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Centennial Celebration, 1953-1954



Western College; Centennial Celebration, Memos, Correspondence, Reports, 1953-1954, Box 1

(1 Box)

Folder 1 – Why are we having a Centennial Celebration?

• October 12, 1951 Memorandum to the Board of Trustees from the Committee of the Faculty for the Centennial which began: “A proposal in a letter dated June 1951 and written by General Dwight D. Eisenhower to Presidents of Colleges and Universities that will be having hundred-mark celebrations in 1954 (as will Columbia) merits serious consideration and cooperation.” The memorandum continued with an outline of the many events of the year with a theme of “the ideal of full freedom of scholarly inquiry, expression, the right of mankind to knowledge and to the free use thereof.” • May 7, 1953 letter to Mrs. Edith Ashbury on her selection of one of the ten outstanding alumnae of Western College to be honored during the Centennial Celebration. She would receive her award at Commencement Convocation on the morning of June 1, 1953.

Folder 2 – Dedication Hymn1

• The words were written by the Reverend Thomas Spencer, one of the first Board of Trustees members of the Western Female Seminary. It was sung for the first time at the dedication of the Seminary on September 20, 1855, and on other historic events in Western’s history. The tune was unknown, but Professor Ruth Bracher set the words to music in May, 1954, in honor of the Western College’s Centennial.

Folder 3 – Centennial Celebration Events

• Report of the Centennial Committee to the Trustees- Events of the Centennial year’s observance, 1953-1954 • Centennial Committee’s Report: Events of the Centennial year’s observance, 1953-1954 • “Western’s Centennial Theme Is Announced” Hamilton (O) Journal-News, August 15, 1952 • Centennial nametag • Centennial Alumnae Banquet menu and program, May 30, 1953 • Western College Bulletin, Centennial News Number, April 1953: the calendar of events for the 3-day weekend, May 30 – June 1, 1954. Also included is a 4-page bulletin announcing Narka Nelson’s book The History of Western College, 1853-1953 • Western College Centennial Symposium, November 14, 1953 • Western College Centennial Symposium, April 3, 1954 • Invitation to the Centennial Observance of the founding of the college Commencement, May 24, 1954 • Centennial Convocation, Kumler Chapel, September 15, 1954 • The First Hundred Years of Western College, Speech given at Centennial Celebration of Western College

Folder 4- College and Associations invited to the Centennial Events

• Listed on two pages are 67 associations, colleges, and universities invited and the name of each delegate.

Folder 4A – Correspondence of Guests: Acceptance Letters for the May 24, 1954 Centennial Observance of the Founding of the Western College for Women

• Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from James C. Charlesworth, April 20, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from J. E. Wallace Sterling, April 26, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Boyd C. Shafer, April 29, 1954 • Letter to Gentlemen from Edward McCrady, April 30, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from George B. Barbour, May 1, 1954 • Letter to Gentlemen from Harris Purks, May 3, 1954 • Letter to Dean Hoyt from Mrs. Leonard Nicholas, May 5, 1954; Letter to Mrs. Leonard Nicholas from Margaret L. Ebeling, May 10, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Margaret N. Butler, May 7, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Carl R. Woodward, May 10, 1954; Letter to Mr. Arvid S. Anderson from Carl R. Woodward, May 10, 1954 • Letter to Miss Phyllis Hoyt from Marion Cleaveland Lange, May 10, 1954; Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Marion Cleaveland Lange, May 11, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Mrs. Albert G. Ross, May 11, 1954 • Letter to President Herrick Young from Thomas E. Jones, May 15, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Robert D. Price, May 30, 1954

Folder 4B – Correspondence of Guests: Letters of Regret for Centennial Events in 1954

• Letter to President Young from Wm. E. Smith, Dean, March 18, 1954 • Letter to Dr. Edmund Harris Kase, Jr. from Harold W. Richardson, March 27, 1954 • Note from University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, April 26, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from M. Bashir, Esquire, May 15, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Henry J. Swanker, May 21, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Russell Barthell, May 21, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from Robert Worth Frank, May 25, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from J. Garber Drushal, May 26, 1954 • Letter to Western College for Women from A. Blair Knapp, May 27, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from A. S. Anderson, May 28, 1954 • Letter to Miss Margaret Ebeling from John F. Hines, May 28, 1954

Folder 5 – Financial Information

• May 19, 1952 letter to the Board of Trustees for help with the Centennial Celebration followed by a letter from Dr. Kase asking the Committee to submit a more definite estimate of expenses. (The Committee had asked for $10, 000.) • Western College Centennial Report (one page), the quota was $750,000 between October 1, 1953-December 31, 1953. At the time of the report, $532,802.18 had been pledged; $487,740.87 had been collected. • Western College Centennial Report, Alumnae Pledge Report- Quota $750,000, January 1, 1954-March 31, 1954

Folder 6 – Newspaper articles

• “Western College to Establish International Curriculum,” The Oxford Press, June 4, 1953 • “Western College Then and Now – 1853-1953: Western College Marks Hundredth Anniversary” Article with photos from 1853 and 1953 showing students in the same settings a century apart. • “The Western” WCAA Bulletin, Vol. LIV, No. 2, Fall, 1980 (Supplement: “Special Centennial Edition”) • “Grace Goulder’s Ohio: Scenes and Citizens: Western College, First Women’s Educational Institution in Ohio, Is Almost 100 Years Old,” Cleveland Plain Dealer Pictorial Magazine, November 16, 1952 • “Western College,” The Columbus Sunday Dispatch Magazine, April 10, 1949

Folder 7 – Western Commemorative Stamp

• February 15, 1952 letter from Will Young to President Kase suggesting the college ask the United States Post Office to issue a commemorative stamp; Letter to Mr. Will Young from Edmund K. Kase, February 20, 1952; Letter to Mrs. Brooks from E.H. Kase, Jr., 2/20/52 • June 18, 1952 letter from Beatrice A. Brooks to Mr. James G. Headley at the Law Offices of Frost and Jacobs for advice on acquiring a commemorative stamp. • June 30, 1952 letter from James G. Headley to Senator Robert A. Taft concerning a commemorative stamp for Western’s Centennial. • July 1, 1952 letter from President Kase to Robert C. Wheeler, Administrative Assistant Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission, asking for a commemorative postage meter plate; Letter to Dr. Edmund H. Kase from Robert C. Wheeler, June 24, 1952; Postage Meter Postmark Advertisements • July 11, 1952 letter from Beatrice A. Brooks to Senator Robert A. Taft concerning a commemorative stamp. • August 1, 1952 letter from the Postmaster General to Senator Robert A. Taft regretting that the post office does not issue stamps for the 100th year of a college or university. • December 20, 1952 letter from President Kase to Mrs. Paul Minick regarding a special mail cancellation in honor of Western’s 100th Anniversary. • Letter to Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks from James G. Headley, August 22, 1952

Folder 8 – Honorary Degree for Queen Elizabeth

• July 2, 1952 letter from Beatrice A. Brooks Chairman of the Faculty Committee to President Kase concerning the conferring of an honorary degree (in absentia) to the Queen Elizabeth. • July 15, 1952 letter from Alice L. Butler General Chairman of the Centennial and Beatrice A. Brooks to W. L. Davies Office of the British Consul in Cincinnati asking to set up an appointment to discuss an honorary degree for Queen Elizabeth. • September 5, 1952 letter from the British Consulate in Cincinnati informing the Committee that the Queen does not accept honorary degrees from college within nor without the Commonwealth.

Folder 9 – Centennial Fund

• Photo: Miss Carolyn Churchill, Associate Director of the Centennial Fund • Western College for Women, 1853-1953 Centennial, “Questions and Answers About The Centennial Fund” • One-page question and answer sheet about the Centennial Fund. • February 9, 1950 card from the Western College Minneapolis Club with their Centennial Fund gift of $120.55 as a memorial to Jean Wyer Myer, ex. ’27 (also, a note on the top of the card said “Memorial to Jean Myer from Mrs. Edmund Therbald, Vincennes, Indiana, $5.00”) a receipt, and a thank you note from Western. • February 24, 1953 Letter between President Kase and Mrs. James Beard concerning a donation to the college; Letter to Mrs. Jean M. Beard from Edmund Kase, February 14, 1953; Letter to Mrs. Jean M. Beard from Edmund H. Kase, Jr., February 27, 1953 • April 9, 1954 – Centennial Committee Report on expenditures • Small booklet with the title “Lest You Forget: Volume X” on the cover with some expenditures in it.

Folder 10 – Suggested Speakers for Centennial Events and Correspondence

• Letter to Miss Alice L. Butler from Edmund H. Kase, August 12, 1952 • Letter to Mrs. Paul Harris, Jr. from Edmund H. Kase, February 6, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks from Ruth Chalmers, June 16, 1953; • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from J. R. Straham, October 28, 1952 • The Puppeteers of America, Suggestions for Centennial Speakers • “Suggested Speakers for Western College Centennial Symposium • List beginning with “Mlle. Nadia Boulanger” • List beginning with “Prof. F.S.C. Northrop (Professor of philosophy and law) Law School; Yale University • Art Department Handwritten Letter to Dean M Chapman from Helen K. Haughton • Department of History and Literature of Religion List beginning with “Frances Bolton” • Department of History and Literature of Religion List beginning with “Recommendations for Symposium Speakers” • List written on the back of a Christmas Card

Folder 10A – Acceptance Letters

• November 12, 1952 – M. R. Masani (Institute of International Education) • February 14, 1953 – Professor Kirtley F. Mather (Harvard) • October 2, 1953 – Edward L. R. Elson (National Presbyterian Church) • February 5, 1954 – Mr. Albert E. Conn ( Ford Motor Company) • February 2, 1954- William T. Gossett

Folder 10B – Letters of Regrets received from:

• Brooks Atkinson – New York Times, March 6, 1953 • John Mason Brown – Saturday Review of Literature, November 22, 1952 & December 15, 1952 [with letter to him, November 18, 1952, & December 9, 1952] • Ralph Bunche – United Nations, March 9, 1953 • Barbara Ward Jackson – British Economist, November 18, 1952 & December 21, 1952 • Dr. Charles F. Kettering – General Motors Corporation, Research Laboratories Division February 1, 1954 [with letter to Dr. Kettering, January 24, 1954] • Millicent McIntosh – Barnard College, May 22, 1953 • Filmer S. C. Northrop – Yale Law School, February 18, 1953 & November 26, 1952 [with letter to him, November 18, 1952; Letter to Miss Livingston from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, January 7, 1953 & Letter from Secretary, December 11, 1952] • Arthur Summerfield – Postmaster General, April 1, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks from Herrick B. Young, July 20, 1953 [About friend at Indian Delegation] • Letter to Mr. P. K. Banerjee from Herrick B. Young, July 20, 1953 • Dr. Arnold J. Toynbee – Royal Institute of International Affairs, November 28, 1952 [with letter to him, November 18, 1952]

*Note: Folders 11 – 15: Correspondence with the invited speakers: William Hessler, Vaughn DeLong, Lisa Sergio, T. Z. Koo, Marta Ezcurra, Senator Robert A. Taft, and Professor Kirtley F. Mather.

Folder 11 – William Hessler: Cincinnati Enquirer columnist and foreign news analyst; regular panel member on WLW’s “World Forum”

• Letter to Mrs. Duncan from William H. Hessler, February 20, 1954 • Letter to Mr. William H. Hessler from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, March 3, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from William H. Hessler, March 6, 1954 • Letter to William Hessler from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, March 14, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from William H. Hessler, March 21, 1954 • Letter to Mr. William H. Hessler from Herrick B. Young, April 8, 1954

Folder 12 – Vaughn DeLong: Department of State, Chief Program Development Staff, International Education Exchange Staff

• Letter to Dr. Vaughn DeLong from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, December 19, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from Vaughn R. DeLong, December 29, 1953 • Letter to Dr. Vaughn DeLong from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, January 10, 1954 • Letter to Dr. Vaughn R. DeLong from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, March 3, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from Vaughn R. DeLong, March 18, 1954 • Letter to Dr. Vaughn R. DeLong from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, March 24, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from Vaughn R. DeLong, March 26, 1954

Folder 13 – Lisa Sergio: Native of Italy, now an American citizen; interpreter of world events and radio news analyst

• Letter to Mrs. L. Eaton from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, January 7, 1953 • Letter to Miss Lisa Sergio from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, December 18, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. E. M. Brooks from Lisa Sergio, December 30, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. E. M. Brooks from Louise Eaton, January 4, 1954 • Letter to Miss Lisa Sergio from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, January 7, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks from Louis Eaton, January 11, 1954 • Contract, Sponsor Copy, with Lisa Sergio, January 11, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from Lisa Sergio, March 5, 1954 • Letter to Miss Lisa Sergio from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, March 15, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Beatrice Brooks from Lisa Sergio, March 30, 1954 • Letter to Miss Lisa Sergio from Herrick B. Young, April 8, 1954

Folder 14 – T. Z. Koo: Native of China. Professor of Oriental Studies, State University of Iowa Formerly General Secretary of the World Student Christian Federation

• Letter to Dr. T. Z. Koo, March 17, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from T. Z. Koo, March 19, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from T. Z. Koo, March 29, 1954 • Letter to Dr. T. Z. Koo from Herrick B. Young, April 8, 1954

Folder 15 – Marta Ezcurra: Native of Argentina. Training Unit, Division of Social Welfare of the United Nations

• Letter to Miss Marta Ezcurra from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, November 27, 1953 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from Marta Ezcurra, February 10, 1954 • Letter to Miss Marta Ezcurra from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, February 16, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Duncan from Martz Ezcurra, March 22, 1954 • Letter to Miss Marta Ezcurra from Herrick B. Young, April 8, 1954

Folder 16 – Professor Kirtley F. Mather …Controversy

• “House Un-American Activities Statement On Dr. Mather: Criticism of Professor Stems From This Report” The Evening Independent, Massillon, Ohio, January 31, 1952 • “Teachers to Settle Controversy Over Speaker” The Evening Independent, Massillon, Ohio, January 31, 1952 • “Dr. Mather Says Nations Must Build Up Defenses,” The Evening Independent, Massillon, Ohio, February 1, 1952 • November 12, 1953: • Letter from Protect America League Inc. of Middletown, Ohio to Dr. Edward Pohlman, Acting President, protesting Dr. Mather’s appearance at Western’s November 14, 1953 symposium, dated November 12, 1953 • Letter from The American Legion, Middletown Post 218, pro-testing Dr. Mather’s appearance at the symposium, dated November 12, 1953 • “Harvard U Professor To Appear On Western Symposium Saturday,” Hamilton Journal-News, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1953 • “Legion Post Protests Oxford Campus Speaker,” Article • Information “Regarding Prof. Kirtley F. Mather,” from Counterattack, December 7, 1951 • “You MUST read this! Protect America League, Inc. of Middletown, Ohio, Let’s Outlaw Communism,” Reprint of Letter • Copy of “Mather, Prof. Kirtely F.” from Harvard University • List of the Communist-front organizations and causes with which Professor Kirtley F. Mather has been affiliated • Statement on Freedom of Expression on the Occasion of the Western College Centennial Symposium, November 14, 1953 (x2)

Folder 17 – Centennial Symposiums: November 14, 1953 and April 3, 1954

• Ticket to the symposium • Two copies of the November 14, 1953 program, including Dr. Kirtley Mather • “Plan Centennial Symposium At Western College Nov.14,” Oxford (O) Press, November 7, 1953 • “Harvard U Professor To Appear On Western Symposium Saturday” Hamilton (O) Journal-News, November 12, 1953 • “ ‘Right to Knowledge’ Subject of Western College Symposium”(no newspaper name nor date) • “Symposium Develops Centennial Theme” The Western Round-Up, November 20, 1953’ • March 19, 1954 memorandum from William H. Hessler to the participants in the symposium outlining suggestions to help make the panel a success. • “Better World Understanding Centennial Symposium Topic” The Oxford Press, April 1, 1954 • Letter to Mrs. Brooks from James A. Donovan, jr., October 22, 1952 • Letter to Mrs. LaRue Van Meter from Mrs. Beatrice A. Brooks, June 4, 1955 • “Symposium Features Inter’l Relations” Hamilton (O) Journal, April 5, 1954

Folder 18 – Centennial Luncheon

• Four-page listing of guests, including the name of the institution, the delegate representing it, and remarks (information about each guest).

Folders 19 and 20 – Centennial Commencements, 1953 and 1954

Folder 19 - Centennial Commencement, June 1, 1953:

• Centennial Committee Report of Events for 1953 followed by a Schedule of Events for May 30-June 1, 1953 • July 25, 1952 letter from Beatrice A. Brooks to Dr. George A. Buttrick inviting him to speak at the May 31, 1953 Baccalaureate service. • August 1, 1952 letter of acceptance from George Arthur Buttrick to preach the Baccalaureate sermon on May 31, 1953. Two letters follow in reference to Dr. Buttrick’s trip to Western. • January 2, 1953 letter from Dorothy E. Stone, Secretary to President Kase to Miss Carlson, Secretary to Dr. George A. Buttrick, Baccalaureate speaker, that he cannot leave Oxford as planned to make his Buffalo, New York, evening engagement. • April 6, 1953 cover letter from Beatrice A. Brooks to Mrs. Alice Price, Secretary to Senator Taft (x2) with an attached letter to Senator Taft inviting him to deliver the commencement address on June 1, 1953 followed by a telegram on April 10, 1953 from Senator Taft stating he could not come as the Senate was in session at that time. • Letter to Miss M. Carlson from Dorothy E. Stone, January 2, 1953 • Centennial Commencement guest list • “Celebrate Centennial Celebration” The Western Round-Up, May 15, 1953 • The Western Round-Up Centennial Supplement, May 30, 1953 (three copies) • Prayer at Alumnae Chapel, May 30, 1953, by Dr. Alice Hill Bryne, Dean of the College, 1917-1941 • Announcement read at the Centennial Commencement, June 1, 1953 • June 3 and June 4, 1953 Beatrice A. Brooks sent thank you letters to Dr. Benjamin Fine, Dr. George Buttrick, and Mr. E. Gurney Mann • June 17, 1953 a letter from the Office of the President of Western College for Women went to all alumnae and the parents of Western students with three main parts: 1. Telling all about the Commencement Weekend, the first event of the Centennial Celebration

2. Giving some of the plans for the coming year

3. Notification that a new president would soon be chosen (Dr. Kase had left Western; Dean Pohlman was Acting President. )

Folder 20 - Centennial Commencement, May 24, 1954:

• Listing of events for 1954 • Senior Day Convocation Program, February 23, 1954 • Invitation to the Commencement • Sample card sent to Commencement guests with RSVP card • Cards signed and returned by guests to the Commencement (112) • Following the cards are two letters: • May 17, 1954 Edgar G. Johnson of the North Central Association had said he could not attend the Centennial Commencement Luncheon but had asked President Millett of Miami University to attend in his place. Although we did not have a letter of acceptance nor of regret, a card from President Millett was filled out for attending the luncheon. • A letter from Reva Atkinson James, Indiana University, dated May 20, 1954, adding she had spoken with Mrs. Brooks about the luncheon. • Letter to those attending the Final Convocation of The Centennial Celebration • “To Confer Four Degrees at Western Graduation” Oxford (O) Press, May 15, 1954 • “Western Has Colorful Weekend Activities” Hamilton (O) Journal, May 21, 1954 • “Western Graduation To Honor Centennial” (no date nor the name of the newspaper)

Folder 21 – Correspondence – President Kase

• May 23, 1952 letter to Joseph J. Kilcullen, Proprietary Division, Consolidate Molded Products Corporation, concerning plates and trays for the celebration. • June 3, 1953 thank you letter to Senator J. W. Fulbright for his congratulatory note to Western College • Letter, Mrs. Brooks, E.H. Kase, Jr., 5/23/52 • October 23, 1953 letter to Dr. Kase (followed by his reply) from Bethel College, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, congratulating Western On her 100th year. President W. Edwin Richardson of Bethel College was asking for any ideas to help Bethel College celebrate 100 years in 1954. • Thank you notes to Dr. Kase on the 1953 Centennial Weekend from Augusta D. Swan, class of 1886, and Lilian W. Johnson, Western’s President, 1904-1906 followed by replies to both from President Kase.

Folder 22 – Correspondence to the Centennial Committee from Herrick Black Young,new President of the Western College for Women

• May 25, 1954 note from President Young to Miss Alice Butler and the Centennial Committee for their hard work.

Folder 23 – Gifts

• January 21, 1953 thank you from Dorothy E. Stone, Secretary to President Kase, thanking Mr. Harry Lucas for an 1858 College Diploma.

Folder 24– Honorary Degree

• May 19, 1953 letter from President Kase to Mrs. Ranjit S. Pandit, United Nations Headquarters, inviting her to speak at one of the two convocations. During that event, the college would also give her an honorary degree. Folder 25 – Ohioana Library • February 29, 1952 letter to Dr. Kase from Mary Emily Minich explaining what the Ohioana Library was and why Western should be included on her 100th birthday. • “What is the Ohioana Library?” Pamphlet • Letter to Mr. Paul R. Minich from Edmund H. Kase, Jr., March 12, 1952 • Letter to Mr. Paul R. Minich from Dorothy E. Stone, March 7, 1952

Folder 26- Donations from Judy Waldron, WCAA

• “Western Sets 100th Year Panel Talks,” Dayton Daily News, April 1, 1954 • “Symposium Scheduled At Western,” Middletown (O.) Journal, March 30, 1954 • “Centennial Symposium Planned Saturday At Western College,” Hamilton Journal, The Daily News, April 2, 1954 (Two Copies) • “Centennial Supplement,” Western Round-Up, May 30, 1953

Folder 27- Donations from Lucy Liggett

• Program for the Centennial Symposium, Saturday, November 14, 1953 • Program for the Centennial Symposium, Saturday, April 3, 1954 • The Western Round-Up Centennial Supplement, May 30, 1953

Additional Materials: Three books in clear cover binders:

• Fountain for the Future • Some Things You Need to Know about Western College for Women: Centennial Issue • Western Life: Centennial, 1853-1953


  • Creation: 1853-1974


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Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.


1 Boxes

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Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
