Special Reports, 1918 - 2005
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Miami University in World Affairs: Report of the World Affairs Survey Committee [Bound]; 1954 [1A-E-Shelf 5] Reference Section!
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Miscellaneous Financial, Administrative and Planning Reports; 1948-; Box 1 [9A-E-2A]! Files: 1-2. General Survey of Business and Athletic Activities, Miami Univeristy (December 16, 1948) 3-4. Confidential Report on the Financial Needs and Revenues of Miami University. Kersting, Brown and Company (1950) 5. Future Enrollment Growth at Miami University. John Millett (1956) 6. Miami Dormitory-Revenue-Bonds Refinancing Plan (April 15, 1958) [Re. includes info on building construction plans] 7. Faculty Salaries. Report from C. W. Kreger (October 29, 1958) 8. Expansion of Activity and Costs at Miami University, 1951-61 (1961) 9. Educational Expenditures Forecast (January 20, 1962) 10. Report on Student Aid Program, Miami University (1963) 11. An Analysis of the Residential University. Commmittee on the Nature of the Residential University (1969?) [Includes discussion of elimination of In Loco Parentis concept in Miami attitude toward students] 12-13. Management Study and Administrative Analysis, Miami University. Warren King and Assocociates (September 15, 1969) 14. An Assessment of the Space Problem and Recommendations for Its Solution (June 8, 1974) [Includes some supplementary materials] 15. Growth of Miami University Staff Between 1965-66 and 1975-76. William Slover to Phil Shriver (July 15, 1975) 16. Development Study For Miami University (May 1976) 17. Miami University: The Decade Ahead (1980) 18. Priority Issues and Concerns Reported by University Divisions to President Pearson [1981] 19. Draft Academic Plan, 1987-92 (1987) 20. Insuring a Future of Strength. Report of the Miami University Team Charged with Studying Selective Institutions of Higher Education to Make Recommendations to the Miami University Community on the Appropriate Course for the Future (December 1987) 21. Report of the Presidental Task Force on the Learning Technologies Initiative (November 1994) [Computer, Laptop requirement] 22. Plan for Institutional Diversity (Fall 1988) 23. The Arts at Miami University, Strategic Plan (July 1999) 24. First in 2009 Progress Report (2003) 25. First in 2009 Academic Integrity Subcommittee, Final Report (March 30, 2006) 26. Moving Toward 2009: New Initiatives and Goals, 2001-2002. Division of Student Affairs (2001) 27. Old Miami Enrollment Book (Research With Other American Colleges For Old Miami Enrollment Book) by William S. Yeck
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Reports - Miscellaneous; 1918-2002; Box 1 [9A-D-6C]! Files: 1. A Study of the Employment of Miami Men at Work Outside of their Studies (1918) 2. Tentative Statement of the Intercollegiate Athletic Policy of Miami University (March 8, 1949) 3. Evaluation of the Common Curriculum. Presented to the Committee on Educational Policy and Planning by the Evaluation Subcommittee (February 1960) 4. Final Report of the Music Merger Committee (April 1960) 5. Technical Report of the Director of the National Defense Education Act Counseling and Guidance Training Institute Conducted at Miami (1963) 6-7. A Program for an Integrated Student Records System, Miami University (December 1964) 8-9. Report of the Commission on Student Participation in University Life (September 1969) 10. Report of the Committee to Investigate Charges of Alleged Discrimination Against Women at Miami University (July 16, 1971) 11. Final Report of the Health and Physical Education Departments, Men and Women, Merger Committee (January 10, 1977) 12. Insuring a Future of Strength. Report of the Miami University Team Charged with Studying Selective Institutions of Higher Education to Make Recommendations to the Miami Miami University Community on the Appropriate Course for Our Future (December 1987) 13. Evaluation of Students' Experiences With and Responses to Student Affairs Programs During Their Initial Weeks on Campus (December 6, 1989) 14-16. Final Report of the Oxrord Campus Bus Transportation Study Committee (December 15, 1989) 17. Involving Colleges / Miami Related Excerpts. Division of Student Affairs (February 1990) 18. The Miami Model for Greek Excellence (June 10, 1996) 19. Report on Religious Holidays (1998?) 