohio State", January 3, 2003
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Field Hockey, Tennis, and General Athletics; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence and Negatives ; 1906-2013; Box 4; [???] Contents: Baseball a. Miami Baseball Team 1906 b. Baseball Clippings 2007 c Baseball Photos undated d Baseball Negatives undated d. Baseball Negatives undated Softball a. Softball Photos 1993 b. Softball Photos 2000 c. Softball Photos 2000-2004 d. Softball Papers undated e. Softball Negatives undated Men's Soccer a. Men's Soccer-Photo undated Women's Soccer a. Women's Soccer-Miscellaneous Papers 2007 Cheerleading a. Cheerleading Photos undated b. Cheerleading Negatives undated Field Hockey a. Field Hockey-Photo undated Hockey a. Hockey Clippings 2007 b. Hockey-Photos undated Tennis a. Tennis-Photos 1929 General Athletics a. Athletics General-Photos 1993-2013 b. Athletics General-Photos 2008 c. Athletics General-Photos undated d. Coaches-Photos undated e. Athletics General-Negatives undated f. Coaches-Negatives undated General Athletics Pamphlets a. Miami University Athletics "Home of the Redskins" 1993-94 Recap MAC b. Miami University Athletics "Home of the Redskins" 1994-95 Reacp MAC c. Miami University Athletics 1996-97 Recap Reese and Jacoby Cup Winner d. Miami University Athletics 1997-1998 Recap e. Miami University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 1998-99 Annual Report f. Miami Atletics 1999-2000 Recap g. Miami Athletics 2000-01 Recap h. Three Copies of Miami Athletics 2001-02 Recap i. Two Copies of Miami Athletics 2002-03 Recap Reese Trophy Winners j. Miami Athletics Recap 2003-04 Recap
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Field Hockey, Tennis, and General Athletics; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence and Negatives ; 1906-2013; Box 5; [???]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Field Hockey, Tennis, and General Athletics; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence and Negatives ; 1906-2013; Box 6; [???]
Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Baseball, Golf, Track and Field, Ice Hockey, Field Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Archery, Soccer, Swimming; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence; 1977-2010 [7A-O-2B]
Folder 1: Sports Guide, January 29-30, 2010
1. Sports Guide, January 29-30, 2010
Folder 2: Sports Guide, February 19-20, 2010
1. Sports Guide, February 19-20, 2010
Folder 3: Sports Guide, November 12-14, 2010
1. Sports Guide, November 12-14, 2010
Folder 4: Miami Football Programs, 1977-1983
1. Miami vs. Toledo, 1977
2. Miami vs. Kent State, November 11, 1978
3. Miami vs. Northern Illinois, November 14, 1981
4. Miami vs. Kent State, Homecoming Game, October 8, 1983
Folder 5: Miami Football Programs, 1984-2009
1. Miami vs. Bowling Green, September 22, 1984
2. Miami University 2007 Media Guide
3. Miami vs. Toledo, October 31, 2009
Folder 6: Bo Schembeckler Reunion Roast
1. Bo Schembeckler Event Checklist
2. Agenda, April 1, 2004
3. Bo Schembechler Event Checklist April, 1, 2004
4. Reservation and RSVP List
5. Golf outing Itinerary
6. Agenda, April, 11, 2004
7. Bo Reunion/Roast Schedule
8. Jim Brandstatter Information
Folder 7: Director of Media Relations
1. Job Offer From Dennis Deahl to Michael Harris, August 1, 2001
2. Steven Allen Baker Resume and Personal Information
3. Year-End Evaluation of Mike Harris, 2001-2002
Folder 8: Athlete of the Year
1. Miami Universtiy Male and Female Athlete of the Year Nominations, 2004-2005
2. Miami Universtiy Male and Female Athlete of the Year Nominations Part 2, 2004-2005
3. Nomination of Taryn Nye by Richard Ceronie, May 18, 2005
4. Nominee's Achievements, May 23, 2005
5. Nomination of Tara Buroker by Carolyn Condit, May 25, 2005
6. Nomination of Kristin Abbott by Vivki Korn for the Lee Ann Davidge Award
7. Ashley Swinehart Nomination for the Lee Ann Davidge Award
Folder 9: Capital Campaign Media Relations Facility
1. Funding Proposals by Joel Maturi
Folder 10: Cradle of Coaches Dedication
1. Meeting Notes, November 2, 2004
2. Invitation to Cradle of Coaches Meeting, July 11, 2006
3. Meeting Agenda, July 27, 2006
4. Cradle of Coaches List
5. Former MU sports administrator retiring in Wisconsin, The Oxford Press, November 21, 2008
Folder 11: Cradle of Coaches Plaza
1. Cradle of Coaches Plaza
Folder 12: Missellaneous Newspapers
1. Sports Media Relations Post Filled at Miami
2. Eight MU Redhawk athletes honored as all-Americans, Oxford Press, June 8, 2001
3. 3 Redhawks pick up sportswomen awards, Journal News, April 25, 2007, four copies
4. Five MU teams earn NCAA honors, Journal News, May 1, 2007, six copies
5. Three Redhawks honored by Women's Sports Foundation, Oxford Press, May 4, 2007, two copies
6. Redhawks men 7th, women 4th in MAC all-sports standings, Miami Digest, May 31, 2007
7. Eight Redhawks honored as All-Americans, Oxford Press, June 8, 2007
8. Miami sports has new radio network home, Oxford Press, August 10, 2007
9. Redhawks to play in Anaheim tourney, Journal News, August 19, 2007
10. Athletes visit Wal-Mart, Oxford Press, August 31, 2007
11. Seven to receive Miami awards, Journal News, September 28, 2007
12. Women's tennis dominats field at Ball State, Journal News, October 1, 2007
13. Men's basketball to open season with Xavier, Journal News, October 2, 2007
14. Names in Sports, Oxford Press, October 12, 2007
15. Miami Sports Wrap-Up, Oxford Press, October 26, 2007
16. MU Sports Wrapup, The Oxford Press, November 16, 2007
17. Miami tops Bearcats on Diamond 11-8, Journal News, April 2, 2008, four copies
18. Miami Sports Wrap-up, Oxford Press, April 4, 2008, six copies
19. Miami Digest, Journal News, April 13, 2008
20. Miami Sports wrap-up, The Oxford Press, April 18, 2008, two copies
21. Miami Digest, Journal News, April 21, 2008, two copies
22. Miami Digest, Journal News, April 26, 2008
23. Miami Digest, Journal News, April 27, 2008
24. Miami women win MAC's Jacoby, Journal News, May 29, 2008
25. MU athletes earn top marks, Journal News, May 31, 2008
26. MU Sports Wrap-up, The Oxford Press, June 27, 2008
27. Miami Hall to induct 7 new members, Journal News, January 23, 2009
28. Miami Sports Wrap-Up, The Oxford Press, January 23, 2009
29. Duo Leads Miami to win, Journal News, February 1, 2009
30. A Toehold on History, Cincinnati Enquirer, February 2, 2009
31. Wilson, Robinson earn Spirit Award, Jounral News, April 21, 2009
Folder 13: Media Guide
1. Los Angeles Clippers 1991-1992 Media Guide
Folder 14: Journal Article
1. The Basketball Man
Folder 15: Aerial Photo of Track
1. Aerial Photo of Track
Folder 16: Hall of Fame Dinner Photos
1. Photos 1-9
2. Photos 10-18
3. Photos 19-27
4. Photos 28-36
5. Photos 37-45
6. Photos 46-54
7. Photo 55
8. Four unlabled photos
Folder 17: Baseball Newspapers
1. 'Hawks unable to get key hits late, Miami Notes, May 26, 2007
2. Despite solid game, Redhawks out of MAC tourney, May 26, 2007
3. Minnesota prep players will join Redhawk program, June 7, 2007, two copies
4. Brackman, two MU standouts drafted, June 8, 2007
5. Brackman goes out fishing, comes back a Yankee, Enquirer, June 8, 2007
6. Armitage receives academic all-MAC honor, Miami Digest, June 13, 2007
7. Weiser eager to pitch for hometown fans, June 20, 2007
8. Challenging schedule awaits in Arizona, Journal News, February 21, 2008, two copies
9. Miami open MAC play with 8-1 win, Journal News, March 23, 2008, two copies
10. MAC honors Miami's Petraitis, Erwood, Journal News, March 26, 2008
11. Redhawks snowed out at EMU, Journal News, March 29, 2008
12. MU baseball falls to host Indiana, Journl News, April 3, 2008, two copies
13. Miami baseball roughed up 13-7, Journal News, April 7, 2008, three copies
14. Redhawks pick up win over Purdue, Oxford Press, April 18, 2008, two copies
15. Redhawks lose series opener, Journal News, April 19, 2008, two copies
16. Miami comes from behind to beat XU, Journal News, April 24, 2008
17. Redhawks honor 100-year-old baseball alumnus, Journal News, April 28, 2008
18. Inexperienced pitching staff gets a boost from freshman Melling, Journal News, April 28, 2008
19. Late rally falls short for RedHawks, Journal News, April 30, 2008
20. Weldon drives in four for RedHawks, Journal News, May 1, 2008
21. MU honors 100-year-old baseball alumnus, Oxford Press, May 2, 2008
22. Redhawks swept in weekend series by Bobcats, The Oxford Press, May 16, 2008
23. Remarkable comeback saves Miami, Journal News, May 17, 2008
24. Miller makes career as RedHawks' equipment manager, Oxford Press, May 23, 2008
25. 2 Miami baseball players drafted, Oxford Press, June 13, 2008
26. Loss, weather work against Miami as Oxford hosts tournament, Oxford Press, July 11, 2008
27. Winter Baseball Camps, Journal News, December 17, 2008
28. Redhawks hosting Winter Baseball Camp, Jounral News, December 18, 2008
29. Redhawks take a look at pitchers against WSU, Journal News, March 18, 2009
30. Redhawk baseball doubleheader today, Journal News, April 11, 2009
31. Redhawk sweep central on diamond, Journal News, April 12, 2009
32. Miami baseball falls to Central Mich., Journal News, April 13, 2009
33. Miami gears up for MAC, Journal News, April 14, 2009
34. Redhawks fall in inaugural classic, Journal News, April 15, 2009
35. Hatfield making presence felt, Journal News, April 21, 2009
36. Eaton, Jankowski earn MAC honors, Journal News, April 21, 2009
37. Redhawks fall to Xavier on diamond, Journal News, April 24, 2009
38. Miami Baseball outslugs Bowling Green, Journal News, April 27, 2009
39. Miami Baseball rallies to beat EKU, Journal News, April 30, 2009
40. Redhawks capture two of three, Oxford Press, May 8, 2009
41. Bobcats bounce MU 12-7 in home finale, Journal News, May 11, 2009
42. Reshawks slip past Herd in 10 innings 8-7, Journal News, May 13, 2009
43. Miami baseball falls at Kent State, Journal News, May 16, 2009
44. Miami to face Kent in MAC tourney, Journal News, May 18, 2009
45. Miami will need arms, Journal News, May 20, 2009
46. Miami falls in MAC baseball tourney, Journal News, May 21, 2009
47. Redhawks advance in MAC tourney, Journal News, May 22, 2009
48. Redhawks fall in semifinals, Journal News, May 23, 2009, two copies
49. Miami's Petraitis drafted by Cubs, Journal News, June 11, 2009
Folder 18: Golf Newspapers
1. Redhawks' Wood wins sectional playoff, earns spot in U.S. Amateur, Journal News, August 10, 2007
2. Miami golfers 8th in final fall event, Journal News, November 7, 2007
3. MU golfers 2nd at Hoosier Invitational, Journal News, March 31, 2008, two copies
4. Bastel prepares for MAC Championship while big sister grinds on the LPGA Tour, Journal News, May 1, 2008
5. Crist leads MU golfers to tourney win, Journal News, October 22, 2008
6. Redhawks tie for sixth at Wimberly, Journal News, October 29, 2008
7. Redhawks golf team second in Georgia, Journal News, March 10, 2009
8. Miami men's golfers finish second, Journal News, March 11, 2009
9. Miami golf team tied for fifth, Journal News, March 16, 2009
10. Redhawks ninth at Pinehurst Inv., Journal News, March 18, 2009
11. Miami golf team places ninth at Boilermaker Invitational, Journal News, April 20, 2009
Folder 19: Men's Track and Field Newspapers
1. Redhawks sign seven to National Letters of Intent, Miami Digest, June 12, 2007
2. MU senior conquers new hurdles, Journal News, April 18, 2008, three copies
3. MU Sports Wrapup, Oxford Press, May 16, 2008
4. MU runner in 3rd trip to regional, Journal News, May 30, 2008
5. Miami runner qualifies to nationals, Journal News, May 31, 2008
6. MU's Bolterstein, Sovacool honored, Journal News, June 6, 2008
7. Sovacool earns trip to championship, Journal News, November 16, 2008
8. Miami's Sovacool 65th in NCAA meet, Cincinnati Enquirer, November 25, 2008
9. Athletes use Martin Luther King Day as a chance to grow, Journal News, January 20, 2009
10. Obama inspires MU athlete to action, Journal News, January 20, 2009, two copies
11. Four sign with Miami cross country and track programs, Journal News, February 5, 2009
Folder 20: Ice Hockey Newspapers 2005-2009
1. Final season at Goggin, Oxford Press, November 11, 2005
2. Ive Hockey, Oxford Press, September 7, 2006
3. Redhawk icers bury Windsor in warm-up, Journal News, October 2, 2006
4. Pride in new hockey arena, Enquirer, October 3, 2006
5. New Goggin among area's top venues, Enquirer, October 3, 2006
6. Miami Hockey's Come A Long Way, Enquirer, October 3, 2006
7. New facility awaits Miami hockey program, Journal News, October 5, 2006
8. OSU not alone - other area colleges spending millions on athletic facilities, too, Dayton Daily News, October 6, 2006
9. Miami hockey has new radio home as well, Journal News, October 6, 2006
10. College Hockey Redhawks open tonight, Jounral News, October 6, 2006
11. Ice Breaker Invitational, Journal News, October 7, 2006
12. Catamounts coasts to tourney title, Journal News, October 8, 2006
13. New Goggin Ice Center plays factor in Redhawks win, Oxford Press, October 13, 2006
14. Davis leads hockey team past Canisius, Journal News, October 15, 2006
15. Redhawks off to rough start versus Wolverines, Journal News, October 20, 2006
16. Redhawks sweep Canisius in weekend hockey match, The Oxford Press, October 20, 2006
17. Ice Hockey, Oxford Press, October 27, 2006
18. MU hockey sweeps Bowling Green, Daily News, October 29, 2006
19. Martinez is CCHA Defender of Week, Journal News, November 2, 2006
20. MU's Davis is Player of the Month, Journal News, November 2, 2006
21. Martinez an unlikely scorer, Journal News, November 3, 2006
22. Miami Wins, Enquirer, November 4, 2006
23. Redhawks run wild in 5-1 victory, Journal News, November 4, 2006
24. Davis sets record in loss to N. Michigan, Journal News, November 7, 2006
25. No sibling, no problem for Redhawks' Davis, Journal News, November 10, 2006
26. Late goal secures Redhawks' win, Journal News, November 19, 2006
27. Game-winners net forward CCHA honor, Journal News, November 21, 2006
28. Miami president on the ice, Journal News, November 23, 2006
29. Miami falls on the road to Clarkson, Journal News, November 26, 2006
30. Redhawk freshman eases into new role, Journal News, December 1, 2006
31. Jones grabs first hat trick in Redhawks' victory, Journal News, December 2, 2006
32. Redhawks complete sweep of Ferris State, Journal News, December 3, 2006
33. Miami Hockey, Enquirer, December 5, 2006
34. MU forward earns CCHA honor, Journal News, December 5, 2006
35. Late goal costs Miami, Journal News, December 10, 2006
36. Games garner mixed results, Oxford Press, December 21, 2006
37. Ice Hockey, Oxford Press, December 22, 2006
38. Redhawks goaltender joins U.S. team, Oxford Press, December 22, 2006
39. Redhawks top Falcons in Ohio Hockey Classic, Dayton Daily News, December 30, 2006
40. Buckeyes defense does in Redhawks, Journal News, December 31, 2006
41. Redhawks to take on Bowling Green, Oxford Press, January 4, 2007
42. Goalies hitting the ice with less padding, Journal News, January 5, 2007
43. Redhawks winning streak snapped, Journal News, January 7, 2007
44. Miami splits weekend ice series with Michigan State, The Oxford Press, January 12, 2007
45. Miami's Mercier makes big shots at big times, Journal News, January 12, 2007
46. Hockey Report, Journal News, January 19, 2007
47. Redhawks blow early lead and tie Ohio State, Dayton Daily News, January 20, 2007
48. Redhawks' defence holds off Buckeyes for 2-1 win, Dayton Daily News, January 22, 2007
49. Miami moving closer to coach Blasi's vision, Enquirer, January 22, 2007
50. Redhawks fend off barrage of OSU shots, Journal News, January 22, 2007
51. Redhawk emerges as Hobet Baker hopeful, Enquirer, January 26, 2007
52. Miami gets defensive in win over OSU, Oxford Press, January 26, 2007
53. Redhawks need at least a split, Journal News, January 26, 2007
54. Redhawks fall to Irish, Journal News, January 27, 2007
55. MU hockey team falls to Notre Dame, Dayton Daily News, January 27, 2007
56. Hockey team settles for 2-2 tie, Journal News, January 28, 2007
57. Q and A, Journal News, February 2, 2007
58. MU hockey team settles for 3-3 tie, Journal News, February 5, 2007
59. 'Hawks still in good spot, Journal News, February 9, 2007
60. Miami returns to old ways against Lakers, Journal News, February 10, 2007
61. Redhawks' win clinches first-round bye, Journal News, February 11, 2007
62. Defenseman wins hockey honor, Journal News, February 14, 2007
63. 'Hawks swoop on Colonials early in win, Journal News, February 16, 2007
64. Q and A, Journal News, February 16, 2007
65. Redhawks clinch home ice for playoffs, Oxford Press, February 16, 2007
66. Redhawks gear toward CCHA event, NCAA berth, Enquirer, February 27, 2007
67. Miami hockey returns to NCAA tournament, March, 19, 2007
68. MU pair drafted, Enquirer, June 25, 2007
69. Miami signs Blasi to 10-year deal, Journal News, September 25, 2007
70. Miami hockey earns top spot in poll, Oxford Press, September 28, 2007
71. Miami Hockey, Cincinnati Enquirer, October 2, 2007
72. Sky's the limit' for Miami, Journal News, October 3, 2007
73. Miami the pick to win CCHA, Journal News, October 3, 2007
74. Redhawks get good reviews, The Oxford Press, October 12, 2007
75. No. 4 Redhawks open with win over Vermont, Journal News, October 13, 2007
76. Miami kicks off season with sweep of Vermont, Oxford Press, October 19, 2007
77. 'Hawks skate past OSU, The Oxford Press, October 26, 2007
78. Redhawks skate past Buckeyes in another 5-1 victory, Journal News, October 22, 2007
79. Davis returns, but Redhawks hockey falls to Irish, 2-1, Hamilton Journal, November 10, 2007
80. Miami hockey lands no. 1 ranking, Oxford Press, November 2, 2007
81. Mu hockey retains No. 1 spot in polls, Cincinnati Enquirer, November 6, 2007
82. Miami retains No. 1 rank, Journal News, November 6, 2007
83. Redhawks hockey falls to Irish 2-1, November 10, 2007
84. Redhawks drill Notre Dame, Hamilton Journal November 11, 2007
85. Hawks soar to title game, Journal News, April 10, 2009
86. Redhawks to play for first NCAA title, Hamilton Journal News, April 10, 2009
Folder 21: Hockey Newspapers Undated
1. Miami Hockey barely in NCAAs, The Enquirer
2. Ryan Jones and Nino Musitelli
3. Alec Martinez
4. Redhawks win 3-2 over Rensselaer
5. Game Draws 3,642 spectators to new ice arena
6. Points 'a plenty
7. Perfect Timing
8. Start time changed for Miami-OSU game
9. Defending CCHA champs get impressive new facility that combines loud, intimate setting with 'wow' factor
10. Redhawks pounce on Pioneers
11. Cady Arena unveiling, The Enquirer
12. Zatkoff Assist
13. Redhawks will kick off season in new $34.8 million arena
14. New arena will be dedicated Friday
15. Forwards combined for 73 goals last year
16. Martinez leads defensemen in scoring
17. Martinez scores two goals
18. Photo of Nathan Davis
Folder 22: Field Hockey Newspapers
1. Miami field hockey adds two-time All-American Versfeld as assistant, Journal News, August 10, 2007, two copies
2. Miami field hockey team falls to OSU, Hamilton Journal, October 16, 2008
3. Miami field hockey gets academic nods, Journal News, December 10, 2008
4. Miami Universtiy signs four players for field hockey, Journal News, February 5, 2009
Folder 23: Tennis Newspapers
1. MU names Joffe as new women's tennis coach, June 29, 2007
2. Miami women's tennis team sweeps Xavier, Journal News, February 18, 2008, two copies
3. Women's tennis downs Akron, Journal News, March 29, 2008, two copies
4. Miami frosh earns MAC honor, Journal News, April 4, 2008, two copies
5. MAC title on line for Redhawks, Journal News, April 11, 2008
6. Western rolls, but Miami closing Gap, Journal News, April 13, 2008
7. MU tennis players honored by MAC, Journal News, April 25, 2008
8. Miami tennis blanks Eastern Michigan, Journal News, April 11, 2009
9. Miami tennis tops Bowling Green, Journal News, April 20, 2009
Folder 24: Volleyball Newspapers
1. MU volleyball falls to Bowling Green, Journal News
2. Miami volleyball wins UNLV tourney, Sports Digest
3. Miami volleyball draws crowd to see MAC win, Oxford Press, October 28, 2005
4. Miami volleyball drops season opener to Valpo, Journal News, August 25, 2007, four copies
5. Miami volleyball drops two matches, Oxford Press, August 31, 2007
6. Redhawks 2nd in own tourney, Journal News, September 2, 2007, two copies
7. Redhawk spikers take second place at Miami volleyball tourney, Journal News, September 3, 2007, two copies
8. Redhawk spikers lose to Morehead, Journal News, September 13, 2007
9. Redhawks split opening MAC volleyball action, Oxford Press, September 28, 2007
10. Miami, UD earn NCAA berths in D1 volleyball, The Enquirer, November 19, 2007
11. MU tops Ohio for MAC championship, Journal News, November 19, 2007
12. Miami looking for a win at NCAA tourney, Journal News, November 20, 2007
13. Michigan ousts Miami spikers in 3, Dayton Daily News, December 1, 2007, two copies
14. Redhawks' rally comes too late, Journal News, December 1, 2007, two copies
15. Volleyball, Oxford Press, December 14, 2007
16. Menche commits to play volleyball at Miami, Journal News, July 7, 2008
17. Menche commits to play volleyball at Miami Universtiy, Oxford Press, July 24, 2008
18. Redhawks throttle BG in MAC opener, Journal News, September 26, 2008
19. MU spiker Atteberry honored by MAC, Journal News, October 21, 2008
20. Redhawks bounce Zips in three sets, Journal News, November 15, 2008
21. MU volleyball earns first-round bye, Journal News, November 16, 2008
22. Miami volleyball beats Huskies, Hamilton Journal, November 21, 2008
23. Four MU volleyball players All-MAC, Hamilton Journal, November 21, 2008
24. Miami's Zenz moving up 'digs' charts, Hamilton Journal, November 22, 2008
25. Miami volleyball earns at-large selection to NCAA tournament, Journal News, December 1, 2008
26. Coach forced to sweat out bid, Journal News, December 2, 2008
27. Coach forced to sweat out bid, Oxford Press, December 5, 2008
28. Miami volleyball falls in 1st round, Hamilton Journal, December 6, 2008
29. Redhawks drop 2 match points, fall from NCAA, The Miami Student, December 9, 2008
30. Redhawks hope to serve up victory, Journal News, December 10, 2008
31. Volleyball falls in five sets in NCAA first round, Oxford Press, December 12, 2008
32. 3 Miami spikers get academic honor, Journal News, January, 26, 2009
33. MU's Condit signs contract extension, Journal News, April 21, 2009
Folder 25: Archery Newspapers
1. MU's Anschutz qualifies for 2008 U.S. World Universtiy Archery team, June 4, 2008
Folder 26: Soccer Newspapers
1. Soccer Buzz ranks MU recruiting class first, May 3, 2007, two copies
2. Miami, UC play to 1-1 soccer tie, Journal News, September 3, 2007, two copies
Folder 27: Swimming Newspapers
1. McKee to sign with Miami University, Journal News
2. Redhawk swimmers third at MAC meet
3. Centerville swim coach leaves for Miami, June 30, 2007
4. Davis is named assistant swimming, diving coach, June 30, 2007
5. Myers swims toward Olympic dream, The Oxford Press, November 16, 2007
6. Miami swimmers eyeing Olympics, Journal News, June 18, 2008
7. Redhawks rip 16 records in multi-day route, Miami Student, December 9, 2008
8. Miami Invitational begins with record-breaking performance, Journal News, December 10, 2008
9. Masters Swim Team fills a need, Oxford Press, December 18, 2008
10. Area Swimmers help rewrite Miami record book, The Enquirer, December 21, 2008
11. Redhawks drop first MAC dual, Journal News, February 2, 2009
12. MU's Heaton, Li earns MAC diving honors, Journal News, February 25, 2009
13. Miami women set swim records, Journal News, February 27, 2009
14. Miami swimmers, coach honored, Journal News, March 3, 2009
15. MU swimmers make D-1 championsips, Journal News, March 6, 2009
16. MU diving champ Chris Heaton heads to NCAA regionals, Journal News, March 9, 2009
17. Heaton hopes fourth time will be the charm, Journal News, March 9, 2009
18. Is 4th time the charm for diver, Oxford Press, March 13, 2009
19. Miami's Heaton 7th in zone diving, Journal News, March 14, 2009
- Creation: 1891 - 2020
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
15 Boxes
28 Items
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Cultural context
Genre / Form
- United States. Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX
- Booklets
- Correspondence
- Miami Athletic Hall of Fame
- Miscellaneous
- Photographs
- Scorebooks
- Sex discrimination in sports -- Law and legislation -- United States
- Sex discrimination in sports -- Government policy -- United States
- Sex discrimination in sports -- Government policy -- United States
- Sports for women -- Law and legislation -- United States
- Spring Sports
- Spring Sports -- Sports Team Mascots
- Swimming and Diving (Mens); Tennis (Men's) ; Wrestling
- Title Nine
- Women--Education (higher)--Ohio
- Box: 1; General Miami Athletics Yearly Recap; 1979-; 7A-A-1A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Title IX Materials; 1975-99; 7A-A-1C (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports School Brochure Materials; 1982; 7A-A-1E (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 7A-A-2A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1961-64; 7A-A-2B (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1965-66; 7A-A-2C (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1967-74; 7A-A-3A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1975-82; 7A-A-3B (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1983-89; 7A-A-3C (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Sports Information News Releases; 1990-; 7A-A-4A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; News Clips; 1998-2005; 7A-A-4B (Text)
- Box: 1; General; News Clips: Baseball, Basketball, Women's Basketball; 1998-2005; 7A-A-4C (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Miscellaneous Athletic Programs; 1891-; 7A-B-1A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Miscellaneous Files; 7A-L-4A (Text)
- other: General; Media Guides/Photos; 2003-04; CD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Track and Field/Cross Country: Applied Tech Photos; 2003-04; CD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: Action Photos-Freshmen/Sophomores/Juniors; 2004-05; CD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 1; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 2; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 3; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 4; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 5; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 6; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 7; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 8; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 9; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 10; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 11; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 12; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 13; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 14; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 15; 2004; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 3; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 5; 2005; DVD [PHOTO-10F-3] (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 6; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 7; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 8; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 9; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 10; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 12; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- other: General; Miami Magazine, no. 13; 2005; DVD; PHOTO-10F-3 (Computer Disks)
- Box: 1; General; NCAA Self-Study Report and Appendices; 2000-01 (Text)
- Container: Intercollegiate Athletics; General; Baseball, Golf, Track and Field, Ice Hockey, Field Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Archery, Soccer, Swimming; Photographs, Clippings, Correspondence; 1977-2010 [7A-O-2B] (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository