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Western College; Scrapbooks; Autograph Books; 1857;[Range 21A]; Box 1

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss Peabody; 1888-; [Range 21A] ;Box 2

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 1; 1888-1892; [Range 21A]; Box 3

Contains newspaper articles and a few programs.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 2; 1892-1896; [Range 21A]; Box 4

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 3; 1888-1890; [Range 21A]; Box 5

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 4; 1892-1900; [Range 21A]; Box 6

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 5; 1890-1892; [Range 21A]; Box 7

Contains newspaper articles, invitations, dried flowers and other mementos.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee, 6; 1900-1901; [Range 21A]; Box 8

Owner Unknown- Totally photographs. A wonderful scrapbook of the 1890s at Western.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Unknown;[Range 21A]; Box 9

Totally photographs. A wonderful scrapbook of the 1890’s at Western.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Faculty; Carloyn D. White, 1; 1895-1905; [Range 21A];Box 10

Printed materials only.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Faculty; Carloyn D. White, 2; 1895-1905;[Range 21A]; Box 11

Extremely fragile-Newspaper articles and other items (not photos).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Agness Mowat Hansel; 1900-1901;[Range 21A]; Box 12

Printed material. Contains a letter from a child of Agnes who found an album of photos. None are labeled.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Elizabeth Turner, Helen E. Davidson, Helen Wiggins;[Range 21A]; Box 13

Scrapbook 1: Elizabeth Turner.

Scrapbook 2: Helen E. Davidson. This album contains only photographs.

Scrapbook 3: Helen Wiggins. This is a wonderful scrapbook for a researcher. She has many photographs of soldiers from World War I. Every photo is labeled; she as displayed the contents of her album in a way that readers would appreciate. Folder 1: Elizabeth Turner, Class of 1907 Scrapbook Elizabeth Turner’s Scrapbook. Western College; Scrapbooks; Gertrude Leonard; 1904;[Range 21A]; Box 14

From 1900-1904 (Emma) Gertrude Leonard was a Western student. Her album has excellent photographs, programs and other memorabilia from her years at Western. Miss Leonard returned to teach at Western; Leonard Theatre was named in her honor. (Not bound; separated into four folders) Folder 1: 1902-1906; contains photographs of Gertrude Leonard and Edith Louise Leonard class of 1906. Folder 2: 1902-1906; contains Edith Louise Leonard’s scrapbook with various pictures, programs, and letters. Folder 3: 1902-1906; contains Edith Louise Leonard’s scrapbook with various pictures, programs, wedding announcements, and Tree Day events Western College; Scrapbooks; Miss McKee; 1904-;[Range 21A]; Box 15

Western and after- although Miss McKee resigned in 1904 to marry and to move to Kansas City, she never lost contact with Western. This box contains Western memorabilia and post 1904 materials about Miss McKee.

Western College; Scrapbooks; The Administration; 1904-1914;[Range 21A]; Box 16

Various materials from the college’s activities between 1904 and 1914, including programs, articles, correspondence, and memorabilia of these years. One bound scrapbook.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Elise Pike, Fern McKinney Rowlett; 1907-1910;[Range 21A]; Box 17

Folder 1: Elise Pike; 1907-1908

Folder 2: Fern McKinney Rowlett; 1909-1910 Both scrapbooks are all photographs. Elise Pike’s does include a list of the 1937-38 Western College for Women Alumnae Branch members in Washington, D.C Western College; Scrapbooks; Christian La Roche; 1910-1912;[Range 21A]; Box 18

Weaved Bamboo Scrapbook, Scrapbook from Marion G. Guest contains Senior Approx. 1910-1911. Book 1: (blueprint) - no photographs; however there are various newspaper articles, drawings, railway tickets, small envelopes with letters from upperclassmen.

Book 2: Pearl Riahley, class of 1912: contains late pictures of Paula, and various pictures of travel.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Mary Spillman; 1911;[Range 21A]; Box 19 Programs, photos and various memorabilia from Western. (Not bound; kept in a folder)

Western College; Scrapbooks; Marion Guest; 1913;[Range 21A]; Box 20

Her album contains many photographs. If one is looking for information about life at Western in the early 1900s, this would be a wonderful research tool. (Not bound; kept in two folders) Folder 1: contains various individual photographs. Folder 2 1910-1914: contains a scrapbook with pictures of Western and individual photographs.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Administration; 1914-1923; [Range 21A];Box 21

Articles, college news, programs, and schedules covering the years 1914-1923. Two bound scrapbooks.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Dean Mary A. Sawyer; 1914-1927;[Range 21A]; Box 22

Western College; Scrapbooks; Martha Martin MacQueen; 1916-1920; [Range 21A]; Box 23

This scrapbook is filled with beautifully labeled photographs. It is a wonderful resource for the years 1916-1920 which includes World War I. (Not bound; kept in three folders)

Western College; Scrapbooks; Thelma Gustavel; 1921-1925;[Range 21A]; Box 24

Another good resource for the researcher as there are many different holiday cards, wonderful photographs, plus one grade sheet. The years covered are 1921-1925. (Three folders).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Administration; 1923-1924;[Range 21A]; Box 25

Articles, college news, programs, and schedules covering the years 1923-1924. (Bound).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Administration; 1923-1928;[Range 21A]; Box 26

Western College; Scrapbooks; Mary Helen James; Mary Agnes Travis Harrison, Miscellaneous; 1925-1938;[Range 21A]; Box 27

Folder 1: Miss Harrison’s scrapbook covers only 1931; it includes various college materials from 1931.

Folder 2: Class of 1933. Western College; Scrapbooks; Elizabeth Philhower; 1931;[Range 21A]; Box 28

Western College; Scrapbooks; Administration; 1937-1938;[Range 21A]; Box 29

Contains news and items from 1937-1938.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Mary Helen "Suzy" Allburt; 1937-1941;[Range 21A]; Box 30

Western College; Scrapbooks; Jane Eaton, Ruth De Martine, Janet Heinz; 1939-1950;[Range 21A]; Box 31

Jane Eaton; 1939-1940. Various materials, including the script from “Orange is my Mother’s Hen House”, a play by two of her classmates. Western College; Scrapbooks; Beatrice Edith Low; 1940-1942;[Range 21A]; Box 32

A wonderful research tool for those years. Included in her album are receipts, wedding announcements about fellow students as well as anything about the choir since she was a member of the group. She was “Who’s Who in American Colleges.”

Western College; Scrapbooks; Janet McIlvaine, 1; 1941;[Range 21A]; Box 33

She placed candies and a small perfume bottle in her album which was not found in other scrapbooks. On some pages she put an arrow referring to materials she had designed for various events

Western College; Scrapbooks; Janet McIlvaine, 2; 1941;[Range 21A]; Box 34

Western College; Scrapbooks; Beatrice Edith Low; 1942;[Range 21A]; Box 35

Western College; Scrapbooks; Jane Law Franne Paynter, Frances Larsen; 1943-1944;[Range 21A]; Box 36

Western College; Scrapbooks; Betty Maddox; 1944-1946;[Range 21A]; Box 37

Three Multifarias; 1943-1944. 1 Western newspaper; 1946. 1 booklet of a Marriage service. Western College; Scrapbooks; Elizabeth A. Menninger; 1946-1950;[Range 21A]; Box 38 One will thoroughly appreciate the albums of Elizabeth Menninger. She made one for each of her four years and labeled materials; this is a great research find for the years 1946-1950. Three folders of loose-leaf scrapbook pages and two bound scrapbooks (with information page).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Susan Lichty Aiu; 1947-1951;[Range 21A]; Box 39

An excellent album for a researcher for the photographs of both people and events give a wonderful overview of the years 1947-1951. Three folders with loose-leaf scrapbook pages.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Catherine Ross Loveland, JoAnn Fley, Class of 1954; 1948-1954;[Range 21A]; Box 40

Western College; Scrapbooks; Helen Anne Noftsager; 1950;[Range 21A]; Box 41

As with several other albums, this is one a researcher will find useful for everything has been saved over her four years (1946-1950) and labeled. Loose-leaf scrapbook pages in two folders and one book (binding came undone)

Western College; Scrapbooks; Unknown; 1950-1970;[Range 21A]; Box 42

Western College; Scrapbooks; Cary Kimbark; 1953;[Range 21A]; Box 43

Western College; Scrapbooks; Lynne Drucker; 1960-1963;[Range 21A]; Box 44

Western College; Scrapbooks; Evie Small Hohler, Sandra Harwood; 1964;[Range 21A]; Box 45

The Western College for Women Scrapbook Volume 1: 1960-1961 (one bound scrapbook).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Evie Small Hohler; 1964;[Range 21A]; Box 46

The Western College for Women Scrapbook Volume 2: 1961-1963 (one bound scrapbook).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Joyce Lee Martin, Polly Tate Smith; 1958-1965;[Range 21A]; Box 47

Joyce Lee Martin; 1965. (loose-leaf) Included in her album covering the early sixties are many color photographs as well as other memorabilia from her four years at Western.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Sophie Karayannides, Kathy Albright; 1965-1974;[Range 21A]; Box 48

Folder 1: Sophie Karayannides’s Scrapbook (loose-leaf). Folder 2: Sophie Karayannides’s Scrapbook (loose-leaf). Folder 3: Kathy Albright’s Scrapbook (loose-leaf).

Both women donated various memorabilia from their years at Western. Kathy Albright included a time sheet from work and a bowling score card

Western College; Scrapbooks; Unknown; 1943-1945;[Range 21A]; Box 49

Western College; Scrapbooks; Berryhill Correspondence;[Range 21A]; Box 50

Western College; Scrapbooks; Mary R. Bosworth, 1869;[Range 21A]; Box 51

Graduate Testimonial Certificate; June 17, 1869

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Bess Brown; 1904;[Range 21A]; Box 52

During the Golden Jubilee of Western, Bess Brown was a student of the Class of 1904. She has many documents from that event and has also left her diploma with her album. (Not bound; separated into four folders).

Folder 1 pgs 1-29 1905; photographs of Biss Brow, Western, and other students/ladies. Folder 2 pgs. 30-53; more photographs of Western College. Folder 3 pgs1-33 1904-1905; contains a scrapbook of photos of Biss Brown and other students/faculty. Folder 4 pgs. 34-56 1904-1905; contains photos, letters, and newspaper articles. Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Ella Schneck; 1906-1910; [Range 21A];Box 53

Miss Schneck kept many fond memories of Western from the years 1906-1910. She has many documents not found in every album including receipts. These receipts will give a researcher an idea of the cost of various college needs for those years. (One bound scrapbook and one folder of loose-leaf pages) Scrapbook contains photos, receipts, letters, and graduation invitations. Folder 1: contains photographs of plays, classmates and Tree Day events. Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Ruth Houston; 1907-1911; [Range 21A];Box 54

A researcher will find this scrapbook very interesting because of the unusual clippings in it. The years are 1907-1911, and Ruth Houston was already interested in car racing! She had lettered in sports and loved athletics; however, this was the only album we have in which the woman showed an interest in cars. A truly wonderful scrapbook, she seemed to have kept everything from her years at Western. (Not bound; kept in three folders) Folder 1: contains a scrapbook with photographs, and programs Folder 2: contains a scrapbook with photographs and programs. Folder 3: contains letters.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Charlotte Ballard;[Range 21A]; Box 55

Her album is very interesting for she was from Colorado. There are photographs taken on a ranch although we do not know if it was her family’s home. There are other materials in her scrapbook from Western. (Not bound; kept in a folder).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Catherine E. Sutherland; 1915;[Range 21A]; Box 56

This album is mainly photographs which have been labeled very well. There are many materials from the years 1912-1915. (Not bound; kept in two folders).

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Frances Inkeep; 1915-1919;[Range 21A]; Box 57

Loose Pages kept in one folder. Photographs, programs from events, and Christmas cards.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Mary Ballard; 1917;[Range 21A]; Box 58

Receipts, campus photos, interesting personal comments. Contains a registrar of people in the Class of 1917 including birthdays, photos receipts of tuition, letters, and Western programs. Loose pages kept in one folder.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Alice Bloom; 1917-1920;[Range 21A]; Box 59

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Florence A. Atkik; 1917-1921;[Range 21A]; Box 60

Pictures of Western College, Student activities/events, Senior Day 1918, Thanksgiving Day menu 1917, pictures of friends, freshmen, sophomores, junior, and senior classes, recital programs, and 1 student handbook from 1920-1921. 1 senior class photo of 1897.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Edna Pepper; 1918; [Range 21A];Box 61

Edna Pepper attended Western from 1914-1918. Her scrapbook includes materials from the First World War including the booklet “Students of America for the Students in European War Prisons”. The album is an excellent research tool.

Class of 1918; Christmas cards, postcards, booklet of information “Students of America for the Students in European War Prisons,” programs, letters, and other memorabilia; Loose pages kept in one folder.

Contains one of the most extensive collections of Western keepsake, from holidays, dances, class stunts, uppercases and lower class events, address and birthday registrar, as well as pictures.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Grace Eager; 1924; [Range 21A];Box 62

Loose-leaf scrapbook housed in two folders; Various memorabilia from her years at Western.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Evelyn Adams, Florence Brewer, Harriet Sheldon; 1923-1936;[Range 21A]; Box 63

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Dorothy Polk; 1926;[Range 21A]; Box 64 Loose-leaf scrapbook housed in two folders; Various memorabilia from her years at Western.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Margaret Markel; 1927;[Range 21A]; Box 65

All of the albums we have were filled with memorabilia from the alumnae’s years at Western; however, Margaret Markel’s was the exception. In the 1950s she was the alumnae representative for the class of 1927 which was reflected in her album with correspondence from her former classmates. Loose-leaf pages.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Jo VanNess; 1930-1933; [Range 21A];Box 66

Many receipts, letters, telegrams and party favors are in her album. She traveled during the years she was in college and many mementos from these trips are in her scrapbook. Two folders of loose-leaf scrapbook pages.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Jeanne Schadrach; 1938-1942;[Range 21A]; Box 67

From 1938-1942 Jeanne Shadrack was a Western student. Her album is very clever for she has many materials labeled in a funny way; a researcher will find this very useful. Two folders of loose-leaf scrapbook pages

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Ethel Burnham; 1942;[Range 21A]; Box 68

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Nancy B. Griffin; 1944-1948; [Range 21A];Box 69

1948 Howl memorabilia as well as programs and many photographs. Having been selected for Who’s Who in American Colleges she has included materials about this honor. Two folders of loose-leaf pages.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Elizabeth A. Menninger; 1946-1950;[Range 21A]; Box 70

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Joan Cowens; 1947; [Range 21A];Box 71

There are very brittle programs, photos, letters, and grades.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Catherine Ross; 1952;[Range 21A]; Box 72

This unbound scrapbook contains numerous papers, programs, pictures, articles, and report cards that Catherine Ross had during her time at Western College.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Unknown;[Range 21A]; Box 73

This box contains a unbound scrap book donated by Robert G. Miller. It contains very old pictures from over a hundred years ago of Western College.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Ernst Nature Theatre Theatrical Products;[Range 21A]; Box 74

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Ernst Nature Theature; [Range 21A];Box 75

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Unknown; 1918;[Range 21A]; Box 76

Posters, various class flag large, mounted photos, one class photography.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Unknown; 1918; [Range 21A];Box 77

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Unknown;[Range 21A]; Box 78

This box includes many laminated newspaper articles about Western colleges, newspaper articles about Xavier University, and a large picture "Billy and the Ark."

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Unknown;[Range 21A]; Box 79

This box includes sketches of Boyd Hall, the duck pond, flowers, and a blueprint of subdivision on Western land. It also has miscellaneous photographs of Western building, western women, glee club, and faculty.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Helen Sitter Erbaugh; 1942;[Range 21A]; Box 80

This box includes correspondence, photographs, and Western memorabilia pertaining to Helen Sitter, dating from 1938-1942.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Oversize; Etta Brown; 1898; [Range 21A];Box 81

This box includes one scrapbook filled with botanical samples and acompaing facts, two folders containing correspondences, photographs, and brochures pertaining to Etta Brown and The Western College for Women, dating from 1895-1925.

Western College; Scrapbooks; Unknown;[Range 21A]; Box 82


  • Creation: 1853-1974



88 Items

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