20. Miami University Computer Planning Study. Final Report (May 1991) 21. Internal Review Report. Division of Student Affairs (February 1, 2002) 22. White Paper: Strategic, Mission Centered Initiatives for Miami University's Regional Campuses 2006-2011. Prepared by Daniel E. Hall and Kelly Cowan (April 2006) 23. Campus Planning Policies and Procedures / President's Select Committee on Campus Planning (April 16, 1986) I 24. Campus Planning Policies and Procedures / President's Select Committee on Campus Planning (April 16, 1986) II 25. Report on the Service Expectations for Two-Year Colleges and Regional Campuses--Miami University Hamilton (June 1994) 26. Functional Mission Statement for Miami University Hamilton (1996) 27. "Information Technology and Learning Technologies Assessment Report" (2002) 28. Interim Report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Establishment of an Honors College and a New Interdisciplinary Studies Program (nd) 29. The University Study Program for Superior High School Students, Final Report (July 1, 1958- June 30, 1961) 30. Admission Cancellations: An Institutional Study (Fall, 1962) 31. A Review of Career Planning Activity in the Bureau of Business Placement (1967-1968)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Miami Master Plan Documents and "Tickton Report" to Ohio Board of Regents; 1963-64; Box 1 [9A-E-2B]! dup box # Files: 1. Master Plan: Academic Degree Programs, Enrollment, Research and Public Service, Student Life (December 1, 1963) 2. Master Plan: Capital Plant Requirements (January 1964) 3. Master Plan: Current Operating Income and Expenditure (March 1964) [Archives LD 3241 / .M493 A3x] 4. "Tickton Report" to the Ohio Board of Regents (April 8, 1964).
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Reports and Documents Dealing with Faculty and Staff; 1967-99; Box 1 [9A-E-2B]! dup box# Contents: 1. Miami University Job Descriptions (1967-68) 2. You . . . and Miami U. a handbook for Employees of Miami University (1972) 3. Miami University Salary Schedule for the Fiscal Year 1979-80 4. Ad Hoc Committee on Employee Recognition Programs. A Recommended Employee Recognition Program for Miami University (October 1983) 5. Status Report on the Implementation of Recommendations of the Report of the President's Commission on the Improvement of the Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students (September1989) [2 copies] 6. Supervisory, Administrative and Technical Support Staff (SATSS) Handbook (November 1999) 7. Secretary of the University. Report for President James C. Garland. (December 3, 2003)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Reports from University Task Forces and Supplementary Materials; 1972; Box 1 [9A-E-3A]! Files: 1. Task Force on Priorities in Presidential Area - Memos (1972) 2. Advisory Task Force on Student Affairs Priorities Report (June 15, 1972) 3-7. Advisory Task Force for Academic Priorities Report and Recommendations (July 7, 1972) 8. Advisory Task Force on Development and Alumni Priorities [1972] 9. Advisory Task Force on Business Affairs Priorities (August 18, 1972) 10-12. Academic Data Analysis (August 18, 1972) I-III [ With cover letters from Harry Lyle to David Brown and from David Brown to Phil Shriver] [Information reflecting on Task Force reports and alleged decreasing allotment of resources to support University's educational mission.] 13. Report of the President on Academic Priorities Task Force Recommendations (Rough draft--September 11, 1972) 14. Division of Finance and Business Affairs Self Study (May 1974) [Based on info submitted to Task Force on Business Affairs Priorities] . 15. Miami University Classification and Pay Program for Classified Staff, 2004
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Miscellaneous Reports; 1995; Box 1??? Ref??? Files: 1. Miami University Libraries Facilities Plan (October 24, 1995)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Miscellaneous Reports; 1987-2005; Box 2???Ref??? Files: 1. "Final Report. Perceived Expectations of an Early Retirement Incentive Program Met or Unmet?" Mildred Seltzer, Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University (1987?) 2. Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs. Submitted by Miami University to the Engineering Accreditation Commission. Vol. 1 (June 26, 1992) 3. Self-Study Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Programs. Submitted by Miami University to the Engineering Accreditation Commission. Vol II Manufacturing Engineering (June 26, 1992) 4. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Career Services (October 1995) 5. 1996 Future of the Oxford Area Report. Presented at the Oxford Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting (Oxford 17, 1996) 6. Dragonfly Quest, An Inquiry-Driven Science Program. . . A Proposal from Miami University and the National Science Teachers Association. . . (November 15, 1997) 7. Documenting Effective Educational Practice [DEEP]. Interim Report, Miami University. NSSE Institute for Effecitive Educational Practice (July 31, 2003) 8. Documenting Effective Educational Practice [DEEP]. Final Report, Miami University. NSSE Institute for Effecitive Educational Practice (October 31, 2003) 9. 2004-05 Program Review Self-Study. School of Interdisciplinary Studies. Western College Program. Miami University (October 11, 2004) 10. Faculty Vitae. School of Interdisciplinary Studies. Western College Program, Miami University (October 11, 2004) 11. 2005 Program Review and Self-Study. Department of Classics (2005) 12. Self-Study for Program Review, 2000-2005. Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages (2005) 13. Faculty Curriculum Vitae. Department of Geography (October 2005) 14. Syllabi of Miami Plan Courses. Department of Geography (October 2005) 15. Self-Study Report. Department of Geography. (October 2005) 16. Assessment of Contributions to the Miami Plan for Liberal Education. Department of Geography (October 2005) 17. Miami Plan for Liberal Education Course Evaluation Tally Sheets (Fall 1999-Fall 2000) 18. Richard T. Farmer School of Business Academic Program Review Self-Study. Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (October 2005) 19. Richard T. Farmer School of Business Academic Program Review Self-Study. Miami Plan Review Volume 2 Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (October 2005) 20. Richard T. Farmer School of Business Academic Program Review Self-Study. Faculty Vitae. Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems (October 2005) 21. Self-Study for Program Review 2005. Department of Comparative Religion (October 10, 2005) 22. 2005 Self-Study for Program Review. Department of Botany (10 October 2005)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 01-02: Documentation/History; 1985-1896; Box 1 [9A-E-4A] Contents: 1. Liberal Arts Advisers Liberal arts Faculty 1929-1935 2. Minutes of Liberal Arts Advisers 1935-1939 3. Book, A Documentary History of the Miami University Liberal Educatio Review and Reform Project 1985-1990 Volume I 4. Book, Two Copies of A Documentary History of the Miami University Liberal Educatio Review and Reform Project 1985-1990 Volume II 5. Letter United States Department of Education to Dr. Curtis Ellison, September 16, 1991 6. Miami University Self-Study Report February 1985 7. A Documentary History of the Miami University Liberal Education Review and Reform Project 1985-1990 Volume 1 Selected Documents 8. Major Documents Years One Through Four 1985-1989 9. Major Documents Year Two 1986-87 10. Memos and Reports 11. Major Documents Year Four 1988-89 12. Major Documents 1989-90 13. Miami Plan for Liberal Education 14. Liberal Education Enrichment Grants 15. Major Documents Year Three 1987-88 16. Miami University Liberal Education Information 1996 17. Miami University Teaching Grants, Programs, Resources, and Events 1995-1996 18. Liberal Education Council and Office of Student Leadership and Program Development April 1996 19. Liberal Education Council Agenda June 13, 1996 20. Miami Plan or Liberal Education Proposals September 3-4, 1996 21. Liberal Education Council Minuates of June 13, 1996 22. Liberal Arts Faculty Minutes, September 1910- June 1916
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 03-12: Documentation/History; 1985-90; Box 2 [9A-E-3C]! Contents: 1. Vol. 3 - Organization and Procedures Memoranda of the University Liberal Education Forum 1986-87 and 1987-88 2. Vol. 4 - Minutes of the Liberal Education Forum: August 1986-June 1987; August 1987-June 1988 3. Vol. 5 - Minutes and Records of Public Seminars on the purposes of Liberal Education at Miami: September 29-October 2, 1986 4. Vol. 6 - Minutes and Records of Discussions in Student Affairs Council, University Council, and University Senate Regarding Purposes of Liberal Education at Miami: February 11, 1986-October 13, 1987 5. Vol. 7 - Letters and Memoranda Written by Members of University Liberal Education Reform and Miami Faculty: January-March 1987 6. Vol. 8 - Faculty Written Responses to Seminars on Design Consideration for a University Program: October 1987 7. Vol. 9 - Letters from Miami Faculty Regarding Regarding the Reform Project: November 1986-August 1988 8. Vol. 10 - Miami University Institutional Inventory Compiled by Liberal Education Reform: October 12, 1987 9. Vol. 11 - Records of Meetings, Written Comments From Miami Faculty, Written Comments From Forum Members Responding to Discussion. Paper on Implementing a University Program: February-April 1988 10. Vol. 12 - Minutes and Records of Discussions in University Senate Regarding the Miami Plan for Liberal Education
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 13; 1986-89; Box 3 [17A-C-6D]! Contents: 1. Vol. 13 - Items Appearing in the Miami Student and the Miami Report Pertaining to the Liberal Education Project: April 1986-July 1989
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 14; 1988-2005; Box 4 [17A-B-6D]! Contents: 1. Vol. 14 - Tape Recordings of Meetings Concerning Liberal Education Reform: 1985-1990.
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Liberal Education Reform; Miami Plan Historical Documents; 1980-2005; Box 1 [18A-C-4C] Content: 1. Conceptualizing the Capstone Experience 2. Appendix to Report on Connections Across the Curriculum Project 1991-92 3. Evaluations of Connections Across the Curriculum Project, January 1993 4. Starting with Students Promising Approaches in American Higher Education December 1984 5. Teachers Guide for Composition and Literature English Department 1989-90 6. Teacher's Guide for College Composition 1989-90 7. Policy and Informational Manual August 1998 8. Miami University Liberal Education Review and Reform Process Materials 9. A Documentary History of the Liberal Education Review and Reform Project 1985-90, vol. I 10. Responses to Implementing a University Liberal Education and Reform Project February 1, 1988 11. Booklets 12. Media 13. Miami Bulletin Guidebook Copies 2002-present
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; 2004-2005; Box 1; [9A-E-1C] Content: 1. Artists Series -- Performing Arts (2004-2005) 2. Budget FY 2006 (2004-20050 3. Bursar (2004-2005) 4. Business Services (2004-2005) 5. Classified Personnel Advirsory Committee (CPAC) (2004-2005) 6. Consulting Group (2004-2005) 7. Credit Union (2004-2005) 8. Defibrillator Committee (2004-2005) 9. Environment Health and Safety, Office Of (2004-2005) 10. Fee Waivers (2004-2005) 11. Finance and Business Services (2004-2005) 12. Finance Business Services (2004-2005) 13. Housing Dining and Gusest Services (HDGA) (2004-2005) 14. Housing Dining and Guest Services (HDGS) Residence and Dining Halls (2004-2005) 15. Human Resources (formerly Personnel Offices) (2004-2005) 16. Institutional Relations (2004-2005) 17. Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) (2004-2005) 18. Interdisciplinary Studies, School of (2004-2005) 19. Maltbie and Associates Inc. (2004-2005) 20. Marcum Conference Center (2004-2005) 21. Miami Center for Innovation and Commercialization (MCIC) 22. Ohio Controlling Board (2004-2005) 23. Oxford Internal Medicine (2004-2005) 24. Physical Facilities Department (2004-2005) 25. Police Services Miami (2004-2005) 26. President (2004-2005) 27. Parking (2004-2005) 28. Secretary of the University (2004-2005) 29. Shriver Center (2004-2005) 30. Society for Photographic Education (2004-2005) 31. Society of Miami University Retirees (SOMR) (2004-2005) 32. Student (2004-2005) 33. Student Health Services (2004-2005) 34. Travel and Hosting Report (2004-2005) 35. Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) (Black Binders and Files) (2004-2005)
- Creation: 1918 - 2005
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
12 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Object: Miami University in World Affairs: Report of the World Affairs Survey Committee [Bound]; 1954; 1A-E-5B (Books)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Financial, Administrative and Planning Reports; 1948-; 9A-E-2A (Text)
- Box: 1; Reports - Miscellaneous; 1918-2002; 9A-D-6C (Text)
- Box: 1; Miami Master Plan Documents and "Tickton Report" to Ohio Board of Regents; 1963-64; 9A-E-2B (Text)
- Box: 1; Reports and Documents Dealing with Faculty and Staff; 1967-99; 9A-E-2B (Text)
- Box: 1; Reports from University Task Forces and Supplementary Materials; 1972; 9A-E-3A (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Reports; 1995 (Text)
- Box: 2; Miscellaneous Reports; 1987-2005 (Text)
- Box: 1; Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 01-02: Documentation/History; 1985-1896; 9A-E-4A (Text)
- Box: 2; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 03-12: Documentation/History; 1985-90; 9A-E-3C (Text)
- Box: 3; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 13; 1986-89; 17A-C-6D (Text)
- Box: 4; The Liberal Education Reform Project, Vol. 14; 1985-90; 17A-B-6D (Text)
- Box: 1; Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; Liberal Education Reform; Miami Plan Historical Documents; 1980-2005; 18A-C-4C (Text)
- Box: 1; Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Special Reports; 2004-2005; 9A-E-1C (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository