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Frank L. Esterquest


Scope and Contents

Scope and Content The folder labeling format is uniform throughout the collection. The primary structure follows the Series and Sub-series hierarchy. Series are identified by a roman numeral (I, II, III). Sub-series are identified by a capital letter (A, B, C). Folder numbering is within a series or sub-series, not the box or total collection. The numbering resets with a new series or sub-series. Boxes are not used for creating collection structure, series and sub-series are broken up between boxes.

Folder Labeling Frank Esterquest* Folder Title, Date Box # Series Series Title** Folder # Sub-series Sub-series Title

*Not on all folders ** The series titles of Courses Esterquest Taught by Course Number (III) and Courses Esterquest Taught by Subject (IV) may also be Courses Esterquest Taught and therefore users should pay close attention to the series number III or IV respectively.

Scope and Contents

Scope and Content The folder labeling format is uniform throughout the collection. The primary structure follows the Series and Sub-series hierarchy. Series are identified by a roman numeral (I, II, III). Sub-series are identified by a capital letter (A, B, C). Folder numbering is within a series or sub-series, not the box or total collection. The numbering resets with a new series or sub-series. Boxes are not used for creating collection structure, series and sub-series are broken up between boxes.

Folder Labeling Frank Esterquest* Folder Title, Date Box # Series Series Title** Folder # Sub-series Sub-series Title

*Not on all folders ** The series titles of Courses Esterquest Taught by Course Number (III) and Courses Esterquest Taught by Subject (IV) may also be Courses Esterquest Taught and therefore users should pay close attention to the series number III or IV respectively.


  • Creation: 1853-1974



9 Boxes

Language of Materials



Western College; Frank Esterquest; Correspondence; 1957-1974; [Range 21A]; Box 1


Series I: Correspondence, 1945 - 1974 • Sub-series A: General Correspondence, 1957 - 1974 ◦ 1. Correspondence 1957 ◦ 2. Correspondence 1958 ◦ 3. Correspondence 1966 ◦ 4. Correspondence 1968 ◦ 5. Correspondence 1969 ◦ 6. Correspondence 1970-1974 ◦ 7. Correspondence Undated • • • Sub-series B: Publication Correspondence, 1945 – 1969 ◦ 1. Correspondence Jun 1945 – May 1969 ◦ 2. Correspondence Jul 1945 – Apr 1947 ◦ 3. Correspondence Undated • • • Sub-series C: 1972 Independent Study, 1971 ◦ 1. Correspondence 1971 – 1972 ◦ 2. Correspondence Undated

Series II: Material Written by Esterquest, 1930 - 1968 • Sub-series A: Speeches, 1942 - 1968 ◦ 1. Women’s Colleges During the War 1917-1918 Jan 1942 ◦ 2. 50th Anniversary of First Degrees Awarded Nov 1944 ◦ 3. Thanksgiving at Western Nov 1945 ◦ 4. Speech Given to Government Association Sep 1950 ◦ 5. Opening of Pioneer Farm House and Museum May 1959 ◦ 6. Advanced Placement History Conference Jun 1961 ◦ 7. The Renaissance May 1966 ◦ 8. Western College Around the World (International Program) Sep 1968 ◦ 9. Speech Given to Senior Class of 1950 Undated ◦ 10. Address to Class of 1958 Undated ◦ 11. Taking Inventory Undated ◦ 12. The Adventure of Historical Research Undated ◦ 13. Freshman Conference Undated ◦ 14. Teaching Opportunities Overseas Undated ◦ 15. Recognition Program for Herrick Young Undated ◦ 16. Handwritten Speech/Discussion Notes Undated ◦ 17. “Geographic Influences on American History” Undated ◦ 18. “Geographic…” Pictures and Charts Undated • • • Sub-series B: Publications, Undated ◦ 1. Encyclopedic Articles Undated ◦ 2. Encyclopedic Article Drafts Undated ◦ 3. Encyclopedic Article Drafts Undated ◦ 4. Encyclopedic Article Drafts Undated ◦ 5. “Report of the Committee on Teaching in Ohio Colleges” Ohio Academy of History, ◦ Chairman Frank Esterquest Undated

Western College, Frank Esterquest; Undergraduate and Graduate Work; 1930-1966'; [Range 21A];Box 2

Contents: • • Sub-series C: Undergraduate Work, 1930 - 1931 ◦ 1. Hamilton’s Influence on Foreign Affairs (1787-1795) Dec 1930 ◦ 2. The Washington Conference and Japanese-American Relations Jun 1931 ◦ 3. Indiana’s Constitutional Development Under Frontier Influences Undated • • • Sub-series D: Northwestern University Graduate Work, 1932 - 1937 ◦ 1. Events Leading Up To the French-American Alliance of 1778 Jan 1932 ◦ 2. Bibliography of Canada 1763 – 1800 Jan 1932 ◦ 3. Discovery and Settlement of the Americas to 1600 Nov 1936 ◦ 4. Constitutional Development of Chile: The Executive Aug 1937 • • • Sub-series E: University of Chicago Ph. D. Work, 1943 ◦ 1. State Adjustment to the Federal Constitution 1789 – 1800 (2 copies) 1943 ◦ 2. List of Ph. D. Dissertations in History 1895-1947 Undated

Series III: Courses Esterquest Taught by Course Number, 1944 - 1972 • 1. History 344 Final Exam 1944 • 2. History 291 Reserve Book List Undated

• Sub-series A: History N-3 Naval Power and Strategy, Undated ◦ 1. Course Reading List Undated ◦ 2. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 3. Exams and Quizzes Undated • • • Sub-series B: History 103 European History ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 3. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 4. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated • • • Sub-series C: History 104 European History, 1945 - 1966 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus and Reading List Undated ◦ 2. Course Schedule 1947-1966 ◦ 3. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 4. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 5. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 6. Handwritten Course Notes / Outline Undated ◦ 7. Exams 1945 ◦ 8. Outside Resources Used in Class Undated

Western College: Frank L. Esterquest;[Range 21A]; Box 3

Contents: • • Sub-series D: History 201 American History, 1945 - 1960 ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Final Exams 1945 – 1960 • • • Sub-series E: History 202 American History, 1952 - 1972 ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Course Syllabus: Introduction Undated ◦ 3. Course Syllabus: Part I Europe Finds America 1492-1607 – Part III America Modifies ◦ European Culture 1689-1763 Undated ◦ 4. Course Syllabus: Part IV Americans Assert Their Entity 1763-1776 – ◦ Part VII Establishment of the National Government 1789-1800 Undated ◦ 5. Course Syllabus: Part VIII European Influence Dominates American Politics to 1815 – ◦ Part XI Rounding out the Continent 1830-1850 Undated ◦ 6. Course Syllabus: Part XII Disappearance of Western Unity 1846-1852 – Part XVII ◦ Politics 1860-1896 Undated ◦ 7. Course Syllabus: Part XVIII Reconstruction – Part XXI Introduction 1900-1938 Undated ◦ 8. Course Syllabus: Spanish American War – Domestic Politics in the 1920’s Undated ◦ 9. Course Syllabus: Unidentified Pages Undated ◦ 10. Pictures, Graphs and Data Used in Lectures Undated ◦ 11. Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes Undated ◦ 12. Final Examinations 1952 – 1972 ◦ 13. Learning Unit Evaluations Dec 1971

Western College; Frank L. Esterquest; History;[Range 21A]; Box 4


• • Sub-series F: History 327 20th Century Europe, Undated ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Course Reading Lists Undated ◦ 3. Course Notes Undated • • • Sub-series G: History 343 Life in the Colonial Period, 1961 - 1971 ◦ 1. Course Syllabi Undated ◦ 2. Term Papers 1965-1971 ◦ 3. Lecture Notes 1961 ◦ 4. Course Outline Undated ◦ 5. Exams Undated • • • Sub-series H: History 344 Social and Cultural History of the United States, 1946 - 1971 ◦ 1. Course Syllabi and Reading Lists Undated ◦ 2. Term Paper Topic Lists Undated ◦ 3. Term Papers 1946-1955 ◦ 4. Term Papers 1968-1971 ◦ 5. Term Papers Undated ◦ 6. Exams Undated ◦ 7. Course Outline Undated ◦ 8. Incomplete / Miscellaneous Course Outline Sections Undated ◦ 9. Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes Undated ◦ 10. Outside Resources Used in Class Undated

Western College; Frank L. Esterquest; History ;[Range 21A];Box 5

Contents: • • Sub-series I: History 345 / Political Science 300 International Relations, 1945 ◦ 1. Course Syllabi 1945 ◦ 2. Quizzes and Tests Undated ◦ 3. Quizzes and Tests Drafts Undated ◦ 4. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 5. Outside Resources Used in Class Undated • • • Sub-series J: History 346 U.S. Diplomatic History, 1946 ◦ 1. Course Outline pp. 1-39 Undated ◦ 2. Course Outline pp. 40-80 Undated ◦ 3. Course Outline pp. 81-104 Undated ◦ 4. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 5. Handwritten Course Notes Continued Undated ◦ 6. Miscellaneous Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 7. Course Reading Lists Undated ◦ 8. Course Syllabus 1946 ◦ 9. Quizzes / Tests Undated ◦ 10. Miscellaneous Outside Course Material Undated • • • Sub-series K: History 348 20th Century American, 1966 ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Final Exam Questions Undated ◦ 3. Course Outline Progressivism – The New Deal Undated ◦ 4. Unknown Course Outline Pages Undated ◦ 5. Handwritten Course Outline Notes Undated ◦ 6. Miscellaneous Handwritten Course Outline Notes Undated ◦ 7. Picture and Article Used in Lectures Undated ◦ 8. Chapter Summaries 1-29 Undated ◦ 9. Essay: Prohibition Mar 1966

Western College; History; 1941-1973;[Range 21A]; Box 6

Contents: • • Sub-series L: History 481 Methods and Principles of Historical Research, Undated ◦ 1. Course Notes and Outlines Undated ◦ 2. Miscellaneous Course Notes and Outlines Undated ◦ 3. Pamphlets and Booklets Undated ◦ 4. Research Guides and Instructions Undated ◦ 5. Exams Undated ◦ 6. Writings on “A Philosophy of History” Undated ◦ 7. Miscellaneous Course Material Undated • • • Sub-series M: History 483 Senior Seminar, Undated ◦ 1. Course Syllabus Undated ◦ 2. Handwritten Notes Undated

Series IV: Courses Esterquest Taught by Subject, 1941 - 1973 • 1. Nickelodeon Replications and Historical Information Undated • 2. Course Evaluation and Planning Documents Undated • 3. Unidentified Course Related Material Undated

• Sub-series A: Term Papers by Subject, 1948 - 1972 ◦ 1. The Burning of Columbia, South Carolina During the Civil War 1949 - 1953 ◦ 2. The Burning of Columbia, South Carolina During the Civil War 1955 - 1963 ◦ 3. The Burning of Columbia, South Carolina During the Civil War Undated ◦ 4. Did Dr. Marcus Whitman Save Oregon? 1948 – 1966 ◦ 5. Who Sunk the Maine? 1956 – 1960

Western College: Frank L. Esterquest; History; 1948-1970; [Range 21A]; Box 7

Contents: • ◦ 6. Were the Framers of the Constitution in Fundamental Agreement? 1968 - 1969 ◦ 7. The Historical Accuracy of Longfellow’s “Evangeline” 1952 – 1969 ◦ 8. Did the Norsemen Really Reach Minnesota? 1960 – 1968 ◦ 9. Did the Norsemen Reach Minnesota? Undated ◦ 10. Barbara Frietchie, What She Said and Did 1962 – 1969 ◦ 11. Barbara Frietchie, What She Said and Did Undated ◦ 12. The Seminary Years 1853 – 1890 1973 ◦ 13. What Did Lincoln Say at Gettysburg? 1948 – 1952 ◦ 14. What Did Lincoln Say at Gettysburg? 1963 – 1972 ◦ 15. What Did Lincoln Say at Gettysburg? Undated • • • Sub-series B: Comprehensive Examinations, 1944-1969 ◦ 1. Comprehensive History Exams 1944-1969 ◦ 2. Exam Scores 1944-1969 ◦ 3. Literary Exams and Instructions Undated ◦ 4. Literary Exam Answer Keys Undated ◦ 5. Literary Exam Grades Undated • • • Sub-series C: Development of World Civilizations, 1955 - 1966 ◦ 1. Full Year Unit Schedule 1955-1966 ◦ 2. Fall Course Syllabus and Schedule 1962 ◦ 3. Spring Course Outlines and Schedules Undated ◦ 4. Miscellaneous Syllabi Pages Undated ◦ 5. Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes Undated

Western College; Frank L. Esterquest; History; 1941-1974; [Range 21A]; Box 8

Contents: • • Sub-series D: Crusades in American History, 1971 ◦ 1. Course Syllabi and Roster Undated ◦ 2. Learning Unit Evaluations 1971 ◦ 3. Student Papers 1971 ◦ 4. Hand Written Course Notes Undated ◦ 5. Typed Notes by Subject Undated • • • Sub-series E: Anti-War Opinion and Activity During American War Periods, 1971 ◦ 1. Syllabus 1971 ◦ 2. Learning Unit Evaluations 1971 ◦ 3. Student Papers 1971 ◦ 4. Hand Written Course Notes Undated • • • Sub-series F: The American Revolutionary Era, 1973 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus and Roster Undated ◦ 2. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 3. Exams 1973 • • • Sub-series G: Women in American History, 1972 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus, Reading Lists and Roster 1972 ◦ 2. Course Evaluation Undated ◦ 3. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 4. Student Papers 1972 ◦ 5. Exams 1972 ◦ 6. Outside Reading Material Undated • • • Sub-series H: American Government, 1941 - 1959 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus & Information 1941 ◦ 2. Handwritten Course Notes Undated ◦ 3. Tests and Examinations 1959 ◦ 4. Outside Material Used in Class Undated • • • Sub-series I: Independent Study, 1972 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus 1972 ◦ 2. Class List Undated ◦ 3. Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes Undated • • • Sub-series J: The New Deal, 1974 ◦ 1. Course Syllabus and Information Undated ◦ 2. Student Papers 1974 ◦ 3. Miscellaneous Course Documents Undated

Western College; Frank L. Esterquest; History; 1941-1953; [Range 21A];Box 9

Contents: • • Sub-series K: Latin America, 1941 - 1952 ◦ 1. Course Schedule Undated ◦ 2. Partial Typed Course Outline Undated ◦ 3. Handwritten Course Notes/Outline Undated ◦ 4. Outside Resources Used in Class Undated ◦ 5. Student Papers 1941-1942 ◦ 6. Exams 1952

Series V: Personal, Undated ◦ 1. “In Memoriam: Frank Esterquest” Short Biography Undated ◦ 2. “The New England Primer” Undated • • • Sub-series A: Graduate School Courses, Undated ◦ 1. HST 351 American Foreign Affairs Undated 2. HST 500 Historiography Seminar Undated

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
